Insert rows using awk - shell

How can I insert a row using awk?
My file looks as:
1 43
2 34
3 65
4 75
I would like to insert three rows with "?" So my desire file looks as:
1 ?
2 ?
3 ?
4 43
5 34
6 65
7 75
I am trying with the below script.
awk '{if(NR<=3){print "NR ?"}} {printf" " NR $2}' file.txt

Here's one way to do it:
$ awk 'BEGIN{s=" "; for(c=1; c<4; c++) print c s "?"}
{print c s $2; c++}' ip.txt
1 ?
2 ?
3 ?
4 43
5 34
6 65
7 75

$ awk 'BEGIN {printf "1 ?\n2 ?\n3 ?\n"} {printf "%d", $1 + 3; printf " %s\n", $2}' file.txt
1 ?
2 ?
3 ?
4 43
5 34
6 65
7 75

You could also add the 3 lines before awk, e.g.:
{ seq 3; cat file.txt; } | awk 'NR <= 3 { $2 = "?" } $1 = NR' OFS='\t'
1 ?
2 ?
3 ?
4 43
5 34
6 65
7 75

I would do it following way using GNU AWK, let file.txt content be
1 43
2 34
3 65
4 75
awk 'BEGIN{OFS=" "}NR==1{print 1,"?";print 2,"?";print 3,"?"}{print NR+3,$2}' file.txt
1 ?
2 ?
3 ?
4 43
5 34
6 65
7 75
Explanation: I set output field separator (OFS) to 7 spaces. For 1st row I do print three lines which consisting of subsequent number and ? sheared by output field separator. You might elect to do this using for loop, especially if you expect that requirement might change here. For every line I print number of row plus 4 (to keep order) and 2nd column ($2). Thanks to use of OFS, you would need to make only one change if requirement regarding number of spaces will be altered. Note that construct like
might be written in GNU AWK in more concise manner as
(tested in gawk 4.2.1)


distribute data in both increment and decrement order

I have a file which has n number of rows, i want it's data to be distributed in 7 files as per below order
** my input file has n number of rows, this is just an example.
Input file
Output file
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14 13 12 11 10 9 8
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
28 27 26 25 24 23 22
so if i open the first file it should have rows
similarly if i open the second file it should have rows
similarly output for the other files as well.
Can anybody please help, with below code it is doing what is required but not in required order.
awk '{print > ("te1234"++c".txt");c=(NR%n)?c:0}' n=7 test6.txt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
EDIT: Since OP has changed sample of Input_file totally different so adding this solution now, again this is written and tested with shown samples only.
With xargs + single awk: (recommended one)
xargs -n7 < Input_file |
awk '
print $i >> (i".txt")
print $i >> (count".txt")
Initial solution:
xargs -n7 < Input_file |
awk '
val=(val?val OFS:"")$i
1' |
awk '
print $i >> (i".txt")
Above could be done with single awk too will add xargs + awk(single) solution in few mins too.
Could you please try following, written and tested with shown samples in GNU awk.
awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){print $i >> (i".txt");close(i".txt")}}' Input_file
The output file counter could descend for each second group of seven:
awk 'FNR%n==1 {asc=!asc}
out="te1234" (asc ? ++c : c--) ".txt";
print >> out;
}' n=7 test6.txt
$ ls
file tst.awk
$ cat tst.awk
{ rec = (cnt % 2 ? $1 sep rec : rec sep $1); sep=FS }
!(NR%n) {
nf = split(rec,flds)
for (i=1; i<=nf; i++) {
out = "te1234" i ".txt"
print flds[i] >> out
$ awk -v n=7 -f tst.awk file
$ ls
file te12342.txt te12344.txt te12346.txt tst.awk
te12341.txt te12343.txt te12345.txt te12347.txt
$ cat te12341.txt
$ cat te12342.txt
If you can have input that's not an exact multiple of n then move the code that's currently in the !(NR%n) block into a function and call that function there and in an END section.
This might work for you (GNU sed & parallel):
parallel 'echo {1}~14w file{1}; echo {2}~14w file{1}' ::: {1..7} :::+ {14..8} |
sed -n -f - file &&
paste file{1..7}
Create a sed script to write files named filen where n is 1 thru 7 (see above first set of parameters in the parallel command and also in the paste command).
The sed script uses the n~m address where n is the starting address and m is the modulo thereafter.
The distributed files are created first and the paste command then joins them all together to produce a single output file (tab separated by default, use paste -d option to get desired delimiter).
Alternative using Bash & sed:
for ((n=1,m=14;n<=7;n++,m--));do echo "$n~14w file$n";echo "$m~14w file$n";done |
sed -nf - file &&
paste file{1..7}

Combining multiple awk output statements into one line

I have some ascii files I’m processing, with 35 columns each, and variable number of rows. I need to take the difference between two columns (N+1), and place the results into a duplicate ascii file on column number 36. Then, I need to take another column, and divide it (row by row) by column 36, and place that result into the same duplicate ascii file in column 37.
I’ve done similar processing in the past, but by outputting temp files for each awk command, reading each successive temp file in to eventually create a final ascii file. Then, I would delete the temp files after. I’m hoping there is an easier/faster method than having to create a bunch of temp files.
Below is an initial working processing step, that the above awk commands would need to follow and fit into. This step gets the data from foo.txt, removes the header, and processes only the rows containing a particular, but varying, string.
cat foo.txt | tail -n +2 | awk '$17 ~ /^[F][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/' >> foo_new.txt
There’s another processing step for different data files, that I would also need the 2 new columns discussed earlier. This is simply appending a unique file name from what’s being catted to the last column of every row in a new ascii file. This command is actually in a loop with varying input files, but I’ve simplified it here.
cat foo.txt | tail -n +2 | awk -v fname="$fname" '{print $0 OFS fname;}' >> foo_new.txt
An example of one of the foo.txt files.
20 0 5 F001
4 2 3 F002
12 4 8 F003
100 10 29 O001
Below would be the example foo_new.txt desired. The requested 2 columns of output from awk (last 2 columns). In this example, column 5 is the difference between column 3 and 2 plus 1. Column 6 is the result of column 1 divided by column 5.
20 0 5 F001 6 3.3
4 2 3 F002 2 2.0
12 4 8 F003 5 2.4
For the second example foo_new.txt. The last column is an example of fname. These are computed in the shell script, and passed to awk. I don't care if the results in column 7 (fname) are at the end or placed between columns 4 and 5, so long as it gets along with the other awk statements.
20 0 5 F001 6 3.3 C1
4 2 3 F002 2 2.0 C2
12 4 8 F003 5 2.4 C3
The best luck so far, but unfortunately this is producing a file with the original output first, and the added output below it. I'd like to have the added output appended on as columns (#5 and #6).
cat foo.txt | tail -n +2 | awk '$17 ~ /^[F][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/' >> foo_new.txt
cat foo_new.txt | awk '{print $4=$3-$2+1, $5=$1/($3-$2+1)}' >> foo_new.txt
Consider an input file data with header line like this (based closely on your minimal example):
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
20 0 5 F001
4 2 3 F002
12 4 8 F003
100 10 29 O001
You want the output to contain a column 5 that is the value of $3 - $2 + 1 (column 3 minus column 2 plus 1), and a column 6 that is the value of column 1 divided by column 5 (with 1 decimal place in the output), and a file name that is based on a variable fname passed to the script but that has a unique value for each line. And you only want lines where column 4 matches F and 3 digits, and you want to skip the first line. That can all be written directly in awk:
awk -v fname=C '
NR == 1 { next }
$4 ~ /^F[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/ { c5 = $3 - $2 + 1
c6 = sprintf("%.1f", $1 / c5)
print $0, c5, c6, fname NR
}' data
You could write that on one line too:
awk -v fname=C 'NR==1{next} $4~/^F[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/ { c5=$3-$2+1; print $0,c5,sprintf("%.1f",$1/c5), fname NR }' data
The output is:
20 0 5 F001 6 3.3 C2
4 2 3 F002 2 2.0 C3
12 4 8 F003 5 2.4 C4
Clearly, you could change the file name so that the counter starts from 0 or 1 by using counter++ or ++counter respectively in place of the NR in the print statement, and you could format it with leading zeros or whatever else you want with sprintf() again. If you want to drop the first line of each file, rather than just the first file, change the NR == 1 condition to FNR == 1 instead.
Note that this does not need the preprocessing provided by cat foo.txt | tail -n +2.
I need to take the difference between two columns (N+1), and place the results into a duplicate ascii file on column number 36. Then, I need to take another column, and divide it (row by row) by column 36, and place that result into the same duplicate ascii file in column 37.
That's just:
awk -vN=9 -vanother_column=10 '{ v36 = $N - $(N+1); print $0, v36, $another_column / v36 }' input_file.tsv
I guess your file has some "header"/special "first line", so if it's the first line, then preserve it:
awk ... 'NR==1{print $0, "36_header", "37_header"} NR>1{ ... the script above ... }`
Taking first 3 columns from the example script you presented, and substituting N for 2 and another_column for 1, we get the following script:
# recreate input file
cat <<EOF |
20 0 5
4 2 3
12 4 8
100 10 29
tr -s ' ' |
tr ' ' '\t' > input_file.tsv
awk -vOFS=$'\t' -vIFS=$'\t' -vN=2 -vanother_column=1 '{ tmp = $(N + 1) - $N; print $0, tmp, $another_column / tmp }' input_file.tsv
and it will output:
20 0 5 5 4
4 2 3 1 4
12 4 8 4 3
100 10 29 19 5.26316
Such script:
awk -vOFS=$'\t' -vIFS=$'\t' -vN=2 -vanother_column=1 '{ tmp = $(N + 1) - $N + 1; print $0, tmp, sprintf("%.1f", $another_column / tmp) }' input_file.tsv
I think get's closer output to what you want:
20 0 5 6 3.3
4 2 3 2 2.0
12 4 8 5 2.4
100 10 29 20 5.0
And I guess that by that (N+1) you meant "the difference between two columns with 1 added".

Filtering Input files

So I'm trying to filter 'duplicate' results from a file.
Ive a file that looks like:
7 14 35 35 4 23
23 53 85 27 49 1
35 4 23 27 49 1
that I mentally can divide up into item 1 and item 2. Item 1 is the first 3 numbers on each line and item 2 is the last 3 numbers on each line.
I've also got a list of 'items':
7 14 35
23 53 85
35 4 23
27 49 1
At a certain point in the file, lets say line number 3 (this number is arbitrary and for example), the 'items' can be separated. Lets say lines 1 and 2 are red and lines 3 and 4 are blue.
I want to make sure on my original file that there are no red red or blue blues - only red blue or blue red, while retaining the original numbers.
So ideally the file would go from:
7 14 35 35 4 23 (red blue)
23 53 85 27 49 1 (red blue)
35 4 23 27 49 1 (blue blue)
7 14 35 35 4 23 (red blue)
23 53 85 27 49 1 (red blue)
I'm having trouble thinking of a good (or any) way to do it.
Any help is appreciated.
An filtering script I have that grabs lines if they have blue or red on the lines:
while read name; do
grep "$name" Twoitems
done < Itemblue > filtered
while read name2; do
grep "$name2" filtered
done < Itemred > double filtered
Example input an item files:
This is pretty easy using grep with option -f.
First of all, generate four 'pattern' files out of your items file.
I am using AWK here, but you might as well use Perl or what not.
Following your example, I put the 'split' between line 2 and 3; please adjust when necessary.
awk 'NR <= 2 {print "^" $0 " "}' items.txt > starts_red.txt
awk 'NR <= 2 {print " " $0 "$"}' items.txt > ends_red.txt
awk 'NR >= 3 {print "^" $0 " "}' items.txt > starts_blue.txt
awk 'NR >= 3 {print " " $0 "$"}' items.txt > ends_blue.txt
Next, use a grep pipeline using the pattern files (option -f) to filter the appropriate lines from the input file.
grep -f starts_red.txt input.txt | grep -f ends_blue.txt > red_blue.txt
grep -f starts_blue.txt input.txt | grep -f ends_red.txt > blue_red.txt
Finally, concatenate the two output files.
Of course, you might as well use >> to let the second grep pipeline append its output to the output of the first.
Let's say file1 contents
7 14 35 35 4 23
23 53 85 27 49 1
35 4 23 27 49 1
and file2 contents are
7 14 35
23 53 85
35 4 23
27 49 1
Then, you can use a hash to map line-nos to colors based on your cutoff and using that hash, compare lines in first file for the existence of different colors after splitting on third space of each line.
I suppose you want something like below script.Feel free to modify it according to your requirements.
use strict;
use warnings;
#declare a global hash to keep track of line and colors
my %color;
#open both the files
open my $fh1, '<', 'file1' or die "unable to open file1: $! \n";
open my $fh2, '<', 'file2' or die "unable to open file2: $! \n";
#iterate over the second file and store the lines as
#red or blue in hash based on line nos
if($. <= 2){
#close second file
#iterate over first file
#split the line on 3rd space
my ($part1,$part2)=split /(?:\d+\s){3}\K/;
#remove trailing spaces present
#print if $part1 and $part does not belong to same color
print "$_\n" if($color{$part1} ne $color{$part2});
#close first file

Shell/awk script to read a column of files and combining columns to make a TSV file

I have over 600 files and I need to extract single column from each of the files and write them in a output file. My current code does this work and it takes column from all files and write the columns one after another in output file. However, I need two thing in my output file:
In the output file, instead of adding columns one after another, I need each column from the input files will be added as a new column in the output file (preferably as a TSV file).
The column name will be replaced by the file name.
My example code:
for f in *; do cat "$f" | tr "\t" "~" | cut -d"~" -f2; done >out.txt
Example input:
col1 col2 col3
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
col4 col5 col6
11 12 13
14 15 16
17 18 19
110 111 112
My current output:
Expected output:
file01.txt file02.txt
2 12
5 15
8 18
11 111
You can use awk like this:
awk -v OFS='\t' 'BEGIN {
for (i=1; i<ARGC; i++)
printf ARGV[i] OFS;
print ARGV[i];
FNR==1 { next }
a[FNR]=(a[FNR]==""?"":a[FNR] OFS) $2
for(i=2; i<=FNR; i++)
print a[i];
}' file*.txt
file01.txt file02.txt
2 12
5 15
8 18
11 111

Divide column values of different files by a constant then output one minus the other

I have two files of the form
0 123
1 456
2 789
3 999
4 112
5 131
6 415
0 442
1 232
2 542
3 559
4 888
5 231
6 322
How can I take the second column of each, divide it by a value then minus one from the other and then output a new third file with the new values?
I want the output file to have the form
0 123/c-422/k
1 456/c-232/k
2 789/c-542/k
where c and k are numbers I can plug into the script
I have seen this question: subtract columns from different files with awk
But I don't know how to use awk to do this by myself, does anyone know how to do this or could explain what is going on in the linked question so I can try to modify it?
I'd write:
awk -v c=10 -v k=20 ' ;# pass values to awk variables
/^#/ {next} ;# skip headers
FNR==NR {val[$1]=$2; next} ;# store values from file1
$1 in val {print $1, (val[$1]/c - $2/k)} ;# perform the calc and print
' file1 file2
0 -9.8
1 34
2 51.8
3 71.95
4 -33.2
5 1.55
6 25.4
etc. 0
