GAS sends multiple slack notifications - for-loop

I'd like to send notifications to slack using Google Apps Scripts.
It's supposed to happen when any change is made on Gsheet but sometimes the program sends multiple notifications even after only a single change.
I guess my code has any fault or the triggers cause any problem - because I apply this function to more than one sheet.
But it doesn't happen "always", so is it an error caused by GAS specification?
My code is as below. Any idea or advice will be appreciated.
function slackNotification(sheetname,slack_channel){
var mySheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheetname);
var myActiveRange = mySheet.getActiveRange();
var lastRow = mySheet.getLastRow();
var pdfColumn = PDF_column_n
var checkColumn = slack_column_n
var unslacked = [];
for (var i=1; i <= lastRow; i++){
var cell = mySheet.getRange(i, checkColumn);
Logger.log(i + "is not yet notified");
Logger.log("unslcked yet"+unslacked)
for (var i=unslacked[0]; i <= unslacked[unslacked.length - 1]; i++){
var pdfCell = mySheet.getRange(extention_column+i)
var checkSlack = mySheet.getRange(slack_column+i)
if (pdfCell.getValue() == "pdf" && checkSlack.isBlank() == true)
var requestId = mySheet.getRange(request_column+i).getValue();
var clientId = mySheet.getRange(client_column+i).getValue();
var claimId = mySheet.getRange(claim_column+i).getValue();
var groupId = mySheet.getRange(group_column+i).getValue();
if (branches.includes(groupId)){
var message = "\nrequestId:" + requestId + "\nclientId:" + clientId + "\nclaimId:" + claimId
var postUrl = slack_channel
var username = 'botbot';
var icon = ':hatching_chick:';
var jsonData =
"username" : username,
"icon_emoji": icon,
"text" : message,
link_names: 1
var payload = JSON.stringify(jsonData);
var options =
"method" : "post",
"contentType" : "application/json",
"payload" : payload
UrlFetchApp.fetch(postUrl, options);

Apps Script triggers are bound project-based, not script filed based
If you have multiple functions with the same name in your project - there is no way to know to which one the trigger becomes bound.
Most likely your 5 onChange triggers are all bound to the same function and thus the function is executed multiple times (sending multiple Slack notifications as a result)
It does not make a difference if the functions are located within the same script file or within different script files within the same project
Splitting up your code into different code files is only for visibility/structure purposes, for the trigger the functions are still located all within the same project
Remove from your project all existing triggers that are bound to functions with not unique names
Give to all functions in your project (not just script file) unique names and save all script files
Install new triggers either programmatically or manually
Now you can be sure that each trigger is bound to a different function
Mind that if the content of your functions is the same (e.g. containing request to send Slack notifications), this content will be executed the same amount of times as the number of respective triggers in your project, so if the content of your functions is identical, you actually need to keep only one function bound to one trigger and remove all the functions of identic content.


Getting file contents when using DropzoneJS

I really love the DropZoneJS component and am currently wrapping it in an EmberJS component (you can see demo here). In any event, the wrapper works just fine but I wanted to listen in on one of Dropzone's events and introspect the file contents (not the meta info like size, lastModified, etc.). The file type I'm dealing with is an XML file and I'd like to look "into" it to validate before sending it.
How can one do that? I would have thought the contents would hang off of the file object that you can pick up on many of the events but unless I'm just missing something obvious, it isn't there. :(
This worked for me:
Dropzone.options.PDFDrop = {
maxFilesize: 10, // Mb
accept: function(file, done) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener("loadend", function(event) { console.log(;});
could also use reader.reaAsBinaryString() if binary data!
Ok, I've answer my own question and since others appear interested I'll post my answer here. For a working demo of this you can find it here:
In the demo I've wrapped the Dropzone component in the EmberJS framework but if you look at the code you'll find it's just Javascript code, nothing much to be afraid of. :)
The things we'll do are:
Get the file before the network request
The key thing we need become familiar with is the HTML5 API. Good news is it is quite simple. Take a look at this code and maybe that's all you need:
* Replaces the XHR's send operation so that the stream can be
* retrieved on the client side instead being sent to the server.
* The function name is a little confusing (other than it replaces the "send"
* from Dropzonejs) because really what it's doing is reading the file and
* NOT sending to the server.
_sendIntercept(file, options={}) {
return new RSVP.Promise((resolve,reject) => {
if(!options.readType) {
const mime = file.type;
const textType = a(_textTypes).any(type => {
const re = new RegExp(type);
return re.test(mime);
options.readType = textType ? 'readAsText' : 'readAsDataURL';
let reader = new window.FileReader();
reader.onload = () => {
reader.onerror = () => {
// run the reader
The code above returns a Promise which resolves once the file that's been dropped into the browser has been "read" into Javascript. This should be very quick as it's all local (do be aware that if you're downloading really large files you might want to "chunk" it ... that's a more advanced topic).
Hook into Dropzone
Now we need to find somewhere to hook into in Dropzone to read the file contents and stop the network request that we no longer need. Since the HTML5 File API just needs a File object you'll notice that Dropzone provides all sorts of hooks for that.
I decided on the "accept" hook because it would give me the opportunity to download the file and validate all in one go (for me it's mainly about drag and dropping XML's and so the content of the file is a part of the validation process) and crucially it happens before the network request.
Now it's important you realise that we're "replacing" the accept function not listening to the event it fires. If we just listened we would still incur a network request. So to **overload* accept we do something like this:
this.accept = this.localAcceptHandler; // replace "accept" on Dropzone
This will only work if this is the Dropzone object. You can achieve that by:
including it in your init hook function
including it as part of your instantiation (e.g., new Dropzone({accept: {...})
Now we've referred to the "localAcceptHandler", let me introduce it to you:
localAcceptHandler(file, done) {
this._sendIntercept(file).then(result => {
file.contents = result;
if(typeOf(this.localSuccess) === 'function') {
this.localSuccess(file, done);
} else {
done(); // empty done signals success
}).catch(result => {
if(typeOf(this.localFailure) === 'function') {
file.contents = result;
this.localFailure(file, done);
} else {
done(`Failed to download file ${}`);
In quick summary it does the following:
read the contents of the file (aka, _sendIntercept)
based on mime type read the file either via readAsText or readAsDataURL
save the file contents to the .contents property of the file
Stop the send
To intercept the sending of the request on the network but still maintain the rest of the workflow we will replace a function called submitRequest. In the Dropzone code this function is a one liner and what I did was replace it with my own one-liner:
this._finished(files,'locally resolved, refer to "contents" property');
Provide access to retrieved document
The last step is just to ensure that our localAcceptHandler is put in place of the accept routine that dropzone supplies:
using the FileReader() solution is working amazingly good for me:
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
var dz = new Dropzone("#demo-upload",{
dz.on("drop",function drop(e) {
var files = [];
for (var i = 0; i < e.dataTransfer.files.length; i++) {
files[i] = e.dataTransfer.files[i];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(event) {
var line ='\n');
for ( var i = 0; i < line.length; i++){

Google apps script UI how to insert message into VerticalPanel()?

I'm trying to write this simple UI which should show a message with two parameters (name, email2send). But, when I run it, I get only this:
The content of the variable msg is not shown in the pannel, only the pannel title. What is the right way to do this?
// Show confirmation
function showMSG(name, email2Send) { // for ease of use I give the urls as parameters but you could define these urls in the function as well
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setHeight(60).setWidth(200);
app.setTitle("Msg send with sucess!");
var msg = "You request to " + email2Send + " a response from " + name;
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();;
THANKS in advance for any help!
The TAG of a widget is not visible, its purpose is actually to store string data in a way that is not visible.
To show a text use a label or an html widget.
example in your code :
function showMSG(name, email2Send) { // for ease of use I give the urls as parameters but you could define these urls in the function as well
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setHeight(60).setWidth(200);
app.setTitle("Msg send with sucess!");
var msg = "You request to " + email2Send + " a response from " + name;
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();;

Kendo grid batch editing - making a single call to save

With Kendo grid batch editing turned on, I know that you can hook into the create, update and destroy commands where Kendo will send 3 separate commands to the server when you click on Save Changes.
I was wondering if there was any way to send all three sets of updates as a single call to the server -like a transaction. Or even send each in a specified order, with a check for success before sending the next .
The only way I could come up with was to have a custom Save Changes implementation which ,when invoked, would lookup the grid datasource to find out all rows that have been added (isNew() for added rows), deleted (_destroyed for deleted rows), updated (isDirty for updated rows) and then craft my own call to a server endpoint using ajax using the identified datasets.
Telerik posted a work-around in their code library recently: Unfortunately the work-around is rather bare-bones. It gives a good example of how to capture destroyed, dirty, and new records but finishes with some hand waving to handle any errors in the response and synchronizing the data source on success. Also note that there is no check to ensure there are destroyed, dirty, or new records before making the ajax request.
Here is the relevant code. Download the full example from the link above to see how the grid is setup and to ensure you have the latest version.
function sendData() {
var grid = $("#Grid").data("kendoGrid"),
parameterMap = grid.dataSource.transport.parameterMap;
//get the new and the updated records
var currentData =;
var updatedRecords = [];
var newRecords = [];
for (var i = 0; i < currentData.length; i++) {
if (currentData[i].isNew()) {
//this record is new
} else if(currentData[i].dirty) {
//this records are deleted
var deletedRecords = [];
for (var i = 0; i < grid.dataSource._destroyed.length; i++) {
var data = {};
$.extend(data, parameterMap({ updated: updatedRecords }), parameterMap({ deleted: deletedRecords }), parameterMap({ new: newRecords }));
url: "/Home/UpdateCreateDelete",
data: data,
type: "POST",
error: function () {
//Handle the server errors using the approach from the previous example
success: function () {
alert("update on server is completed");
grid.dataSource._destroyed = [];
//refresh the grid - optional;
Maybe you can enable the batch property of the Datasource
batch Boolean(default: false)
If set to true the data source will batch CRUD operation requests. For example updating two data items would cause one HTTP request instead of two. By default the data source makes a HTTP request for every CRUD operation.
Source : Datasource API
After six years we have an answer, check submit function to execute single request to save all changes:

Filtering a loaded kml file in OpenLayers

I'm trying to create an interactive search engine (for finding event tickets) of which one of its features is a visual map that shows related venues using OpenLayers. I have a plethora of venues (3000+) in a kml file that I would like to selectively show a filtered subsection of. Below is the code I have but when I try to run it has a JavaScript error. Running firebug and chrome developer tools makes me think that it is not getting passed the parameters I give because it says that the variables are null. However, I cannot figure out why they are not getting passed. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
var map, drawControls, selectControl, selectedFeature, select;
function showVenues(state, city, venue){
filterStrategy = new OpenLayers.Strategy.Filter({});
var kmllayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("KML", {
strategies: [filterStrategy,
new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
url: "venuesComplete.kml",
format: new OpenLayers.Format.KML({
extractStyles: true,
extractAttributes: true
select = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(kmllayer);{
"featureselected": onFeatureSelect,
"featureunselected": onFeatureUnselect
filter = new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison({
type: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.LIKE,
property: "",
value: ""
function clearFilter(){
function setFilter(property, value){
filter.value = value; = property;
var vector_style = new OpenLayers.Style();
setFilter('name', venue);
}else if(city!=""){
setFilter('description', city);
}else if(state!=""){
setFilter('description', state);
function onPopupClose(evt) {
function onFeatureSelect(event) {
var feature = event.feature;
var selectedFeature = feature;
var popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("chicken",
new OpenLayers.Size(100,100),
"<h2>" + "</h2>" + feature.attributes.description +'<br>'+feature.attributes,
feature.popup = popup;
function onFeatureUnselect(event) {
var feature = event.feature;
if(feature.popup) {
delete feature.popup;
function init() {
map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
var google_map_layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google(
'Google Map Layer',
{type: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID}
showVenues(state,city,'Michie Stadium');
map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher({}));
IF I UNDERSTAND CORRECTLY, your kml does not load properly. if this is not the case, please disconsider my answer.
it is very important to check if your kml layer was properly loaded. i have a map that loads multiple dynamic (from php) kml layers and it is not uncommon to have a large layer simply not load. when that happens, the operation is aborted, but, as far as openlayers is concerned, the layer was properly loaded.
so i do 2 things: i check if the amount of loaded data meets the expected number of features in my orginal php kml parser (i use a jquery or ajax call for that) and then, in case there is a discrepancy, i try reloading (since this is a loop, i limit it to 5 attempts, so as not to loop infinitely).
check out some of my code here

Unable to set firefox bookmark description for in Add-On Kit API

I found the nsINavBookmarksService, however since Firefox 3, it does not seem to have any API methods for getting/setting the Bookmark description. (API doc)
I've seen other Add-Ons modify the description as a method of synchronized data storage (which is exactly what I'm trying to do). I'm guessing perhaps the description is a non-gecko standard, and that's why it is not directly supported, but then there must be a completely different interface for manipulating Bookmarks that I haven't discovered.
Can anyone help with this newbie problem?
Starting with Firefox 3 the bookmarks have been merged into the Places database containing all of your browsing history. So to get the bookmarks you do a history query, like this (first line is specific to the Add-on SDK which you appear to be using):
var {Cc, Ci} = require("chrome");
var historyService = Cc[";1"]
var options = historyService.getNewQueryOptions();
var query = historyService.getNewQuery();
query.onlyBookmarked = true;
var result = historyService.executeQuery(query, options);
result.root.containerOpen = true;
for (var i = 0; i < result.root.childCount; i++)
var node = result.root.getChild(i);
That's mostly identical to the code example here. Your problem is of course that nsINavHistoryResultNode has no way of storing data like a description. You can set annotations however, see Using the Places annotation service. So if you already have a node variable for your bookmark:
var annotationName = "";
var ioService = Cc[";1"]
var uri = ioService.newURI(node.uri, null, null);
var annotationService = Cc[";1"]
annotationService.setPageAnnotation(uri, annotationName,
"Some description", 0, Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER);
For reference: nsIAnnotationService.setPageAnnotation()
