Different behavior of len() with const or non-const value - go

The code below
const s = "golang.go"
var a byte = 1 << len(s) / 128
The result of a is 4. However, after changing const s to var s as following
var s = "golang.go"
var a byte = 1 << len(s) / 128
The result of a is 0 now.
Also other test codes as below
const s = "golang.go"
var a byte = 1 << len(s) / 128 // the result of a is 4
var b byte = 1 << len(s[:]) / 128 // the result of b is 0
var ss = "golang.go"
var aa byte = 1 << len(ss) / 128 // the result of aa is 0
var bb byte = 1 << len(ss[:]) / 128 // the result of bb is 0
It is weird that b is 0 with evaluating the length of s[:]
I try to understand it per golang spec
The expression len(s) is constant if s is a string constant. The expressions len(s) and cap(s) are constants if the type of s is an array or pointer to an array and the expression s does not contain channel receives or (non-constant) function calls
But I failed. Could someone explain it more clearly to me?

The difference is that when s is constant, the expression is interpreted and executed as a constant expression, using untyped integer type and resulting in int type. When s is a variable, the expression is interpreted and executed as a non-constant expression, using byte type.
Spec: Operators:
The right operand in a shift expression must have integer type or be an untyped constant representable by a value of type uint. If the left operand of a non-constant shift expression is an untyped constant, it is first implicitly converted to the type it would assume if the shift expression were replaced by its left operand alone.
The quoted part applies when s is a variable. The expression is a non-constant shift expression (1 << len(s)) because s is a variable (so len(s) is non-constant), and the left operand is an untyped constant (1). So 1 is converted to a type it would assume if the shift expression were replaced by its left operand alone:
var a byte = 1 << len(s) / 128
replaced to
var a byte = 1 / 128
In this variable declaration byte type will be used because that type is used for the variable a. So back to the original: byte(1) shifted left by 9 will be 0, dividing it by 128 will also be 0.
And when s is constant, int will be used because Spec: Constant expressions:
If the left operand of a constant shift expression is an untyped constant, the result is an integer constant; otherwise it is a constant of the same type as the left operand, which must be of integer type.
Here 1 will not be converted to byte but 1 << len(s) => 1 << 9 will be 512, divided by 128 will be 4.

Constant in Go behave differently than you might expect. They are "arbitrary precision and _un_typed".
With const consts = "golang.go" the expression 1 << len(consts) / 128 is a constant expression and evaluated as a constant expression with arbitrary precision resulting in an untyped integer 4 which can be assigned to a byte resulting in a == 4.
With var vars = "golang.go" the expression 1 << len(vars) / 128 no longer is a constant expression but has to be evaluated as some typed int. How is defined in https://go.dev/ref/spec#Operators
The right operand in a shift expression must have integer type or be an untyped constant representable by a value of type uint. If the left operand of a non-constant shift expression is an untyped constant, it is first implicitly converted to the type it would assume if the shift expression were replaced by its left operand alone.
The second sentence applies to your problem. The 1 is converted to "the type it would [read will] assume". Spelled out this is byte(1) << len(vars) which is 0.


How to coerce math.Inf to an integer?

I've got some code I'm using to do comparisons, and I want to start with infinite values. Here's a snippet of my code.
import (
func snippet(arr []int) {
least := int(math.Inf(1))
greatest := int(math.Inf(-1))
fmt.Println("least", math.Inf(1), least)
fmt.Println("greatest", math.Inf(-1), greatest)
and here's the output I get from the console
least +Inf -9223372036854775808
greatest -Inf -9223372036854775808
why is +Inf coerced into a negative int ?
Infinity is not representable by int.
According to the go spec,
In all non-constant conversions involving floating-point or complex values, if the result type cannot represent the value the conversion succeeds but the result value is implementation-dependent.
Maybe you are looking for the largest representable int? How to get it is explained here.
math.Inf() returns an IEEE double-precision float representing positive infinity if the sign of the argument is >= 0, and negative infinity if the sign is < 0, so your code is incorrect.
But, the Go language specifiction (always good to read the specifications) says this:
Conversions between numeric types
In all non-constant conversions involving floating-point or complex values,
if the result type cannot represent the value the conversion succeeds but
the result value is implementation-dependent.
Two's complement integer values don't have the concept of infinity, so the result is implementation dependent.
Myself, I'd have expected to get the largest or smallest integer value for the integer type the cast is targeting, but apparently that's not the case.
This looks to the runtime source file responsible for the conversion, https://go.dev/src/runtime/softfloat64.go
And this is the actual source code.
Note that an IEEE-754 double-precision float is a 64-bit double word, consisting of
a sign bit, the high-order (most significant/leftmost bit), 0 indicating positive, 1 indicating negative.
an exponent (biased), consisting of the next 11 bits, and
a mantissa, consisting of the remaining 52 bits, which can be denormalized.
Positive Infinity is a special value with a sign bit of 0, a exponent of all 1 bits, and a mantissa of all 0 bits:
0 11111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
or 0x7FF0000000000000.
Negative infinity is the same, with the exception that the sign bit is 1:
1 11111111111 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
or 0xFFF0000000000000.
Looks like `funpack64() returns 5 values:
a uint64 representing the sign (0 or the very large non-zero value 0x8000000000000000),
a uint64 representing the normalized mantissa,
an int representing the exponent,
a bool indicating whether or not this is +/- infinity, and
a bool indicating whether or not this is NaN.
From that, you should be able to figure out why it returns the value it does.
[Frankly, I'm surprised that f64toint() doesn't short-circuit when funpack64() returns fi = true.]
const mantbits64 uint = 52
const expbits64 uint = 11
const bias64 = -1<<(expbits64-1) + 1
func f64toint(f uint64) (val int64, ok bool) {
fs, fm, fe, fi, fn := funpack64(f)
switch {
case fi, fn: // NaN
return 0, false
case fe < -1: // f < 0.5
return 0, false
case fe > 63: // f >= 2^63
if fs != 0 && fm == 0 { // f == -2^63
return -1 << 63, true
if fs != 0 {
return 0, false
return 0, false
for fe > int(mantbits64) {
fm <<= 1
for fe < int(mantbits64) {
fm >>= 1
val = int64(fm)
if fs != 0 {
val = -val
return val, true
func funpack64(f uint64) (sign, mant uint64, exp int, inf, nan bool) {
sign = f & (1 << (mantbits64 + expbits64))
mant = f & (1<<mantbits64 - 1)
exp = int(f>>mantbits64) & (1<<expbits64 - 1)
switch exp {
case 1<<expbits64 - 1:
if mant != 0 {
nan = true
inf = true
case 0:
// denormalized
if mant != 0 {
exp += bias64 + 1
for mant < 1<<mantbits64 {
mant <<= 1
// add implicit top bit
mant |= 1 << mantbits64
exp += bias64

Odd behavior of Golang type conversion [duplicate]

Why does below code fail to compile?
package main
import (
var x int = 1
const (
ONE int = 1
MIN_INT int = ONE << (unsafe.Sizeof(x)*8 - 1)
func main() {
I get an error
main.go:12: constant 2147483648 overflows int
Above statement is correct. Yes, 2147483648 overflows int (In 32 bit architecture). But the shift operation should result in a negative value ie -2147483648.
But the same code works, If I change the constants into variables and I get the expected output.
package main
import (
var x int = 1
var (
ONE int = 1
MIN_INT int = ONE << (unsafe.Sizeof(x)*8 - 1)
func main() {
There is a difference in evaluation between constant and non-constant expression that arises from constants being precise:
Numeric constants represent exact values of arbitrary precision and do not overflow.
Typed constant expressions cannot overflow; if the result cannot be represented by its type, it's a compile-time error (this can be detected at compile-time).
The same thing does not apply to non-constant expressions, as this can't be detected at compile-time (it could only be detected at runtime). Operations on variables can overflow.
In your first example ONE is a typed constant with type int. This constant expression:
ONE << (unsafe.Sizeof(x)*8 - 1)
Is a constant shift expression, the following applies: Spec: Constant expressions:
If the left operand of a constant shift expression is an untyped constant, the result is an integer constant; otherwise it is a constant of the same type as the left operand, which must be of integer type.
So the result of the shift expression must fit into an int because this is a constant expression; but since it doesn't, it's a compile-time error.
In your second example ONE is not a constant, it's a variable of type int. So the shift expression here may –and will– overflow, resulting in the expected negative value.
Should you change ONE in the 2nd example to a constant instead of a variable, you'd get the same error (as the expression in the initializer would be a constant expression). Should you change ONE to a variable in the first example, it wouldn't work as variables cannot be used in constant expressions (it must be a constant expression because it initializes a constant).
Constant expressions to find min-max values
You may use the following solution which yields the max and min values of uint and int types:
const (
MaxUint = ^uint(0)
MinUint = 0
MaxInt = int(MaxUint >> 1)
MinInt = -MaxInt - 1
func main() {
fmt.Printf("uint: %d..%d\n", MinUint, MaxUint)
fmt.Printf("int: %d..%d\n", MinInt, MaxInt)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
uint: 0..4294967295
int: -2147483648..2147483647
The logic behind it lies in the Spec: Constant expressions:
The mask used by the unary bitwise complement operator ^ matches the rule for non-constants: the mask is all 1s for unsigned constants and -1 for signed and untyped constants.
So the typed constant expression ^uint(0) is of type uint and is the max value of uint: it has all its bits set to 1. Given that integers are represented using 2's complement: shifting this to the left by 1 you'll get the value of max int, from which the min int value is -MaxInt - 1 (-1 due to the 0 value).
Reasoning for the different behavior
Why is there no overflow for constant expressions and overflow for non-constant expressions?
The latter is easy: in most other (programming) languages there is overflow. So this behavior is consistent with other languages and it has its benefits.
The real question is the first: why isn't overflow allowed for constant expressions?
Constants in Go are more than values of typed variables: they represent exact values of arbitrary precision. Staying at the word exact, if you have a value that you want to assign to a typed constant, allowing overflow and assigning a completely different value doesn't really live up to exact.
Going forward, this type checking and disallowing overflow can catch mistakes like this one:
type Char byte
var c1 Char = 'a' // OK
var c2 Char = '世' // Compile-time error: constant 19990 overflows Char
What happens here? c1 Char = 'a' works because 'a' is a rune constant, and rune is alias for int32, and 'a' has numeric value 97 which fits into byte's valid range (which is 0..255).
But c2 Char = '世' results in a compile-time error because the rune '世' has numeric value 19990 which doesn't fit into a byte. If overflow would be allowed, your code would compile and assign 22 numeric value ('\x16') to c2 but obviously this wasn't your intent. By disallowing overflow this mistake is easily caught, and at compile-time.
To verify the results:
var c1 Char = 'a'
fmt.Printf("%d %q %c\n", c1, c1, c1)
// var c2 Char = '世' // Compile-time error: constant 19990 overflows Char
r := '世'
var c2 Char = Char(r)
fmt.Printf("%d %q %c\n", c2, c2, c2)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
97 'a' a
22 '\x16'
To read more about constants and their philosophy, read the blog post: The Go Blog: Constants
And a couple more questions (+answers) that relate and / or are interesting:
Golang: on-purpose int overflow
How does Go perform arithmetic on constants?
Find address of constant in go
Why do these two float64s have different values?
How to change a float64 number to uint64 in a right way?
Writing powers of 10 as constants compactly

What's the exact meaning of iota?

In the code below:
const (
signature uint32 = 0xae3179fb
dhkxGroup = 2
ReplySuccessful byte = iota
ReplySuccessful is compiled to 2, while I think it should definitly be ZERO. If I move signature and dhkxGroup below ReplyPending, then ReplySuccessful becomes 0.
Why is this?
PS. To me, the only "benefit" of using iota is that you can ommit the value assigned to later constants, so that you can easily modify/insert new values. However, if iota is not FIXED to zero, it could cause big problem especially in doing things like communication protocols.
The spec defines iota's usage in Go (emphasis added):
Within a constant declaration, the predeclared identifier iota represents successive untyped integer constants. Its value is the index of the respective ConstSpec in that constant declaration, starting at zero.
Note that the index is relative to the ConstSpec, basically meanining the current const block.
Of particular interest is probably the example provided:
const (
a = 1 << iota // a == 1 (iota == 0)
b = 1 << iota // b == 2 (iota == 1)
c = 3 // c == 3 (iota == 2, unused)
d = 1 << iota // d == 8 (iota == 3)
Notice line 3 (iota value 2) is unused. You have essentially the same, with two unused values coming first.
What you probably meant in your code is:
const (
signature uint32 = 0xae3179fb
dhkxGroup = 2
const (
ReplySuccessful byte = iota
See it on the playground

Golang shift operator conversion

I can not understand in golang how 1<<s return 0 if var s uint = 33.
But 1<<33 return 8589934592.
How a shift operator conversion end up with a value of 0.
I'm reading the language specification and stuck in this section:
Specifically this paragraph from docs:
"The right operand in a shift expression must have unsigned integer
type or be an untyped constant representable by a value of type uint.
If the left operand of a non-constant shift expression is an untyped
constant, it is first implicitly converted to the type it would assume
if the shift expression were replaced by its left operand alone."
Some example from official Golang docs:
var s uint = 33
var i = 1<<s // 1 has type int
var j int32 = 1<<s // 1 has type int32; j == 0
var k = uint64(1<<s) // 1 has type uint64; k == 1<<33
Another very related question, with an example:
package main
import (
func main() {
v := int16(4336)
This program return -16
How does the number 4336 become -16 in converting int16 to int8
If you have this:
var s uint = 33
fmt.Println(1 << s)
Then the quoted part applies:
If the left operand of a non-constant shift expression is an untyped constant, it is first implicitly converted to the type it would assume if the shift expression were replaced by its left operand alone.
Because s is not a constant (it's a variable), therefore 1 >> s is a non-constant shift expression. And the left operand is 1 which is an untyped constant (e.g. int(1) would be a typed constant), so it is converted to a type that it would get if the expression would be simply 1 instead of 1 << s:
In the above, the untyped constant 1 would be converted to int, because that is its default type. Default type of constants is in Spec: Constants:
An untyped constant has a default type which is the type to which the constant is implicitly converted in contexts where a typed value is required, for instance, in a short variable declaration such as i := 0 where there is no explicit type. The default type of an untyped constant is bool, rune, int, float64, complex128 or string respectively, depending on whether it is a boolean, rune, integer, floating-point, complex, or string constant.
And the result of the above is architecture dependent. If int is 32 bits, it will be 0. If int is 64 bits, it will be 8589934592 (because shifting a 1 bit 33 times will shift it out of a 32-bit int number).
On the Go playground, size of int is 32 bits (4 bytes). See this example:
fmt.Println("int size:", unsafe.Sizeof(int(0)))
var s uint = 33
fmt.Println(1 << s)
fmt.Println(int32(1) << s)
fmt.Println(int64(1) << s)
The above outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
int size: 4
If I run the above app on my 64-bit computer, the output is:
int size: 8
Also see The Go Blog: Constants for how constants work in Go.
Note that if you write 1 << 33, that is not the same, that is not a non-constant shift expression, which your quote applies to: "the left operand of a non-constant shift expression". 1<<33 is a constant shift expression, which is evaluated at "constant space", and the result would be converted to int which does not fit into a 32-bit int, hence the compile-time error. It works with variables, because variables can overflow. Constants do not overflow:
Numeric constants represent exact values of arbitrary precision and do not overflow.
See How does Go perform arithmetic on constants?
Answering your addition: converting from int16 to int8 simply keeps the lowest 8 bits. And integers are represented using the 2's complement format, where the highest bit is 1 if the number is negative.
This is detailed in Spec: Conversions:
When converting between integer types, if the value is a signed integer, it is sign extended to implicit infinite precision; otherwise it is zero extended. It is then truncated to fit in the result type's size. For example, if v := uint16(0x10F0), then uint32(int8(v)) == 0xFFFFFFF0. The conversion always yields a valid value; there is no indication of overflow.
So when you convert a int16 value to int8, if source number has a 1 in bit position 7 (8th bit), the result will be negative, even if the source wasn't negative. Similarly, if the source has 0 at bit position 7, the result will be positive, even if the source is negative.
See this example:
for _, v := range []int16{4336, -129, 8079} {
fmt.Printf("Source : %v\n", v)
fmt.Printf("Source hex: %4x\n", uint16(v))
fmt.Printf("Result hex: %4x\n", uint8(int8(v)))
fmt.Printf("Result : %4v\n", uint8(int8(v)))
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
Source : 4336
Source hex: 10f0
Result hex: f0
Result : -16
Source : -129
Source hex: ff7f
Result hex: 7f
Result : 127
Source : 8079
Source hex: 1f8f
Result hex: 8f
Result : -113
See related questions:
When casting an int64 to uint64, is the sign retained?
Format printing the 64bit integer -1 as hexadecimal deviates between golang and C
You're building and running the program in 32bit mode (go playground?). In it, int is 32-bit wide and behaves the same as int32.

static_cast use to convert int to char

I have written this code to convert Decimal to binary:
string Solution::findDigitsInBinary(int A) {
if(A == 0 )
return "0" ;
string bin = "";
while(A > 0)
int rem = (A % 2);
bin.push_back(static_cast<char>(A % 2));
A = A/2 ;
reverse(bin.begin(),bin.end()) ;
return bin ;
But not getting the desired result using static_cast.
I have seen something related to this that is giving the desired result :
(char)('0'+ rem).
What's the difference between static_cast? why I am not getting the correct binary output?
(char) '0' + rem;
The important difference is not the cast, but that the remainder, which always results in 0 or 1, is added to the character '0', which means that you adding a character of '0' or '1' to your string.
In your version you are adding either the integer representation of 0 or 1, but the string representations of 0 and 1 are either 48 or 49. By adding the remainder of 0 or 1 to '0' it gives a value of either 48 (character 0) or 49 (character 1).
If you do the same thing in your code it will also work.
string findDigitsInBinary(int A) {
if (A == 0)
return "0";
string bin = "";
while (A > 0)
int rem = (A % 2);
bin.push_back(static_cast<char>(A % 2 + '0')); // Remainder + '0'
A = A / 2;
reverse(bin.begin(), bin.end());
return bin;
Basically you should be adding characters to the string, and not numbers. So you shouldn't be adding 0 and 1 to the string, you should be adding the numbers 48 (character 0) and 49 (character 1).
This chart might illustrate better. See how the character value/digit '0' is 48 in decimal? Let's just say you wanted to add the digit 4 to the string, then because decimal 48 is 0, then you would actually want to add the decimal value of 52 to the string, 48 + 4. This is what the '0' + rem does. This is done automatically for you if you insert a character, that is, if you do:
mystring += 'A';
It will add an 'A' character to your string, but what it's actually doing in reality is converting that 'A' to decimal 65 and adding it to the string. What you have in your code is you're adding decimal numbers/integers 0 and 1, and these aren't characters in the Unicode/ASCII representation.
Now that you understand how characters are encoded, to cast an integer to a char does not change the decimal/integer to its character representation, but it changes the data type from int to char, a 4-byte data type (most likely) to a 1-byte data type. Your cast did the following:
After the modulo % operation you got a result of either 1 or 0 as an integer, let's just say you got a 1 remainder, it would look like this as an int:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
After the cast to a char it would convert it to a one-byte data type, which would make it look like this:
00000001 // Now it's a one-byte data type
Whereas what a '1' digit looks like encoded as a string character is 49, which looks like this:
As for the difference between static_cast and c-style cast, the static_cast does compile-time checks and allows casts between certain types based on particular rules, whereas a c-style cast isn't as restrictive.
char a = 5;
int* p = static_cast<int*>(&a); // Will not compile
int* p2 = (int*)&a; // Will compile and run, but is discouraged as there are risks.
*p2 = 7; // You've written past the single byte char into 3 extra bytes, which is an access violation, or undefined behaviour.
