Strapi - error GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found "}" - graphql

I am getting this error in Strapi app while building
error GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found "}".
Full Log
[2021-11-27T04:22:19.124Z] debug ⛔️ Server wasn't able to start properly.
[2021-11-27T04:22:19.127Z] error GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found "}".
at syntaxError (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\graphql\error\syntaxError.js:15:10)
at Parser.expectToken (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\graphql\language\parser.js:1413:40)
at Parser.parseName (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\graphql\language\parser.js:98:22)
at Parser.parseFieldDefinition (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\graphql\language\parser.js:879:21)
at Parser.optionalMany (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\graphql\language\parser.js:1503:28)
at Parser.parseFieldsDefinition (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\graphql\language\parser.js:868:17)
at Parser.parseObjectTypeDefinition (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\graphql\language\parser.js:812:23)
at Parser.parseTypeSystemDefinition (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\graphql\language\parser.js:708:23)
at Parser.parseDefinition (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\graphql\language\parser.js:150:23)
at Parser.many (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\graphql\language\parser.js:1523:26)
at Parser.parseDocument (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\graphql\language\parser.js:115:25)
at Object.parse (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\graphql\language\parser.js:31:17)
at Object.addPolymorphicUnionType (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\strapi-plugin-graphql\services\type-builder.js:188:8)
at Object.generateSchema (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\strapi-plugin-graphql\services\schema-generator.js:43:35)
at Object.initialize (D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\strapi-plugin-graphql\hooks\graphql\index.js:76:74)
at D:\Projects\Personal\\website\backend\node_modules\strapi\lib\hooks\index.js:37:28
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
The terminal process "C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe /d /c yarn run develop:backend" terminated with exit code: 1.
But there is no issue in the graphQL syntax.
I am trying to fix this issue for a long time, I could see a similar problems all over the internet but there is no proper solution.
Kindly help me.
Logged the graphql error body and position
scalar Relation
enum CommentReportReason {
enum CommentApprovalStatus {
type CommentReport {
id: ID!
content: String
reason: CommentReportReason!
resolved: Boolean!
related: Comment
type Comment {
id: ID!
content: String!
blocked: Boolean
blockedThread: Boolean
blockReason: String
points: Int
authorUser: UsersPermissionsUser
authorType: String
authorId: String
authorName: String
authorAvatar: String
removed: Boolean
relatedSlug: String
reports: [CommentReport]
approvalStatus: CommentApprovalStatus
type CommentsInHierarchy {
id: ID!
content: String!
blocked: Boolean
blockedThread: Boolean
blockReason: String
points: Int
authorUser: UsersPermissionsUser
authorType: String
authorId: String
authorName: String
authorAvatar: String
removed: Boolean
relatedSlug: String
reports: [CommentReport]
approvalStatus: CommentApprovalStatus
children: [Comment]
type CommentsPagination {
items: [Comment]!
total: Int!
page: Float
type CommentsWithThread {
id: ID!
content: String!
blocked: Boolean
blockedThread: Boolean
blockReason: String
points: Int
authorUser: UsersPermissionsUser
authorType: String
authorId: String
authorName: String
authorAvatar: String
removed: Boolean
relatedSlug: String
reports: [CommentReport]
approvalStatus: CommentApprovalStatus
threadOf: Comment
type CommentsFindOne {
selected: CommentsWithThread
level: [Comment]!
type CommentsContentTypes {
key: String!
value: String!
type CommentsRelatedContentType {
contentManager: Boolean
isSingle: Boolean
url: String
type CommentsRelatedContentTypes {
type CommentsConfig {
contentsTypes: [CommentsContentTypes]!
relatedContentTypes: CommentsRelatedContentTypes
type CommentsContentType {
key: String!
value: String
type CommentRemove {
id: ID!
input NewCommentRelated {
refId: String!
ref: String!
field: String!
input CommentNew {
authorId: String
authorName: String
authorEmail: String
content: String!
authorUsername: String
threadOf: String
related: [NewCommentRelated!]!
approvalStatus: CommentApprovalStatus
input FileInfoInput {
name: String
alternativeText: String
caption: String
type UsersPermissionsMe {
id: ID!
username: String!
email: String!
confirmed: Boolean
blocked: Boolean
role: UsersPermissionsMeRole
type UsersPermissionsMeRole {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
type: String
input UsersPermissionsRegisterInput {
username: String!
email: String!
password: String!
input UsersPermissionsLoginInput {
identifier: String!
password: String!
provider: String = "local"
type UsersPermissionsLoginPayload {
jwt: String
user: UsersPermissionsMe!
type UserPermissionsPasswordPayload {
ok: Boolean!
type Article {id: ID!
created_at: DateTime!
updated_at: DateTime!
title: String!
description: String!
content: String!
slug: String!
category: Category
image: UploadFile
author: Writer
published_at: DateTime
tags(sort: String, limit: Int, start: Int, where: JSON): [Tags]}
type ArticleConnection {values: [Article]
groupBy: ArticleGroupBy
aggregate: ArticleAggregator}
type ArticleAggregator {count: Int
totalCount: Int}
type ArticleGroupBy {id: [ArticleConnectionId]
created_at: [ArticleConnectionCreated_at]
updated_at: [ArticleConnectionUpdated_at]
title: [ArticleConnectionTitle]
description: [ArticleConnectionDescription]
content: [ArticleConnectionContent]
slug: [ArticleConnectionSlug]
category: [ArticleConnectionCategory]
image: [ArticleConnectionImage]
author: [ArticleConnectionAuthor]
published_at: [ArticleConnectionPublished_at]}
type ArticleConnectionId {key: ID
connection: ArticleConnection}
type ArticleConnectionCreated_at {key: DateTime
connection: ArticleConnection}
type ArticleConnectionUpdated_at {key: DateTime
connection: ArticleConnection}
type ArticleConnectionTitle {key: String
connection: ArticleConnection}
type ArticleConnectionDescription {key: String
connection: ArticleConnection}
type ArticleConnectionContent {key: String
connection: ArticleConnection}
type ArticleConnectionSlug {key: String
connection: ArticleConnection}
type ArticleConnectionCategory {key: ID
connection: ArticleConnection}
type ArticleConnectionImage {key: ID
connection: ArticleConnection}
type ArticleConnectionAuthor {key: ID
connection: ArticleConnection}
type ArticleConnectionPublished_at {key: DateTime
connection: ArticleConnection}
input ArticleInput {
title: String!
description: String!
content: String!
slug: String!
category: ID
image: ID
author: ID
tags: [ID]
published_at: DateTime
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input editArticleInput {
title: String
description: String
content: String
slug: String
category: ID
image: ID
author: ID
tags: [ID]
published_at: DateTime
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input createArticleInput { data: ArticleInput }
type createArticlePayload { article: Article }
input updateArticleInput { where: InputID, data: editArticleInput }
type updateArticlePayload { article: Article }
input deleteArticleInput { where: InputID }
type deleteArticlePayload { article: Article }
type Category {id: ID!
created_at: DateTime!
updated_at: DateTime!
name: String!
slug: String!
articles(sort: String, limit: Int, start: Int, where: JSON): [Article]}
type CategoryConnection {values: [Category]
groupBy: CategoryGroupBy
aggregate: CategoryAggregator}
type CategoryAggregator {count: Int
totalCount: Int}
type CategoryGroupBy {id: [CategoryConnectionId]
created_at: [CategoryConnectionCreated_at]
updated_at: [CategoryConnectionUpdated_at]
name: [CategoryConnectionName]
slug: [CategoryConnectionSlug]}
type CategoryConnectionId {key: ID
connection: CategoryConnection}
type CategoryConnectionCreated_at {key: DateTime
connection: CategoryConnection}
type CategoryConnectionUpdated_at {key: DateTime
connection: CategoryConnection}
type CategoryConnectionName {key: String
connection: CategoryConnection}
type CategoryConnectionSlug {key: String
connection: CategoryConnection}
input CategoryInput {
name: String!
slug: String!
articles: [ID]
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input editCategoryInput {
name: String
slug: String
articles: [ID]
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input createCategoryInput { data: CategoryInput }
type createCategoryPayload { category: Category }
input updateCategoryInput { where: InputID, data: editCategoryInput }
type updateCategoryPayload { category: Category }
input deleteCategoryInput { where: InputID }
type deleteCategoryPayload { category: Category }
type Global {id: ID!
created_at: DateTime!
updated_at: DateTime!
favicon: UploadFile
siteName: String!
defaultSeo: ComponentSharedSeo}
input GlobalInput {
favicon: ID
siteName: String!
defaultSeo: ComponentSharedSeoInput!
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input editGlobalInput {
favicon: ID
siteName: String
defaultSeo: editComponentSharedSeoInput
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input updateGlobalInput { data: editGlobalInput }
type updateGlobalPayload { global: Global }
type deleteGlobalPayload { global: Global }
type Homepage {id: ID!
created_at: DateTime!
updated_at: DateTime!
seo: ComponentSharedSeo
hero: ComponentSectionsHero}
input HomepageInput {
seo: ComponentSharedSeoInput
hero: ComponentSectionsHeroInput!
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input editHomepageInput {
seo: editComponentSharedSeoInput
hero: editComponentSectionsHeroInput
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input updateHomepageInput { data: editHomepageInput }
type updateHomepagePayload { homepage: Homepage }
type deleteHomepagePayload { homepage: Homepage }
type Tags {id: ID!
created_at: DateTime!
updated_at: DateTime!
slug: String
color: String
Name: String
published_at: DateTime
articles(sort: String, limit: Int, start: Int, where: JSON): [Article]}
type TagsConnection {values: [Tags]
groupBy: TagsGroupBy
aggregate: TagsAggregator}
type TagsAggregator {count: Int
totalCount: Int}
type TagsGroupBy {id: [TagsConnectionId]
created_at: [TagsConnectionCreated_at]
updated_at: [TagsConnectionUpdated_at]
slug: [TagsConnectionSlug]
color: [TagsConnectionColor]
Name: [TagsConnectionName]
published_at: [TagsConnectionPublished_at]}
type TagsConnectionId {key: ID
connection: TagsConnection}
type TagsConnectionCreated_at {key: DateTime
connection: TagsConnection}
type TagsConnectionUpdated_at {key: DateTime
connection: TagsConnection}
type TagsConnectionSlug {key: String
connection: TagsConnection}
type TagsConnectionColor {key: String
connection: TagsConnection}
type TagsConnectionName {key: String
connection: TagsConnection}
type TagsConnectionPublished_at {key: DateTime
connection: TagsConnection}
input TagInput {
slug: String
color: String
Name: String
articles: [ID]
published_at: DateTime
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input editTagInput {
slug: String
color: String
Name: String
articles: [ID]
published_at: DateTime
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input createTagInput { data: TagInput }
type createTagPayload { tag: Tags }
input updateTagInput { where: InputID, data: editTagInput }
type updateTagPayload { tag: Tags }
input deleteTagInput { where: InputID }
type deleteTagPayload { tag: Tags }
type Writer {id: ID!
created_at: DateTime!
updated_at: DateTime!
name: String
picture: UploadFile
email: String
articles(sort: String, limit: Int, start: Int, where: JSON): [Article]}
type WriterConnection {values: [Writer]
groupBy: WriterGroupBy
aggregate: WriterAggregator}
type WriterAggregator {count: Int
totalCount: Int}
type WriterGroupBy {id: [WriterConnectionId]
created_at: [WriterConnectionCreated_at]
updated_at: [WriterConnectionUpdated_at]
name: [WriterConnectionName]
picture: [WriterConnectionPicture]
email: [WriterConnectionEmail]}
type WriterConnectionId {key: ID
connection: WriterConnection}
type WriterConnectionCreated_at {key: DateTime
connection: WriterConnection}
type WriterConnectionUpdated_at {key: DateTime
connection: WriterConnection}
type WriterConnectionName {key: String
connection: WriterConnection}
type WriterConnectionPicture {key: ID
connection: WriterConnection}
type WriterConnectionEmail {key: String
connection: WriterConnection}
input WriterInput {
name: String
picture: ID
articles: [ID]
email: String
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input editWriterInput {
name: String
picture: ID
articles: [ID]
email: String
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input createWriterInput { data: WriterInput }
type createWriterPayload { writer: Writer }
input updateWriterInput { where: InputID, data: editWriterInput }
type updateWriterPayload { writer: Writer }
input deleteWriterInput { where: InputID }
type deleteWriterPayload { writer: Writer }
type CommentsComment {id: ID!
created_at: DateTime!
updated_at: DateTime!
content: String!
blocked: Boolean
blockedThread: Boolean
blockReason: String
points: Int
authorUser: UsersPermissionsUser
authorType: String
authorId: String
authorName: String
authorEmail: String
authorAvatar: String
removed: Boolean
threadOf: CommentsComment
approvalStatus: String
related(sort: String, limit: Int, start: Int, where: JSON): [Morph]
reports(sort: String, limit: Int, start: Int, where: JSON): [CommentsReport]}
input CommentInput {
content: String!
blocked: Boolean
blockedThread: Boolean
blockReason: String
points: Int
authorUser: ID
authorType: String
authorId: String
authorName: String
authorEmail: String
authorAvatar: String
removed: Boolean
relatedSlug: String
related: [ID]
reports: [ID]
threadOf: ID
approvalStatus: String
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input editCommentInput {
content: String
blocked: Boolean
blockedThread: Boolean
blockReason: String
points: Int
authorUser: ID
authorType: String
authorId: String
authorName: String
authorEmail: String
authorAvatar: String
removed: Boolean
relatedSlug: String
related: [ID]
reports: [ID]
threadOf: ID
approvalStatus: String
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
type CommentsReport {id: ID!
created_at: DateTime!
updated_at: DateTime!
content: String
resolved: Boolean
related: CommentsComment}
input ReportInput {
content: String
resolved: Boolean
related: ID
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input editReportInput {
content: String
resolved: Boolean
related: ID
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
type UploadFile {id: ID!
created_at: DateTime!
updated_at: DateTime!
name: String!
alternativeText: String
caption: String
width: Int
height: Int
formats: JSON
hash: String!
ext: String
mime: String!
size: Float!
url: String!
previewUrl: String
provider: String!
provider_metadata: JSON
related(sort: String, limit: Int, start: Int, where: JSON): [Morph]}
type UploadFileConnection {values: [UploadFile]
groupBy: UploadFileGroupBy
aggregate: UploadFileAggregator}
type UploadFileAggregator {count: Int
totalCount: Int
sum: UploadFileAggregatorSum
avg: UploadFileAggregatorAvg
min: UploadFileAggregatorMin
max: UploadFileAggregatorMax}
type UploadFileAggregatorSum {width: Float
height: Float
size: Float}
type UploadFileAggregatorAvg {width: Float
height: Float
size: Float}
type UploadFileAggregatorMin {width: Float
height: Float
size: Float}
type UploadFileAggregatorMax {width: Float
height: Float
size: Float}
type UploadFileGroupBy {id: [UploadFileConnectionId]
created_at: [UploadFileConnectionCreated_at]
updated_at: [UploadFileConnectionUpdated_at]
name: [UploadFileConnectionName]
alternativeText: [UploadFileConnectionAlternativeText]
caption: [UploadFileConnectionCaption]
width: [UploadFileConnectionWidth]
height: [UploadFileConnectionHeight]
formats: [UploadFileConnectionFormats]
hash: [UploadFileConnectionHash]
ext: [UploadFileConnectionExt]
mime: [UploadFileConnectionMime]
size: [UploadFileConnectionSize]
url: [UploadFileConnectionUrl]
previewUrl: [UploadFileConnectionPreviewUrl]
provider: [UploadFileConnectionProvider]
provider_metadata: [UploadFileConnectionProvider_metadata]}
type UploadFileConnectionId {key: ID
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionCreated_at {key: DateTime
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionUpdated_at {key: DateTime
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionName {key: String
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionAlternativeText {key: String
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionCaption {key: String
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionWidth {key: Int
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionHeight {key: Int
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionFormats {key: JSON
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionHash {key: String
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionExt {key: String
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionMime {key: String
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionSize {key: Float
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionUrl {key: String
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionPreviewUrl {key: String
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionProvider {key: String
connection: UploadFileConnection}
type UploadFileConnectionProvider_metadata {key: JSON
connection: UploadFileConnection}
input FileInput {
name: String!
alternativeText: String
caption: String
width: Int
height: Int
formats: JSON
hash: String!
ext: String
mime: String!
size: Float!
url: String!
previewUrl: String
provider: String!
provider_metadata: JSON
related: [ID]
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input editFileInput {
name: String
alternativeText: String
caption: String
width: Int
height: Int
formats: JSON
hash: String
ext: String
mime: String
size: Float
url: String
previewUrl: String
provider: String
provider_metadata: JSON
related: [ID]
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input deleteFileInput { where: InputID }
type deleteFilePayload { file: UploadFile }
type UsersPermissionsPermission {id: ID!
type: String!
controller: String!
action: String!
enabled: Boolean!
policy: String
role: UsersPermissionsRole}
type UsersPermissionsRole {id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
type: String
permissions(sort: String, limit: Int, start: Int, where: JSON): [UsersPermissionsPermission]
users(sort: String, limit: Int, start: Int, where: JSON): [UsersPermissionsUser]}
type UsersPermissionsRoleConnection {values: [UsersPermissionsRole]
groupBy: UsersPermissionsRoleGroupBy
aggregate: UsersPermissionsRoleAggregator}
type UsersPermissionsRoleAggregator {count: Int
totalCount: Int}
type UsersPermissionsRoleGroupBy {id: [UsersPermissionsRoleConnectionId]
name: [UsersPermissionsRoleConnectionName]
description: [UsersPermissionsRoleConnectionDescription]
type: [UsersPermissionsRoleConnectionType]}
type UsersPermissionsRoleConnectionId {key: ID
connection: UsersPermissionsRoleConnection}
type UsersPermissionsRoleConnectionName {key: String
connection: UsersPermissionsRoleConnection}
type UsersPermissionsRoleConnectionDescription {key: String
connection: UsersPermissionsRoleConnection}
type UsersPermissionsRoleConnectionType {key: String
connection: UsersPermissionsRoleConnection}
input RoleInput {
name: String!
description: String
type: String
permissions: [ID]
users: [ID]
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input editRoleInput {
name: String
description: String
type: String
permissions: [ID]
users: [ID]
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input createRoleInput { data: RoleInput }
type createRolePayload { role: UsersPermissionsRole }
input updateRoleInput { where: InputID, data: editRoleInput }
type updateRolePayload { role: UsersPermissionsRole }
input deleteRoleInput { where: InputID }
type deleteRolePayload { role: UsersPermissionsRole }
type UsersPermissionsUser {id: ID!
created_at: DateTime!
updated_at: DateTime!
username: String!
email: String!
provider: String
confirmed: Boolean
blocked: Boolean
role: UsersPermissionsRole}
type UsersPermissionsUserConnection {values: [UsersPermissionsUser]
groupBy: UsersPermissionsUserGroupBy
aggregate: UsersPermissionsUserAggregator}
type UsersPermissionsUserAggregator {count: Int
totalCount: Int}
type UsersPermissionsUserGroupBy {id: [UsersPermissionsUserConnectionId]
created_at: [UsersPermissionsUserConnectionCreated_at]
updated_at: [UsersPermissionsUserConnectionUpdated_at]
username: [UsersPermissionsUserConnectionUsername]
email: [UsersPermissionsUserConnectionEmail]
provider: [UsersPermissionsUserConnectionProvider]
confirmed: [UsersPermissionsUserConnectionConfirmed]
blocked: [UsersPermissionsUserConnectionBlocked]
role: [UsersPermissionsUserConnectionRole]}
type UsersPermissionsUserConnectionId {key: ID
connection: UsersPermissionsUserConnection}
type UsersPermissionsUserConnectionCreated_at {key: DateTime
connection: UsersPermissionsUserConnection}
type UsersPermissionsUserConnectionUpdated_at {key: DateTime
connection: UsersPermissionsUserConnection}
type UsersPermissionsUserConnectionUsername {key: String
connection: UsersPermissionsUserConnection}
type UsersPermissionsUserConnectionEmail {key: String
connection: UsersPermissionsUserConnection}
type UsersPermissionsUserConnectionProvider {key: String
connection: UsersPermissionsUserConnection}
type UsersPermissionsUserConnectionConfirmed {key: Boolean
connection: UsersPermissionsUserConnection}
type UsersPermissionsUserConnectionBlocked {key: Boolean
connection: UsersPermissionsUserConnection}
type UsersPermissionsUserConnectionRole {key: ID
connection: UsersPermissionsUserConnection}
input UserInput {
username: String!
email: String!
provider: String
password: String
resetPasswordToken: String
confirmationToken: String
confirmed: Boolean
blocked: Boolean
role: ID
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input editUserInput {
username: String
email: String
provider: String
password: String
resetPasswordToken: String
confirmationToken: String
confirmed: Boolean
blocked: Boolean
role: ID
created_by: ID
updated_by: ID
input createUserInput { data: UserInput }
type createUserPayload { user: UsersPermissionsUser }
input updateUserInput { where: InputID, data: editUserInput }
type updateUserPayload { user: UsersPermissionsUser }
input deleteUserInput { where: InputID }
type deleteUserPayload { user: UsersPermissionsUser }
type ComponentSectionsHero {id: ID!
title: String!}
input ComponentSectionsHeroInput {
title: String!
input editComponentSectionsHeroInput {
id: ID
title: String
type ComponentSharedSeo {id: ID!
metaTitle: String!
metaDescription: String!
shareImage: UploadFile}
input ComponentSharedSeoInput {
metaTitle: String!
metaDescription: String!
shareImage: ID
input editComponentSharedSeoInput {
id: ID
metaTitle: String
metaDescription: String
shareImage: ID
Position: 2083


graphQL Query: getting error "Expected value of type ..., found ..."

Suppose I have the following object types:
type Price {
currency: Currency!,
amount: Float!
type Attribute {
displayValue: String,
value: String,
id: String!
type AttributeSet {
id: String!,
name: String,
type: String,
items: [Attribute]
type Product {
id: String!,
name: String!,
inStock: Boolean,
gallery: [String],
description: String!,
category: String!,
attributes: [AttributeSet]
prices: [Price!]!,
brand: String!
type Category {
name: String,
products: [Product]!
type Currency {
label: String!,
symbol: String!
input CategoryInput {
title: String!
type Query {
categories: [Category],
category(input: CategoryInput): Category,
product(id: String!): Product,
currencies: [Currency]
And these are the Types for Category:
export enum Category {
all = 'all',
clothes = 'clothes',
tech = 'tech'
In graphQL Playground, I am trying to make a query to exhibit all the names and products/id of the elements with the category all. Here's my attempt:
category(input: "all") {
products {
But I'm getting the following error message:
"message": "Expected value of type \"CategoryInput\", found \"all\".",
I need help trying to understand what went wrong since all is a valid type. Thank you in advance.
Just found my mistake
CategoryInput is of type
input CategoryInput {
title: String!
So a proper query would be:
category(input: { title: "all" }) {
products {

Graphql React Dev Tools Missing field while writing result

I am running a graphql query to create a person object. The query works fine and the person is created. However I am receiving the following error in the console
react_devtools_backend.js:2842 Missing field 'create_person' while writing result {
"__typename": "PersonResponse",
"error": null,
"person": {
"__typename": "Person",
"hire_date": "2020-10-01",
"name": {
"__typename": "Name",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Doe",
"middle_name": ""
"person_id": {
"__typename": "PersonId",
"id_": "44df8f7c-d019-410c-89b4-be602f631055"
"preferred_name": {
"__typename": "PreferredName",
"first_name": "J",
"last_name": "Dee",
"middle_name": null
"status": 201
This error seems to be saying that my query is missing a field create_person however create_person is not a field it is the name of the query. My first thought was that the message is due to the null fields (even though they are not required). I tried removing these fields from the schema and I still get the error. I am using React Dev Tools chrome extension but still not sure why I get this error.
As requested the gql schema:
const graphqlSchema = buildSchema(`
type Query {
people(person_id: String): [Person]!
person_id: String!
emergency_contact_id: String
): [EmergencyContact]!
person_success: PersonResponse!
person_not_found: PersonResponse!
person_deleted: PersonResponse!
emergency_contact_success: EmergencyContactResponse!
scalar Datetime
type PersonId {
id_: String!
type Name {
first_name: String!
last_name: String!
middle_name: String
input NameInput {
first_name: String!
last_name: String!
middle_name: String
input UpdateNameInput {
first_name: String
last_name: String
middle_name: String
type ExemptStatus {
code: String!
description: String!
type PreferredName {
first_name: String
last_name: String
middle_name: String
input PreferredNameInput {
first_name: String
last_name: String
middle_name: String
type Relationship {
code: String!
display: String!
description: String!
type Address {
line_1: String!
line_2: String!
city: String!
state: String!
zip_code: String!
type Person {
person_id: PersonId!
name: Name!
hire_date: Datetime!
preferred_name: PreferredName
contact_info: ContactInfo
exempt_status: ExemptStatus
hired_hours_per_week: Float
hired_hours_per_two_weeks: Float
emergency_contacts: [EmergencyContact]
type PersonResponse {
status: Int
error: String
person: Person
input PersonInput {
name: NameInput!
hire_date: Datetime!
preferred_name: PreferredNameInput
contact_info: ContactInfoInput
exempt_status_code: String
hired_hours_per_week: Float
hired_hours_per_two_weeks: Float
input AddressInput {
line_1: String!
line_2: String!
city: String!
state: String!
zip_code: String!
type ContactInfo {
primary_phone: String!
alternate_phone: String
email: String
address: Address
input ContactInfoInput {
primary_phone: String!
alternate_phone: String
email: String
address: AddressInput
type EmergencyContactId {
id_: String!
type EmergencyContact {
emergency_contact_id: EmergencyContactId!
name: Name!
relationship: Relationship!
contact_info: ContactInfo!
input EmergencyContactInput {
name: NameInput!
relationship_code: String!
contact_info: ContactInfoInput!
input UpdateEmergencyContactInput {
name: NameInput
relationship_code: String
contact_info: ContactInfoInput
type EmergencyContactResponse {
status: Int
error: String
person_id: PersonId
emergency_contact: EmergencyContact
type Mutation {
create_person(person_input: PersonInput): PersonResponse
update_name(person_id: String!, name_input: UpdateNameInput!): PersonResponse
update_hire_date(person_id: String!, hire_date: Datetime!): PersonResponse
person_id: String!
preferred_name_input: UpdateNameInput!
): PersonResponse
delete_person(person_id: String!): PersonResponse

Not getting count according to filter in GraphQL amplify queries

Getting Scanned count but not count of data according to filter
count: null
items: [{id: "bcd75096-7fd9-4e9d-8675-6877f0609ac2", name: "dxfrdhjkhklklkl", description: "dgdxrfg",…},…]
0: {id: "bcd75096-7fd9-4e9d-8675-6877f0609ac2", name: "dxfrdhjkhklklkl", description: "dgdxrfg",…}
1: {id: "52f6ff60-fc07-4631-a1fb-b039f376ff21", name: "ghnfgyhj", description: "gyhkjmuhjolk",…}
2: {id: "f73dfb37-2778-4b87-88c7-e6f9f5b5c931", name: "drftgserty", description: "trse54rte54ty",…}
3: {id: "6df9f5c2-ec06-4e70-b5e2-133cb0d8e958", name: "tygujghukuh", description: "tuyjyuikuolnh",…}
4: {id: "9360a766-ac89-420c-881b-2b3089bcca7f", name: "kl;", description: "vcbghnjmk,l", is_active: true,…}
5: {id: "c0dcbaff-37d4-4e4c-9375-584ff7110d77", name: "dfhgbdcb", description: "dfxvcx", is_active: true,…},...
scannedCount: 100
var body = {
filter: {
is_active: {
eq: true
Query to get list of todos
export const listTodos = /* GraphQL */ `
query ListTodos(
$filter: ModelTodoFilterInput
$limit: Int
$nextToken: String
) {
listTodos(filter: $filter, limit: $limit, nextToken: $nextToken) {
items {
GraphQl shema
type Todo #model {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String!
is_active: Boolean
type ModelTodoConnection {
items: [Todo]
scannedCount: Int
count: Int
total: Int
And IF I set limit to 5 and it will send back scannedCount 5 if when I have total data in database around 110. I want to count data where is_active: { eq: true }
Check out the package I wrote to solve this issue:
After following the installation instructions, to solve your issue I would change the schema to this:
type Todo #model #count {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String!
is_active: Boolean
Then you can query the count using a GraphQL query such as:
countTodo(filter: {
is_active: {
eq: true

How resolve a custom nested extendType resolver with prisma nexus?

I need resolve a custom resolver from a prisma type. But I can't access to children in this case course or subjects, my person type only resolve data over one level.
"nexus": "0.11.7",
"nexus-prisma": "0.3.7",
"prisma-client-lib": "1.30.0",
type Person {
id: ID! #unique
firstName: String!
secondName: String
firstSurname: String!
secondSurname: String
sex: SexTypes
address: String
commune: Commune
region: Region
course: Course
phone: String
state: StudentStateTypes #default(value: ACTIVE)
user: User! #relation(name: "UserPerson", onDelete: CASCADE)
birthday: DateTime
registrationNumber: String
listNumber: Int
previousSchool: OtherSchool
scholarship: Scholarship
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
type Course {
id: ID! #unique
client: Client
name: String!
person: [Person!]!
teacher: User
subjects: [Subject!]!
evaluations: [Evaluation!]!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
type Subject {
id: ID! #unique
client: Client
name: String!
date: DateTime
isEvaluable: Boolean
order: Int
course: [Course!]!
evaluations: [Evaluation!]!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
type Evaluation {
id: ID! #unique
client: Client
name: String!
date: DateTime!
period: Int!
description: String
coefficientTwo: Boolean
course: Course!
subject: Subject
qualifications: [Qualification!]! #relation(name: "EvaluationQualification", onDelete: CASCADE)
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
type Qualification {
id: ID! #unique
client: Client
value: Float!
evaluation: Evaluation! #relation(name: "EvaluationQualification", onDelete: SET_NULL)
person: Person
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
My resolver:
export const query = extendType({
type: 'Query',
definition (t: any) {
t.field('qualificationsCustom', {
type: 'Person',
args: {
id: idArg()
resolve: async (parent: any, args: any, ctx: any) => {
const person = await ctx.prisma.person({ id: })
const qualifications = person && person.course.subjects.reduce((acc: any, subject: any) => {
return acc
person variable only resolve the next:
birthday: '2008-10-27T00:00:00.000Z',
secondName: 'Gisel',
And person.course is undefined :/
What I'm doing wrong?
Calling prisma.person({ id: }) will only fetch the requested Person. It does not eager load any associated models. You can query the relations for a particular model instance by utilizing the fluent API as shown in the docs:
prisma.person({ id: }).course()
or even:
prisma.person({ id: }).course().evaluations()
You can also get everything at once by providing a fragment that specifies what fields, including relations, you want to fetch as shown here:
const fragment = `
fragment PersonWithCourse on Person {
# other person fields here
course {
# some course fields here
prisma.person({ id: }).$fragment(fragment)

graphql required fields approach

This is my graphql schema, query and mutations.
I marked required fields in my schema with "!"
How I can create mutation to add new client?
Do I really need to write the same required fields again?
Like createClient(contactMethod: String!, hearAbout: String! ......... ): Client
const typeShard = `
type ClientProfile {
name: String!
surname: String!
address: String
language: String!
type Client {
_id: String
isEdit: Boolean
createdAt: String
shortId: Int
profile: ClientProfile
comments: String
contactMethod: String!
hearAbout: String!
leadAgentId: String
branchId: String!
const queryShard = `
getAllClients: [Client]
const mutationShard = `
removeClient(shortId : Int!): Client
createClient(contactMethod: String!, hearAbout: String! ......... ): Client
const resolvers = {
Query: {
getAllClients: () => MongoClients.find().fetch(),
Mutation: {
removeClient(root, { shortId }) {
const client = MongoClients.findOne({ shortId });
if (!client) throw new Error(`Couldn't find client with id ${shortId}`);
MongoClients.remove({ shortId });
return client;
createClient: (_, args) => {
return MongoClients.insert(args);
You do not need to write the same fields for every mutation. You could define an input type. Please take a look at this cheat sheet.
So in your case it could look like:
const typeShard = `
type ClientProfile {
name: String!
surname: String!
address: String
language: String!
type Client {
_id: String
isEdit: Boolean
createdAt: String
shortId: Int
profile: ClientProfile
comments: String
contactMethod: String!
hearAbout: String!
leadAgentId: String
branchId: String!
input ClientInput {
contactMethod: String!
hearAbout: String!
const mutationShard = `
removeClient(shortId : Int!): Client
createClient(clientInput: ClientInput!): Client
