GET/POST Request from Jelastic environment to another: connection refused - jelastic

I'm trying to make GET/POST requests from one Jelastic environment to another. Both are running Node/Express. I tried with env name (which works from my local machine) and internal IP address, but I always get a connection refused error:
FetchError: request to failed,
reason: connect ECONNREFUSED
Any hint on how to solve this is greatly appreciated.

You don't mention how your application is deployed (on what node type), but most likely it isn't listening on port 443; that only works remotely (if it does) because of proxying by the Shared Load Balancer of the Jelastic platform.
If you want to connect internally (between Jelastic nodes within the same platform), your requests do not pass via the Shared Load Balancer so cannot take advantage of that proxying.
In other words, you need to:
connect directly to the port you application actually runs on, such as (if your application is running/listening on port 5000)
ensure that your firewall rules permit access from where you're connecting from


binding rethinkdb webUI to 'localhost' and proxy: refuses connections or exposes to full network

I am not able to successfully bind and secure the rethinkdb http client, either being exposed to the whole network or refusing connections behind the proxy.
I am thus left with no choice but to restart the rdb daemon with bind-http=all each
time I want to access it...
Rdb starts with systemctl under archlinux. Three configurations I tried:
# /etc/rethinkdb/instances.d/mydb.conf
bind-http=localhost #(1)
bind-http= #(2)
bind-http= #(3)
Resulting in:
Fails to parse 'localhost'
Refuses connections behind the proxy
Equivalent to bind-http=all
Firefox 59 uses a socks proxy, working ok
as the browser's ip address does become
$ ssh -TND 8080 user#
I am quite convinced that I had secured the http client as expected,
and problems started after I updated both FF and rdb
(FF59 fails to parse 'localhost' as well for example)
I don't know if this is a bug or a feature or if I am missing something,
any help is most welcome. Many thanks
Beware of the "localhost" string.
Configuring the rethinkdb server with:
and binding some local port with SSH:
[client]$ ssh -L 8080: server
is enough to access the web interface at, as suggested by #jishi.
Configuring the browser to use a SOCKS proxy as per the rdb docs is not at all necessary.
For some reason localhost:8080 is not understood by FF59 (gets invisibly prefixed by www or something).

How to allow Socket IO requests on Amazon EC2 instance?

I have a web app running on a Amazon EC2 Instance on port 8080, the webapp while starting, starts a Socket io server listening on port 9092.
in the client file connecting to the Socket io server i have this:
Unfortunately, this request is getting blocked as shown :
I thought the problem was about inbound rules of my EC2 instance, i therefore allowed traffic for the purpose as shown:
But the requests are still blocked...
NOTE: When my app is hosted locally, everything works fine.
So why is amazon behaving this way and what am i supposed to do to come across this issue?
netstat -a -n | grep 9092 outputs this on instance:
Also have a look on what firefox shows me about a request attempt timings:
It turns that i was binding my server to the localhost address, as if it were accessed from the localhost.
Thanks to #robertklep comment, i did bound the server to the ec2 instance address and it's working now.
The easiest way to establish a socket connection with your server from outside of EC2 is to listen to all the incoming traffic:
server.listen(3000, '');
This is only recommended for testing and development environment. Do not use this for production.

Boost-ASIO simple echo client-server cannot establish connection?

I'm using BOOST-ASIO for a simple echo client-server (there is a separate link for the client and server). When I try to run the server I use this async_tcp_echo_server 4000. For the client I use blocking_tcp_echo_client #.#.#.# 4000 (with #.#.#.# as the ip address). I'm on XP-SP3 with my computer connected to my wireless dsl modem using a usb card. After a few seconds on the client side I get this error:
Exception: connect: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did
not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed be
cause connected host has failed to respond
Any ideas what it could be? I turned off my firewall including the windows firewall and still I get no response. Could my port be in the incorrect range? Do I need to include a computer name to specify the machine on the network( there are other machines on the network sometimes active)? I did try running this on another computer directly connected to the dsl modem and same issue. I did ping my address and that did work for 4/4 packets.
It could be a variety of issues. Thus, it can be worthwhile to use lower level networking tools, such as netcat to serve a port on the server, and try connecting with netcat from the client side. This can help simplify the problem by removing any potential problems introduced by an application's network programming code. If the problem is identified as being a network issue, then there are a few things to check:
Verify firewall exceptions on the server.
Verify firewall exceptions in the server's network gateway.
If the server and client are on different networks, with the client trying to connect to the server's external IP, then verify that the server's gateway knows what traffic to route to the server. This may require setting up rules, such as port forwarding, in the routing device.
If the server and client are on the same network, but the client is trying to connect to the server through the network's external IP, then verify that the gateway supports looping back internal traffic destined to the external IP.
Use a network analyzer tool, such as Wireshark, to verify that the time to live field in the packets is high enough that it will not be discarded.
you could try
$ telnet server-ip 4000
from your client and see if it is possible to establish the tcp connection.

Other hosts cannot connect to websocket server on my host

First of all, sorry for my bad English : )
My Java application (multiplayer game server) uses this package to communicate with a web application in client's browser using websockets:
I've encountered a problem running my application: only I can connect to the websocket server, clients on other hosts can't do so. In browser I estabilish connection as usual, address here is certainly correct:
new WebSocket("ws://"+serverIp+":8787");
When I connect from my own host to the websocket server running on the same host, it runs perfectly. When other hosts try to connect to me, connection in not being estabilished: in browser WebSocket objects's .readyState is 0 (whilst it should be 1), and even server does not recieve any handshakes (no output from onClientOpen in server console, I even tried to get any output from certain WebSocketServer class' methods).
Other hosts are still recieving, for example, static contents of web application from webserver on 80 port on the same host. Problem is not the closed 8787 port: I checked it, it's open.
What may be the reason that other host can't connect to my websocket server?
WebSockets uses a cross-origin permission system. You might need to tell you WebSocket server to accept connections from more than just your local host. The verification of Origin happens during the WebSocket handshake which likely happens prior to onclientOpen.

Setting up a server

One of my real weak points in programming is networking, so I admit that I may be a little over my head with this project. Please feel free to tell me if what I'm trying to do doesn't make any sense
What I am trying to do, basically, is run a program on my laptop (Node.JS, probably) that handles requests from a website, does some functions, and serves data back to a client running on the website. (Research tells me this is called an RPC server)
When you listen for requests in Node.JS, you specify a port and optionally an IP Address- localhost,, is what all the tutorials I've read have used, but that's not sufficient for what I'm trying to do
I've read that I'll need to set up a static IP Address? But I think those are relative to my LAN, so they'll be like 192.168.0.X. So then what would I specify for the IP for the server and the client? (I don't think the port particularly matters). Do I need a DNS?
I hope this makes sense, sorry for so many questions, thank you for your help
You can run a server on your local machine, and you will specify your local IP address for the script, like 192.168.0.x. But for this server to ever receive a connection, your client must connect to your external IP address. It is the IP address that you get from your Internet provider when you connect to Internet. If your external IP is static, i.e. it does not change, then you can use it in your client script. If the external IP changes, you must setup a DNS record that would resolve the name of your computer. DynDNS can be used for that purpose.
If you have a router, it must be setup so that it forwards connections to your laptop where the server runs. And your firewall must be configured to allow connections.
