The original problem is here:
Design a O(N log N) algorithm to read in a list of words and print out all anagrams. For example, the strings "comedian" and "demoniac" are anagrams of each other. Assume there are N words and each word contains at most 20 letters. Designing a O(N^2) algorithms should not be too difficult, but getting it down to O(N log N) requires some cleverness.
I am confused since the length of a word does not depend on N. It is a constant number 20. So I thought we can multiply the running time for one word by N. Hence the result will be O(N). However, it seems I miss something.
If they insist on hitting that O(n log n) algorithm (because I think you can do better), a way is as follows:
Iterate over the array and sort each word individually
Keep a one to one map of each sorted word its original (in the form of a tuple for example)
Sort that newly created list by the sorted words.
Iterate over the sorted list, extract the words with equal sorted counterparts (they are adjacent now) and print them.
array = ["abc", "gba", "bca"]
Sorting each word individually and keeping the original word gives:
new_array = [("abc", "abc"), ("abg", "gba"), ("abc", "bca")]
Sorting the whole array by the first element gives:
new_array = [("abc", "abc"), ("abc", "bca"), ("abg", "gba")]
Now we iterate over the above array and extract words with equal first elements in the tuple, which gives
[("abc", "abc"), ("abc", "bca")] => ["abc", "bca"]
Time complexity analysis:
Looping over the original array is linear n.
sorting each individual word in constant because they will never exceed 20 characters. It's just 20 * log 20 = 100 roughly.
sorting the whole array is linearithmic in n.
the resulting time complexity becomes O(n * log n) where n is the length of the input array.
An algorithm
We are going to find an "identifier" for every class of anagrams. An identifier should be something that:
is unique to this class: no two classes have the same identifier;
can be computed when we're given a single word of the class: given two different words of the same class, we should compute the same identifier.
Once we've done that, all we have to do is group together the words that have the same identifier. There are several different ways of grouping words that have the same identifier; the main two ways are:
sorting the list of words, using the identifier as a comparison key;
using a "map" data structure, for instance a hash table or a binary tree.
Can you think of a good identifier?
An identifier I can think of is the list of letters of the words, in alphabetical order. For instance:
comedian --> acdeimno
dog --> dgo
god --> dgo
hello --> ehllo
hole --> ehlo
demoniac --> acdeimno
Implementation in python
words = 'comedian dog god hello hole demoniac'.split()
d = {}
for word in words:
d.setdefault(''.join(sorted(word)), []).append(word)
[['comedian', 'demoniac'], ['dog', 'god'], ['hello'], ['hole']]
The explanation
The most important thing here is that for each word, we computed ''.join(sorted(word)). That's the identifier I mentioned earlier. In fact, I didn't write the earlier example by hand; I printed it with python using the following code:
for word in words:
print(word, ' --> ', ''.join(sorted(word)))
comedian --> acdeimno
dog --> dgo
god --> dgo
hello --> ehllo
hole --> ehlo
demoniac --> acdeimno
So what is this? For each class of anagrams, we've made up a unique word to represent that class. "comedian" and "demoniac" both belong to the same class, represented by "acdeimno".
Once we've managed to do that, all that is left is to group the words which have the same representative. There are a few different ways to do that. In the python code, I have used a python dict, a dictionary, which is effectively a hashtable mapping the representative to the list of corresponding words.
Another way, if you don't know about map data structures, is to sort the list, which takes O(N log N) operations, using the representative as the comparison key:
print( sorted(words, key=lambda word:''.join(sorted(word))) )
['comedian', 'demoniac', 'dog', 'god', 'hello', 'hole']
Now, all words that belong to the same class of synonyms are adjacent. All that's left for you to do is iterate through this sorted list, and group elements which have the same key. This is only O(N). So the longest part of the algorithm was sorting the list.
You can do it in o(n) by using a hash table (or a dict in python)
Then you add of for i in 1..sqrt(n) at each step
This is the best way to make a n.sqrt(n) where a o(n) algorithm exists.
Let d=dict() a python dictionary
Iterate over the array:
for each word w, let s=word sorted by increasing letter value
if s already in d, add w to d[s]
if not d[s]=[w]
for i in 1.. sqrt(n) : do nothing // needed to slow from o(n) to o(n.sqrt())`
Print anagrams
foreach (k,l) in d
if len(l)>1 print l
I have a list that contains 100,000+ words/phrases sorted by length
let list = [“string with spaces”, “another string”, “test”, ...]
I need to find the longest element in the list above that is inside a given sentence. This is my initial solution
for item in list {
if sentence == item
|| sentence.startsWith(item + “ “)
|| sentence.contains(“ “ + item + “ “)
|| sentence.endsWith(“ “ + item) {
This issue I am running into is that this is too slow for my application. Is there a different approach I could take to make this faster?
You could build an Aho-Corasick searcher from the list and then run this on the sentence. According to "The complexity of the algorithm is linear in the length of the strings plus the length of the searched text plus the number of output matches. Note that because all matches are found, there can be a quadratic number of matches if every substring matches (e.g. dictionary = a, aa, aaa, aaaa and input string is aaaa). "
I would break the given sentence up into a list of words and then compute all possible contiguous sublists (i.e. phrases). Given a sentence of n words, there are n * (n + 1) / 2 possible phrases that can be found inside it.
If you now substitute your list of search phrases ([“string with spaces”, “another string”, “test”, ...]) for an (amortized) constant time lookup data structure like a hashset, you can walk over the list of phrases you computed in the previous step and check whether each one is in the set in ~ constant time.
The overall time complexity of this algorithm scales quadratically in the size of the sentence, and is roughly independent of the size of the set of search terms.
The solution I decided to use was a Trie Each node in the trie is a word, and all I do is tokenize the input sentence (by word) and traverse the trie.
This improved performance from ~140 seconds to ~5 seconds
Assume we have the following data, which consists of a consecutive 0's and 1's (the nature of data is that there are very very very few 1s.
data =
so a huge number of zeros, and then possibly some ones (which indicate that some sort of an event is happening).
You want to query this data many times. The query is that given two indices i and j what is sum(data[i:j]). For example, sum_query(i=12, j=25) = 2 in above example.
Note that you have all these queries in advance.
What sort of a data structure can help me evaluate all the queries as fast as possible?
My initial thoughts:
preprocess the data and obtain two shorter arrays: data_change and data_cumsum. The data_change will be filled up with the indices for when the sequence of 1s will start and when the next sequence of 0s will start, and so on. The data_cumsum will contain the corresponding cummulative sums up to indices represented in data_change, i.e. data_cumsum[k] = sum(data[0:data_change[k]])
In above example, the preprocessing results in: data_change=[8,11,18,20,31,35] and data_cumsum=[0,3,3,5,5,9]
Then if query comes for i=12 and j=25, I will do a binary search in this sorted data_change array to find the corresponding index for 12 and then for 25, which will result in the 0-based indices: bin_search(data_change, 12)=2 and bin_search(data_change, 25)=4.
Then I simply output the corresponding difference from the cumsum array: data_cumsum[4] - data_cumsum[2]. (I won't go into the detail of handling the situation where the any endpoint of the query range falls in the middle of the sequence of 1's, but those cases can be handled easily with an if-statement.
With linear space, linear preprocessing, constant query time, you can store an array of sums. The i'th position gets the sum of the first i elements. To get query(i,j) you take the difference of the sums (sums[j] - sums[i-1]).
I already gave an O(1) time, O(n) space answer. Here are some alternates that trade time for space.
1. Assuming that the number of 1s is O(log n) or better (say O(log n) for argument):
Store an array of ints representing the positions of the ones in the original array. so if the input is [1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1] then A = [0,4,6,7].
Given a query, use binary search on A for the start and end of the query in O(log(|A|)) = O(log(log(n)). If the element you're looking for isn't in A, find the smallest bigger index and the largest smaller index. E.g., for query (2,6) you'd return the indices for the 4 and the 6, which are (1,2). Then the answer is one more than the difference.
2. Take advantage of knowing all the queries up front (as mentioned by the OP in a comment to my other answer). Say Q = (Q1, Q2, ..., Qm) is the set of queries.
Process the queries, storing a map of start and end indices to the query. E.g., if Q1 = (12,92) then our map would include {92 => Q1, 12 => Q1}. This take O(m) time and O(m) space. Take note of the smallest start index and the largest end index.
Process the input data, starting with the smallest start index. Keep track of the running sum. For each index, check your map of queries. If the index is in the map, associate the current running sum with the appropriate query.
At the end, each query will have two sums associated with it. Add one to the difference to get the answer.
Worst case analysis:
O(n) + O(m) time, O(m) space. However, this is across all queries. The amortized time cost per query is O(n/m). This is the same as my constant time solution (which required O(n) preprocessing).
I would probably go with something like this:
# boilerplate testdata
from itertools import chain, permutations
data = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1]
chained = list(chain(*permutations(data,5))) # increase 5 to 10 if you dare
frSet = frozenset([i for i in range(len(chained)) if chained[i]==1])
# O(min(len(frSet), len(frozenset(range(200,500))))
summa = frSet.intersection(frozenset(range(200,500))) # use two sets for faster intersect
print(sum([1 for x in frSet if x >= 200 and x<500]))
No edge cases needed, intersection will do all you need, slightly higher memory as you store each index not ranges of ones. Performance depends on intersection-Implementation.
This might be helpfull:
My data has large number of sets (few millions). Each of those set size is between few members to several tens of thousands integers. Many of those sets are subsets of larger sets (there are many of those super-sets). I'm trying to assign each subset to it's largest superset.
Please can anyone recommend algorithm for this type of task?
There are many algorithms for generating all possible sub-sets of a set, but this type of approach is time-prohibitive given my data size (e.g. this paper or SO question).
Example of my data-set:
A {1, 2, 3}
B {1, 3}
C {2, 4}
D {2, 4, 9}
E {3, 5}
F {1, 2, 3, 7}
Expected answer: B and A are subset of F (it's not important B is also subset of A); C is a subset of D; E remains unassigned.
Here's an idea that might work:
Build a table that maps number to a sorted list of sets, sorted first by size with largest first, and then, by size, arbitrarily but with some canonical order. (Say, alphabetically by set name.) So in your example, you'd have a table that maps 1 to [F, A, B], 2 to [F, A, D, C], 3 to [F, A, B, E] and so on. This can be implemented to take O(n log n) time where n is the total size of the input.
For each set in the input:
fetch the lists associated with each entry in that set. So for A, you'd get the lists associated with 1, 2, and 3. The total number of selects you'll issue in the runtime of the whole algorithm is O(n), so runtime so far is O(n log n + n) which is still O(n log n).
Now walk down each list simultaneously. If a set is the first entry in all three lists, then it's the largest set that contains the input set. Output that association and continue with the next input list. If not, then discard the smallest item among all the items in the input lists and try again. Implementing this last bit is tricky, but you can store the heads of all lists in a heap and get (IIRC) something like O(n log k) overall runtime where k is the maximum size of any individual set, so you can bound that at O(n log n) in the worst case.
So if I got everything straight, the runtime of the algorithm is overall O(n log n), which seems like probably as good as you're going to get for this problem.
Here is a python implementation of the algorithm:
from collections import defaultdict, deque
import heapq
def LargestSupersets(setlists):
'''Computes, for each item in the input, the largest superset in the same input.
setlists: A list of lists, each of which represents a set of items. Items must be hashable.
# First, build a table that maps each element in any input setlist to a list of records
# of the form (-size of setlist, index of setlist), one for each setlist that contains
# the corresponding element
element_to_entries = defaultdict(list)
for idx, setlist in enumerate(setlists):
entry = (-len(setlist), idx) # cheesy way to make an entry that sorts properly -- largest first
for element in setlist:
# Within each entry, sort so that larger items come first, with ties broken arbitrarily by
# the set's index
for entries in element_to_entries.values():
# Now build up the output by going over each setlist and walking over the entries list for
# each element in the setlist. Since the entries list for each element is sorted largest to
# smallest, the first entry we find that is in every entry set we pulled will be the largest
# element of the input that contains each item in this setlist. We are guaranteed to eventually
# find such an element because, at the very least, the item we're iterating on itself is in
# each entries list.
output = []
for idx, setlist in enumerate(setlists):
num_elements = len(setlist)
buckets = [element_to_entries[element] for element in setlist]
# We implement the search for an item that appears in every list by maintaining a heap and
# a queue. We have the invariants that:
# 1. The queue contains the n smallest items across all the buckets, in order
# 2. The heap contains the smallest item from each bucket that has not already passed through
# the queue.
smallest_entries_heap = []
smallest_entries_deque = deque([], num_elements)
for bucket_idx, bucket in enumerate(buckets):
smallest_entries_heap.append((bucket[0], bucket_idx, 0))
while (len(smallest_entries_deque) < num_elements or
smallest_entries_deque[0] != smallest_entries_deque[num_elements - 1]):
# First extract the next smallest entry in the queue ...
(smallest_entry, bucket_idx, element_within_bucket_idx) = heapq.heappop(smallest_entries_heap)
# ... then add the next-smallest item from the bucket that we just removed an element from
if element_within_bucket_idx + 1 < len(buckets[bucket_idx]):
new_element = buckets[bucket_idx][element_within_bucket_idx + 1]
heapq.heappush(smallest_entries_heap, (new_element, bucket_idx, element_within_bucket_idx + 1))
output.append((idx, smallest_entries_deque[0][1]))
return output
Note: don't trust my writeup too much here. I just thought of this algorithm right now, I haven't proved it correct or anything.
So you have millions of sets, with thousands of elements each. Just representing that dataset takes billions of integers. In your comparisons you'll quickly get to trillions of operations without even breaking a sweat.
Therefore I'll assume that you need a solution which will distribute across a lot of machines. Which means that I'll think in terms of A series of them.
Read the sets in, mapping them to k:v pairs of i: s where i is an element of the set s.
Receive a key of an integers, along with a list of sets. Map them off to pairs (s1, s2): i where s1 <= s2 are both sets that included to i. Do not omit to map each set to be paired with itself!
For each pair (s1, s2) count the size k of the intersection, and send off pairs s1: k, s2: k. (Only send the second if s1 and s2 are different.
For each set s receive the set of supersets. If it is maximal, send off s: s. Otherwise send off t: s for every t that is a strict superset of s.
For each set s, receive the set of subsets, with s in the list only if it is maximal. If s is maximal, send off t: s for every t that is a subset of s.
For each set we receive the set of maximal sets that it is a subset of. (There may be many.)
There are a lot of steps for this, but at its heart it requires repeated comparisons between pairs of sets with a common element for each common element. Potentially that is O(n * n * m) where n is the number of sets and m is the number of distinct elements that are in many sets.
Here is a simple suggestion for an algorithm that might give better results based on your numbers (n = 10^6 to 10^7 sets with m = 2 to 10^5 members, a lot of super/subsets). Of course it depends a lot on your data. Generally speaking complexity is much worse than for the other proposed algorithms. Maybe you could only process the sets with less than X, e.g. 1000 members that way and for the rest use the other proposed methods.
Sort the sets by their size.
Remove the first (smallest) set and start comparing it against the others from behind (largest set first).
Stop as soon as you found a superset and create a relation. Just remove if no superset was found.
Repeat 2. and 3. for all but the last set.
If you're using Excel, you could structure it as follows:
1) Create a cartesian plot as a two-way table that has all your data sets as titles on both the side and the top
2) In a seperate tab, create a row for each data set in the first column, along with a second column that will count the number of entries (ex: F has 4) and then just stack FIND(",") and MID formulas across the sheet to split out all the entries within each data set. Use the counter in the second column to do COUNTIF(">0"). Each variable you find can be your starting point in a subsequent FIND until it runs out of variables and just returns a blank.
3) Go back to your cartesian plot, and bring over the separate entries you just generated for your column titles (ex: F is 1,2,3,7). Use an AND statement to then check that each entry in your left hand column is in your top row data set using an OFFSET to your seperate area and utilizing your counter as the width for the OFFSET
Say there is a word set and I would like to clustering them based on their char bag (multiset). For example
{tea, eat, abba, aabb, hello}
will be clustered into
{{tea, eat}, {abba, aabb}, {hello}}.
abba and aabb are clustered together because they have the same char bag, i.e. two a and two b.
To make it efficient, a naive way I can think of is to covert each word into a char-cnt series, for exmaple, abba and aabb will be both converted to a2b2, tea/eat will be converted to a1e1t1. So that I can build a dictionary and group words with same key.
Two issues here: first I have to sort the chars to build the key; second, the string key looks awkward and performance is not as good as char/int keys.
Is there a more efficient way to solve the problem?
For detecting anagrams you can use a hashing scheme based on the product of prime numbers A->2, B->3, C->5 etc. will give "abba" == "aabb" == 36 (but a different letter to primenumber mapping will be better)
See my answer here.
Since you are going to sort words, I assume all characters ascii values are in the range 0-255. Then you can do a Counting Sort over the words.
The counting sort is going to take the same amount of time as the size of the input word. Reconstruction of the string obtained from counting sort will take O(wordlen). You cannot make this step less than O(wordLen) because you will have to iterate the string at least once ie O(wordLen). There is no predefined order. You cannot make any assumptions about the word without iterating though all the characters in that word. Traditional sorting implementations(ie comparison based ones) will give you O(n * lg n). But non comparison ones give you O(n).
Iterate over all the words of the list and sort them using our counting sort. Keep a map of
sorted words to the list of known words they map. Addition of elements to a list takes constant time. So overall the complexity of the algorithm is O(n * avgWordLength).
Here is a sample implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ClusterGen {
static String sortWord(String w) {
int freq[] = new int[256];
for (char c : w.toCharArray()) {
StringBuilder sortedWord = new StringBuilder();
//It is at most O(n)
for (int i = 0; i < freq.length; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < freq[i]; ++j) {
return sortedWord.toString();
static Map<String, List<String>> cluster(List<String> words) {
Map<String, List<String>> allClusters = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
for (String word : words) {
String sortedWord = sortWord(word);
List<String> cluster = allClusters.get(sortedWord);
if (cluster == null) {
cluster = new ArrayList<String>();
allClusters.put(sortedWord, cluster);
return allClusters;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(cluster(Arrays.asList("tea", "eat", "abba", "aabb", "hello")));
System.out.println(cluster(Arrays.asList("moon", "bat", "meal", "tab", "male")));
{aabb=[abba, aabb], ehllo=[hello], aet=[tea, eat]}
{abt=[bat, tab], aelm=[meal, male], mnoo=[moon]}
Using an alphabet of x characters and a maximum word length of y, you can create hashes of (x + y) bits such that every anagram has a unique hash. A value of 1 for a bit means there is another of the current letter, a value of 0 means to move on to the next letter. Here's an example showing how this works:
Let's say we have a 7 letter alphabet(abcdefg) and a maximum word length of 4. Every word hash will be 11 bits. Let's hash the word "fade": 10001010100
The first bit is 1, indicating there is an a present. The second bit indicates that there are no more a's. The third bit indicates that there are no more b's, and so on. Another way to think about this is the number of ones in a row represents the number of that letter, and the total zeroes before that string of ones represents which letter it is.
Here is the hash for "dada": 11000110000
It's worth noting that because there is a one-to-one correspondence between possible hashes and possible anagrams, this is the smallest possible hash guaranteed to give unique hashes for any input, which eliminates the need to check everything in your buckets when you are done hashing.
I'm well aware that using large alphabets and long words will result in a large hash size. This solution is geared towards guaranteeing unique hashes in order to avoid comparing strings. If you can design an algorithm to compute this hash in constant time(given you know the values of x and y) then you'll be able to solve the entire grouping problem in O(n).
I would do this in two steps, first sort all your words according to their length and work on each subset separately(this is to avoid lots of overlaps later.)
The next step is harder and there are many ways to do it. One of the simplest would be to assign every letter a number(a = 1, b = 2, etc. for example) and add up all the values for each word, thereby assigning each word to an integer. Then you can sort the words according to this integer value which drastically cuts the number you have to compare.
Depending on your data set you may still have a lot of overlaps("bad" and "cac" would generate the same integer hash) so you may want to set a threshold where if you have too many words in one bucket you repeat the previous step with another hash(just assigning different numbers to the letters) Unless someone has looked at your code and designed a wordlist to mess you up, this should cut the overlaps to almost none.
Keep in mind that this approach will be efficient when you are expecting small numbers of words to be in the same char bag. If your data is a lot of long words that only go into a couple char bags, the number of comparisons you would do in the final step would be astronomical, and in this case you would be better off using an approach like the one you described - one that has no possible overlaps.
One thing I've done that's similar to this, but allows for collisions, is to sort the letters, then get rid of duplicates. So in your example, you'd have buckets for "aet", "ab", and "ehlo".
Now, as I say, this allows for collisions. So "rod" and "door" both end up in the same bucket, which may not be what you want. However, the collisions will be a small set that is easily and quickly searched.
So once you have the string for a bucket, you'll notice you can convert it into a 32-bit integer (at least for ASCII). Each letter in the string becomes a bit in a 32-bit integer. So "a" is the first bit, "b" is the second bit, etc. All (English) words make a bucket with a 26-bit identifier. You can then do very fast integer compares to find the bucket a new words goes into, or find the bucket an existing word is in.
Count the frequency of characters in each of the strings then build a hash table based on the frequency table. so for an example, for string aczda and aacdz we get 20110000000000000000000001. Using hash table we can partition all these strings in buckets in O(N).
26-bit integer as a hash function
If your alphabet isn't too large, for instance, just lower case English letters, you can define this particular hash function for each word: a 26 bit integer where each bit represents whether that English letter exists in the word. Note that two words with the same char set will have the same hash.
Then just add them to a hash table. It will automatically be clustered by hash collisions.
It will take O(max length of the word) to calculate a hash, and insertion into a hash table is constant time. So the overall complexity is O(max length of a word * number of words)
Let us consider n words, each of length k. Those words consist of letters over an alphabet (whose cardinality is n) with defined order. The task is to derive an O(nk) algorithm to count the number of pairs of words that differ by one position (no matter which one exactly, as long as it's only a single position).
For instance, in the following set of words (n = 5, k = 4):
abcd, abdd, adcb, adcd, aecd
there are 5 such pairs: (abcd, abdd), (abcd, adcd), (abcd, aecd), (adcb, adcd), (adcd, aecd).
So far I've managed to find an algorithm that solves a slightly easier problem: counting the number of pairs of words that differ by one GIVEN position (i-th). In order to do this I swap the letter at the ith position with the last letter within each word, perform a Radix sort (ignoring the last position in each word - formerly the ith position), linearly detect words whose letters at the first 1 to k-1 positions are the same, eventually count the number of occurrences of each letter at the last (originally ith) position within each set of duplicates and calculate the desired pairs (the last part is simple).
However, the algorithm above doesn't seem to be applicable to the main problem (under the O(nk) constraint) - at least not without some modifications. Any idea how to solve this?
Assuming n and k isn't too large so that this will fit into memory:
Have a set with the first letter removed, one with the second letter removed, one with the third letter removed, etc. Technically this has to be a map from strings to counts.
Run through the list, simply add the current element to each of the maps (obviously by removing the applicable letter first) (if it already exists, add the count to totalPairs and increment it by one).
Then totalPairs is the desired value.
This should be O(n.k.logn).
You can use a map that uses hashing (e.g. HashMap in Java), instead of a sorted map for a theoretical complexity of O(nk) (though I've generally found a hash map to be slower than a sorted tree-based map).
A small alteration on this is to have a map of the first 2 letters removed to 2 maps, one with first letter removed and one with second letter removed, and have the same for the 3rd and 4th letters, and so on.
Then put these into maps with 4 letters removed and those into maps with 8 letters removed and so on, up to half the letters removed.
The complexity of this is:
You do 2 lookups into 2 sorted sets containing maximum k elements (for each half).
For each of these you do 2 lookups into 2 sorted sets again (for each quarter).
So the number of lookups is 2 + 4 + 8 + ... + k/2 + k, which I believe is O(k).
I may be wrong here, but, worst case, the number of elements in any given map is n, but this will cause all other maps to only have 1 element, so still O(logn), but for each n (not each n.k).
So I think that's O(n.(logn + k)).
Example of my maps (without the improvement):
(x-1) means x maps to 1.
Let's say we have abcd, abdd, adcb, adcd, aecd.
The first map would be (bcd-1), (bdd-1), (dcb-1), (dcd-1), (ecd-1).
The second map would be (acd-3), (add-1), (acb-1) (for 4th and 5th, value already existed, so increment).
The third map : (abd-2), (adb-1), (add-1), (aed-1) (2nd already existed).
The fourth map : (abc-1), (abd-1), (adc-2), (aec-1) (4th already existed).
totalPairs = 0
For second map - acd, for the 4th, we add 1, for the 5th we add 2.
totalPairs = 3
For third map - abd, for the 2th, we add 1.
totalPairs = 4
For fourth map - adc, for the 4th, we add 1.
totalPairs = 5.
Partial example of improved maps:
Same input as above.
Map of first 2 letters removed to maps of 1st and 2nd letter removed:
(cd-{ {(bcd-1)}, {(acd-1)} }),
(dd-{ {(bdd-1)}, {(add-1)} }),
(cb-{ {(dcb-1)}, {(acb-1)} }),
(cd-{ {(dcd-1)}, {(acd-1)} }),
(cd-{ {(ecd-1)}, {(acd-1)} })
The above is a map consisting of an element cd mapped to 2 maps, one containing one element (bcd-1) and the other containing (acd-1).
But for the 4th and 5th cd already existed, so, rather than generating the above, it will be added to that map instead, as follows:
(cd-{ {(bcd-1, dcd-1, ecd-1)}, {(acd-3)} }),
(dd-{ {(bdd-1)}, {(add-1)} }),
(cb-{ {(dcb-1)}, {(acb-1)} })
You can put each word into an array.Pop out elements from that array one by one.Then compare the resulting arrays.Finally you add back the popped element to get back the original arrays.
The popped elements from both the arrays must not be same.
Count number of cases where this occurs and finally divide it by 2 to get the exact solution
Think about how you would enumerate the language - you would likely use a recursive algorithm. Recursive algorithms map onto tree structures. If you construct such a tree, each divergence represents a difference of one letter, and each leaf will represent a word in the language.
It's been two months since I submitted the problem here. I have discussed it with my peers in the meantime and would like to share the outcome.
The main idea is similar to the one presented by Dukeling. For each word A and for each ith position within that word we are going to consider a tuple: (prefix, suffix, letter at the ith position), i.e. (A[1..i-1], A[i+1..n], A[i]). If i is either 1 or n, then the applicable substring is considered empty (these are simple boundary cases).
Having these tuples in hand, we should be able to apply the reasoning I provided in my first post to count the number of pairs of different words. All we have to do is sort the tuples by the prefix and suffix values (separately for each i) - then, words with letters equal at all but ith position will be adjacent to each other.
Here though is the technical part I am lacking. So as to make the sorting procedure (RadixSort appears to be the way to go) meet the O(nk) constraint, we might want to assign labels to our prefixes and suffixes (we only need n labels for each i). I am not quite sure how to go about the labelling stuff. (Sure, we might do some hashing instead, but I am pretty confident the former solution is viable).
While this is not an entirely complete solution, I believe it casts some light on the possible way to tackle this problem and that is why I posted it here. If anyone comes up with an idea of how to do the labelling part, I will implement it in this post.
How's the following Python solution?
import string
def one_apart(words, word):
res = set()
for i, _ in enumerate(word):
for c in string.ascii_lowercase:
w = word[:i] + c + word[i+1:]
if w != word and w in words:
return res
pairs = set()
for w in words:
for other in one_apart(words, w):
pairs.add(frozenset((w, other)))
for pair in pairs:
frozenset({'abcd', 'adcd'})
frozenset({'aecd', 'adcd'})
frozenset({'adcb', 'adcd'})
frozenset({'abcd', 'aecd'})
frozenset({'abcd', 'abdd'})