I'm newbie with Mathematica, so probably my problem is very easy to be solved.
I want to solve a PDE:
The first problem is that the program is not substituting the values inside w[x,y] and its second derivatives, to use them as boundary conditions.
It tells me that Tag Equal in ((w1^(2,0))[x,y]==0)[x,y] is Protected
The other problem is that it gives me also another type of error:
"{NDsolve[{(w1^(0,4))[x,y]+(w1^(2,2))[x,y]+(w1^(4,0))[x,y]==0,{w1[0,y]==0,w1[5,y]==0,((w1^(2,0))[x,y]==0)[0,y]==0,((w1^(2,0))[x,y]==0)[5,y]==0},{w1[x,0]==3,w1[x,5]==3,((w1^(0,2))[x,y]==0)[x,0]==0,((w1^(0,2))[x,y]==0)[x,10]==0}},w1[x,y],{x,0,10},{y,0,5}]} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing."
Thank you in advance.
I made some changes.
First of all I fixed the boundary conditions because they had a problem.
Moreover I changed also the equation.
Now it still gives me the error:
"{NDsolve[{(w^(0,4))[x,y]+(w^(2,2))[x,y]+(w^(4,0))[x,y]==2,{w[0,y]==0,w[5,y]==0,chix[0,y]==0,chix[5,y]==0},{w[x,0]==0,w[x,10]==0,chiy[x,0]==0,chiy[x,10]==0}},w,{x,0,5},{y,0,10}]} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing."
If we succeed in fixing this problem, Mathematica should give us a non zero solution.
Thank you very much!
Rewriting it, it doesn't provide any solution. And it also gives no errors. It looks like it is not even substitutiing the boundary conditions. I decided to change them, solving in this way another kind of problem. It still doesn't work. I think that it is very strange, since if the boundary conditions were wrong it should have provided either an indeterminate condition or an impossible one. Any idea?
Thank you very much for your help!
(This question regards search/6.)
I was wondering if there is a way -rather than manual tracing- to pause the execution of search/6 every time a new solution for a single variable was found?
I would like to accomplish this to further investigate what is happening during search in constrained models.
For example, if you are trying to solve the classic sudoku problem, and you have written a set of constraints and a print method for your board, it can be useful to print the board after setting the constraints, but before searching, in order to evaluate the strongness of your constraints. However, once search is called to solve the sudoku, you don't really have an overview of the single results being built underneath unless you do a trace.
It would be very useful if something was possible in the likes of:
(this is just an abstract example)
% Let's imagine this is a (very poorly) constrained sudoku board
?- problem(Sudoku),constraint(Sudoku),print(Sudoku).
Now for the search:
?- problem(Sudoku),constraint(Sudoku),search_pause(Sudoku,BT),print(Sudoku,BT).
Board[1,3] = 6
Backtracks = 1
more ;
Using existing Visualization tools
Have a look at the Visualization Tools Manual. You can get the kind of matrix display you want by adding a viewable_create/2 annotation to your code, and launching a Visualisation Client from TkECLiPSe's Tools-menu.
Using your own instrumented search routine
You can replace the indomain_xxx choice methods in search/6 with a user-defined one where you can print information before and/or after propagation.
If that is not enough, you can replace the whole built-in search/6 with your own, which is not too difficult, see e.g. the ECLiPSe Tutorial chapter on tree search or my answer to this question.
Tracing using data-driven facilities
Using ECLiPSe's data-driven control facilities, you can quite easily display information when certain things happen to your variables. In the simplest case you do something on variable instantiation:
?- suspend(printf("X was instantiated to %w%n",[X]), 1, X->inst),
writeln(start), X=3, writeln(end).
X was instantiated to 3
Based on this idea, you can write code that allows you to follow labeling and propagation steps even when they happen inside a black-box search routine. See the link for details.
In relationship to this thread, this is also what i am kind of trying to do but i have had a bit more leeway in this.
My problem is i am currently working on a defining program (for my ti-89 titanium) to write out the definitions of variables. However, considering i had indefinite amounts of variables to add, i thought using the define function over and over again would waste memory and processing power. So my thinking was Save the variable to another variable to be defined in a later portion of the program.
prompt x
lbl x_d_r
x_d_r->q:Goto def
lbl def
define expr(q)[1]=x
where x_d_r has no assigned value. So the program was supposed to use the defined string as a list value to be x. However the obvious error came about.
So i played around on the home screen and program screen for a bit and came across entry(1) and ans(1). See back on the ti-83 (or 84) i could basically go (If i remember correctly)
disp q*1
However ans(1) on a ti-89 titanium is based upon the last answer submitted to the homescreen. Even then, ans(1) or entry(1) gets replaced in the program by just that. Lucky me, i found a way to avoid this.
For those that do not know, this is simply expressing x->ans(1) which is a way for the code to transmit ans(1) within a program without removing the code to say so.
But it still does not work as a value needs to be sent to the home screen in order for it to record properly. This is one of those advantages that the ti-84 or ti-83 i wish it still had on the titanium. So i have spent some time searching for ways how i can display values of q to the home screen from within a program.
So far i learned that functions when used straight from the home screen return the value of q to the same place. However i have no way of implementing this in an actual program as the function does not wish to transmit the value to the home screen, and its rather useless within the program.
Secondly i have found this website which details methods of such ways to return values to the homescreen. While method 1 seems to hold promise, i do not seem to have any way of accessing that folder/program. Most likely because it is one that he made and has not shared its location on the pdf. I do like the expr("q"&":stop"), but q is not evaluated out so maybe i would have to rework it somehow.
While this was happening, i thought some other ideas could be using the paste key within a program but i have no idea how to implement stuff found from getkey let alone how the second and grab buttons factor in.
Or i could somehow have the ans(1) look to someplace else other than the home screen. Preferably to the i/0 screen but maybe to some other list or data matrix.
Anybody have any ideas on how to relay a value to the homescreen be it through function, pasting or something, and have the program i defined earlier define it as a value?
Ok i am beginning to question if maybe i am making it more complex than it needs to be...
After all, i am only going for just x->x_d_r[1], which is already defined elsewhere. So does it beat x->q:Goto def
Lbl def
Define expr(q)=x
(Or something like that which calls to a history recording program to define values?)
in terms of processing speed and memory count?
Got it. See here for what i was really trying to do.
So as an explanation of what the main problem was again, i wanted to be able to post a string value of q to be defined by another value of x.
The expr( function is quite a powerful tool on the ti-89 and like the person in that other forum, underestimated it. See what the person was trying to do was
InputStr "Function:",f(x)
And was later answered by reworking it as
InputStr "function", n
expr(n & "->f(x)")
The expression tool just simply expresses what is in the parentheses. So during break periods in school today, i reworked in my head thinking "What if i tried rewriting the parenthesis out so it reads Expr("x->"&String(q))?
Lo-and-behold it works. Tested it with the fuller version of define to get
Prompt X
Disp x_d_r[1]
Delvar x_d_r
Tried, tested and true. Works all the way. See what i think is happening is that anything that is not within the quotes is evaluated immediately in an expression while the the quoted objects are simply expressed and added later in response to the "&" key. Furthermore it makes sense if i was to describe it more with english; "Express x to be stored into the string of q's respective table".
While for variables sake i would have to look into ways to make x_d_r local only to the program without compensating the fact that the x_d_r portion is not considered a store value when executing x_d_r->q. But knowing what i know now i could probably do
In order to bypass that problem.
I need to develop a user interface for inputting something like "if x or (y and z) then do a, b, and c". The data to be entered itself is already quite complicated, how do you wrap it up in an intuitive UI?
Here's my answer from a similar question: Intuitive interface for Composing Boolean Logic?
I would break your interface into two parts: the condition and the result.
Here's an example of the conditional interface:
A Few Thoughts
The interface starts out simple
If it gets complicated, it's because the user built it step by step
No editing or drag/drop - just creating and deleting branches
Conditions are a simple dropdown in this example, but could be more complicated or possibly negated. Basically this interface lets you compose expressions.
I think it's a good idea to avoid this type of interface if possible
Here is an example of how I solved the problem for a bug database. This was done a decade ago on a linux box, so the L&F is rather motif-ish, but it shows the general concept:
It works pretty much as you expect. You can change "ANY of the following" to be "ALL of the following" and the labels on the subsequent lines will change from "or" to "and". The "IS" button can be changed to "IS NOT" as well as "Matches pattern" and a few other choices.
You click on the +/- buttons to add additional criteria. You can create logical groups which allow you to do expressions like "a or (b and c)", yet it still almost reads like a collection of English sentences.
In your case, instead of an "Order by" section you might have a "do these things" section.
This would be cumbersome to use if you have to create very complex queries, but if you're needing a complex query you're probably smart enough not to need a GUI like this. This was designed more for the casual user for simple ad hoc queries.
I would definitely change the way this looks if I had it to do over again, but the basic mechanics work pretty well.
Will it always be binary logic like this (just Or's, And's, and Not's)? If so you could have the UI be a logic diagram designer, similar to the ones used in designing circuit logic.
This is a good article
I used the ideas in that article when building a form for entering Benefit Deduction rates. The short of it is, that he recommends building the form kinda like Mad Libs (remember those books as a kid).
I've been coding on and off my whole life. I've mostly coded Perl, but also some Java, PHP, C, C++. I've even took a stab at Emacs Lisp, and I've done the occasional shell script. However, I've never actually engaged the subject to gain any kind of expertise – other things have had higher priorities for me. I don't consider myself to be really proficient in any language but Perl, and also now Haskell which I'm taking a course in right now.
Lately, I've been thinking about my style of coding. Not the style of the actual code; as a CS student I only do projects for fun or for school, which enables me to write what in my opinion is beautiful code almost always. One question in particular has been troubling me. It's a rather curious thing, but still something I would like to hear other opinions about.
Here's the thing: I find myself taking a fair amount of time to name my functions and variables to the most easily understood names I can possibly think of. Sometimes this task can be very tedious, even when not taking into account the difficulty of finding a variable name that conveys the meaning of a piece of code. For example, right now I'm making a function that looks like this.
This is Haskell code but the meaning should be quite clear. (It's exact meaning isn't that important so if you want to, just skip the code and read on.)
-- return the row with least number of Nothing values
bestRow :: [[Maybe Int]] -> Int -> Maybe (Int,Int)
bestRow [] _ = Nothing
bestRow (row:rows) thisIndex
| nextRow == Nothing && thisFilled > 8 = Nothing
| nextRow == Nothing = Just (thisIndex,thisFilled)
| thisFilled >= nextFilled = Just (thisIndex,thisFilled)
| thisFilled < nextFilled = nextRow
where thisFilled = length $ filter (/= Nothing) row
nextRow = bestRow rows (thisIndex + 1)
(nextIndex,nextFilled) = fromMaybe (-1,-1) nextRow
I couldn't decide on the variable names. The function did it's task well but it wasn't as clear as it could be. Once I settled on a solution, I spent 15 minutes on naming and renaming the variables. Should I go with curIndex, nextIndex || index, nextIndex || ind, indN etc? 15 minutes after I decided I was done, I realized this function wasn't needed after all: I found a much better solution to my problem. BOOM I had lost a lot of time simply cleaning code to no use to anyone, least of all to me. Or at least it felt that way.
This is something which has happened to me more than once, and is quite frustrating, mostly because it makes me feel dumb. What are your thoughts on this subject? Is this something you've experienced, something wrong with my way of doing things or simply something unavoidable?
Are there "perfect" variable names, or is it "ok" if they at least doesn't obfuscate your code?
Stefan Kangas
Read the book Clean Code by Robert C. Martin
One thing he goes into detail on is naming. Variable and function names should be as exact as possible. If you require a comment to describe it, the function is either doing too much, or the name can be clearer.
The goal, is to have code that reads like a story. Changing variable and function names and breaking them down into several functions or variables if necessary to achieve this goal.
Great book, worth every penny
Good names for variables and functions make understandable code. Good names should describe the intent and use of a variable or function. Bad names confuse other coders when it comes time to make changes.
Clarity is good in code.
I think its psychological, I always used to think my variables etc was unreadable to anyone but me even though I always placed comments in my code.
Whenever I had to go through code by someone else I was quite surprised at how I could easily read their code without having to read every single comment, the exact same thing happens when they read my code so clearly I'm doing a good job ;)
I think as long as your comments are meaningful and actually describe what a method does, what a variable is being used for you should be fine.
One tip is to always make sure your comments are up to date. I've seen code too many times where the comments for a method haven't changed, but the method code can be very confusing!