Display Each Column sum on footer Yajra Laravel - laravel

The following screenshot shows the list of database results by enabling server-side processing. It shows the column total computed by using the Yajra DataTables.
HTML Code for DataTables with Column Total
To display the footer using html builder, pass true as 2nd argument on $builder->table([], true) api.
{!! $dataTable->table([], true) !!}
update th values
{!! $dataTable->scripts() !!}
var hours = JSON.parse("{{json_encode($hours)}}");
$("tfoot tr>th:nth-child(2)").text("Total")
for (let i = 0; i < hours.length; i++) {
$('tfoot tr>th:nth-child('+ (i+3) +')').text(hours[i])
Report Datatable File
In Query function we are getting reports record from database and use query result in dataTable function make column according to our requirement and finally set values to getColumns function.
public function dataTable($query)
$reports = ($query['data']);
return datatables()->make($reports)
->addColumn('name', function ($reports) {
return isset($reports['user_name']) ? $reports['user_name'] : null;
->addColumn('monday', function ($reports) {
return isset($reports['Mon']) ? ($reports['Mon']) : '-';
->addColumn('tuesday', function ($reports) {
return isset($reports['Tue']) ? $reports['Tue'] : '-';
->addColumn('wednesday', function ($reports) {
return isset($reports['Wed']) ? $reports['Wed'] : '-';
->addColumn('thursday', function ($reports) {
return isset($reports['Thu']) ? $reports['Thu'] : '-';
->addColumn('friday', function ($reports) {
return isset($reports['Fri']) ? $reports['Fri'] : '-';
->addColumn('total', function ($reports) {
return (isset($reports['Mon']) ? $reports['Mon'] : 0) +
(isset($reports['Tue']) ? $reports['Tue'] : 0) +
(isset($reports['Wed']) ? $reports['Wed'] : 0) +
(isset($reports['Thu']) ? $reports['Thu'] : 0) +
(isset($reports['Fri']) ? $reports['Fri'] : 0);
public function query(Lot $model)
$data = Reports.....;
return compact('data');
public function html()
return $this->builder()
protected function getColumns()
return [
'#' => [
'data' => 'DT_RowIndex',
'name' => 'DT_RowIndex',
'orderable' => false,
'searchable' => false
'user name'=> [
'data' => 'name',
'name' => 'name',
'monday'=> [
'data' => 'monday',
'name' => 'monday',
'tuesday'=> [
'data' => 'tuesday',
'name' => 'tuesday',
'wednesday'=> [
'data' => 'wednesday',
'name' => 'wednesday',
'thursday'=> [
'data' => 'thursday',
'name' => 'thursday',
'friday'=> [
'data' => 'friday',
'name' => 'friday',
'total'=> [
'data' => 'total',
'name' => 'total',


Dropzone.js vuejs laravel message: "Undefined index: width"

When I select a file it is uploaded to the public/upload-images folder. In the laravel Controller the validation fails because the params are not included in the request. When I dump and die. This is what I get. As you can see... the params are missing. Below that is the Dropzone setup.
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
$data = request()->validate([
'image' => '',
'width' => '',
'height' => '',
'location' => '',
$image = $data['image']->store('user-images', 'public');
$userImage = auth()->user()->images()->create([
'path' => $image,
'width' => $data['width'],
'height' => $data['height'],
'location' => $data['location'],
return new UserImageResource($userImage);
[image] => Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile Object
[test:Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile:private] =>
[originalName:Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile:private] => 20220406_125155.jpg
[mimeType:Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile:private] => image/jpeg
[error:Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile:private] => 0
[hashName:protected] =>
[pathName:SplFileInfo:private] => /tmp/phpdAwZvd
[fileName:SplFileInfo:private] => phpdAwZvd
props: [
data: () => {
return {
dropzone: null,
mounted() {
this.dropzone = new Dropzone(this.$refs.userImage, this.settings);
computed: {
settings() {
return {
paramName: 'image',
url: '/api/user-images',
acceptedFiles: 'image/*',
params: {
'width': this.imageWidth,
'height': this.imageHeight,
'location': this.location,
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': document.head.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-token]').content,
success: (e, res) => {
error: (e, error) => {

Laravel Datatables search on nested Relationship

I'm currently using datatabels 7.0 and Laravel 5.4
data in my grid is showing correctly but when I want to search on nested relationship column I got below error:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'course_semester.semester.name' in 'where clause' (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from (select '1' as `row_count` from `videos` where LOWER(`videos`.`id`) LIKE %%te%% and LOWER(`videos`.`name`) LIKE %%te%% and LOWER(`course_semester`.`semester`.`name`) LIKE %%te%%) count_row_table)
Here is my code
$videos = Video::with(['course_semester' => function ($query) {
return $query->with('course', 'semester');
return Datatables::of($videos)
->addColumn('check', '<input type="checkbox" name="selected-videos" value="{{$id}}">')
columns: [
{ data: 'check' , name: 'check',orderable: false, searchable: false },
{ data: 'id', name: 'videos.id' },
{ data: 'name', name: 'videos.name' },
{ data: 'course_semester.semester.name', name: 'course_semester.semester.name'},
{ data: 'course_semester.course.name', name: 'course_semester.course.name'},
{ data: 'status', name: 'videos.status' },
{ data: 'comment', name: 'videos.comment' },
{ data: 'video_date', name: 'videos.video_date' },
Can anyone help me and notice my problem?
Thanks in advance.
Because of using select() here, you do not load the relationship. Also, use dot syntax for nested eager loading:
$videos = Video::with(['course_semester', 'course_semester.course'])
1- dataTable function
public function dataTable($query)
return datatables()
->addColumn('BulkSelection', function ($category)
->addColumn('company', function ($category)
return $category->company ? $category->company->name : 'No Company';
->rawColumns(['action', 'company', 'createdAt','BulkSelection']);
2- query function
public function query(Category $model)
return $model->with('company:id,name')->select('categories.*')->newQuery();
3- getColumns function
$getCols = [
'company'=> [
'createdAt' => [
'searchable' => false
'action' => [
'exportable' => false,
'orderable' => false
return $getCols;
If you just need to load the data from relation tables, use the below code
$videos = Video::with('course_semester','course', 'semester')->select('videos.*');
return Datatables::eloquent($videos)
->addColumn('check', function(Video $v){
return '<input type="checkbox" name="selected-videos" value="{{$v->id}}">'
And in script, you can call relation values as ,
{data: 'course_semester.id'},
{data: 'course.name'},
{data: 'semester.name'},
$getCols = [
'Images' => [
'price' => ['name'=>'start_price', 'data'=>'start_price'],
'Category' => [
'created_by' => [
'createdAt' => [
'searchable' => false
'action' => [
'exportable' => false,
'orderable' => false

yii2 pjax gridview issue

I am using gridview with pjax in yii2 advanced. When i add/update/delete any record the pjax loads the very first html of page. For example, i have 10 records after deleting a record there should be 9 records, but it still loads 10 records and this continues even if you have deleted all the records. Same goes for add and update as well.
But if i hit F5 then it loads the actual records fetched from the database table and if i do any of the actions again then it again shows 10 records.
Here is the Gridview code with Pjax
$this->registerJs("$('.js-delete').on('click', function(e) {
ajax_actions(this, true, {
'pjax_container': '#products-grid'
return false;
"id" => "products-grid",
"enablePushState" => false
echo GridView::widget([
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
"summary" => '',
"rowOptions" => function($model) {
if($model->status == Common::STATUS_INACTIVE)
return ["class" => "inactive"];
'columns' => [
"class" => 'yii\grid\SerialColumn',
"headerOptions" => [
"class" => 'hidden-480'
"contentOptions" => [
"class" => 'hidden-480'
], [
"attribute" => "title",
"label" => "Product"
], [
"attribute" => "companies_id",
"label" => "Companies",
"value" => "companies.title"
], [
"attribute" => "product_types_id",
"header" => "Category",
"value" => "productTypes.title"
], [
"attribute" => "part_number",
"header" => "<span class=\"hidden-360\">Part </span>Number"
], [
"attribute" => "created_on",
"label" => "Added On",
"format" => ["date", "php:" . Common::DATETIME_FORMAT_DISPLAY],
"headerOptions" => [
"class" => 'textRight hidden-360'
"contentOptions" => [
"class" => 'textRight hidden-360'
], [
"class" => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn',
"header" => "Actions",
"headerOptions" => [
"class" => "textRight actions"
"contentOptions" => [
"class" => "textRight actions"
"template" => "{view} {edit} {delete}",
"buttons" => [
'view' => function($url, $model) {
return Html::a('<i class="' . Common::ICON_VIEW . '"></i> <span class="hidden-640">View</span>', ['view', 'token' => $model->token], ["class" => "call-ajax"]);
'edit' => function($url, $model) {
return Html::a('<i class="' . Common::ICON_EDIT . '"></i> <span class="hidden-640">Edit</span>', ['update', 'token' => $model->token], ["class" => "call-ajax"]);
'delete' => function($url, $model) {
return Html::a('<i class="' . Common::ICON_DELETE . '"></i> <span class="hidden-640">Delete</span>', ['delete', 'token' => $model->token], [
'class' => 'js-delete'
function ajax_submit(element, pjax_container)
var form = $(element);
if(form.find('.has-error').length) return false;
var result = JSON.parse(result);
result.container = '.error-container';
if(pjax_container) $.pjax.reload({container: pjax_container});
result.container = '.message-container';
return false;
function ajax_actions(element, ask_me, params)
if(ask_me == true && ask() == false)
return false;
var $this = $(element);
var $params = {
callBacks: {
beforeSendAfter: function() {},
completeAfter: function() {}
if(params != undefined) $.extend(true, $params, params);
type: 'POST',
url: $this.attr("href"),
cache: false,
beforeSend: function() {
if($params.callBacks.beforeSendAfter != undefined && $.isFunction($params.callBacks.beforeSendAfter)) $params.callBacks.beforeSendAfter();
success: function(response) {},
complete: function(response) {
var result = $.parseJSON(JSON.parse(response.responseText));
result.container = '.error-container';
result.container = '.message-container';
$.pjax.reload({container: $params.pjax_container});
if($params.callBacks.completeAfter != undefined && $.isFunction($params.callBacks.completeAfter)) $params.callBacks.completeAfter();
return false;

Yii2 Form submission through ajax

I have used check boxes in my gridview,like this
if(isset($dataProvider) && !empty($dataProvider)) {
echo \yii\grid\GridView::widget([
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'columns' => [
['class' => 'yii\grid\SerialColumn',
'header' => 'No.'],
'class' => 'yii\grid\CheckboxColumn',
'checkboxOptions' => function ($model, $key, $index, $column) {
return ['value' => $model->dsItemId];
'value' => function ($model) {
return $model->getdscategoryName();
'attribute' => 'image',
'enableSorting' => false,
'format' => 'image',
'value' => function ($model) {
return $model->getImageUrl();
echo Html::submitButton('Save',['id' => 'saveBtn','class' => 'btn btn-danger']);
When I'm selecting check boxes and select savebutton, it will go to this function given below,
$( document ).ready(function() {
$('#saveBtn').click(function() {
var idVar = '';
$("input[name='selection[]']").each( function () {
if($(this).is(':checked')) {
if(idVar != '') {
idVar += ',' + $(this).val();
}else {
idVar = $(this).val();
type: "POST",
url:"<?php echo Yii::$app->urlManager->createAbsoluteUrl(['dsproductitems/setproduct'])?>",
data: { dsItemId : idVar },
success:function(data) {
Here I'm trying to redirect my form to controller through ajax and the problem is, program control is failing to enter into flowing code.
type: "POST",
url:"<?php echo Yii::$app->urlManager->createAbsoluteUrl(['dsproductitems/setproduct'])?>",
data: { dsItemId : idVar },
success:function(data) {
i'm failing to figure out why.. please help..

How can I get the value from method in my model?

I have some trouble displaying my result from a method in my model. this is the method:
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getSchoolFee()
return $this->hasOne(SibuSchool::className(), ['school_fee_id' => 'school_fee_id']);
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getScholarshipFee()
return $this->hasOne(SibuScholarship::className(),['scholarship_id'=>'scholarship_id']);
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getDiscountFee()
$scholarship= $this->getScholarshipFee();
$school= $this->getSchoolFee();
$data= new SibuPayment();
return $data;
i want to display the result from getDiscountFee method. I use this code on my View:
<?php echo $this->render('_search3', ['model' => $searchModel]); ?>
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
// 'filterModel' => $searchModel,
'columns' => [
// 'filterModel'=>'dataProviderSearch',
'attribute' => 'Nama',
'value' => 'virtual.student_name'
'attribute' => 'Uang Sekolah',
'value' => 'discountFee.total_payment'
'attribute' => 'Uang Kantin',
'value' => 'canteenFee.total_amount'
'attribute' => 'Uang Asrama',
'value' => 'dormitoryFee.amount'
'attribute' => 'Uang Perpustakaan',
'value' => 'libraryFee.amount'
'attribute' => 'Uang Les',
'value' => 'courseFee.amount'
'attribute' => 'Adm. Bank',
'value' => 'administration'
'attribute' => 'status',
'value' => function ($model) {
if ($model->scholarship_id == 0) {
return 'Tanpa Beasiswa';
} else if ($model->scholarship_id == 1) {
return 'Beasiswa Ekonomi Kategori A 100%';
} else if ($model->scholarship_id == 2) {
return 'Beasiswa Ekonomi Kategori B 50%';
} else if ($model->scholarship_id == 3) {
return 'Beasiswa Prestasi Kategori 50%';
} else if ($model->scholarship_id == 4) {
return 'Beasiswa Prestasi Kategori 25%';
} else {
return 'Beasiswa Prestasi Kategori 10%';
'attribute' => 'payment_class',
'value' => function ($model) {
if ($model->payment_class == 0) {
return 'Tanpa Golongan';
} else if ($model->payment_class == 1) {
return 'Golongan 1';
} else if ($model->payment_class == 2) {
return 'Golongan 2';
} else if ($model->payment_class == 3) {
return 'Golongan 3';
} else if ($model->payment_class == 4) {
return 'Golongan 4';
'attribute' => 'Total',
'value' => 'total_payment'
['class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn',
'template' => '{update_r}{del}',
'buttons' => [
'update_r' => function ($url, $model) {
return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>', $url, [
'title' => Yii::t('yii', 'View_r'),
'del' => function ($url, $model) {
return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>', $url, [
'title' => Yii::t('yii', 'Del'),
it works fine if i display this:
'attribute' => 'Uang Sekolah',
'value' => 'scholarshipFee.school_discount'
and this:
'attribute' => 'Uang Sekolah',
'value' => 'schoolFee.amount'
can anybody help me? if you need anything feel free to ask.
'attribute' => 'Uang Sekolah',
'value' => 'discountFee.total_payment'
discountFee is a function of a model, it will never work until you put there the model too. You can just do a
'attribute' => 'Uang Sekolah',
'value' => function ($model) {
return $model->getDiscountFee()->total_payment;
