Inherit all the configuration from Spring Initializr when creating my own instance - spring

I am trying to set up my own instance of the Spring Initializr. I want to add more libraries and starters for internal use.
So far I've followed Spring's documentation and set up an application that is able to provide the dependencies I add there. That is nice, but I also want all the dependencies and other configurations available at to be present in my instance as well.
The only way I could find so far is to manually add them to my properties file. This is far from ideal since it's a rather lengthy configuration and makes the whole thing prone to mistakes.
Is there an easier way to do that?

For managing libraries, you should use parent pom (for the Maven project)
For synchronizing Spring Boot's config properties file, you should try Spring Cloud config that is all settings are able to manage by a single git repository


what does "spring-kafka without springboot" mean

I'm totally new to Kafka and terribly confused by this:
I don't understand what that even means. What does "no spring boot mean" because that example sure as hell uses spring boot. I'm so confused....
if I'm using SpringBoot and spring-kafka, should I have to manually create #Bean ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory as shown here. Most of the examples in the docs for setting up filtering / config / etc seem to use the "manual" configuration using #Bean. Is that "normal"? The docs are very confusing to me...especially this warning:
Spring for Apache Kafka is designed to be used in a Spring Application Context. For example, if you create the listener container yourself outside of a Spring context, not all functions will work unless you satisfy all of the …​Aware interfaces that the container implements.
It's referring to the autowired configuration, as compared to putting each property in the config via HashMap/Properties in-code.
Also, it does not use #SpringBootApplication or, it just calls a regular main method using a hard-coded Config class.
Spring boot contains the functionality of AutoConfiguration
What this means is that spring boot when discovers some specific jar dependencies it knows, in the project, it automatically configures them to work on a basic level. This does not exist in simple Spring project where even if you add the dependency you have to also provide the configuration as to how it should work in your application.
This is also happening here with dependencies of Kafka. Therefore the documentation explains what more you have to configure if you don't have spring-boot with auto-configuration to make kafka work in a spring project.
Another question asked in comment is what happens in case you want some complex custom configuration instead of the automatic configuration provided while you are in a spring-boot app.
As documented
Auto-configuration tries to be as intelligent as possible and will
back-away as you define more of your own configuration. You can always
manually exclude() any configuration that you never want to apply (use
excludeName() if you don't have access to them). You can also exclude
them via the spring.autoconfigure.exclude property.
So if you want to have some complex configuration which is not automatically provided by spring-boot through some other mechanism like a spring-boot specific application property, then you can make your own configuration with your custom bean and then either automatic configuration from spring-boot for that class will back of as spring does several intelligent checks during application context set up or you will have to exclude the class from auto configuration manually.
In that case you could probably take as an example reference of how to register manually your complex configurations in spring boot what is documented on how to be done in non spring boot app. doc

Spring starter dependencies

I just started out learning spring boot and I can immediately see that there are two types of dependencies, at least those I have encountered,those labelled starter and those that are not. My question is what is the difference and when should I use one over the other.
The starter dependencies are just dependencies that contain a bunch of transitive dependencies. Try to Ctrl + Click them, you will see what other dependencies they contain.
Spring has packaged these dependencies to make your life easier and make you able to add all common dependencies needed to do certain tasks.
This is all based on their motto of convention over configuration.
The short answer is that those "starter" packages are autoconfigurable. They don't need any particular configuration to work out of the box, but you may configure them to fit your particular needs, which makes them perfect for the Spring Boot's focus on simplicity.
Those dependencies are thought to be used with Spring Boot, but the others were/are there for Spring (non Boot) projects. I haven't really dived in to them to pinpoint specific differences, but they pretty much work the same (I've successfuly build and run projects with autoconfigurable dependencies in Spring non Boot projects, but take that with a grain of salt, as those were practice projects in controlled environments).
Ideally you'd want to use 'regular' dependencies with non Boot projects and you'd want to use 'starters' for Boot projects, but it is not a hard rule. Just make sure to use properly mantained dependencies.

Is bad practice to have spring boot starter project for starter project?

Spring boot starter project provides extensive set of functionalities auto configured. But for our application we want to have only a subset of functionality. May be only one feature out of the spring boot starter project. So is it advised to have custom starter project on top of spring boot provided starter project to mask some of the features or write new starter project directly from lower level libraries?
Spring boot starter project provides extensive set of functionalities
auto configured
There are two separate concerns you are talking about.
I think the auto configured part is something which is Spring boot's opinionated way of configuring. As an example if in classpath it finds a in-memory database library ( like H2) it automatically creates a datasource (pointing to embedded in-memory database) which is available for autowiring without you writing the configuration in a Java config class. Of course you can create you own datasource of choice by including appropriate driver jar for that database. Similarly lots of other configurations are done by default by classpath scanning and availability of certain jars and classes.
The second part - is more of a dependency issue in general. Say you want to use web mvc part in Spring boot. This will require a consistent set of dependencies and transitive dependencies as well. Rather than finding and declaring the dependency in your build tool of choice ( maven, gradle etc) it has created the concept of starter projects where you simply mention the parent and all the right dependencies would be pulled on. This gives a great way to correctly lock your dependencies. However if you want to include any different version than what is provided by boot starter ( provided there is no compatibility issues with those different versions) you can still add explicitly in your build tool. For e.g., maven will by default include the highest version of a particular dependency among all available via transitive dependencies when it resolves dependency for an artifact.

Spring mvc with maven module

Currently, I am working on a Spring MVC project and want to divide the project to smaller modules. I have been searching for the info and found this page. Although this page describes how to build multiple maven module but I think it lacks of configuration information such as: how can I load persistence.xml to my persistence module? How can I read my applicationcontext.xml in service module? In my original code, the web.xml will locate and load the persistence.xml and applicationcontext.xml, but maven module doesn't have web.xml. So do I have to build java configuration class for each module? If anyone can provide basic information of working with multiple maven modules and Spring MVC, I am really thankful for that.
Assuming that the whole purpose of creating multiple modules for your project is to isolate the code by its functional parts, then yes, you will want to have separate config files for each deployable instance. This means that the only place (outside tests) where config files/classes will exist in your project, will be in your web app. Since your web app is likely using your other modules as dependencies packaged as JARs, config files in those JARs would not be very convenient.
Note: It is possible to bake config files into your other modules, but in my experience, this only causes confusion and headaches down the road.

adding spring-data-rest ontop of spring-data-jpa

i created a maven project, and added all dependencies i need.
i have some repositories using the spring-data-jpa, and i added some integration tests.
now i need to add ontop of it spring-data-rest, if i understand it is based on springmvc.
but all examples i found, i need to add spring boot to start the app.
i noticed also all new spring projects use spring boot.
this means that i have to learn and use it for my projects?
how can i use spring-data-jpa+spring-data-jpa with an existing servlet3 project
The reason all examples are written using Boot is that Boot is indeed the way you should start a new Spring project these days. It free's from a lot of the tedious work of setting up the infrastructure, finding dependencies in the right version etc.
To use Spring Data REST without Boot, simply add the necessary dependencies to your project. The easiest way to do this is to use the Spring Data Release Train BOM (which will help you pulling in the correct matching versions) along side the version-less dependency declarations for Spring Data REST WebMVC and - in your case - Spring Data JPA.
Then go ahead and either register RepositoryRestMvcConvfiguration as Spring bean (either through XML configuration or JavaConfig).
All of this is also documented in the reference documentation.
