NiFi Jolt Specification for array input - apache-nifi

I have the following input in Nifi Jolt Specification processor:
"values": [
"id": "paramA",
"value": 1
"values": [
"id": "paramB",
"value": 3
Expected output:
"id": "paramA",
"value": 1
"id": "paramB",
"value": 2
Can you explain how I have to do?
thanks in advance

You want to reach the objects of the values array which are nested within seperate object signs ({}). A "*" notation is needed in order to cross them over per each individual values array, and then use another "*" notation for indexes of those arrays while choosing "" as the counterpart values in order to grab nothing but the sub-objects such as
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"values": {
"*": ""


How to add new key value pair in jolt in nifi?

Hi pls help with this jolt transformation.
If Environment exists then add new field numid and value is 1
If costcenter exists then add new field numid and the value is 2
"Environment": "net",
"BillingProfileId": 863,
"ms-resource-usage": "azure-cloud-shell"
"CostCenter": "check",
"BillingAccountName": "HCL Technologies Ltd.",
"ServiceFamily": "Compute"
Expected output:
"Environment": "net",
"numid": "1"
"BillingProfileId": 863,
"ms-resource-usage": "azure-cloud-shell"
"CostCenter": "check",
"numid" : "2",
"BillingAccountName": "HCL Technologies Ltd.",
"ServiceFamily": "Compute"
You can use this spec:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"#": "[&1]",
"Environment": {
"#1": "[&2].numid"
"CostCenter": {
"#2": "[&2].numid"

Transform array of values to array of key value pair

I have a json data which is in the form of key and all values in a array but I need to transform it into a array of key value pairs, here is the data
Source data
"2022-08-30T06:58:56.573730Z": [
{ "tag": "AC 3 Phase/7957", "value": 161.37313113545272 },
{ "tag": "AC 3 Phase/7956", "value": 285.46869739695853 }
Transformation looking for
{ "tag": "AC 3 Phase/7957",
"ts": 2022-08-30T06:58:56.573730Z,
"value": 161.37313113545272
{ "tag": "AC 3 Phase/7956",
"ts": 2022-08-30T06:58:56.573730Z,
"value": 285.46869739695853
I would do it like this:
$each($$, function($entries, $ts) {
"tag": tag,
"ts": $ts,
"value": value
}) ~> $reduce($append, [])
Feel free to play with this example on the playground:

How to use JSONpath to extract specific values

I'm using JSONpath to try and find data with an array of JSON objects but I'm struggling to get to the information I want. The array contains many objects similar to below where there are values for RecID throughout. If I use $..RecID I get them all when I only want the first Key.RecID of each object (with a value 1338438 in this example). Is there a way to only extract the top level Key.RecID value?
BTW I'm trying to do this in jMeter and I'm assuming JSONpath is the best way to do what I want but if there is a better way I'd be happy to hear about it.
Thanks in advance
"Key": {
"RecID": 1338438
"Users": [{
"FullName": "Miss Burns",
"Users": {
"Key": {
"Name": "Burns",
"RecID": 1317474
"FullName": "Mrs Fisher",
"Users": {
"Key": {
"Name": "Fisher",
"RecID": 1317904
"User": {
"FullName": "Mrs Fisher",
"Key": {
"Name": "Fisher",
"RecID": 1317904
"Organisation": {
"Key": {
"RecID": 1313881

Jolt Spec for moving the json objects into the simple array

I am having an array of objects in the given format:
"meta": [
"id": "101A"
"id": "101B"
Can someone help me with jolt spec I want the final output in the following format:
"meta": [
Thanks in advance!
Basically you want to iterate over your two arrays using the "*", and when iterating over your second array (meta) just get the id attribute and send to the meta array (ignore the object). See if this helps you understand:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"meta": {
"*": {
"id": "meta"

I have Json array with each of its object having dynamic attributes. I have to merge all the object into into one Json object in nifi

I have Json array with each of its object having dynamic attributes. I have to merge all the object into one Json object in nifi with common attribute's value concatenated and other attributes as it is.
I have already tried following spec, and it is giving common attributes as array list. But I want that common attribute's value to be concatenated and I don't know how to do that. Any suggestion would be really helpful. Thanks in advance.
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": "&"
The input is like( NOTE: The attributes are dynamic so not sure always going to have these attributes)
"firstName": "Sam1",
"lastName": "Achom1",
"place": "Silchar1"
"firstName": "Saya2",
"lastName": "Singh2",
"place": "Macherial2",
"Second1stAttribute": "SomeValue"
"firstName": "Sam3",
"lastName": "Achom3",
"place": "Silchar3",
"Third2ndAttribute": "SomeValue2"
The output I am getting with before mentioned spec
"firstName" : [ "Sam1", "Saya2", "Sam3" ],
"lastName" : [ "Achom1", "Singh2", "Achom3" ],
"place" : [ "Silchar1", "Macherial2", "Silchar3" ],
"Second1stAttribute" : "SomeValue",
"Third2ndAttribute" : "SomeValue2"
And Expecting the output as
{ "firstName" : "Sam1 Saya2 Sam3",
"lastName" : "Achom1 Singh2 Achom3",
"place" : "Silchar1 Mancherial2 Silchar3",
"Second1stAttribute" : "SomeValue",
"Third2ndAttribute" : "SomeValue2"
You can "join" the items from your arrays. This spec will do the trick:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": "&"
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"*": "=join(' ',#(1,&))"
