Upgrade from Cypress 8.7.0 to 9.1.0. my project stopped working (I'm using MAC OS) - cypress

When I'm trying to do npx cypress open and then run test cases it gets stuck in Your test are loading... and never starts running
Maybe it could be related that I have installed cypress-cucumber-preprocessor version 2.3.1. Other than that I think I don't have to much to add here.


Cypress installtion halts in between

I am trying to install cypress on windows 10 with node v12.16.1 and npm 6.13.4.
Cypress getting installed is having version 9.4.1. it hangs as shown in image. nothing happens after this point
enter image description here
installation window
It's because cypress app while installing needs internet connection, corporate proxy was blocking. version 9.0 printed clear message about this but 9.4.1 which is the latest one not printing anything on console

React Native 0.63 not updating main.jsbundle after code changes

I installed the latest version of React 0.63.2 and using XCode v11.6 and I noticed a couple things:
main.jsbundle does not exist and you have to create it first before entering the Terminal command: npx react-native run-ios.
If you make any code changes, the main.jsbundle is not updated when you run the Terminal command: npx react-native run-ios.
Should you be running the XCode project in Debug mode or Release?
Has anyone seen these issues with .63.2?
It seems that the entire problem revolved around my hosts file. I had set uncomment my localhost and it finally worked. I had commented it out a long time ago for my Parallels VM.

how can i use npm start on mac os catalina?

I have created a new react application using npx create-react-app my-app. I did this without any problem on mac os Majave, 10.14.6, my work computer. Using npm start, the web server and application starts as expected.
When I do the same on my home computer, running mac os Catalina 10.15, I am able to create the application, however, when I start it using npm start, it fails. There are serval suggested steps to fix the problem which I have followed but it still fails.
I suspect the server is 32 bit, which will not run on mac os 10.15 but have not seen any documentation. Is this supported on mac os Catalina?
I just tried to create a new react app using: npx create-react-app my-app. It worked perfectly. I then saw this message on the screen (see screenshot).
I then ran yarn start as suggested which opened a browser with the React website. Also tried with npm run start, also worked like a charm (see the other screenshot).
I am using:
macOS Catalina 10.15.1
yarn 1.19.1
npx / npm 6.4.1
node 10.13.0
Maybe check if you have the same versions and try again. Otherwise please be more specific and post the exact error message you see.

Nativescript: Socket connection timed out

I am on Mac and I want to run my app on a USB-C connected Android device.
My first step is always to remove node_modules, hooks and platforms folders, aswell as package.lock.json file.
After that I run tns build android.
Once the build is completed I either run tns run android or start the application via nativescript sidekick.
But it always ends like this now:
Project successfully built.
Installing on device 5B24000362...
Successfully installed on device with identifier '5B24000362'.
Unable to apply changes on device: 5B24000362. Error is: Socket connection timed out..
Since I had this error already 2 days ago and could not continue working on the App, I updated all nativescript and angular dependencies following this upgrade instructions.
After that update, the app worked again.
But now after a few hours I get the same error again (same app).
I even pushed the app to a git repository after it worked, and recloned it now, does not work.
If you have nativescript-plugin-firebase installed. Just update it with:
$ tns plugin update nativescript-plugin-firebase
I ran into this same issue. Interestingly, in my case, it was because the emulated device did not have enough storage to install the app. As soon as I deleted some other builds off of it, it worked.
Make sure you are using the latest NativeScript tooling, not only the dependencies. You can install the latest CLI by executing npm i -g nativescript.
If the application is not started at all, you can check this answer to a similar issue in NativeScript CLI GitHub repository.
I finally got this working by removing admob from node_modules\nativescript-plugin-firebase\platforms\android\include.gradle
Line to take out:

Getting Google App to work

I've followed all the steps here https://console.developers.google.com/start/appengine?_ga=1.82598931.449716086.1415074596 successfully up to step 5.3. When I try to start the server:
dev_appserver.py appengine-try-python-flask
I get the following output:
-bash: dev_appserver.py: command not found
I'm on a Mac running OS X 10.10. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I'm running Python 2.7.6.
It seems like you didn't correctly add the dev_appserver (and other GAE tools) to the bash.
Did you restart your shell(s) to pick up the new environment changes?
If you did and the problem still persists, you can try downloading manually the GAE SDK.
After that, open the GoogleAppEngineLauncher, and just click OK on 'Make command symlinks'. This will solve your issue.
It's all easily explained in the official documentation:
Download and Install the Google App Engine SDK
