Assert that a dynamic table is correctly ordered by date - cypress

Given a dynamically-loading table with a variable number of rows, how does one assert that the rows are correctly ordered by date?
This problem has two main challenges: (1) how does one compare dates within table rows using cypress; and (2) how does one handle dynamic loading in such a complex scenario?
So far, I have successfully managed to solve the first problem; however, I am unable to solve the second problem. My test works most of the time, but it will sometimes fail because the page hasn't finished loading before the assertions are hit. For example, the dates are out of order when the page is first loaded:
And then they get ordered following an XHR request:
Now, before you say anything: yes, I am already waiting for the XHR request to finish before I make any assertions. The problem is that there remains a small delay between when the request finishes, and when the actual DOM gets updated.
Normally this problem is solved automatically by Cypress. In Cypress, every call to .should() will automatically retry until the expected condition is found, or a timeout is reached. This fixes any problems related to dynamic loading.
However, .should() isn't the only way to assert something in Cypress. Alternatively, you can make direct assertions using Chai expressions, which is what Cypress uses under the hood when you call .should(). This is often required when making complex assertions such as the kind that I am making in this scenario.
Let's take a look at what I have so far:
cy.get('tbody tr').each(($row, $index, $rows) => { // foreach row in the table
if ($index > 0) { // (skipping the first row)
cy.wrap($row).within(() => { // within the current row...
cy.get('td').eq(7).then(($current_td) => { // ... get the eighth td (where the date is)
cy.wrap($rows[$index - 1]).within(() => { // within the previous row...
cy.get('td').eq(7).then(($previous_td) => { // ... get the eighth td
expect(dayjs($current_td.text().toString()).unix()) // assert that the date of the current td...
.gt(dayjs($previous_td.text().toString()).unix()) // ... is greater than the previous one.
Now, one option you have in Cypress is to replace .then() with .should(). Doing this allows the user to continue to benefit from the polling nature of .should() while also using multiple Chai expressions directly. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get this to work. Here's some of the attempts that I made:
cy.get('tbody tr').each(($row, $index, $rows) => {
if ($index > 0) {
cy.wrap($row).within(() => {
cy.get('td').eq(7).then(($current_td) => {
cy.wrap($rows[$index - 1]).within(() => {
cy.get('td').eq(7).should(($previous_td) => { // replacing with .should() here doesn't help, because it only attempts to retry on $previous_td, but we actually need to retry $current_td as well
cy.get('tbody tr').each(($row, $index, $rows) => {
if ($index > 0) {
cy.wrap($row).within(() => {
cy.get('td').eq(7).should(($current_td) => { // causes an infinite loop!
cy.wrap($rows[$index - 1]).within(() => {
cy.get('td').eq(7).then(($previous_td) => {
The only other solution I can think of is to hardcode my own polling. This is the sort of thing that I do all the time when writing tests in Selenium. However, my experience with Cypress leads me to believe that I shouldn't need to do this, ever. It's just a matter of wrangling Cypress to do what I expect it to do.
That said, I'm coming up empty handed. So, what do?
After learning from gleb's answer, I finally landed on this simple solution:
const dayjs = require('dayjs')
cy.get('tbody tr td:nth-of-type(8)').should($tds => {
const timestamps =$tds, ($td) => dayjs($td.innerText).unix())
I now feel that a core part of my problem was not understanding jQuery well enough to write a single selection statement. Furthermore, I wasn't familiar with lodash map or chai-sorted.

You need to use a single cy.get(...).should(...) callback where the callback grabs all date strings, converts into timestamps, then checks if the timestamps are sorted. Then Cypress retries the cy.get command - until the table is sorted and the should callback passes. Here is a sample code, see the full dynamic example at
// assuming you want to sort by the second column
cy.get('table tbody td + td').should($cells => {
const timestamps =$cells, ($cell) => $cell.innerText)
.map((str) => new Date(str))
.map((d) => d.getTime())
// check if the timestamps are sorted
const sorted = Cypress._.sortBy(timestamps)
expect(timestamps, 'sorted timestamps').to.deep.equal(sorted)


Cypress: Get JQuery value without needing `then` or `each`

I'm hoping someone can help, but I've posted this as a Cypress discussion as well, although it might just be my understanding that's wrong
I need to get the Cypress.Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElement>> of the cell of a table using the column header and another cell's value in the same row.
Here's a working example JQuery TS Fiddle:
My current implementation looks as follows:
static findCellByRowTextColumnHeaderText(
rowText: string,
columnName: string,
) {
const row = cy.get(`tr:contains(${rowText})`);
const column = cy.get(`th:contains(${columnName})`)
const columnIndex = ???
return row.find(`td:eq(${columnIndex})`)
This function is required because I want to write DRY code to find cells easily for content verification, clicking elements inside of it etc.
The only example I've seen is this, but the following doesn't work:
const columns = cy.get('th')
let columnIndex = -1
columns.each((el, index) => {
if (el.text().includes(columnName) {
columnIndex = index
cy.log('columnIndex', columnIndex) // Outputs 2 as expected
cy.log('finalColumnIndex', columnIndex) // Outputs -1
My current thinking is something like:
const columnIndex: number = column.then((el) => el.index())
This however returns a Chainable<number> How to turn it into number, I have no idea. I'm using this answer to guide my thinking in this regard.
Using .then() in a Cypress test is almost mandatory to avoid flaky tests.
To avoid problems with test code getting ahead of web page updating, Cypress uses Chainable to retry the DOM query until success, or time out.
But the Chainable interface isn't a promise, so you can't await it. You can only then() it.
It would be nice if you could substitute another keyword like unchain
const column = unchain cy.get(`th:contains(${columnName})`)
but unfortunately Javascript can't be extended with new keywords. You can only add methods like .then() onto objects like Chainable.
Having said that, there are code patterns that allow extracting a Chainable value and using it like a plain Javascript variable.
But they are limited to specific scenarios, for example assigning to a global in a before() and using it in an it().
If you give up the core feature of Cypress, the automatic retry feature, then it's just jQuery exactly as you have in the fiddle (but using Cypress.$() instead of $()).
But even Mikhail's thenify relys on the structure of the test when you add a small amount of asynchronicity
Example app
setTimeout(() => {
const foo = document.querySelector('foo')
foo.innerText = 'def'
}, 1000)
let a = cy.get("foo").thenify()
// expect(a.text()).to.eq('def') // fails
// cy.wrap(a.text()).should('eq', 'def') // fails
cy.wrap(a).should('have.text', 'def') // passes
let b = cy.get("foo") // no thenify
b.should('have.text', 'def') // passes
Based on your working example, you will need to get the headers first, map out the text, then find the index of the column (I've chosen 'Col B'). Afterwards you will find the row containing the other cell value, then get all the cells in row and use .eq() with the column index found earlier.
// get headers, map text, filter to Col B index
.then(($headers) =>$headers, "innerText"))
.invoke("indexOf", "Col B")
.then((headerIndex) => {
// find row containing Val A
cy.contains("tbody tr", "Val A")
// get cell containing Val B
.should("have.text", "Val B");
Here is the example.

Cypress number of elements in a table

Is there an easier way to count the number of elements in a table via Cypress?
I have a 3 column table and I want to count, how many times is "India" in my table.
I tried it this way:
cy.get('#countrylength').then((ccc) => {
but this gives me always 1, as it finds only first element.
Then I have this solution, that may probably work:
let count = 0;
cy.get('ag-grid-table').each(($el, index, $list) => {
{ count ++; }
but can't we just find that country with one line command using length()?
You could just move the contains() inside the selector, it gets around the restriction of only returning the first result.
You need to merge the country variable into the selector as well, either with a string template as below, or by concatenating strings (+ operator).
cy.get('#countrylength').should('eq', 3)
You can use the filter command for this:
.should('have.length', 3)
In case you want to use the length of different tests in your project you can use Cypress.env(). As aliases as are removed after every test.
.then((len) => {
Cypress.env('length', len)
//To use it in other test
cy.get('selector').should('have.length', Cypress.env('length'))
If you want to use the alias value later in the test, or in another test you could access it directly from the "Mocha context" by using a function callback
if('tests the ag-grid', function() { // now alias value is available on "this"
.then(text => text.match(/India/g).length) // number of occurrences in table
cy.get('.flags').should('have.length', this.countrylength)

Observable make request multiple times and collect response together

In database I have 19 users.
In my API, I can get only 5 results in one call.
If I want to get all them, I need to do request 4 times, each time to get 5 users. With start query I will change from which position I want new users to get.
I'm trying to do it in RxJS together with redux-observable.
I have some idea, but maybe my approach is imperative, and RxJS is opposite ideology.
// get users from API and `pipe` them helps me to see actual data and to count length of array
function getUsers(position = 0) {
return ajax.getJSON(`${API}/users?_start=${position}&_limit=5`).
pipe(map(({data}) => ({responseLength: data.length, data})))
// here when I got response if array.lenght is equal to 5, I know that I need to do fetch of data again.
// Problem is encountered here: if I do recursion after doing I will get only last result, not both of them,
// if I put my previous result into array, and then recursion result again push in array it become too complicated after
// in userFetchEpic to manipulate with this data
function count(data) {
return data.pipe(
map(item => {
if (item.responseLength === 5) {
return {type: "TEST" , item}
function userFetchEpic(action$) {
return action$
mergeMap(() => {
return count(getUsers()).pipe(
map(i => i)
My code is here just to show what was my way of thinking.
Main problem is in recursion how to save all values together, if I save values in array.
Then I need to loop through array of observables and that sounds complicated in my head. :)
Probably this problem have much easier and better solution.
19 Users with 4 concurrent calls
I've re-arranged your get-users function to generate 4 Ajax calls, run them all concurrently, then flatten the result into one array. This should get you all 19 users in a single array.
function getUsers() {
return forkJoin(
[0,5,10,15].map(position =>
map(resArray => resArray.flatMap(res =>
function userFetchEpic(action$) {
return action$.pipe(
mergeMap(_ => getUsers())
Generalize: Recursively get users
This, again, will return all 19 users, but this time you don't need to know that you have 19 users ahead of time. On the other hand, this makes all its calls in sequence, so I would expect it to be slower.
You'll notice this one is done recursively. You are creating a call stack this way, but so long as you don't have millions of users, it shouldn't be a problem.
function getUsers(position = 0) {
return ajax.getJSON(`${API}/users?_start=${position}&_limit=5`).pipe(
switchMap(({data}) =>
data.length < 5 ?
of(data) :
getUsers(position + 5).pipe(
map(recursiveData => data.concat(recursiveData))

How to combine a parent and a dependent child observable

There is a continuous stream of event objects which doesn't complete. Each event has bands. By subscribing to events you get an event with several properties, among these a property "bands" which stores an array of bandIds. With these ids you can get each band. (The stream of bands is continuous as well.)
Problem: In the end you'd not only like to have bands, but a complete event object with bandIds and the complete band objects.
// This is what I could come up with myself, but it seems pretty ugly.
switchMap(event => {
const band$Array = => getBand(bandId));
return combineLatest(of(event),$Array);
map(combined => {
const newEvent = combined[0];
combined.forEach((x, i) => {
if (i === 0) return;
newEvent.bands = {...newEvent.bands, ...x};
Question: Please help me find a cleaner way to do this (and I'm not even sure if my attempt produces the intended result).
switchMap(event => {
const band$Array = => getBand(bandId));
return combineLatest(band$Array).pipe(
map(bandArray => ({bandArray, event}))
You may want to try something along these lines
switchMap(event => {
const band$Array = => getBand(bandId));
return forkJoin(band$Array).pipe(
map(bandArray => ({bandArray, event}))
The Observable returned by this transformation emits an object with 2 properties: bandArray holding the array of bands retrieved with the getBand service and event which is the object emitted by the Observable returned by getEvents.
Consider also that you are using switchMap, which means that as soon as the Observable returned by getEvents emits you are going to switch to the last emission and complete anything which may be on fly at the moment. In other words you can loose some events if the time required to exectue the forkJoin is longer than the time from one emission and the other of getEvents.
If you do not want to loose anything, than you better use mergeMap rather than switchMap.
UPDATED ANSWER - The Band Observable does not complete
In this case I understand that getBand(bandId) returns an Observable which emits first when the back end is queried the first time and then when the band data in the back end changes.
If this is true, then you can consider something like this
switchMap(event => {
return from(event.bands).pipe(
switchMap(bandId => getBand(bandId)).pipe(
map(bandData => ({event, bandData}))
This transformation produces an Observable which emits either any time a new event occurs or any time the data of a band changes.

Keep delaying HTTP request until new params are arriving

Suppose we have a function getIds() which takes an array of some ids
like this:
getIds([4, 1, 32]);
This function will delay HTTP call for 100ms. But during 100ms if this
same function is called again:
getIds([1, 8, 5]);
It will reset the 100ms timer and keep merging the passed ids. It will
send HTTP request only if it's not called by anyone for more than 100ms.
I am new to RxJS and here's my attempt to solve this problem but I have
a feeling that there could be better solution for this problem.
function getIds(ids) {
let observable = getIds._observable,
subject = getIds._subject;
if (!observable) {
subject = getIds._subject = new Rx.ReplaySubject();
observable = getIds._observable = subject
.reduce((arr, id) => {
return arr;
}, [])
// Some HTTP GET request will go here
// whose results may get flatMapped here
ids.forEach((id) => {
getIds._timer = setTimeout(() => {
getIds._observable = null;
getIds._subject = null;
}, 100);
return observable;
getIds([1, 2, 3])
.subscribe((ids) => {
getIds([3, 4, 5])
.subscribe((ids) => {
I am looking for an operator which behaves like debounce but without dropping previous values. Instead it must queue them.
I am not certain to have captured exactly which of the following you are looking for, so I will simply describe both. There are two "time based patterns" that are most often suited for this type of problem in my experience:
rxmarbles url: ; github doc
As it says in its documentation, it
Emits an item from the source Observable after a particular timespan
has passed without the Observable omitting any other items.
rxmarbles url: none yet ; github doc
Returns an Observable that emits only the first item emitted by the
source Observable during sequential time windows of a specified
Basically, if you would like to wait until the inputs have quieted for a certain period of time before taking action, you want to debounce. If you do not want to wait at all, but do not wish to make more than 1 query within a specific amount of time, you will want to throttle.
Hope it makes sense.
