Can I add object files as dependency? - makefile

I have a makefile for multiple mains
info ::
#echo "make main1/2/3"
PROGS = main1 main2 main3
${PROGS} :: $$#.o
${CC} -o $# $^
but one (and only one) main needs another object linked in. I tried solving that with
main3 :: lib.o
but somehow lib.o is not added to the list of prerequisites.
The ordering of the link lines makes a difference.
I add that main3 line after the PROGS link line, then that one bombs because of the missing object file.
If I add it before the PROGS line, then the custom line is executed first with a default rule, which I don't want, and then the PROGS rule is executed anyway, and it bombs.
Is there a way to use macros such as $^ for objects linking? I can of course split out main3 from the PROGS macro, but that macro is used for a bunch of other purposes too.

You are using double-colon rules in a case which doesn't seem to call for them. From the manual:
Double-colon rules with the same target are in fact completely separate from one another. Each double-colon rule is processed individually, just as rules with different targets are processed.
If you want different rules for the same target to combine (as you seem to want for main3), just switch to ordinary (single-colon) rules:
${PROGS} : $$#.o
${CC} -o $# $^
main3 : lib.o
And you can make your ${PROGS} rule less complicated by turning it into a static pattern rule:
${PROGS} : % : %.o
${CC} -o $# $^


GNU Make ignoring a phony rule specified by wildcard?

I am learning some courses about compiling some C code into specific assembly. I decided that the generated assembly should be manually inspected, so I came up with less something.s as a "test" rule.
As a fan-but-newbie of Make, I wrote this Makefile:
CODES := a
LESS ?= less
CODES_TEST := $(patsubst %,%-test,${CODES})
.PHONY: all test ${CODES_TEST} clean
all: $(patsubst %,%.s,${CODES})
test: all
%-test: %.s
${LESS} $^
%.s: %.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -S -o $# $^
rm -f *.o *.s
And I have this minimal a.c file:
int asdfg(void) { return 54321; }
I then typed make a-test in Bash, expecting less showing up with the content of a.s, only to be told this:
make: Nothing to be done for 'a-test'.
I got the above response regardless of the presence of a.s, which generates normally if I do make a.s or just make (implicitly runs the first rule, all).
I checked my Makefile and I don't think I made a typo or another simple mistake.
What did I miss with the above Makefile?
How can I get Make to execute less a.s when I run make a-test?
There is nothing to be done for a-test because the only rule that would make it is the implicit pattern rule:
%-test: %.s
${LESS} $^
and, per the manual 4.6 Phony Targets:
The implicit rule search (see Implicit Rules) is skipped for .PHONY targets.
and, since it is .PHONY, its mere non-existence does make it out-of-date.
To get around this, while preserving the phoiness, replace:
%-test: %.s
${LESS} $^
${CODES_TEST}: %-test: %.s
${LESS} $^
Then the rule is a static pattern rule and no longer an implicit one.

What is the semantics of '%' in Makefile?

Googling doesn't help much in understand how the % variable is being used in the Makefile snippet below.
_OBJ = a.o b.o c.o
OBJ = $(patsubst %,$(OBJDIR)/%,$(_OBJ))
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.c $(INC)
$(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CFLAGS)
Can anybody please help me out? Does it mean that if there are five .c files present under $(SRCDIR), that many *.o rules are being populated behind the scene?
That is an "implicit rule". The % makes the word $(OBJDIR)/%.o a pattern. It tells make that if it's trying to build a target and the name of the target matches that pattern (where the % can substitute for one or more characters--any characters), AND that a file that matches the pattern $(SRCDIR)/%.c (where the % here has the same value as in the target) either already exists or can be built, then make can use this recipe to build that target.
So, if make wants to build a file foo/bar.o and the variable OBJDIR has the value foo, then this pattern foo/%.o will match that file with the % matching bar (this is called the stem in the GNU make documentation).
Then if SRCDIR has the value blah and make can find (or create) a file named blah/bar.c, then this implicit rule can be used to build the target foo/bar.o by running this recipe ($(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CFLAGS)).

GNU Makefile - Pattern rule with multiple targets with one dependency ignores all targets but the first

I want to make a language depend target. In Particular: I have one source-file and I want to create different Objects which where add to the corresponding language folder. That single source file will differ in the C-Flags, the compiler will get. As long as I used it in a static way, it works quite fine.
de/info.o en/info.o es/info.o : info.c
$(ECHO) (DEP) $< for $#
Now I thought, it would be great if it is a bit more dynamic, in case i'll add a new language depending file. So I used a wildcard as followed:
de/%.o en/%.o es/%.o : %.c
$(ECHO) (DEP) $< for $#
But now it just make the first target and ignores the rest. The Make-Debug prints the following thing:
Successfully remade target file `de/info.o'.
Considering target file `en/info.o'.
File `en/info.o' was considered already.
Just in case: No, the objects do not exist. So there is no target, but an existing dependencie, so make should execute the rules.
EDIT: Found a solution for that Problem.
define FOO
$(1)/%.o : %.c
$(ECHO) $$< for $(1)
$(foreach lang,$(LANGUAGE_LIST), $(eval $(call FOO,$(lang))))
Inspired by:
Pattern rules work differently than implicit rules. While an implicit rule such as
a b c: d
is equivalent to the longer notation
a: d
b: d
c: d
this does NOT hold for pattern rules. Pattern rules with multiple targets are explicitly required to build all of their targets in a single invocation of command. Thus you would have to write
$ cat GNUmakefile
all: de/x.o en/x.o es/x.o
de/%.o: %.c
#echo $# from $<
en/%.o: %.c
#echo $# from $<
es/%.o: %.c
#echo $# from $<
$ gmake
de/x.o from x.c
en/x.o from x.c
es/x.o from x.c
The relevant documentation is found in 10.5.1 Introduction to Pattern Rules of the GNU make manual:
Pattern rules may have more than one target. Unlike normal rules, this does not act as many different rules with the same prerequisites and recipe. If a pattern rule has multiple targets, make knows that the rule’s recipe is responsible for making all of the targets. The recipe is executed only once to make all the targets. When searching for a pattern rule to match a target, the target patterns of a rule other than the one that matches the target in need of a rule are incidental: make worries only about giving a recipe and prerequisites to the file presently in question. However, when this file’s recipe is run, the other targets are marked as having been updated themselves.

Force make not to re-order pre-requisites in automatic variable expansion

Here a is my makefile (GNU make) to compile a small OCaml program:
.PHONY: all clean
all: playground
playground.cmx: lstream.cmi
playground: lstream.cmx playground.cmx
$(OCAML) $(OFLAGS) -c $<
$(OCAML) $(OFLAGS) -c $<
%: %.cmx
$(LD) -o $# $^
playground uses functions from the Lstream module. In this case, the ocaml linker requires the files to link to be specified in order of dependency (eg: ocamlopt -o playground lstream.cmx playground.cmx).
Despite the fact that I defined the playground rule's dependencies in the right order,
make consistently re-orders them and executes ocamlopt -o playground playground.cmx lstream.cmx which causes a linker error.
Is there a way to enforce the correct behaviour ? I would like to avoid specifying the link command explicitely and let make infer it from the dependencies.
Implicit rules always force the pattern matching prerequisite to be first, regardless of the order in which they're defined elsewhere. This is almost always what you want, because in most rules the pattern matching prerequisite is special.
For example when compiling an object file the prerequisites consist of one source file and a bunch of header files; the source file is special and needs to be listed on the command line. Make ensures that for a pattern rule %.o : %.c (for example) the prerequisite matching %.c is first in the list, and so is assigned to the $< automatic variable, and it can be treated differently.
In any event the short answer is no, you cannot modify this behavior. An implicit rule % : %.cmx matching a target playground will always force the prerequisite playground.cmx to be listed first in the prerequisite list. The other prerequisites will maintain their order.
If you really need the prerequisites to maintain their order then I recommend using a static pattern rule:
TARGETS = playground
$(TARGETS) : % :
$(LD) -o $# $^
(you can also use a "match anything" pattern rule but this can be a real performance degrader). Here since you have no pattern in the prerequisite list, nothing will be reordered.

What are double-colon rules in a Makefile for?

Section 4.13 of the GNU Make manual describes the so-called double-colon rules:
Double-colon rules are rules written with ‘::’ instead of ‘:’ after the target names. They are handled differently from ordinary rules when the same target appears in more than one rule.
When a target appears in multiple rules, all the rules must be the same type: all ordinary, or all double-colon. If they are double-colon, each of them is independent of the others. Each double-colon rule's commands are executed if the target is older than any prerequisites of that rule. If there are no prerequisites for that rule, its commands are always executed (even if the target already exists). This can result in executing none, any, or all of the double-colon rules.
Double-colon rules with the same target are in fact completely separate from one another. Each double-colon rule is processed individually, just as rules with different targets are processed.
The double-colon rules for a target are executed in the order they appear in the makefile. However, the cases where double-colon rules really make sense are those where the order of executing the commands would not matter.
Double-colon rules are somewhat obscure and not often very useful; they provide a mechanism for cases in which the method used to update a target differs depending on which prerequisite files caused the update, and such cases are rare.
Each double-colon rule should specify commands; if it does not, an implicit rule will be used if one applies. See section Using Implicit Rules.
I kinda grok the meaning of each sentence of this section individually, but it's still not clear to me what double-colon rules are for. As for being rare, I have not yet seen any open-source project whose Makefile did not begin with
Therefore: What's the intended purpose of double-colon rules in Makefiles?
Each :: rule is processed independently, so it can be simpler. For example, the single rule:
libxxx.a : sub1.o sub2.o
ar rv libxxx.a sub1.o
ar rv libxxx.a sub2.o
can be replaced with two simpler rules:
libxxx.a :: sub1.o
ar rv libxxx.a sub1.o
libxxx.a :: sub2.o
ar rv libxxx.a sub2.o
Utilities like AutoMake have an easier time spitting out many simple rules than a few complex ones.
A great answer with more examples was posted, then taken down, then found here:
Thanks to R.K. Owen for writing it, and Edward Minnix for finding it again!
There are 3 situations where the double colon are useful:
Alternate between the compile rules based on which prerequisite is newer than the target. The following example is based on "Example 19-3. Double-colon rules" from
Sample .c file:
c#desk:~/test/circle$ cat circle.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
return 0;
Makefile used:
c#desk:~/test/circle$ cat Makefile
# A makefile for "circle" to demonstrate double-colon rules.
CC = gcc
RM = rm -f
CFLAGS = -Wall -std=c99
DBGFLAGS = -ggdb -pg
DEBUGFILE = ./debug
SRC = circle.c
circle :: $(SRC)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -lm $^
circle :: $(DEBUGFILE)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DBGFLAGS) -o $# -lm $(SRC)
.PHONY : clean
clean :
$(RM) circle
c#desk:~/test/circle$ make circle
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o circle -lm circle.c
make: *** No rule to make target 'debug', needed by 'circle'. Stop.
c#desk:~/test/circle$ make circle
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o circle -lm circle.c
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -ggdb -pg -o circle -lm circle.c
c#desk:~/test/circle$ vim circle.c
c#desk:~/test/circle$ make circle
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o circle -lm circle.c
c#desk:~/test/circle$ vim debug
c#desk:~/test/circle$ make circle
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -ggdb -pg -o circle -lm circle.c
Make a pattern rule terminal.
The following example explains this situation: the a.config file is obtained from a.cfg, which in turn is obtained from a.cfg1 (a.cfg being the intermediate file).
c#desk:~/test/circle1$ ls
a.cfg1 log.txt Makefile
c#desk:~/test/circle1$ cat Makefile
%.config:: %.cfg
#echo "$# from $<"
#$(CP) $< $#
%.cfg: %.cfg1
#echo "$# from $<"
#$(CP) $< $#
-$(RM) *.config
Outcome (as the %.config rule is terminal, make inhibits the creation of the intermediate a.cfg file from a.cfg1):
c#desk:~/test/circle1$ make a.conf
make: *** No rule to make target 'a.conf'. Stop.
Without the double colon for the %.config, the outcome is:
c#desk:~/test/circle1$ make a.config
a.cfg from a.cfg1
a.config from a.cfg
rm a.cfg
Make a rule that executes always (useful for clean rules). The rule must not have prerequisites!
c#desk:~/test/circle3$ cat Makefile
#echo "Always" >> $#
#echo "Always!" >> $#
-$(RM) *.config
c#desk:~/test/circle3$ make a.config
c#desk:~/test/circle3$ cat a.config
c#desk:~/test/circle3$ make a.config
c#desk:~/test/circle3$ cat a.config
They are handy for non-recursive makefiles and targets like clean. That is, an individual .mk file can add its own commands to the clean target already defined elsewhere.
Documentation gives an answer:
Double-colon rules are somewhat obscure and not often very useful; they provide a mechanism for cases in which the method used to update a target differs depending on which prerequisite files caused the update, and such cases are rare.
Just as the documentation says, double-colon rules are rarely very useful. They are a nice, little way of not naming the individual targets of a composite phony target (like all::), but not really necessary in this role. I can only form one contrived example where they are necessary:
Suppose you have a logfile L that is concatenated from several other logfiles L1, L2, .... You formulate a number of double-colon rules like:
L :: L1
cat $< >> $# && rm $<
L :: L2
cat $< >> $# && rm $<
Nowadays in GNU make, you would of course use $^ for this kind of magic, but it is listed as an inspired feature on GNU make's feature tab.
I'll contribute a simple example to hopefully make the usage clear:
Experiment with the following makefile:
a.faux:: dep1.fake
$(info run a dep1.fake)
touch a.faux
a.faux:: dep2.fake
$(info run a dep2.fake)
touch a.faux
touch dep1.fake
touch dep2.fake
Run make a.faux, it will causes dep1.fake and dep2.fake to run. Delete dep1.fake and run make a.faux again, only dep1.fake will run.
