How can I test update using querydsl? - spring

I'm trying to test update using custom repository with querydsl.
But it fails because the data is not updated. I tried flushing after I call repository function, but it did not work.
I think it is related with some kind of Entity manager problem, but I don't know exactly since I'm new to Spring.
Repository code :
public Long updateNotice(String noticeId, Notice noticeInfo) {
UpdateClause<JPAUpdateClause> updateBuilder = queryFactory.update(notice);
if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(noticeInfo.getTitle())) {
updateBuilder.set(notice.title, noticeInfo.getTitle());
if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(noticeInfo.getContents())) {
updateBuilder.set(notice.contents, noticeInfo.getContents());
if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(noticeInfo.getTheme())) {
updateBuilder.set(notice.theme, noticeInfo.getTheme());
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(Integer.toString(noticeInfo.getState()))) {
updateBuilder.set(notice.state, noticeInfo.getState());
if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(noticeInfo.getLocation())) {
updateBuilder.set(notice.location, noticeInfo.getLocation());
updateBuilder.set(notice.startDate, noticeInfo.getStartDate());
updateBuilder.set(notice.endDate, noticeInfo.getEndDate());
Long count = updateBuilder
return count;
Test code :
public void updateNoticeTest() {
Notice titleNotice = Notice.builder()
.title("Update notice")
.startDate(LocalDateTime.of(2021, 10, 11, 00, 00, 00))
.endDate(LocalDateTime.of(2021, 12, 12, 00, 00, 00))
List<Notice> notices = noticeRepository.findAll();
String id = notices.get(1).getNoticeId();
Notice notice = notices.get(1);;
Long result = noticeRepository.updateNotice(id, titleNotice);
Notice res = noticeRepository.findById(id).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("No such notice with id " + id));;
assertThat(res.getTitle()).isEqualTo("Update notice");
Test configuration:
# Datasource settings
# set jpa
# set log
# set page option
# 1-based
# page size = 10

Flushing doesn't help because it writes changes collected by the EntityManager out to the database. But the EM didn't collect any changes since you used an update statement which doesn't update the 1st level cache which basically is the EM.
The findById will return the old instance already in the 1st level cache from some earlier interaction, possibly from storing them in the first place.
In order to fix this you should empty the 1st level cache by calling EntityManager.clear


How to implement a list of DB update queries in one call with SpringBoot Webflux + R2dbc application

The goal of my springBoot webflux r2dbc application is Controller accepts a Request including a list of DB UPDATE or INSERT details, and Response a result summary back.
I can write a ReactiveCrudRepository based repository to implement each DB operation. But I don't know how to write the Service to group the executions of the list of DB operations and compose a result summary response.
I am new to java reactive programing. Thanks for any suggestions and help.
I get the hint from here: . Ideas are :
From request to create 3 Monos
Mono<List> monoEndDateSet -- DB Row ids of update operation;
Mono<List> monoCreateList -- DB Row ids of new inserted;
Mono monoRespFilled -- partly fill some known fields;
use aggregate the 3 monos, map and aggregate the Tuple3 to Mono to return.
Below are key part of codes:
public Mono<ChangeSupplyResponse> ChangeSupplies(ChangeSupplyRequest csr){
ChangeSupplyResponse resp = ChangeSupplyResponse.builder().build();
Mono<List<Long>> monoEndDateSet = getEndDateIdList(csr);
Mono<List<Long>> monoCreateList = getNewSupplyEntityList(csr);
Mono<ChangeSupplyResponse> monoRespFilled = Mono.just(resp);
return, monoEndDateSet, monoCreateList).map(this::combine).as(operator::transactional);
private ChangeSupplyResponse combine(Tuple3<ChangeSupplyResponse, List<Long>, List<Long>> tuple){
ChangeSupplyResponse resp = tuple.getT1().toBuilder().build();
List<Long> endDateIds = tuple.getT2();
List<Long> newIds = tuple.getT3();
Duration span = Duration.between(resp.getProcessStart(),;
return resp;
private Mono<List<Long>> getNewSupplyEntityList(ChangeSupplyRequest csr) {
Flux<DemandStreamSupplyEntity> fluxNewCreated = Flux.empty();
for (SrmOperation so : csr.getOperations()) {
if (so.getType() == SrmOperationType.createSupply) {
DemandStreamSupplyEntity e = buildEntity(so, csr);
fluxNewCreated = fluxNewCreated.mergeWith(;
return -> e.getDemandStreamSupplyId()).collectList();

CaffeineCache is not refreshed immediately after put operation in Spring Boot application

I have a random issue with CaffeineCache in my Spring Boot application. The problem is with an integration test that makes next
find user
delete it
find it again
It seems that sometimes cache doesn't not refreshes on time before the second call of find that comes immediately after delete.
Here is a simplified signature of find method
#Cacheable(cacheNames = "name", key = "{, #userId}", unless = "#result == null")
public User find(SomeConfig config, String userId) {
// ...
And a simplified signature of delete
#Caching(put = {
#CachePut(cacheNames = "someOtherCache", key = "#userId.technicalId"),
#CachePut(cacheNames = "name", key = "{, #userId}")
public User delete(SomeConfig config, String userId) {
// ...
I suppose that after call delete cache is not updated immediately and that's why method find is not called the second time. It happens 1 times from 10.
Any ideas about fix?

Hibernate queries getting slower and slower

I'm working on a process that checks and updates data from Oracle database. I'm using hibernate and spring framework in my application.
The application reads a csv file, processes the content, then persiste entities :
public class Main() {
Input input = ReadCSV(path);
EntityList resultList = Process.process(input);
// Process class that loops over input
public class Process{
public EntityList process(Input input) :
EntityList results = ...;
for(Line line : input.readLine()){
return results;
// retrieving and updating entities
Class ProcessLine {
DomaineRepository domaineRepository;
CompanyDomaineService companydomaineService
public MyEntity process(Line line){
// getcompanyByXX is CrudRepository method with #Query that returns an entity object
MyEntity companyToAttach = domaineRepository.getCompanyByCode(line.getCode());
MyEntity companyToDetach = domaineRepository.getCompanyBySiret(line.getSiret());
if(companyToDetach == null || companyToAttach == null){
throw new CustomException("Custom Exception");
// AttachCompany retrieves some entity relationEntity, then removes companyToDetach and adds CompanyToAttach. this updates attribute.
companydomaineService.attachCompany(companyToAttach, companyToDetach);
return companyToAttach;
public class WriteResult{
DomaineRepository domaineRepository;
public void write(EntityList results) {
for (MyEntity result : results){
The application works well on files with few lines, but when i try to process large files (200 000 lines), the performance slows drastically, and i get a SQL timeout.
I suspect cache issues, but i'm wondering if saving all the entities at the end of the processing isn't a bad practice ?
The problem is your for loop which is doing individual saves on the result and thus does single inserts slowing it down. Hibernate and spring support batch inserts and should be done when ever possible.
something like domaineRepository.saveAll(results)
Since you are processing lot of data it might be better to do things in batches so instead of getting one company to attach you should get a list of companies to attach processes those then get a list of companies to detach and process those
public EntityList process(Input input) :
EntityList results;
List<Code> companiesToAdd = new ArrayList<>();
List<Siret> companiesToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
for(Line line : input.readLine()){
results = process(companiesToAdd, companiesToRemove);
return results;
public MyEntity process(List<Code> companiesToAdd, List<Siret> companiesToRemove) {
List<MyEntity> attachList = domaineRepository.getCompanyByCodeIn(companiesToAdd);
List<MyEntity> detachList = domaineRepository.getCompanyBySiretIn(companiesToRemove);
if (attachList.isEmpty() || detachList.isEmpty()) {
throw new CustomException("Custom Exception");
companydomaineService.attachCompany(attachList, detachList);
return attachList;
The above code is just sudo code to point you in the right direction, will need to work out what works for you.
For every line you read you are doing 2 read operations here
MyEntity companyToAttach = domaineRepository.getCompanyByCode(line.getCode());
MyEntity companyToDetach = domaineRepository.getCompanyBySiret(line.getSiret());
You can read more than one line and us the in query and then process that list of companies

Spring + Hibernate - when the transaction is really committed?

I'm facing a singular problem...
I need to update an entity, but i don't know when it is really updated
My method is
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.SERIALIZABLE)
public void lightOn(int idInterruttore) {
Interruttore interruttore = dao.findById(idInterruttore);
String inputPin = interruttore.getInputPin();
String pinName = interruttore.getRelePin();
GpioController gpio = interruttore.getGpio();
GpioPinDigitalOutput rele = gpio.provisionDigitalOutputPin(RaspiPin.getPinByName(pinName));
try {
DateTime date = new DateTime();
Date now = date.toDate();
int i = 1;
while (getInput(inputPin, gpio) != 1) {
if(i > 1){
logger.debug(String.format("Try n %s", i));
dao.updateInterruttore(idInterruttore, now, true);
} catch (GpioPinExistsException | InterruptedException gpe) {
logger.error("GPIO giĆ  esistente", gpe);
} finally {
logger.debug(String.format("After the update status should be true and it's %s",
updateInterruttore is (i used this form to be sure to call the commit after the update... I have the lock Option because multiple call can be done to this method but only the first must update
public void updateInterruttore(int idInterruttore, Date dateTime, boolean stato) {
Session session = getSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
String update = "update Interruttore i set i.dateTime = :dateTime, i.stato = :stato where idInterruttore = :idInterruttore";
session.createQuery(update).setTimestamp("dateTime", dateTime).setBoolean("stato", stato)
.setInteger("idInterruttore", idInterruttore).setLockOptions(LockOptions.UPGRADE).executeUpdate();
Well... when I update the log says me:
After the update status should be true and it's false
This happens only the first time I call the method, the second time interruttore.isStato is correctly true.
Why this happens?
This happens because you're updating the database directly with the update statement. Hibernate does not update automatically an already loaded entity in this case. If you reload the entity after the call to dao.updateInterruttore you should get the updated data.
Two notes:
1) You are using a query to apply the update. In that case, Hibernate will no update the entity that is in the session. Unless you update the entity itself and call, then the entity will not be updated. (But the update shows up in the DB.) Furthermore, I don't understand why you just don't update the entity and save it via
2) You are annotating the service method with #Transactional. (Assuming that's Spring annotation) If you use JTA, your tx.commit() will have no effect. But once the method completes, your transaction is committed. (or rolled back if the method throws an exception) If you are not using JTA, then get rid of #Transactional and manage transaction in your DAO method, as you are doing. But that's considered bad practice.

JPA relation changes not updated in PreUpdate callback

In my current project I have an entity which can be published to other systems. For keeping track on the publications the entity has a relation called "publications". I am using Eclipselink.
This entity bean also has a "PreUpdate" annotated method.
In order to be able to keep the other systems data up to date, I created an Aspect that is executed around the call to the PreUpdate method. Depending on which properties have changed, I need to remove some of the publications. Everything is working absolutely fine.
The problem I am having is that the portal-publishing component correctly sends delete commands and removes the publication from the entities "publications" list. I can even see in the changeset that JPA has noticed the "publications" property to have changed. After the transaction is flushed, the cached entity correctly doesn't have the deleted publications anymore. Unfortunately the database still does and when the system is restarted or the Entity is loaded from the DB again, the publication metadata is there again.
I tried allmost everything. I even managed to get the deleted instances from the JPA ChangeSet in the Aspect and tried to use the entityManager to manually delete them, but nothing actually worked. I seem to be unable to delete these relational entities. Currently I am thinking about using JDBC to delete them, but this would only be my last measure.
public Object truckPreUpdate(final ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
if (alreadyExecutingMarker.get() != Boolean.TRUE) {
final Truck truck = (Truck) pjp.getTarget();
final JpaEntityManager jpaEntityManager = (JpaEntityManager) entityManager.getDelegate();
final UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet = jpaEntityManager.getUnitOfWork().getCurrentChanges();
final ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet = changeSet.getObjectChangeSetForClone(truck);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("--------------------- Truck pre update check (" + truck.getId() + ") ---------------------");
// If the truck date has changed, revoke all publication copies.
final ChangeRecord truckFreeDate = objectChangeSet.getChangesForAttributeNamed("lkwFreiDatum");
if (truckFreeDate != null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("The date 'truckFreeDate' of truck with id '" + truck.getId() + "' has changed. " +
"Revoking all publications that are not marked as main applications");
for (final String portal : truck.getPublishedPortals()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("- Revoking publications of copies to portal: " + portal);
portalService.deleteCopies(truck, portal);
// Get any deleted portal references and use the entityManager to finally delete them.
changeSet = jpaEntityManager.getUnitOfWork().getCurrentChanges();
objectChangeSet = changeSet.getObjectChangeSetForClone(truck);
final ChangeRecord publicationChanges = objectChangeSet.getChangesForAttributeNamed("publications");
if (publicationChanges != null) {
if (publicationChanges instanceof CollectionChangeRecord) {
final CollectionChangeRecord collectionChanges =
(CollectionChangeRecord) publicationChanges;
final Collection<ObjectChangeSet> removedPublications =
for (final ObjectChangeSet removedPublication : removedPublications) {
final TruckPublication publication = (TruckPublication) ((org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet) removedPublication).getUnitOfWorkClone();
The issue is that PreUpdate is raised during the commit process, when the set of changes have already been computed, and the set of objects to delete have already been computed.
Ideally you would perform something like this in your application logic, not through a persistence event.
You could try executing a DeleteObjectQuery directly from your event (instead of using em.remove()), this may work, but in general it would be better to perform this logic in your application.
Also note that getCurrentChanges() computes the changes, in a PreUpdate event the changes are already computed, so you should be able to use getUnitOfWorkChangeSet().
The only solution I found was to create a new Method for performing the delete and forcing JPA to create a new Transaction. As by this I am losing the changeSet, I had to manually find out which publications were deleted. I then simply call that helper method and the publications are correctly deleted, but I find this solution extremely ugly.
public Object truckPreUpdate(final ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
if (alreadyExecutingMarker.get() != Boolean.TRUE) {
final Truck truck = (Truck) pjp.getTarget();
final JpaEntityManager jpaEntityManager = (JpaEntityManager) entityManager.getDelegate();
final UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet = jpaEntityManager.getUnitOfWork().getCurrentChanges();
final ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet = changeSet.getObjectChangeSetForClone(truck);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("--------------------- Truck pre update check (" + truck.getId() + ") ---------------------");
// If the truck date has changed, revoke all publication copies.
final ChangeRecord truckFreeDate = objectChangeSet.getChangesForAttributeNamed("lkwFreiDatum");
if (truckFreeDate != null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("The date 'truckFreeDate' of truck with id '" + truck.getId() + "' has changed. " +
"Revoking all publications that are not marked as main applications");
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
protected void removeCopyPublications(Truck truck) {
// Delete all not-main-publications.
for (final String portal : truck.getPublishedPortals()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("- Revoking publications of copies to portal: " + portal);
final Map<Integer, TruckPublication> oldPublications = new HashMap<Integer, TruckPublication>();
for(final TruckPublication publication : truck.getPublications(portal)) {
oldPublications.put(publication.getId(), publication);
portalService.deleteCopies(truck, portal);
for(final TruckPublication publication : truck.getPublications(portal)) {
for (TruckPublication removedPublication : oldPublications.values()) {
if(!entityManager.contains(removedPublication)) {
removedPublication = entityManager.merge(removedPublication);
Why doesn't my first version work?
I had a similar problem, I have a class and its children, when I remove the children from the parent they were deleted from the DB, then I attached new children using merge on the class Parent (CascadeType.ALL) using JPA/EclipseLink, then the children didn't create on the DB but in the persistency Motor (JPA). I fix this doing the following:
1- I set shared-cache-mode to NONE in the persistence.xml file
2- When I remove the children, I executed inmediatly this:
public void remove(T entity) {
And that's all. I hope this would help anyone else.
