Pass the data to errors custom page on laravel - laravel

I did create a custom 404 page on my Laravel project by creating a folder called errors and inside the folder I did create a file called 404.blade.php
However when I use a component and I try to pass the data with that component I get an error
<!-- Main Header -->
<!-- ... end User Menu Popup -->
error message here
<x-main-footer-component :message="$SocialMediaLinks"></x-main-footer-component>
the error that I'm getting is:
Undefined variable $SocialMediaLinks (View:
What can I do to pass the data to the component main-footer on errors/404.blade.php?

There are more than one ways you can achieve this. Since we have no access to 404Controller or anything like so, I usually come up with several ideas:
Directly import the targetted data source (model for example). This will guarantee result, but the view may look ugly and not that logical.
Caching: Redis, Memcache or anything will help. If your error views are using the same data source as your landing pages (navigation bar, header for example). The idea is that you will use Cache::remember() to store and get data whereever you want. Cache
View composer: (Docs). Cleanest way in my opinion. You just share data to all views (error views included) using global * regular expression.
Use helper: Since helpers are globally available, you can use it to store and retrieve data as you want.
For JavaScript framework component availability, just include it (the .js file) in the error views under resources/views/errors.
Example for the 3rd method:
In your AppServiceProvider#boot:
view()->composer('*', function ($view) {
'somethingToShare' => "Hello world",
In your error views:
Now when you open your targetted error view, it should show "Hello World"

I'm assuming you are calling $SocialMediaLinks in your app or footer.
if you are, then use an helper function. i'll add my example below
#if (isset($seo))
<title>{{ $seo->title }}</title>
<meta name="description" content="{{ $seo->meta_description }}">
<meta name="keywords" content="{{ $seo->meta_keywords }}">
$seo = getSEO(); //helper function
<title>{{ $seo->title }}</title>
<meta name="description" content="{{ $seo->meta_description }}">
<meta name="keywords" content="{{ $seo->meta_keywords }}">


How to view data retrieved in the controller in the view?

I'm trying to retrieve data in my controller using sqlsrv database connection and I want to view the result in my test.blade.php
public function index()
$cout_achat = DB::table('[DWH_SOVAC_PROD_KIT_LIFE_CYCLE]')
->select( DB::raw('SUM([MONTANT_LC]) as cout_achat'))
return view('test', ['test' => $cout_achat]);
and the code in the view
<html lang="{{ config('app.locale') }}">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<!-- Fonts -->
<link href=",600"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
echo {{$cout_achat}};
but when I try to access myapp/test I get : ** Use of undefined constant test - assumed 'test' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) (View: C:\wamp64\www\projetSovac\resources\views\test.blade.php) –**
About 404 the route you have provided is completely ok, can you please tell us how you are calling this route.
And please double check any typo in controller name.
Now I would like to talk about some improvement in your code
First of all is that when you return the view like this in your controller
return view('test', ['test' => $cout_achat]);
The $cout_achat will be available with name $test in your blade file. So you should try to use the same naming convention like
return view('test', ['cout_achat' => $cout_achat]);
Or simple you can use compact() laravels helper function like this
return view('test', compact(cout_achat));
It will automatically pass $cout_achat in blade.
Now for echoing the variable in balde you don't need to use echo explicitly like
echo {{$cout_achat}};
You can echo variables like
Anything else will be handled automatically by blade compiler.
Hope this will help.

How To Add Title For Each Page In Laravel

In my laravel website all pages having same title meta but how to make different title for each page please tell me.
this is my code for dynamic showing in all the pages
<title>{{setting('site.title')}} | {{setting('site.description')}} #if(isset($data->title)) {{$data->title}} #endif</title>
file name is layouts/app.blade.php
Inside your app.blade.php, in the head section.
<title>{{ config('', 'Laravel') }}</title>
You can choose any name/title that seems fitting.
For other views.blade.php pages,(extending app.blade.php) you can add a title this way:
#section('title','My Title')
this comes after #extends('')
You can specify different title for different views.
In you common header file make your title like this:
<title>#yield('page_title', 'Default Title')</title>
Then in your view file change the title to whatever you want it to be set in following way:
{{ "Your Title" }}
Simply inside your app.blade.php
Put this: #yield('title')
In other pages just extend the layout and put the new title at the this section
Type your title here
in your controller
public function aboutUs()
//page title
$title = 'Project | About Us';
return view('project.about_us', compact('title'));
for your view page
<title>{{ $title }}</title>
Inside your app.blade.php,
... // other scripts
For other pages which user app.blade.php you can use it like after extending app.blade.php :
<title> Your Page Title Here </title>
Hope it helps. happy coding.

Header view css class depending on content

I have my website layout structured this way:
Where header and footer are #included.
On some pages I have this classes to body
<body class="property-map-append-top has-breadcrumb"> and to other pages: <body class="property-map-append-top">
How can I do this for specified pages?
It depends on what do you mean by 'some pages'. You could pass a variable from a controller, like hasBreadrumb and use it in Blade template:
<body class="property-map-append-top #if($hasBreadcrumb)has-breadcrumb#endif">
Sometimes I do this in my views:
<body class="{{ $bodyClass or 'default-body-class' }}">
You can add classes to the $bodyClass variable in your controllers, but only when you want to override the default class (the string which comes after the 'or'). With this syntax you can opt to not send the variable to the view and still avoid an error.

Parameter in Route::get caused style to disappear?

I'm still new to Laravel. Anyway, I'm making a small system of viewing and creating articles to be shown in the main site. I wanted to create a page that displays an article from the database, using a parameter from the URL, like this:
The above, for example, will display the article with 'id' value of 1 in the database.
So it works just fine, but problem is, after I got it to work (which took me some time since I'm a newbie), the whole style just disappears from the page. I tried to rewrite everything but it still didn't work. New pages that I create include the style just fine.
This is my route line:
Route::get('read/{id}', array('as' => 'read', 'uses' => 'NewsController#readArticle'));
NewsController readArticle function:
public function readArticle($id) {
$article = NewsMessage::where('id', $id) -> first();
return View::make('', array('article' => $article));
And the file read.blade.php (located in views/news/read.blade.php)
{{ $article -> title }}
So the whole PHP code works fine and I manage to get the title. But for some reason, the whole style disappears and this is what I see:
So any idea, what have I dont wrong that caused this? The other pages work just fine with the style included.
Thank you!
The issue is that the path to the image is incorrectly specified.
You can either use the built in asset methods or something like {{ URL::to('/')/imagepathhere/filename.jpg }}
Assuming you have your styles links wrote as:
<link href="css/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
{{ $article -> title }}
Correct Syntax:
<link href="{{ asset('css/custom.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="{{ asset('css/styles.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" />
{{ $article -> title }}
And make sure your css folder is located at public folder when calling with asset() helper.
This issues of disappearing the whole page styles is causing by accessing the image or css file or any other resources, and the solution is to use asset() helper function.

Read/write to Parse Core db from Google Apps Script

I'm just starting to use Parse Core (as Google'e ScriptDB is being decommissioned soon) and am having some trouble.
So I'm able to get Parse Core db to read/write using just a standard HTML page as shown below:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>My Parse App</title>
<meta name="description" content="My Parse App">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/reset.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div id="main">
<h1>You're ready to use Parse!</h1>
<p>Read the documentation and start building your JavaScript app:</p>
<li>Parse JavaScript Guide</li>
<li>Parse JavaScript API Documentation</li>
<div style="display:none" class="error">
Looks like there was a problem saving the test object. Make sure you've set your application ID and javascript key correctly in the call to <code>Parse.initialize</code> in this file.
<div style="display:none" class="success">
<p>We've also just created your first object using the following code:</p>
var TestObject = Parse.Object.extend("TestObject");<br/>
var testObject = new TestObject();<br/>{foo: "bar"});
<script type="text/javascript">
Parse.initialize("PyMFUxyBxR8IDgndjZ378CeEXH2c6WLK1wK2JHYX", "IgiMfiuy3LFjzH0ehmyf5Rkti8AmVtwcGqc6nttN");
var TestObject = Parse.Object.extend("TestObject");
var testObject = new TestObject();{foo: "bar"}, {
success: function(object) {
error: function(model, error) {
However, when I try to serve that up using the HtmlService shown below, I get no response from Parse. Parse Core.html basically has all of the code I have above ( only thing I changed was to remove the css calls).
function doGet() {
var htmlPage = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('Parse Core.html')
.setTitle('Parse Core Test');
return htmlPage;
Link to ParseDb Library for Apps Script
Here is the key to add the library: MxhsVzdWH6ZQMWWeAA9tObPxhMjh3Sh48
Install that library and it allows you to use most of the same methods that were used by ScriptDb. As far as saving and querying go they almost identical. Make sure to read the Library's notes, how to add the applicationId and restApiKey. It is a little different that you can silo data by classes which must be defined in the call to Parse.
Bruce here is leading the way on database connection for Apps Script, he has plenty of documentation on using, and also his own DbConncection Drive that would allow you to use a number of back-end systems.
Excel Liberation - Bruce's Site.
