Set user to inactive in genexus access manager - genexus

I want to set a specific user to inactive in genexus access manager. Is there a way to do that?
I saw this link where you can undelete the user but how can you include the deleted user in the grid where you can click a button to undelete him/her?

Maybe a good approach for this is not to delete the user but to block it, like this:
&GAMUser.IsBlocked = true
Later, if you want to enable the user again, you just change "IsBlocked" to "false". Also if you want to show them on a grid, you could check by this property and unblock them by clicking some button.
Hope you find this info useful.


Settings for Custom Tab in Teams

If you go into amend Settings for a custom tab that you have created before, is there anyway to get the existing websiteUrl and contentUrl values in your configuration page?
The microsoftTeams.getContext method doesn't seem to make these Urls available (like it does entityId).
I think you'll need to persist this your side (e.g. in a database), and re-query them from your settings page. This is exactly why the "save" button won't become enabled until you're ready for it (by calling microsoftTeams.settings.setValidityState) - it's for your code to do whatever it needs before allowing the user to actually save any changes.

Button Click events with Dynamic actions in Oracle Apex

I have created an Edit button with associated Dynamic Action. In the dynamic action, set it to the Click event of the Edit button. I've created the actual action by reference to a JavaScript executing code. And then an update of the area.
In JavaScript code I wanted to enable items that are read only by pressing the edit button.
This was the check I made in the JavaScript code.
In this way I enabled edit mode for the region where I am applying.
ADMIN is a role.
How can I make the button click so that the items associated with the region that are just as read only, when clicking appear in an editable way?
In my opinion, you're reinventing the wheel.
OK, there's the ADMIN role (perhaps some other roles as well). If you know which user (identified by :APP_USER) has which role, then use
server-side condition (to decide whether to render (or process) certain page component (items, buttons, ...)
read only property (to decide whether user will be able to modify the value or not)
authorization scheme (under "Security")
So, there's no need for the EDIT button you currently have. Everything can be done declaratively by setting certain properties within Apex.
this function
is a plsql function, did you use it in your javascript code or as a server side condition?
you can make an ajax request to get the user role using that function and after getting the role in your javascript code you can disable/enable the items using the javascript api.
apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).enable() ;

Synchronize Microsoft Dynamics CRM items with Outlook or Exchange filter user view issue

I am going to set personal option setting. I have one user filter view called "My Outlook contact". I have modified the view query. I can see the changes in view but when I am sharing the same view with other user, query has been changed for user.
Is there any way to share same view with other users?
Please find the screenshot for more info.
enter image description here
enter image description here
If you want to edit synchronisation settings for all users you must go to:
Go to Settings > Administration.
Choose the System Settings > Synchronization tab.
see also:
System Settings dialog box - Synchronization tab

WP7: Checking for user credentials on startup and loading different view?

Can anyone help. I have created a small WP7 and its working the way i want it to.
It always asks the user for username and password to enter the application, I also have a button called "Remember Settings", if this is checked the next time the application is loaded i would like it to login autoamtically hence the user will not see the login screen and it will bypass this view and load another.
I need some way to load 1 xaml is the user credentials don't exist or are not valid and another the main app xaml if credential exists and are valid.
It appears that the loading of the page is hardcoded in the manifast. As you can see i am loading my LoginPage.
<DefaultTask Name ="_default" NavigationPage="LoginPage.xaml"/>
SO what would my best way of accomplishing this, I thought of changing creating xaml (entance file) where i could check in the constructor of my VIEWMODEL if the credentials exists etc and then do a navigateTo another page. But this feels like code smell..
Can anyone help with advise or examples of the best way of accomplishing this.
I am actually using MVVM Light but things should be pretty much the same?
Thanks in advance
You can do by storing user credentials in ISOLATED STORAGE of windows phone 7. Once User checks remember settings or credentials checkbox then you save these settings in isolated storage. And Next Time As Your Application Launches And Suppose Your Default Page is "MainPage.XAML". Then On This Page OnPageNavigated Event Check For User Settings. If Settings There Then Redirect To User on Other View (Logged View). Otherwise User Will Be On MainPage.xaml. And Logout Button You Can Clear These Settings..
Here is Good Example Here For ISOLATED Storage. (Example Code)
Hope this will help you. :)
Try storing the username, password, authtokens or any other value which you need to check for authentication in settings.
On opening of login page, check the value of your token from settings in the OnNavigatedTo method. If its not null, it means user is already logged in, then you can redirect him to you Home screen else show the login page and ask him to enter the credentials.
Also don't forget to save the settings on app exit. Check this link below for further help
On Logout, clear the tokens in the settings page

Client/Server Interaction - How to create ability to delete items?

I have a website with "things" that you can create, edit, and delete inside the dashboard (specific to each user). When viewing a certain item in the dashboard, you can choose to delete it or edit it. I want to have a button that allows for delete, followed by a confirmation box ("are you sure you want to delete").
What is the most best way to set this up? Do I create a form with hidden values and the confirmation window will submit the form? Do I create a button with a link for a GET request that deletes it on the server side? ( This is more a question about how the client and server should interact in this manner? Any help would be appreciated.
Make delete as link and then call php script that delete this thing
