Is Sweetalert2 html parameter length limited in size? - joomla

I created a plugin for Joomla which uses Sweetalert2 and it generally works fine.
However, surprisingly, when the size of the html message I use is too long, the box does not popup and the content gets instead written to the document body itself...
Is there a size limit for the html parameter or could this somewhat be caused by Joomla?


Rotativa Issue printing RAW HTML

(More specific Giorgio Bozio)
I have been using Rotativa for the last year to print simple html to pdf and its been working fantastic. Very happy with product, but now recently i have been trying to do something a little more advance and i keep having the same issue.
Normally i would send Rotativa a simple invoice view (Predefined HTML) with model data populated via Razor and this worked well, but now i am trying to implement template's for my invoices. Customers can create their own template layouts with a custom 3rd party form designer and then upload its template file into my site. I take this file and parse it and generate the elements of the invoice with stringbuilder and div tags. I then send the generated HTML to the view that uses a #HTML.Raw() to populate the invoice html. Rotativa then takes this View and generates a pdf, but when it generates the pdf its quality of the text is horrible and blurry. Thus it generates the template correctly, but does some sort of shrinking or something to make the text not look crisp.
I have tried everything, from playing with custom switches to playing with the dimensions of the html.
When i copy the generated html to a view and just generate the pdf plainly then it prints fine, but as soon as i push the html to the view with HTML.Raw i seem to land up with fussy text.
Giorgio Bozio, does Rotativa have a issue with Html.Raw? or can you perhaps open a dialog with me to try and resolve this issue? Really hope you can help me...or someone can help me. Desperate and dont really want to change Rotativa for something else.
Please help.
Resolved Text printing issue by removing background-color definitions on Div containers.
Resolved extra blank page printing issue by reducing PageHeight on Rotativa Customswitches

How to show Ckeditor document in read only mode as in edit mode without the editor

How can I show documents created with Ckeditor in read only so that they as much as possible like in the editing mode but without having to create the editor for each message?
In my project users can send messages to each other among many other things and they create the messages using Ckeditor. I would to render message threads in readonly mode without having to create the Ckeditor for each message. Doing that would be slow and would consume a lot of vertical space. Another problem with that approach is that removing the toolbar removes formatting. I would like to just have the messages in div tags and add a class to them and then include Ckeditor css file. Or also acceptable would be to have one element with certain class whose children would get the Ckeditor styles. Before putting the messages in the html response I do whitelisting on the server so the docs are safe to put inside for example a div tag.
I solved this by wrapping the message in an iframe element and added dynamically a style element that links to the Ckeditor style sheet. Now the message gets Ckeditor styles and I don't need to create the editor at all in the read only state and the rest of my page unaffected by the Ckeditor styles.

Get CKEditor contents without updating the textarea

Fairly new to CKEditor here. I'm aware that you need to call the updateElement() method for CKEditor to send the current editor content to the related textarea element. From there, you can call the getData() function to get the content. (Although I don't understand why there are two steps to get the editor content, instead of one.)
However, I want to get the current content directly from the editor, without changing the related textarea content. Is there a CKEditor method to achieve that, or is it a case of using jQuery to find the editor content?
The getData method will return the raw HTML from the editor.

How to encode the kendo editor field?

I am using the kendo editor. If I write any html data like : <img src=x onerror=alert(0) > as an input. The script is getting executed. Means the kendo editor is not secure. How I can encode the value on client side ?
Thanks in advance.
I don't think the problem here is so much that the Kendo editor is insecure, more that the javascript fragment has made it onto the page in the first place.
On initialization the Kendo editor merely copies the input value verbatim and uses it within the iFrame that is contained within the editor, hence the script executes.
Typically you would encode/sanitize user content server-side before it's displayed. It's your website that generates the HTML page so you have full control over the output and need to ensure that a potentially dangerous value doesn't get added to the input's value in the first place.
It might be worth looking into Microsoft's AntiXSS offering.

Joomla $document->addScriptDeclaration to add after body

Is there a way I can load a script at the end of the body tag instead of loading in the header? I want to load Facebox and load the jscipt calls to it after the body has loaded.
Despite what jdog wrote, there are a number of ways to take content just before Joomla echoes it to the browser and edit it. This article gives a good overview:
The specific example turns strings into links, but you can modify that to insert your markup right before the </body> tag.
I assume you want to do this for website load speed reasons, what you could do is look at CSS/JS compression components, such as JFinalizer and see which of those support deferred loading of Javascript.
