Unicast Frame using Janus channel - janus

I want to send a Janus frame to specific node not a broadcast message in a 4-node network, how to do that? and how to calculate the transfer time to that node?

The JANUS spec doesn't define node addressing, and so the standard JANUS frame isn't able to support to and from fields. You'd need to put in this information at an application level in the cargo (data) or the appData field, and use it at the receiving end.

Assuming you are using txJanusFrameReq, you can use the to field to specify the destination node address, just like you would do with txFrameReq. (E.g. TxFrameReq(to: host('B')))


Change VeinsInetSampleMessage in Inet example

How do you change the sample message that gets broadcast to vehicles in the veins_inet sample application?
I can see that TraCI comes equipped with many functions that generate information about a node, such as speed, acceleration, location etc. I would like to include such information in the messages the nodes broadcast and that can be read in Pcap recordings made by each node. Currently the default message is just the RoadID of the node.

How to transfer NiFi flowfiles from one queue to another?

I have "unmatched" flowfiles in a queue. Is there any way to transfer these flowfiles into another queue?
There isn't a way to directly transfer between queues because it would take away the meaning of how those flow files got in the queue. They have to pass through the previous processor which is making the decision about which queue to place them in. You can create loops using a processor that does nothing like UpdateAttribute, and then connect that back to the original processor.
Bryan's answer is comprehensive and explains the ideal process for on-going success. If this is a one-time task (I have this queue that contains data I was using during testing; now I want it to go to this other processor), you can simply select the queue containing the data and drag the blue endpoint to the other component.

Inet framework getting time

I'm using the wireless example, and i want get the simulation time and save in parameter for calculate the time the packet arrival and the packet send. Have anyone solution for these?
There is a statistics for this automatically collected in application models (i.e. like BasicUdpApp etc.). It's called endToEndDelay.
The proper way to do this (and this what is already done in INET) is that you during packet creation you should add a TAG to the sent packet which contains a simtime_t variable and put the actual simtime there and then read the same TAG when the packet arrives and calculate the difference. Putting values into the "parameters" of a message would NOT work as the packets could be fragmented/defragmented in the network so their identity is not kept and the attached parameters are destroyed.
But again, this is already present in INET 4.2

linUpdateResponse vs Output - how are they different for LIN simulated nodes?

In a LIN simulated slave node, what is the difference between output and linUpdateResponse?
From output docs:
To reconfigure response data of LIN frame. In that case RTR selector has to be set to 0. The LIN hardware responds to the next request of the specified frame with the newly configured data.
So, I can reconfigure the output and next time (real?) hardware should talk I've successfully override it, right?
From linUpdateResponse docs:
Updates the response data of a specific LIN frame.
letting me set data length (dlc) and data content for a specific frame ID.
How are they different and are there examples available? I can't quite understand how to use the latter with the example provided.
For LIN slave nodes, there is not really a difference between output and linUpdateResponse.
Both modify the internal state of the (simulated) slave and change the frame that will be sent the next time the master asks for the frame.
As you have posted, when using output you have the set the RTR selector.
But apart from that, there is no difference.
I, personally, think that linUpdateResponse is more convenient to use.

Disable particular Node in CANoe using CAPL

I am trying to disable a particular message of a node from sending default values available in dbc file, and through capl i need to transmit new(dummy) values.
I found the function ILNodeControlStop(), which blocks the node completely, but i want to block only one message and not block the entire node.
How to disable an ECU node from sending a message from IL?
You can use
to disable the message and
to enable it again.
All this assuming, that you are using the CANoe interaction layer.
