since i've jumped from apache to open lite speed and started to use OLS cache i have problem with Elementor.
I'm creating something in elementor (can be block, page, post... doesn't matter what) and save it (lets call it v.1). All works fine.
When i want to change something, i'm editing it in Elementor, make some changes (lets call it v.2), save it and ... in front page i see no changes. So i'm reload (F5 or CRTL + F5) and i see page without changes (v.1).
I'm cleaning cache, browser - without success.
I'm taking a look in elementor page history and i see record with my changes (v.2). I click on it, restore changes and i see (v.2), so i save it.
On front page i can see v.2 but on Elementor after F5 / CTRL + F5 i still see v.1.
I suppose that somehow OLS cache is caching my editable pages/posts in backend and once it is cached it won't show any changes. But it should works when i'm cleaning cache...
Did you had any experience with it?
-- update
I see, that when i enable checkPublicCache (set to 1) the problem with Elementor occur:
When is disabled (set to 0) Elementor works fine.
I wonder why - Admin panel shouldn't be cached so much, it's rather private cache not public...
serve stale is off
Cleaning cache from wordpress not work, even disable cache from OLS plugin doesn't works.
it doesn't matter to the checkPrivateCache nor checkPublicCache. It's because you set the enableCache to On which will cache everything.
setting enables or disables the public cache. (Set to 1 to enable. Set to 0 to disable.) If both public and private cache are enabled, OpenLiteSpeed will save to the private cache first.
I'd recommend you set the cache module back to default value:
checkPrivateCache 1
checkPublicCache 1
maxCacheObjSize 10000000
maxStaleAge 200
qsCache 1
reqCookieCache 1
respCookieCache 1
ignoreReqCacheCtrl 1
ignoreRespCacheCtrl 0
enableCache 0
expireInSeconds 3600
enablePrivateCache 0
privateExpireInSeconds 3600
So the WordPress site will rely on the LSCache plugin to cache things correctly.
make sure in plugin -> Cache -> Purge -> serve stale was OFF
run in SSH command rm -rf /usr/local/lsws/tmpdata/* to clean all caches
if you have enable UCSS and CCSS , as if you see purge CCSS and purge UCSS in drop down menu , purge them both
Very easy to fix that go to CSS Settings --> disable Generate UCSS and disable CCSS per URL
Edit: While I still do not understand the differences between the session and webFrame cache, webFrame.clearCache() can simply be called from the within the preload script.
I have an Electron application which involves renaming and reordering images on the local filesystem. This often results in files swapping their filenames which causes caching issues that are not resolved until the window is reloaded. I am unable to clear or disable the cache.
Methods that work (unsatisfactory)
Calling require("electron").webFrame.clearCache(); from within the renderer process. This is not a satisfactory solution as it requires nodeIntegration to be enabled. (The WebFrameMain class available to the main process does not have a clearCache method).
Checking "Disable cache" from Chrome DevTools. Obviously this is not a solution for production.
Methods that don't work
Clearing the session cache. I noted that the session cache size was always 0.
Clearing the session storage data.
Adding the following command line switches to the main process.
app.commandLine.appendSwitch("disk-cache-size", "0");
Providing a session object with cache disabled when creating the window.
webPreferences: {
preload: path.join(__dirname, "preload.js"),
session: session.fromPartition("example", { cache: false })
There are clearly components to the caching system I do not understand. It seems that the session cache and webFrame cache must be two different things, and I can not find a way to access the later from the main process or without nodeIntegration.
A minimal project which shows this issue can be found here: Clicking the button swaps the filenames of the two images, however no visible change occurs until the window is reloaded.
I am using Electron 13.1.4 and Windows 10 2004.
You can create a function to clearCache with require("electron").webFrame.clearCache(); and attach it to the windows object in your preLoad script, then use that in your isolated renderer.
Google "electron preload"
Yeah – webFrame is meant to be used inside the browser, so that's usually going to mean preload.js. You then can use Electron's Inter-Process Communication (IPC) techniques to expose that method globally on the window object, allowing use elsewhere in your app!
It's like you're carving out a path through each level of your app for access to the right functions.
Altogether, that will look like this:
import { contextBridge, webFrame } from 'electron';
export const RendererApi = {
clearCache() {
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("api", RendererApi);
And then anywhere inside your rendering process:
I am facing the cache issue whenever I do a new deployment, changes are not reflecting automatically. Always I have to go to the browser setting and clear the cache.
Is there a way to handle this issue automatically whenever I do the new deployment.
// Path mappings for the logical module names
paths: {
'knockout': 'libs/knockout/knockout-3.4.0',
'jquery': 'libs/jquery/jquery-3.1.1.min',
'jqueryui-amd': 'libs/jquery/jqueryui-amd-1.12.0',
'promise': 'libs/es6-promise/es6-promise.min',
'ojs': 'libs/oj/v3.2.0/min',
'ojL10n': 'libs/oj/v3.2.0/ojL10n',
'ojtranslations': 'libs/oj/v3.2.0/resources',
'signals': 'libs/js-signals/signals.min',
'text': 'libs/require/text',
'hammerjs': 'libs/hammer/hammer-2.0.8.min',
'moment': 'libs/moment/moment.min',
'ojdnd': 'libs/dnd-polyfill/dnd-polyfill-1.0.0.min',
'customElements': 'libs/webcomponents/CustomElements'
waitSeconds: 0,
// urlArgs will be appended at end of .js files
urlArgs: "v=1.33",
// Shim configurations for modules that do not expose AMD
shim: {
'jquery': {
exports: ['jQuery', '$']
config: {
ojL10n: {
merge: {
//'ojtranslations/nls/ojtranslations': 'resources/nls/menu'
You can update version (by changing urlArgs parameter in configuration) every time you deploy new code, thus every time new JavaScript file will be downloaded.
This can always be a problem during development. There are a couple of solutions.
1) Build into your app URL, a version string. Every time you publish a new version, change that number and the browser will pull new files
2) Set the cache control values on your server so that it doesn't cache anything from your app directory
3) Just do what you're doing with clearing browser cache. There are utilities that add a button on the browser bar to make it easier to get at.
I personally use the node http-server library to run my dev work and I use it's cache control arguments to make sure nothing is being cached.
http-server -c-1 -o
The above turns off caching and launches the browser from the current location (loading index.html if present)
With Chrome: if you open the Developer Tools (F12), on the Network tab you can check the Disable cache checkbox, which turns off caching, while the DevTools is open.
With Firefox: if you open the Developer Tools (F12), click the cogwheel icon ("Toolbox Options"), then in the "Advanced Settings" section, check the Disable Cache (when toolbox is open) checkbox.
Now there will be no caching in the browser. Might slow down stuff seriously...
I am trying to make a playground like plunker. I just noticed a very odd behavior on production (with active mode in Cloudflare), whereas it works well in localhost.
By iframe, the playground previews index_internal.html which may contain links to other files (eg, .html, .js, .css). iframe is able to interpret external links such as <script src="script.js"></script>.
So each time a user modifies their file (eg, script.js) on the editor, my program saves the new file into a temporary folder on the server, then refresh the iframe by iframe.src = iframe.src, it works well on localhost.
However, I realized that, in production, the browser always keeps loading the initial script.js, even though users modify it in the editor and a new version is written in the folder in the server. For example, what I see in Dev Tools ==> Network is always the initial version of script.js, whereas I can check the new version of script.js saved in the server by less on the left hand.
Does anyone know why it is like this? And how to fix it?
Edit 1:
I tried the following, which did not work with script.js:
var iframe = document.getElementById('myiframe');
iframe.contentWindow.location.href = iframe.contentWindow.location.href
iframe.contentWindow.src = iframe.contentWindow.src
I tried to add a version, it worked with index_internal.html, but did not reload script.js:
var newSrc = iframe.src.split('?')[0]
iframe.src = newSrc + "?uid=" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000) + 1);
If I turn Cloudflare to development mode, script.js is reloaded, but I do want to keep Cloudflare in active mode.
I found it.
We can create a custom rule for caching in CloudFlare:
For example, I could set Bypass as Cache Level for the folder*.
I am trying all means to improve the loading time of an link in android webview in vain.I am using a link which has images and text fetched from external server by using some js functions and those images and text may change on any moment.In this scenario the code I used is as below.I am not interested in HTML 5 caching or server caching techniques,as the same link loads faster on browser fails to do the same in android webview.There is not much js script i can load from resource to improve performance hence most of the script just pulls data from external server and images from on amazon server.
WebSettings settings = getSettings();
1 .I guess turning on DomStaorage and AppCache to true have impact on loading time so i have turned it off. -> Is this true
2.In OnDestroy i call clearcache on webview to clear application cache - I am doing this hence i am afraid that my app size may grow as webview db grows if i fail to clear.-> is this must,or android handles this gracefully.
3.Few suggestion i hear is to set setCacheMode to LOAD_NO_CACHE and comment clearing webview cache in onDestroy. --> Does calling webview.clearcache() have any impact hence I have already set not to load from cache.
4.The link does not provide me information of previously refreshed time,in that case what cache mode could any one recommend.
5.Is there is any concert testing method to find out loading time on devices that takes network connection and server lags into account.hence the same page once it loads fast may load slow in some other time.
Give a try with "fast click".
mobile browsers will wait approximately 300ms from the time that you tap the button to fire the click event. The reason for this is that the browser is waiting to see if you are actually performing a double tap.
Download the script, add
<script type='application/javascript' src='fastclick.js'></script>
in your header and this code in your script.
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
}, false);
More informations:
This is a weird bug, and I'm not even sure how to begin figuring out what's going on.
We are using Cake 1.3.8 with our sessions in the database. I am not using ACL or any other access control. If we navigate into the application and click around a bit, and then rapidly click the browser back button twice (I've tried in Firefox and Chrome) the user is logged out more often than not and receives the error message 'You are not authorized to access that location'.
All of my searches thus far have involved people wanting to make the page inaccessible if a user logged out and then used the back button. I'm not seeing anything reported with regards to the issue I'm seeing.
Does anybody know if this is a Cake issue or have any thoughts on debugging what is going wrong?
Update: I found where the problem is. I have the security set to high, because we need the session to be closed whenever somebody closes the browser. I also have the timeout set very high because we do large binary uploads to S3, and don't want the user logged out while it's uploading or downloading. The specific block of code in cake_sessions.php that's causing the problem is:
$time = $this->read('Config.time');
$this->write('Config.time', $this->sessionTime);
if (Configure::read('Security.level') === 'high') {
$check = $this->read('Config.timeout');
$check -= 1;
$this->write('Config.timeout', $check);
if (time() > ($time - (Security::inactiveMins() * Configure::read('Session.timeout')) + 2) || $check < 1) {
$this->write('Config.timeout', 10);
$this->valid = true;
I would guess this is because session IDs are regenerated between requests when security = high. Source:
You only need one out of sync request, say for a missing image and you will lose the session. I've generally found it unworkable because it's not possible to prevent users double-clicking on links and buttons and invalidating their session.
I would think about using medium security, setting the session timeout fairly short and using an AJAX script to refresh the session at regular intervals (eg every 60s). That way the user will be logged out quickly if the tab/window is closed.
If security is a priority I would suggest hacking the core to make sure the session cookies are set to http_only to help guard against session hijacking by XSS attacks. Cakephp 1.x supports PHP4 so probably isn't setting this by default.
It's possible that the session is erased and before it can be written again, the back button is clicked removing the auth from the session variables.
Page loads -> Back Button Clicks -> sessions is erased (but before session is rewritten) -> Back button clicks -> Session checks no existing session.
The only thing that I can think is happening is that when you're going back a page too quickly your code can't validate the person quickly enough (round trip from checking credentials) and throws an error that gets displayed on the next page that is loaded (second backed-to page).
Are you sure the person is actually logged out, or is it just the error being thrown?
Without seeing any code, it will be difficult to nail it down any further.