Pylint 2.12.1 different behaviour from 2.11.1 - pylint

We in the process of upgrading from Pylint 2.11.1 to 2.12.1 (released recently) and we're seeing strange behaviour in checking code that passes with the older version. Specifically, we have the following method (sans code but otherwise exactly the code we have so that there can be no doubt there's a cut'n'paste error):
async def run_callback(callback: common_types.AnyCallback) -> None:
"""Run the callback, handles sync and async functions.
This WILL block the event loop if a sync function is called this way.
IF a sync callback needs to be called, it should be wrapped in an
async function and then called with run in executor. This cannot be
done at this level because run_in_executor is a separate thread.
Most async stuff is not thread safe and vice versa, so this is the
minimal abstraction which won't introduce race conditions, the
developer needs to handle it by manually doing a run_in_executor.
def sync_thing():
async def async_thing():
from cmnlibpy import utils
await util.run_callback(sync_thing)
await util.run_callback(async_thing)
sync or async function which will be called
While this is perfectly acceptable to 2.11.1, the newer version barfs on the parameter despite the fact it's in the docstring:
************* Module blah.blah.blah
blah/blah/ W9015: "callback" missing in parameter documentation (missing-param-doc)
I've tried moving it within the docstring, renaming it, and various other things to no avail. If you're concerned about the type, it's defined in an imported item from in the same package:
from typing import Union, Awaitable, Callable
SyncCallback = Callable[[], None]
AsyncCallback = Callable[[], Awaitable[None]]
AnyCallback = Union[SyncCallback, AsyncCallback]
Why is the new PyLint complaining about this? Has it decided to deprecate Google-style parameter specifications?
Further investigation: it appears that the problem doesn't manifest itself when parameter and description are on a single line, such as:
callback: description goes here.
A diff of the GoogleDocstring regular expressions for parameter lines in extensions/ seems to indicate it should either be a colon with the description on the same line, or no colon with description on following line:
- \s* (\w+) # identifier
- \s* :
- \s* (?:({GoogleDocstring.re_multiple_type})(?:,\s+optional)?)? # optional type declaration
- \n # description starts on a new line
- \s* (.*) # description
+ \s* (\*{{0,2}}\w+)(\s?(:|\n)) # identifier with potential asterisks
+ \s* (?:({GoogleDocstring.re_multiple_type})(?:,\s+optional)?\n)? # optional type declaration
+ \s* (.*) # optional description
However, the multi-line version didn't seem to work even if I left the : off the end of the line.
At the request of PyLint developer, I have opened a bug report (see for detail).

It turns out there was an issue with the handling of parameter specifications that crossed multiple lines.
The code uses a regex that always delivers the three components (name, type, and description) but the code had some strangeness that resulted in a situation where neither type nor description was set, meaning the parameter wasn't recorded.
The code responsible was in extensions/
re_only_desc =":\n", entry)
if re_only_desc:
param_name =
param_desc =
param_type = None
param_name =
param_type =
param_desc =
I'm not sure why the presence of:\n is used to decide that the type isn't available but that doesn't seem right. Its presence means that the description is on the following line (nothing to do with missing type) but the fact that you're using \s means line breaks are treated the same as any other white space in the section so it's irrelevant.
Because the regex used for this captures all three groups whether the type is there or not, if it's not there, the second group (the parameter type) is set to None and the third group is still the description (it doesn't move to group 2). So the first part of the if sets both type and description to None, stopping the variable from being added.
If the code is instead changed into (no if needed):
param_name =
param_type =
param_desc =
then the first test case below still works, and the second one starts working:
first_param: description
Full details at the bug report and pull request, the maintainers were a pleasure to work with to get the fix done and it will hopefully be in 2.12.2, whenever that appears.
As a workaround, you can just ensure that the entire parameter specification exists on one line, such as with:
""" Doc string goes here.
param: The parameter.


My flow fails for no reason: Invalid Template Language? This is what I do

Occasionally my flow fails and its enough test it manually to running again. However, I want to avoid that this error ocurrs again to stay in calm.
The error that appears is this:
Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Periodo' inputs at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language function 'split' expects its first parameter to be of type string. The provided value is of type 'Null'. Please see for usage details.'.
And it appears in 2 of the 4 variables that I create:
Client and Periodo
The variable Clientlooks this:
The same scenario to "Periodo".
The variables are build in the same way:
His formula:
trim(first(split(first(skip(split(outputs('Compos'),'client = '),1)),'indicator')))
His formula:
trim(first(split(first(skip(split(outputs('Compos'),'period = '),1)),'DATA_REPORT_DELIVERY')))
The same scenario to the 4 variables. 4 of them strings (numbers).
Also I attached email example where I extract the info:
output = 7
country = 170
period = 202204012
read_persistance = YES
write_persistance = YES
client = 18277
indicator_group = SALES
Could you give some help? I reach some attepmpts succeded but it fails for no apparent reason:
Thank you.
I'm not sure if you're interested but I'd do it a slightly different way. It's a little more verbose but it will work and it makes your expressions a lot simpler.
I've just taken two of your desired outputs and provided a solution for those, one being client and the other being country. You can apply the other two as need be given it's the same pattern.
If I take client for example, this is the concept.
Initialize Data
This is your string that you provided in your question.
Initialize Split Lines
This will split up your string for each new line. The expression for this step is ...
split(variables('Data'), '\n')
However, you can't just enter that expression into the editor, you need to do it and then edit in in code view and change it from \\n to \n.
Filter For 'client'
This will filter the array created from the split line step and find the item that contains the word client.
`contains(item(), 'client')`
On the other parallel branches, you'd change out the word to whatever you're searching for, e.g. country.
This should give us a single item array with a string.
Initialize 'client'
Finally, we want to extract the value on the right hand side of the equals sign. The expression for this is ...
trim(split(body('Filter_For_''client''')[0], '=')[1])
Again, just change out the body name for the other action in each case.
I need to put body('Filter_For_''client''')[0] and specify the first item in an array because the filter step returns an array. We're going to assume the length is always 1.
You can see from all of that, you have the value as need be. Like I said, it's a little more verbose but (I think) easier to follow and troubleshoot if something goes wrong.

How to Reference an aliased map value in YAML

I have a feeling this isn't possible, but I have a snippet of YAML that looks like the following:
.map_values: &my_map
a: 'D'
b: 'E'
a: 'F'
stage: *my_map['b']
I would like stage to have the value of E.
Is this possible within YAML? I've tried just about every incarnation of substitution I can think of.
Since there is a duplicate key in your mapping, which is not allowed
in YAML 1.2 (and should at least throw a warning in YAML 1.1) this is
not going to work, but even if you correct that, you can't do that
with just anchors and aliases.
The only substitution like replacement that is available in YAML is the "Merge Key Language-Independent Type". That is indirectly referenced in the YAML spec, and not included in it, but available in most parsers.
The only thing that allows it to do is "update" a mapping with key value pairs of one or more other mappings, if the key doesn't already exist in the mapping. You use the special key << for that, which takes an alias, or a list of aliases.
There is no facility, specified in the YAML specification, to dereference particular keys.
There are some systems that use templates that generate YAML, but there are two main problems to apply these here:
the template languages themselves often are clashing with the indicators in the YAML syntax,
making the template not valid YAML
even if the template could be loaded as valid YAML, and the values extracted that are needed to
update other parts of the template, you would need to parse the input twice (once to get the
values to update the template, then to parse the updated template). Given the potential
complexity of YAML and the relative slow speed of its parsers, this can be prohibitive
What you can do is create some tag (e.g. !lookup) and have its constructor interpret that node.
Since the node has to be valid YAML again you have to decide on whether to use a sequence or a mapping.
You'll have to include some special syntax for the values in both cases, and also for the key
(like the << used in merges) in the case of mappings.
In the examples I left out the spurious single quotes, depending on
your real values you might of course need them.
Example using sequence :
.map_values: &my_map
a: D
b: E
c: F
section: !Lookup
- *my_map
- stage: <b>
Example using mapping:
.map_values: &my_map
a: D
b: E
c: F
section: !Lookup
<<: *my_map
stage: <b>
Both can be made to construct the data on the fly (i.e. no past
loading processing of your data structure necessary). E.g. using Python and
the sequence "style" in input.yaml:
import sys
import ruamel.yaml
from pathlib import Path
input = Path('input.yaml')
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='safe')
yaml.default_flow_style = False
class Lookup:
def from_yaml(cls, constructor, node):
this expects a two entry sequence, in which the first is a mapping X, typically using
an alias
the second entry should be an mapping, for which the values which have the form <key>
are looked up in X
non-existing keys will throw an error during loading.
X, res = constructor.construct_sequence(node, deep=True)
yield res
for key, value in res.items():
if value.startswith('<') and value.endswith('>'):
res[key] = X[value[1:-1]]
except AttributeError:
return res
data = yaml.load(input)
yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)
which gives:
a: D
b: E
c: F
stage: E
There are a few things to note:
using <...> is arbitrary, you don't need a both beginning and an
end marker. I do recommend using some character(s) that has no
special meaning in YAML, so you don't need to quote your values. You can e.g. use some
well recognisable unicode point, but they tend to be a pain to type in an editor.
when from_yaml is called, the anchor is not yet fully constructed. So X is an empty dict
that gets filled later on. The constructed with yield implements a two step process: we first
give back res "as-is" back to the constructor, then later update it. The constructor stage of
the loader knows how to handle this automatically when it gets the generator instead a "normal" value.
the try .. except is there to handle mapping values that are not strings (i.e. numbers, dates, boolean).
you can do substitutions in keys as well, just make sure you delete the old key
Since tags are standard YAML, the above should be doable one way or another in any
YAML parser, independent of the language.

Module variable documentation error

I get the following error while documenting a module variable json_class_index (See source), which does not have a docstring.
The generated documentation seems to be fine. What is a good fix?
reading sources... [100%] sanskrit_data_schema_common
/home/vvasuki/sanskrit_data/sanskrit_data/schema/ of sanskrit_data.schema.common.json_class_index:3: WARNING: Unexpected indentation.
/home/vvasuki/sanskrit_data/sanskrit_data/schema/ of sanskrit_data.schema.common.json_class_index:4: WARNING: Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
/home/vvasuki/sanskrit_data/sanskrit_data/schema/ of sanskrit_data.schema.common.json_class_index:7: WARNING: Unexpected indentation.
/home/vvasuki/sanskrit_data/sanskrit_data/schema/ of sanskrit_data.schema.common.json_class_index:8: WARNING: Inline strong start-string without end-string.
PS: Note that removing the below docstring makes the error disappear, so it seems to be the thing to fix.
.. autodata:: json_class_index
:annotation: Maps jsonClass values to Python object names. Useful for (de)serialization. Updated using update_json_class_index() calls at the end of each module file (such as this one) whose classes may be serialized.
The warning messages indicate that the reStructuredText syntax of your docstrings is not valid and needs to be corrected.
Additionally your source code does not comply with PEP 8. Indentation should be 4 spaces, but your code uses 2, which might cause problems with Sphinx.
First make your code compliant with PEP 8 indentation.
Second, you must have two lines separating whatever precedes info field lists and the info field lists themselves.
Third, if the warnings persist, then look at the line numbers in the warnings—3, 4, 7, and 8—and the warnings themselves. It appears that the warnings correspond to this block of code:
def make_from_dict(cls, input_dict):
"""Defines *our* canonical way of constructing a JSON object from a dict.
All other deserialization methods should use this.
Note that this assumes that json_class_index is populated properly!
- ``from sanskrit_data.schema import *`` before using this should take care of it.
:param input_dict:
:return: A subclass of JsonObject
Try this instead, post-PEP-8-ification, which should correct most of the warnings caused by faulty white space in your docstring:
def make_from_dict(cls, input_dict):
Defines *our* canonical way of constructing a JSON object from a dict.
All other deserialization methods should use this.
Note that this assumes that json_class_index is populated properly!
- ``from sanskrit_data.schema import *`` before using this should take care of it.
:param input_dict:
:return: A subclass of JsonObject
This style is acceptable according to PEP 257. The indentation is visually and vertically consistent, where the triple quotes vertically align with the left indentation. I think it's easier to read.
The fix was to add a docstring for the variable as follows:
#: Maps jsonClass values to Python object names. Useful for (de)serialization. Updated using update_json_class_index() calls at the end of each module file (such as this one) whose classes may be serialized.
json_class_index = {}

sphinx:No content update in html content from docstring

I have been working on a project on to interface with Senna which is tool used in NLP processing using Python. For easy generation of documentation I followed reStructuredText documentation style which is pretty easy one.
On calling make html, few time(and sometime no warning) there has been shown warning like
docstring of WARNING: Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent and one more thing what is the use of this number 2 displayed in the working.
def test(senna_path="/media/jawahar/jon/ubuntu/senna", sent="", dep_model="", batch=False,
"""please replace the path of yours environment(accouding to OS path)
:parama str senna_path: path for senna location
:parama str dep_model: stanford dependency parser model location
:parama str or list sent: the sentense to process with Senna
:parama bool batch: makeing as batch process with one or more sentense passing
:parama str jar_path: location of stanford-parser.jar file
and Image of the built result is been attach to show error in the content of html. For detail view of my project follow this link
The error indicates that you have incorrect syntax, specifically no blank lines around the description and the field list, and indentation is not correct. White space matters.
Spelling matters, too. You probably meant :param blah blah: thing not :parama blah blah: thing:
See Info field lists for more information.
The following example should fix the issue. Note the correct spelling of "param", and the necessary line break separating the parameter list from the description in the docstring. Additionally, to avoid PEP8 warnings in your code (reStructuredText does not really care in this case), you should wrap long lines as noted in the method definition. There is another new line wrapping in the parameter list so that Sphinx will render it correctly as well as avoid the PEP8 warning.
def test(senna_path="/media/jawahar/jon/ubuntu/senna", sent="", dep_model="",
please replace the path of yours environment(accouding to OS path)
:param str senna_path: path for senna location
:param str dep_model: stanford dependency parser model location
:param str or list sent: the sentense to process with Senna
:param bool batch: makeing as batch process with one or more sentense
:param str jar_path: location of stanford-parser.jar file

Getting First and Follow metadata from an ANTLR4 parser

Is it possible to extract the first and follow sets from a rule using ANTLR4? I played around with this a little bit in ANTLR3 and did not find a satisfactory solution, but if anyone has info for either version, it would be appreciated.
I would like to parse user input up the user's cursor location and then provide a list of possible choices for auto-completion. At the moment, I am not interested in auto-completing tokens which are partially entered. I want to display all possible following tokens at some point mid-parse.
For example:
subjects verb (adverb)? '.' ;
firstSubject (otherSubjects)* ;
'The' (adjective)? noun ;
'and the' (adjective)? noun;
'small' | 'orange' ;
'slept' | 'ate' | 'walked' ;
'quietly' | 'noisily' ;
CAT : 'cat';
DOG : 'dog';
Given the grammar above...
If the user had not typed anything yet the auto-complete list would be ['The'] (Note that I would have to retrieve the FIRST and not the FOLLOW of rule sentence, since the follow of the base rule is always EOF).
If the input was "The", the auto-complete list would be ['small', 'orange', 'cat', 'dog'].
If the input was "The cat slept, the auto-complete list would be ['quietly', 'noisily', '.'].
So ANTLR3 provides a way to get the set of follows doing this:
BitSet followSet = state.following[state._fsp];
This works well. I can embed some logic into my parser so that when the parser calls the rule at which the user is positioned, it retrieves the follows of that rule and then provides them to the user. However, this does not work as well for nested rules (For instance, the base rule, because the follow set ignores and sub-rule follows, as it should).
I think I need to provide the FIRST set if the user has completed a rule (this could be hard to determine) as well as the FOLLOW set of to cover all valid options. I also think I will need to structure my grammar such that two tokens are never subsequent at the rule level.
I would have break the above "firstSubject" rule into some sub rules...
'The'(adjective)? CAT | DOG;
the (adjective)? CAT | DOG;
I have yet to find any information on retrieving the FIRST set from a rule.
ANTLR4 appears to have drastically changed the way it works with follows at the level of the generated parser, so at this point I'm not really sure if I should continue with ANTLR3 or make the jump to ANTLR4.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
ANTLRWorks 2 (AW2) performs a similar operation, which I'll describe here. If you reference the source code for AW2, keep in mind that it is only released under an LGPL license.
Create a special token which represents the location of interest for code completion.
In some ways, this token behaves like the EOF. In particular, the ParserATNSimulator never consumes this token; a decision is always made at or before it is reached.
In other ways, this token is very unique. In particular, if the token is located at an identifier or keyword, it is treated as though the token type was "fuzzy", and allowed to match any identifier or keyword for the language. For ANTLR 4 grammars, if the caret token is located at a location where the user has typed g, the parser will allow that token to match a rule name or the keyword grammar.
Create a specialized ATN interpreter that can return all possible parse trees which lead to the caret token, without looking past the caret for any decision, and without constraining the exact token type of the caret token.
For each possible parse tree, evaluate your code completion in the context of whatever the caret token matched in a parser rule.
The union of all the results found in step 3 is a superset of the complete set of valid code completion results, and can be presented in the IDE.
The following describes AW2's implementation of the above steps.
In AW2, this is the CaretToken, and it always has the token type CARET_TOKEN_TYPE.
In AW2, this specialized operation is represented by the ForestParser<TParser> interface, with most of the reusable implementation in AbstractForestParser<TParser> and specialized for parsing ANTLR 4 grammars for code completion in GrammarForestParser.
In AW2, this analysis is performed primarily by GrammarCompletionQuery.TaskImpl.runImpl(BaseDocument).
