SAP Universe design tool - how to create a dimension with fixed value in each class of a universe - reporting

I have several class in my universe containing objects (dimensions, measures) pointing on fields of a database table.
For instance the objects of the class "Grant" pointing on the table "Grant_T" and the objects of the class "Procurement" pointing on the table "Procurement_T".
I would like to create a dimension "Type" containing a fixed value in each class. For the class "Grant" it should be "Grant" and for the class "Procurement", it should be "Procurement".
I need this field for my different reports because when I do an UNION (query panel in Web Intelligence) on the different classes, I need to differentiate the results . I don't know how to create a dimension with a fixed value (not pointing to a database table field).
When I tried this formula
It's not working. The same with:
Apparently, the system needs to point on a field of the database table. But there is no field there allowing me to differentiate the type of the class.
Is it possible to do that? Could you please help me to find a solution?
Thanks for your help.

Assuming you're using a database with standard SQL, the object's definition can simply be:
This will work in a WebI report, although it will generate a parse error in UDT ("Object not associated with a table", or something like that). The error can be ignored, but if you want to be able to parse successfully, click the "Tables" button and select the Grant_T table.
You don't need an equals sign in universe object definitions, only for WebI formulas.


How do I use Spring Roo for referenced data

I’m new to Spring Roo and looking to build an application. I need to have combo boxes to select values into string fields – a fairly common requirement. The Spring Roo Pizza example shows this using enumerated data types enum constant, but I require the source values to be editable by an admin (ie in a table) so we can change the values in the future. Further, my preference would be to use a single table to contain all these lists for easier maintenance.
I know the SQL I want to generate the list would be something like:
Select listvals FROM listTable WHERE listtype = “status”;
Then, my dropdown box would show something like: Active, Inactive. The user would select one, and the string “Active” would be stored in the target field.
And in a second example, we might use:
Select listvals FROM listTable WHERE listtype = “State”;
The second dropdown box would show something like: Alaska, California, Florida. The user would select one, and the string “Florida” would be stored in the target field.
My CORE question is how does one achieve this sort of function in Roo?
Using the Pizza Shop quick start as a sandbox I have tried defining the target fields such as:
I changed: field reference --fieldName base --type ~.domain.Base to:
field reference --fieldName base --type ~.domain.Base --referencedColumnName name
Which returned this error:
#JoinColumn name is required if specifying a referencedColumnName
The initial problem is that at this point roo has yet to create the row ID columns for the db, so I don’t know the name of the join column on the Base table. But, if I wait until after I run the script with a 1:M join, the column pizza.base will be defined as an integer, and not the string that I want.
So, I ran the vanilla pizza shop roo script and interrogated the vanilla db. (Does roo generate an SQL script for db creation that I could look at?)
As it turns out, roo names the row id column “id” as a BigInt. (I also note that it doesn't seem to make use of the SEQUENCE feature that postgres recommends for primary indices / row Ids.)
So now I run:
field reference --fieldName base --type ~.domain.Base --referencedColumnName name --joinColumnName id
Roo likes this!
Until I perform tests where it throws out a number of undecipherable errors in the Surefire reports.
I note that solving this problem is only step 1 to meeting my overall requrement described above. Step 2 will be to try to inject some sort of filter or where clause into the reference statement. I suspect that this has to do with the --fetch option (Roo support docs ( - The fetch semantics at a JPA level; no default value)
But, I can’t find an example of this to see if I’m on the right track or to model my ‘fetch semantics’ – whatever those are.
Another possibility might be to use field list to define a class containing my list of dropdown values. This has a similar modifier --fetch, but again I can’t find any examples.
I’d really appreciate some help in answering my CORE question above.
Fetch parameter indicates whether the association should be lazily loaded or must be eagerly fetched (
Maybe the error of tests can be because you try to find, create, delete or update elements with related elements that not exists. Check this first of all.
You can see an example of application created with gvNIX (distribution of Spring Roo) that contains relationships between some entities on

Data dictionaries and functionality behind Code Road Map

I was looking to a Code Road Map feature that Toad provides which shows dependencies of Objects.
Can anyone tell me on what basis the Toad Generate the Dependencies? I am assuming that there is a data dictionary view exists dba_dependencies which work at the backend for getting this relation.
So can we write a script to which we pass object name like package name, table_name amongst others that will show the dependency of the object passed by me.
In code Road Map there is an option to generate data for a table does this work?
What is the algorithm behind it? If there is foreign key on the child table and the parent table is empty, how does this work? How it will populate the depending table first and then the child table.
Looking at user_depencies/ dba_dependencies view structure, querying the view with column REFERENCED_NAME equal to the object that you want to query with should provide you with a list of objects where the object you're searching for is referenced.
Second question is too broad & probably only the Toad developers know how they've implemented it. The data dictionaries provide information about the various constraints on a table. My guess would be the algorithm looks at data dictionary & has different code paths for handling constraints / master child relations. Another assumption would use of handled exceptions to ensure the data is generated cleanly.

LINQ-to-Entities, Ambiguous Column Name with association between two views with the same column name

I am just getting into Entity Framework for the first time beyond simple examples.
I am using the model-first approach and am querying the data source with LINQ-to-Entities.
I have created an entity model that I am exposing as an OData service against a database where I do not control the schema. In my model, I have two entities that are based off of two views in this database. I've created an association between the two entities. Both views have a column with the same name.
I am getting the error:
Ambiguous column name 'columnname'. Could not use view or function 'viewname' because of binding errors.
If I was writing the SQL statement myself, I'd qualify one of the column names with an alias to prevent this issue. EF apparently isn't doing that. How do I fix this, short of changing the view? (which I cannot do) I think this does have something to do with these entities being mapped to views, instead of being mapped to actual tables.
Assuming you can change the model have you tried going into the model and just changing one of the column names? I can still see how it might be problematic if the two views are pulling back the same column from the same table. I can tell that when working directly with a model mapped to tables, having identically named columns is not a problem. Even having multiple associations to the same table is handled correctly, the Navigation Properties are automatically given unique names. Depending on which version of EF you used you should be able to dig into the cs file either under the model or under the t4 template file and see what's going on. Then you can always create a partial class to bend it to your will.

What are relations on Extended Data Types used for?

I can see that Extended Data Types can have Array Element which seems to make it a composite type. I'll be looking into that later.
What are the relations used for? MSDN was woefully crap at explainined what it would actually be used for. Why would you want to relate a type to a specific table and why would other tables using the type care?
When I create a new 'PersonTable' table I could have a key field called personId, creating/using a new Extended Data Types called personId and adding the relation you've mentioned. Now when I add our EDT to other tables we do not have to specify either labels or relations to our PersonTable as this it's defined by the extended data type.
In a related form (e.g. PersonSkillsTable) where our personid field has been added to an existing table it will now automatically create the dropdown/grid to select a value from our persontable. We didn't need to add our persontable to the form's Data Source.
Automatic relations between tables
Automatic lookups
Automatic "Go To Main Table" menu option after right-click

Adding a custom member to a mapped type

I'm using Linq 2 Sql and I'd like to add a custom member on one of my data type. For example: I have tables Companies, Departments and Employees. Departments has a FK in Companies and Employess has a FK in Deparments. Very simple.
My goal is to add an EmployeeCount property on Company that will, of course, returns the number of employee in the company (by suming the number of employee in company's departments).
As you may know, it's really trivial to do: just add a member on the partial class and do the stuff. The problem is, I now want to sort on this custom member.
How can I write this custom member for Linq to be able to translate the logic into a valid SQL orderby? I tried with a SPROC but did not success.
Any help appreciated!
I guess your may need to add this column to your schema, in order for SQL server to recognize it and take in under consideration in his optimizations.
I would have add a trigger that will update this column automaticly upon changes on your data.
