Installing Gradle manually on Intellij - windows

How do I install downloaded Gradle for Windows OS on Intellij? I've tried to unzip the folder then copying it in a Gradle folder I created on Local Disk C, I've also added the path in the Enviroment Variables but still not working.

If you want to create a new project follow these steps:
Launch IntelliJ and select the "New project" option, you should see Gradle appearing on the left hand side option bar
Specify the JDK and maybe some Frameworks


Spring STS - Maven build error - No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK? Spring

Installed JRE pointing to JDK & Libraries pointing to jre[Please note- there solutions out there Eclipse, but I'm using Sprint STS]
Spring Tool Suite Version: 3.9.3.RELEASE
Apache Maven 3.2.5
Java- 10.0.1
OS - Windows 10
Tomcat 8.5
I have already verified Installed JRE has a JDK entry. Have verified JAVA_HOME and Path environment variables.
Maven Clean & Validate works. Maven Compile does not work.
Gives me error - "No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK? "
Can someone please help?
Your workspace needs to be configured with a JDK.
Goto Preferences->Java->Installed JREs and Add your JRE there. Point at a JRE (with a JDK).
Then right-click on your project and select Build Path->Configure Build Path->Libraries->Add Library to make sure that JRE is associated with your project.
I faced same error while using spring tool suite 4 IDE.
To resolve these issues, follow these steps:
Right click on project
Select Build path option
Click on configure Build path
Go to libraries tab
Click on Add Library option
Select JRE System Library
Select Alternate JRE option
Click on installed JRE's button
Click on ADD
Select Standard VM
Click on directory
Select the path to JDK
Click Apply & Close.
That's it, issue was resolved and maven build was successful.
I hope this works for eclipse too. It worked for me.

Moving AndroidStudio project - gradle problems

I'm attempting to move an AndroidStudio project from the default workspace location to another location (as part of moving this project to version control).
I'm new to AndroidStudio ( this is my first "real" project in it ) but when poking around the documentation I found that should be left out of version control, and so I got rid of that. That fixed my first errors when attempting to import.
However, now when I attempt to import the project from the new location, I get the following error:
The project is using an unsupported version of Gradle.
Please point to a supported Gradle version in the project's Gradle settings or in the project's Gradle wrapper (if applicable.)
This project was created just a few days ago in AndroidStudio, using AndroidStudio's default built-in gradle install. In fact, after selecting the project, but for importing it, I can see AndroidStudio is using it's built-in gradle:
AndroidStudio has also disabled the "Use default gradle wrapper" setting.
I'm using AndroidStudio 1.0.2, on Mac OS X, 10.10.1
To explain why I'm moving my project, I started the project as an experiment, and it went well, so I made a new repo for it (private github for work), cloned it to where I do my real work, copied over my project to the local clone, and then attempted to import it to AndroidStudio.
So, it turns out I hadn't copied over .gradle or .idea when I copied the project to the new location.

Intellij Golang cannot find a module

I am using Golang plugin for IntelliJ, after set the GO Sdk for the module and project. I tried to edit configuration for the project. When I click the edit configuration, in module dropdown box, it shows no module. it seems the configuration cannot find the module. Anything that I missed? I have issue the following command in order to make Go SDK work in Intellij.
# mkdir /usr/lib/go/bin
# ln -s /usr/bin/go /usr/lib/go/bin/go
# ln -s /usr/bin/godoc /usr/lib/go/bin/godoc
# ln -s /usr/bin/gofmt /usr/lib/go/bin/gofmt
In the recent version of IntelliJ (here is screenshot from Ultimate 2019.1.3) you can find the GOROOT and GOPATH in Preferences -> Language & Frameworks -> Go -> GOROOT/GOPATH.
Install to Golang in your system (I used brew):
Since OSX ElCapitan, the OSX forbid access to /bin directory, which would cause problems with compiling the project with the default settings and having error like:
Cannot run program "/bin/go" (in directory "/Users/XXX/go/src/YYY/ZZZ/service"): error=2, No such file or directory
So this should be solved by updating GO preferences.
Open IntelliJ and your go project and update GOROOT in your project
If you have a custom directory of GOPATH do update it as well.
Click to run your go program.
Try the recent latest releases of that plugin, to see if the issue persists.
Note that you shouldn't have to link anything, just set your $GOROOT environment variable (or not, as mentioned in this article), and your $GOPATH.
this works for me:
Close GoLand.
Navigate to the project root, backup and delete .idea
Open the IDE again.

How can I use a installed version of Maven with eclipse

I have downloaded Apache-Maven-3.0.4 in zip format and extracted to a directory called My Documents\Software.I have set Path variable to point to the Maven\bin directory.Now when I am checking from command prompt mvn command is working only inside Maven\bin directory.
I want to use Maven with eclipse.Do I have to download eclipse m2e plugin separately or can I make use of the already installed Maven-3.0.4. If I install eclipse m2e plugin where can I find installed m2e plugin ?
In which directory should I put my project to mvn package command to work?
This may sound silly,but I am new to Maven.Please help.
Go to window->preference->maven->installation.
click on Add. Here, you can specify external maven installation, rather internal.
But you need to install m2e plug-in for this.
are you using my eclipse or simple eclipse???
there is an option when u right click on project to add maven capabilities
look at this tutorial...find configure option on right click
Anshul Katta

Maven location (when installed indirectly with Netbeans/Glassfish)?

Where is the maven home directory when you install Netbeans with Glassfish? I have searched for 'mvn' in the Program Files directory and my user directory in Windows 7 but it turns up nothing.
In the Maven settings in Netbeans for 'Maven Home' it says 'Bundled' which isn't much use to me, I need the actual path to maven.
First install maven separately (and verify it by running mvn command line) and then open netbeans and navigate to Tools -> Options -> Java -> Maven (I guess you already know that but just in case) and change the 'Maven Home' path to the directory where maven is installed.
The Bundled maven could generally be found at NetBeans_install_directory/java/maven.
Example For Mac:
Example For Windows:
C:/Program Files/Netbeans 8.2/java/maven/
Not sure what version you downloaded back then, but with version 7.3, maven is found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NetBeans 7.3\java\maven\
In Mac OS it is in
I know its an old question but still there's also another way of seeing where mvn is installed on your Netbeans.
When you clean and build your project you can see in the console output the location of maven used. See the red circle in the screenshot /home/<user>/netbeans-8.2/java/maven/bin/mvn
The maven bundled with NetBeans located at
% NetBeans Installation Location %\java\maven
Eg: C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\java\maven\bin
