php laravel and stripe auto trigger for payment in specific time - laravel

i am working on project ( php laravel + stripe payment ) which i need to let the user pay for product by two step :
the first one will be triggered by the user to pay half amount of
product's value
and the second one will be paying the remaining amount at specific
time automatically without of being triggered by user
the question is : what's the best solution to apply the second step ( paying automatically in specific time ) ? using stripe subscription or laravel cron job or there is better sollution ?
any ideas will be highly appreciated

If you don't repeat the second step, I would recommend just creating another Payment (normally using PaymentIntent) at the specific time. You can use a cron job to find previously created PaymentMethod, then create a PaymentIntent and try to confirm it immediately like Charge the Saved Payment Method step here


I want to prevent user to make payout request from his wallet for specific time

I'm working on e-learning academy system like udemy every instructor have wallets and wallets have three type of balance
1- total balance and it present total earning
2- available balance and it present earning that he can make payout or transfer it to his bank account
3- hold balance and it present earning that is not available for specific time then will be available to transfer it.
Project build by Laravel my issue how can I hold money for 14 days and after that make this money available without any action from my side I need logical idea to make it
can use cron job, or is anyone have this experience before ?
Let me break down the issue as per my understanding so we make sure I'm answering the correct question;
You have a system that has a wallet feature.
This wallet needs to hold some money and make the money unavailable to be paid out (hold status)
Then after 14 days, the money gets paid automatically without any interaction.
If I'm correct, then keep reading the answer below. If i'm not, correct me with a comment and I'll update my answer accordingly.
We will create a new table. Let's call it pending_payments. It'll have the following information: user_id, payment_amount, pay_at
That table will hold information about pending payments and to which user they should be paid as well as the amount and the date it should be paid at.
We'll have a Laravel job that can be automated ( read this for more information: which will do the following:
a. Run daily on a specific time. Let's say at 13:00 daily for ease.
b. It'll check the pending_payments table for payments that should be paid today.
c. Pay them ( which means run whatever function/task you have to run in order to process the payment).
d. On a successful payment, remove the row from pending_payments table. And on a failure payment, log the error and insert the row again with a later date to be retried again later.
That's it.

Laravel Cashier incrementQuantity() tidy invoicing

Has anybody here dealt with incrementing subscriptions for "admin" users? Also, how do you handle invoicing and first/second-month charges in a neat manner?
I have a use case where users can sign up other subscribers and pay for these subscriptions from their card on file. The "admin" user signs up for the first subscription, and I keep incrementing the original sub every time a new sub is added.
When I send these through Cashier, the user only seems to get charged once, and then the second, third, etc., the first-month cost gets added onto the next month's invoice, and a new line item of unused time every time the admin user adds a new sub. So I first do:
Then I do:
The user only gets charged one monthly charge at newSubscription()->create(), And the next month's invoice has the following math.
(# of Subscriptions x Monthly Charge) - (Monthly Charge)
And the invoice has a ton of line items saying "Unused Time ..." which looks OK if that admin user only has one or two additions to their subscription but gets messy real quick beyond that. This seems super unprofessional and annoying to explain to the admin users. How do you/would you guys go about making this smoother? I understand that the invoicing for the incrementQuantity() method is enforced by the Stripe API, but it doesn't make sense to have so many prorating adjustments in a first invoice.
What is your goal/desired behavior here? Laravel cashier does allow you to change how you want the prorations to behave. By default prorations will be created and pulled into the next invoice, but you can also choose to disable prorations entirely or create prorations and have them immediately invoiced so that the difference is price is paid for immediately.
If you don't want any prorations generated at all when you update the quantity of a Subscription you can use noProrate() (see laravel's docs). Disabling prorations entirely may not be what you want though, since it won't allow you to charge a customer for the difference in price when they update mid-cycle. As an example, if you start off with a quantity: 1 Subscription they'll be charge for just 1 unit at the start of the month. If prorations are turned off and you update to quantity: 5, the customer won't have to pay for the new price until the subscription is renewed. If this is still what you want to do, you'd use it like this: $request->user()->subscription()->noProrate()-> incrementQuantity().
Another option would be to keep generating prorations, but have them immediately invoiced so that they aren't reflected in the renewal invoice at the end of the month. This will result in the customer being invoiced more often, but would solve your issue where the renewal invoice looks cluttered because of all the prorations. You would get this behavior by using alwaysInvoice() like this: $request->user()->subscription()->alwaysInvoice()-> incrementQuantity().

How to Get data from an API every 2 min and use it in all of project?

I want to build a website which need to get gold price every 3 min and use with this price in many of my controller in my project.
how can get gold price from another API and how use this in my controller?
use cronjob to send a request to the gold api, receive the results and save them to the databse, and after 3 minute check if the price for the gold exists, update price. After you have the data you can access it from all your controllers and methods.
Laravel Cron jon - Read here
Laravel HTTP Client - Read here
This is all you need to know to finish your task

Logged In User Count Laravel 3

I'm using Laravel 3. How do I have a notice that can tell me how many users are currently logged in.
I wish I could explain this better but I am new to Laravel and I should upgrade to 5.1 but that is not a option at the moment.
Any help is appreciated.
Step 1: upgrade to Laravel 5.x
Step 2: add a migration to add the column active_at as a date to the users table
Step 3: add a new HTTP middleware called ActiveUser
Step 4: in the middleware handle method:
if ($user = $request->user()) {
$user->active_at = new \DateTime();
Step 5: feed your baby dragon
Step 6: you can now get users by activity using the active_at column
I think that is not a built in feature in Laravel. You could add a column to your user table, something like a flag if the user is logged in or not.
Simply set that column to true, after authenticating of the user and to false when the user logs out again.
Where you need the number of logged in users, simply count the rows in the user table where that flag is set to true.
As far as I know there is no easy way to achieve this. What you can do is show how many users have logged in in the last X minutes using the last logged in column in the users column. I admit, this isn't exactly what you're looking for but it might be the next best thing.
There is no way to accomplish this with laravel or php without using a third party tool like html5 websockets ( ratchet, etc ) or javascript with ajax.
it is pretty easy and more reliable with websockets. you can create your server to handle connection/disconnection and keep record of sockets connected and emit a message to all connected sockets count of actively connected sockets. This will be real time and less transaction since websockets will only trigger when there is an activity ( someone logins/logouts ) but requires higher access level of control over server/machine in order to install node.js, and open a tcp port for communication.
second option is javascript with ajax. keep a column in users data table as last_online and update this data each time user browses any page in your site. Like put a code at the top/bottom of your each page and update this columns value with current time. secondly determine how much avarage time a visitor roughly spends on your each page. then create a ajax script where you show your onlines count and trigger it every x amount of time that you determined ( i.e every 30 secs ) on the other side of your code check how many people were online since your last check ( current time - x time )
for instance
$query = "select count(id) total_online_last30 from users where last_check>='" . date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" , strtotime( date() . " +30 seconds") ) . "'"
then print it out.

To find customer's first login

Magento 1.6.
Within the login processing code, is it possible to find out when the user/customer has logged in for the very first time?
If your Magento is configured not to use double-opt-in (email confirmation) for customer registrations, then you can use what #PauGNU already posted:
$created_at = $customer->getCreatedAt();
But when it comes to double-opt-in, Magento creates the customer account immediately, i.e. setting created_at to the current system time, but does not activate it (so that customer cannot login before confirming) and only sends a confirmation mail.
This means an unkown delay (minutes, days, weeks, whatever) between created_at and the very first login, so created_at wouldn't be of use anymore.
Actually, Magento has a place, where customer login times are being tracked by default: the table field log_customer.login_at, accessible by Mage_Log_Model_Customer, for example.
But, if you plan to use it:
by default the class has no method to get the very first login. You'd need to develop that yourself.
if "Log Cleaning" is active (to keep the database smaller), you'll gonna lose the saved login times.
In that case, I'd prefer identifying the most proper event, hooking into it and saving only the very first login time per customer to a separate table.
Given that the first login is always when the customer registers itself in the web, you only need to check out the field «created_at» on the customer_entity table.
If you load a customer, it's really easy to get that data:
$created_at = $customer->getCreatedAt();
