In bash how to use the last argument- and adding all other arguments to array - bash

I have a script where the user can add as many arguments as he would like (numbers).
The script will sum all the numbers beside the last number - The last number (argument) is the number that I need to divide by
For example:
./ 2 2 6 5
This will sum the first 3 numbers (2+2+6) and divide the answer by 5 (the last argument)
How can I use the last argument? Echo ????
How can I move loop the first arguments besides the last one – I would like that all 3 arguments will be added to an array and I can loop it
Please note that the number of arguments can be changed

How can I use the last argument? Echo ????
Granting $# > 0, you can use "${!#}".
How can I move loop the first arguments besides the last one – I would
like that all 3 arguments will be added to an array and I can loop it
Again granting $# > 0, you can refer to "${#:1:$# - 1}".
Read the Arrays section in the bash manual to know how to properly expand arrays.
I also recommend learning how quoting works and knowing the dangers of unwanted word splitting and globbing.

Shortly (with bashisms)
As this question is tagged integer-arithmetic and bash:
Here is a small and efficient script:
addVals=${*: 1 : $# - 1}
declare -i intResult=" ( ${addVals// /+} ) / ${#: -1} "
echo $intResult
But there's no loop...
Long answer
How can I use the last argument? Echo ????
You could make your tries in command line:
set -- 2 2 6 5
echo $#
2 2 6 5
echo ${*: 3}
6 5
echo ${*: -1}
echo ${*: 1 : -1}
bash: -1: substring expression < 0
echo $#
echo ${*: 1 : $# -1}
2 2 6
Ok, then
someVar=${*: 1 : $# -1}
echo ${someVar// /:SpaceReplacment:}
declare -i result
result=" ( ${someVar// /+} ) / ${*: -1} "
echo $result
How can I move loop the first arguments besides the last one – I would like that all 3 arguments will be added to an array and I can loop it
Still forward, under command line...
someArray=("${#: 1: $# -1 }")
Use declare -p to show $someArray's content:
declare -p someArray
declare -a someArray=([0]="2" [1]="2" [2]="6")
declare -i mySum=0
for i in "${someArray[#]}";do
echo $mySum
echo $(( mySum / ${*: -1} ))
Please note that the number of arguments can be changed
Please note:
Using double quotes allow processing of strings containing spaces:
set -- foo bar 'foo bar baz'
echo ${2}
echo ${*: $# }
foo bar baz
Difference betweeen use of "$#" (array to array) and "$*" (array to string)
set -- foo bar 'foo bar' 'foo bar baz'
If I take 3 first elements:
someArray=("${#: 1: $# -1 }")
declare -p someArray
declare -a someArray=([0]="foo" [1]="bar" [2]="foo bar")
someArray=("${*: 1: $# -1 }")
declare -p someArray
declare -a someArray=([0]="foo bar foo bar")

There are about a thousand ways of doing this. As you would like to make use of integer arithmetic, you can do the following in bash
A short semi-cryptic version would be:
echo $(( ( ${*} - ${#:-1} ) / ${#:-1} ))
Here we make use of the difference between "${*}" and "${#}" to perform the sum by setting IFS=+ (See What is the difference between "$#" and "$*" in Bash?)
A long classic approach would be:
for i in "$#"; do ((s+=i)); done
echo $(( (s-${#:-1})/${#:-1} ))
It's easier to sum all terms and subtract the last term afterwards


Using a positional parameter as the name of the array I want to loop over

I have been looking at other similar questions but didn't find the proper answer. $1 is the name of the array i want to loop over.
for i in ${"$1"[#]}
echo "$i"
If I don't misunderstand your not very well written question, you are looking for bash indirection, which is available since bash, version 2.
Below a minimal example
#! /bin/bash
foo=( 1 2 3 4 )
bar=( 5 6 7 8 )
if [[ ( "$1" -ne foo && "$1" -ne bar ) ]];
echo "Usage: $0 <foo|bar>"
exit 1
ambito="$1"[#] # here what you are looking for
for i in "${!ambito}"; # here the indirection
echo -n "$i "
echo ""
And you can call this scrit as:
$ ./ foo
1 2 3 4
$ ./ bar
5 6 7 8
This being said, using indirection may cause confusion. In most cases it could be replaced by associative arrays.
$1 is the first command line argument, not all of them. Probably what you are looking for is $#.
And to create an array holding them, something like:

How to remove nth element from command arguments in bash

How to I remove the nth element from an argument list in bash?
Shift only appears to remove the first n, but I want to keep some of the first. I want something like:
set -x
echo $#
shift (from position 2)
echo $#
So when I call it - it removes "house" from the list: 1 house 3
1 house 3
1 3
Use the set builtin and shell parameter expansion:
set -- "${#:1:1}" "${#:3}"
would remove the second positonal argument.
You could make it generic by using a variable:
n=2 # This variable denotes the nth argument to be removed
set -- "${#:1:n-1}" "${#:n+1}"
shift; shift
echo $a $#
If someone knows how to do this in a better way I am all ears!
If you want to use bash you can use a bash array
arg=($0 $#)
or if you don't need argument $0
# argument to remove
arg=(${arg[#]:0:$rm_arg} ${arg[#]:$(($rm_arg + 1))})
echo ${arg[#]}
Now instead of referencing $1 you might use ${arg[1]} .
Remember that bash arguments has an argument $0 and bash arrays have an element [0]. So, if you don't assign bash argument $0 to the first element of a bash array [0] , Then you will find bash argument $1 in your bash array [0] .
for VAR in $#; do
case $VAR in
echo removing $VAR
arg=($(echo $#| sed "s/$VAR//"))
echo ${arg[#]}
./ 1 2 3 A 4 5
1 2 3 A 4 5
1 2 3 A 4 5
1 2 3 A 4 5
removing A
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5

How to remove first bash argument and pass the others to another command?

In bash $# contains all the arguments used to call the script but I am looking for a solution to remove the first one
./ foo bar baz ...:
# call `cmd` with bar baz ... (withouyt foo one)
I just want to call cmd bar baz ...
You can use shift to shift the argument array. For instance, the following code:
echo $#
echo $#
produces, when called with 1 2 3 prints 1 2 3 and then 2 3:
$ ./ 1 2 3
1 2 3
2 3
shift removes arguments from $#.
shift [n]
Shift positional parameters.
Rename the positional parameters $N+1,$N+2 ... to $1,$2 ... If N is
not given, it is assumed to be 1.
Exit Status:
Returns success unless N is negative or greater than $#.
Environment-variable-expansion! Is a very portable solution.
Remove the first argument: with $#
Remove the first argument: with $*
Remove the first and second argument: with $#
Both $# or $* will work because the result of expansion is a string.
Remove a fixed prefix/suffix from a string in Bash
Variable expansion is portable because it is defined under gnu core-utils
Search for "Environment variable expansion" at this link:

How do I find the number of arguments passed to a Bash script?

How do I find the number of arguments passed to a Bash script?
This is what I have currently:
for var in "$#"
Are there other (better) ways of doing this?
The number of arguments is $#
Search for it on this page to learn more:
echo "The number of arguments is: $#"
echo "The total length of all arguments is: ${#a}: "
for var in "$#"
echo "The length of argument '$var' is: ${#var}"
(( count++ ))
(( accum += ${#var} ))
echo "The counted number of arguments is: $count"
echo "The accumulated length of all arguments is: $accum"
to add the original reference:
You can get the number of arguments from the special parameter $#. Value of 0 means "no arguments". $# is read-only.
When used in conjunction with shift for argument processing, the special parameter $# is decremented each time Bash Builtin shift is executed.
see Bash Reference Manual in section 3.4.2 Special Parameters:
"The shell treats several parameters specially. These parameters may only be referenced"
and in this section for keyword $# "Expands to the number of positional parameters in decimal."
Below is the easy one -
echo "$#" | awk '{print NF}'
Output :
#./ 1 2 3 4 5 6
#./ 1 2 3 4 5 6 apple orange

Getting the last argument passed to a shell script

$1 is the first argument.
$# is all of them.
How can I find the last argument passed to a shell
This is Bash-only:
echo "${#: -1}"
This is a bit of a hack:
for last; do true; done
echo $last
This one is also pretty portable (again, should work with bash, ksh and sh) and it doesn't shift the arguments, which could be nice.
It uses the fact that for implicitly loops over the arguments if you don't tell it what to loop over, and the fact that for loop variables aren't scoped: they keep the last value they were set to.
$ set quick brown fox jumps
$ echo ${*: -1:1} # last argument
$ echo ${*: -1} # or simply
$ echo ${*: -2:1} # next to last
The space is necessary so that it doesn't get interpreted as a default value.
Note that this is bash-only.
The simplest answer for bash 3.0 or greater is
_last=${!#} # *indirect reference* to the $# variable
# or
_last=$BASH_ARGV # official built-in (but takes more typing :)
That's it.
$ cat lastarg
# echo the last arg given:
echo $_last
echo $_last
for x; do
echo $x
Output is:
$ lastarg 1 2 3 4 "5 6 7"
5 6 7
5 6 7
5 6 7
The following will work for you.
# is for array of arguments.
: means at
$# is the length of the array of arguments.
So the result is the last element:
function afunction{
echo ${#:$#}
afunction -d -o local 50
#Outputs 50
Note that this is bash-only.
Use indexing combined with length of:
echo ${#:${##}}
Note that this is bash-only.
Found this when looking to separate the last argument from all the previous one(s).
Whilst some of the answers do get the last argument, they're not much help if you need all the other args as well. This works much better:
Note that this is bash-only.
This works in all POSIX-compatible shells:
eval last=\${$#}
Here is mine solution:
pretty portable (all POSIX sh, bash, ksh, zsh) should work
does not shift original arguments (shifts a copy).
does not use evil eval
does not iterate through the whole list
does not use external tools
ntharg() {
shift $1
printf '%s\n' "$1"
LAST_ARG=`ntharg $# "$#"`
From oldest to newer solutions:
The most portable solution, even older sh (works with spaces and glob characters) (no loop, faster):
eval printf "'%s\n'" "\"\${$#}\""
Since version 2.01 of bash
$ set -- The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
$ printf '%s\n' "${!#} ${#:(-1)} ${#: -1} ${#:~0} ${!#}"
dog dog dog dog dog
For ksh, zsh and bash:
$ printf '%s\n' "${#: -1} ${#:~0}" # the space beetwen `:`
# and `-1` is a must.
dog dog
And for "next to last":
$ printf '%s\n' "${#:~1:1}"
Using printf to workaround any issues with arguments that start with a dash (like -n).
For all shells and for older sh (works with spaces and glob characters) is:
$ set -- The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog "the * last argument"
$ eval printf "'%s\n'" "\"\${$#}\""
The last * argument
Or, if you want to set a last var:
$ eval last=\${$#}; printf '%s\n' "$last"
The last * argument
And for "next to last":
$ eval printf "'%s\n'" "\"\${$(($#-1))}\""
If you are using Bash >= 3.0
echo ${BASH_ARGV[0]}
For bash, this comment suggested the very elegant:
echo "${#:$#}"
To silence shellcheck, use:
echo ${*:$#}
As a bonus, both also work in zsh.
shift `expr $# - 1`
echo "$1"
This shifts the arguments by the number of arguments minus 1, and returns the first (and only) remaining argument, which will be the last one.
I only tested in bash, but it should work in sh and ksh as well.
I found #AgileZebra's answer (plus #starfry's comment) the most useful, but it sets heads to a scalar. An array is probably more useful:
heads=( "${#: 1: $# - 1}" )
Note that this is bash-only.
Edit: Removed unnecessary $(( )) according to #f-hauri's comment.
A solution using eval:
last=$(eval "echo \$$#")
echo $last
If you want to do it in a non-destructive way, one way is to pass all the arguments to a function and return the last one:
last() {
if [[ $# -ne 0 ]] ; then
shift $(expr $# - 1)
echo "$1"
#do something when no arguments
lastvar=$(last "$#")
echo $lastvar
echo "$#"
pax> ./ 1 2 3 a b
1 2 3 a b
If you don't actually care about keeping the other arguments, you don't need it in a function but I have a hard time thinking of a situation where you would never want to keep the other arguments unless they've already been processed, in which case I'd use the process/shift/process/shift/... method of sequentially processing them.
I'm assuming here that you want to keep them because you haven't followed the sequential method. This method also handles the case where there's no arguments, returning "". You could easily adjust that behavior by inserting the commented-out else clause.
For tcsh:
set X = `echo $* | awk -F " " '{print $NF}'`
somecommand "$X"
I'm quite sure this would be a portable solution, except for the assignment.
After reading the answers above I wrote a Q&D shell script (should work on sh and bash) to run g++ on PGM.cpp to produce executable image PGM. It assumes that the last argument on the command line is the file name (.cpp is optional) and all other arguments are options.
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
echo "Usage: `basename $0` [opt] pgm runs g++ to compile pgm[.cpp] into pgm"
exit 2
# PGM is the last argument, all others are considered options
for F; do OPT="$OPT $PGM"; PGM=$F; done
DIR=`dirname $PGM`
PGM=`basename $PGM .cpp`
# put -o first so it can be overridden by -o specified in OPT
set -x
g++ -o $DIR/$PGM $OPT $DIR/$PGM.cpp
The following will set LAST to last argument without changing current environment:
shift $(($#-1))
echo $1
echo $LAST
If other arguments are no longer needed and can be shifted it can be simplified to:
shift $(($#-1))
echo $1
For portability reasons following:
shift $(($#-1));
can be replaced with:
shift `expr $# - 1`
Replacing also $() with backquotes we get:
shift \`expr $# - 1\`
echo $1
echo $LAST
echo $argv[$#argv]
Now I just need to add some text because my answer was too short to post. I need to add more text to edit.
This is part of my copy function:
eval echo $(echo '$'"$#")
To use in scripts, do this:
a=$(eval echo $(echo '$'"$#"))
Explanation (most nested first):
$(echo '$'"$#") returns $[nr] where [nr] is the number of parameters. E.g. the string $123 (unexpanded).
echo $123 returns the value of 123rd parameter, when evaluated.
eval just expands $123 to the value of the parameter, e.g. last_arg. This is interpreted as a string and returned.
Works with Bash as of mid 2015.
To return the last argument of the most recently used command use the special parameter:
In this instance it will work if it is used within the script before another command has been invoked.
#! /bin/sh
while [ -n "${next}" ] ; do
echo $last
Try the below script to find last argument
# cat
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "No Arguments supplied"
echo $* > .ags
sed -e 's/ /\n/g' .ags | tac | head -n1 > .ga
echo "Last Argument is: `cat .ga`"
# ./
No Arguments supplied
# ./ testing for the last argument value
Last Argument is: value
There is a much more concise way to do this. Arguments to a bash script can be brought into an array, which makes dealing with the elements much simpler. The script below will always print the last argument passed to a script.
argArray=( "$#" ) # Add all script arguments to argArray
arrayLength=${#argArray[#]} # Get the length of the array
lastArg=$((arrayLength - 1)) # Arrays are zero based, so last arg is -1
echo ${argArray[$lastArg]}
Sample output
$ ./ 1 2 buckle my shoe
Using parameter expansion (delete matched beginning):
last=${args##* }
It's also easy to get all before last:
prelast=${args% *}
$ echo "${*: -1}"
That will print the last argument
With GNU bash version >= 3.0:
num=$# # get number of arguments
echo "${!num}" # print last argument
Just use !$.
$ mkdir folder
$ cd !$ # will run: cd folder
