Pass variable from blade to blade - laravel

I'm new to uusing Laravel blade templating.
I have a bootstrap modal that I need to show on button click, also, I need to pass some values on that click event.
For example.
On my parent blade: (btw, its a nested modal blade)
<div class="modal" id="modal1">
#foreach($templates as $key => $val)
<button onclick="previewItem($templates[$key]['color'])">
const previewItem = (color) => {
// how to pass this `color` to the child modal blade
and the child blade modal
<div class="modal" id="modal2">
// how to access passed variable from modal1 ?

you can create a component and inject here your variables:
#component('components.updateMyUserModal' , ['modal_id' => $account->id , 'modal_title' => $account->title , 'modal_body' => $aContext, ] )

one file needs to be inside the other, after that, you need to use cookie, to store the variable's value in the previous modal, when you click on the button to select the value, make by javascript a cookie that saves this value and on the next blade you recover that value and uses.
How to use:


Using data on dispatched event and trigger div

I have a component that dispatches a browser event with an object
// Livewire Component Method
public function passToDashboard($dataId)
$data = Model::find($dataId);
$this->dispatchBrowserEvent('show-data', ['data' => $data]);
Now on my dashboard blade view i've got
<div class="some-classes" x-data="{dataDisplay:false}">
<div x-show="dataDisplay">
{{-- This is where i want to use the object --}}
{{ $data->title }}
window.addEventListener('show-data', data => {
console.log(data.detail.title); // outputs title just fine
The question is, how to 'unhide' the dataDisplay and how to show it with the passed data? Thanks!
You can listen for these events directly on the element using #event-name.window="dataDisplay = true"
To get the event data, you use the $event variable and it should be under $
Use x-text to get the text onto the element. See my full example below.
So in your case:
<div class="some-classes" x-data="{dataDisplay:false, title: ''}" #event-data.window="dataDisplay = true; title = $">
<div x-show="dataDisplay">
<h3 x-text="title"></h3>
The documentation for this can be found here:
Do notice I changed the event name, because it does apparently not work if you start the event name with "show". When I changed to "event-data" or anything else it started working again.

How to save multiple checkboxes in Laravel?

I have created a blade (using Laravel Collective) with a multipe checkboxes:
#foreach($subsc as $subsc)
{{Form::checkbox('checkbox['. $subsc->Scheme->Scheme_id .']', '1')}}
{!! Form::label('SchemeName', $subsc->Scheme->Scheme_Name.$subsc->Scheme->Scheme_id, ['class' => 'control-label']) !!}
Now I want to save each checked box in a table as the scheme_id. How do I do that?
I guess you could use an array as name to make it easier and try something like this.
Form::checkbox('schemeIDS[]', $subsc->Scheme->Scheme_id, true);
// Parameters checkbox: name, value, checked
In the controller function use
$schemeIDS = $request->get('schemeIDS'); // get all the checked values as array
foreach($schemeIDS as $schemeID)
// insert into the database

how can i use auth value into v-if condition in vue

i want to use the Auth variable in vue. but its not running
my code in vue is this. This code is possible?
<template lang="html">
<div class="chat-message" v-if="message.user_from == '<?php echo
Auth::user()->id; ?>'">
<div class="chatright">
{{message.user_from}} {{message.msg}}
<div class="chatleft" v-else>
{{message.user_from}} {{message.msg}}
<script> var user_is = <?php echo Auth::user()->id; ?></script>
then put the variable in condition finally that work
Try using Vuex it fits for your case or you can use the localStorage to persist the userId, otherwise you can't do this :
message.user_from == '<?php echo Auth::user()->id; ?>
Because you are trying to initialize user_from within the template, You should do it within the script tag
You can attach it to the root document of the HTML or you can pass the user as a prop to that Vue component.
Note: If you pass it in vue the HTML document object, you need to understand not to send any sensitive information of course.
In your you master page in the head section, add this:
window.App = {!! json_encode(
'user' => Auth::user(),
]) !!};
And in your component, you can reach it the normal way: App.user.something.
Or you can pass it as a prop if you send a $user object.
<your-compoenent :user="{{$user}}"></your-component>
Hope this hep you.

Laravel input checkbox if selected on edit

I have an array that I am setting up as checkboxes
<?php $buslist = array('Brooklyn','Lakewood'); ?>
#foreach ($buslist as $buses)
{{Form::checkbox('BusList2[]', $buses,false, ['id'=> $buses]) }}
Then I switch it to an string with a , using implode
But when I try to edit my information, none of the checkboxes are selected and the information gets lost on update.
What code can i put into the blade checkboxes, if that bus is in my string list?
Checkboxes are finicky creatures. In your form you actually have to do something like this
{!! Form::hidden('new-group-user-member', 0) !!}
{!! Form::checkbox('new-group-user-member', true, NULL) !!} Member
When a checkbox is not checked nothing gets sent to the server so you never know when to change the value in the backend. If you add a hidden form field with the same name and a value of 0 it will get sent with the form even though the checkbox is not checked.
In third parameter use in_array($buses, $buslist) instead of false. Your blade code will look like this:
{{Form::checkbox('BusList2[]', $buses,in_array($buses, $buslist), ['id'=> $buses]) }}

laravel 4 how to show result at the same page and how to solve circle invoke

I am totally new to laravel, I am now want to use laravel 4.
Suppose I have a page A.php, and it contains a form & a submit button. After I submit the post request to B.php, and in B.php I query data from database.
My question is I want to show my result on B.php , that it is to say the same page of A.php request, how do I write in routes.php.
My code:
<title>course query</title>
<div class="container">
<h1 class="ret">The result is:
<input id="result" type="text"/>
<h1>My Courses</h1>
{{Form::open(array('url' => 'csOp'))}}
{{Form::label('course', 'Your course')}}
Route::get('course', function(){
return View::make('course.B');
Route::post('csOp', function(){
// do something
//$inputCourse = Input::get('course');
//$records = Courses::where('name', '=', $inputCourse)->get();
// how do I return
//return View::make('csOp', $records);
As you can see, in A.php I have a form and request to csOp
Form::open(array('url' => 'csOp')
csOp is B.php, and in B.php I query data from db, and now I got the results,
but how can I put result to the page (B.php) itself? That it is to say I want to put the result to
<input id="result" type="text"/>
You know in jquery is easy, how do I use it in laravel 4 ?
And if return to csOp, absolutlly will get an error, it is in a circle. So how can I solve it ?
Thanks very much.
If you want to populate a form based on model contents, i,e. populate form using database data.
So in laravel you can use Form Model Binding. To do so, use the Form::model method. so in your case
Route::post('csOp', function(){
// do something
$inputCourse = Input::get('course');
$records = Courses::where('name', '=', $inputCourse)->get();
// how do I return
return View::make('csOp')->with('records',$records);
And your csOp.blade.php
<h1>My Courses</h1>
{{Form::model($records,array('url' => 'csOp'))}}
{{Form::label('course', 'Your course')}}
Now, when you generate a form element, like a text input, the model's value matching the field's name will automatically be set as the field value. So, for example, for a text input named course, the Courses model's course attribute would be set as the value.
