heroku knex migration/seed error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host ssl false - heroku

Trying to use the Heroku console to run knex migration and seeds. Everything works in the development environment but it doesn't in Heroku. I get an SSL error and I don't know how to solve it without paying for a higher database tier.

Because node-Postgres enables SSL validation by default while free Heroku hosting doesn’t provide it automatically, you need to turn it off. disable SSL in Heroku:
CLI solution:
heroku config:set PGSSLMODE=no-verify --app <app name>

Resolved with:
production: {
client: 'pg',
connection: {
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: false,


Lets-encrypt Error: Failed HTTP-01 Pre-Flight / Dry Run

I've set up a redbird based proxy following its README file examples.
By now I've configured single domain both for http and https and it's working well (https still using self-signed certificate).
But now I'm trying to configure it to use letsencrypt to automatically get valid ssl certificates and I'm getting stuck in following error:
{"level":30,"time":1578681102208,"pid":21320,"hostname":"nigul","name":"redbird","0":false,"1":"setChallenge called for 'exposito.bitifet.net'","msg":"Lets encrypt debugger","v":1}
[acme-v2] handled(?) rejection as errback:
Error: Error: Failed HTTP-01 Pre-Flight / Dry Run.
curl 'http://exposito.bitifet.net/.well-known/acme-challenge/test-cf55199519d859042f695e620cca8dbb-0'
Expected: 'test-cf55199519d859042f695e620cca8dbb-0.MgLl7GIS59DPtPMejuUcXfddzNt8YxfLVo5op670u8M'
Got: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>404 - Not Found</title>
<h1>404 - Not Found</h1>
See https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/acme-v2.js/issues/4
at /home/joanmi/SERVICES/redbird_domains/node_modules/acme-v2/index.js:49:10
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
As far as I understand, this is telling me that Lets Encrypt is trying to access to the url http://exposito.bitifet.net/.well-known/acme-challenge/test-cf55199519d859042f695e620cca8dbb-0 using the following command:
curl 'http://exposito.bitifet.net/.well-known/acme-challenge/test-cf55199519d859042f695e620cca8dbb-0'
...and that it is getting which seems a 404 HTML Error page which I have no clue wherever it could come.
And, in fact, executing that curl command or just pasting that url in my browser (you can try it: I left the server running), I get the given Expected string so, from my point of view it seems like if my configuration were correct but, for some reason, Lets Encrypt's servers were reaching another server (either because of wrong routing or DNS).
But on the other hand, I suppose it's more probable that I've done something wrong in my configuration.
Here I paste my whole script (ports 80 and 443 are redirected to 1080 and 1443, respectively, through iptables because the script is run by non privileged user):
const Redbird = require("redbird");
const proxy = Redbird({
port: 1080,
xfwd: false, // Disable the X-Forwarded-For header
letsencrypt: {
path: __dirname + '/certs',
port: 9999
// LetsEncrypt minimal web server port for handling challenges.
// Routed 80->9999, no need to open 9999 in firewall. Default 3000
// if not defined.
ssl: {
http2: true,
port: 1443, // SSL port used to serve registered https routes with LetsEncrypt certificate.
proxy.register('exposito.bitifet.net:9999', 'http://localhost:8001', {
ssl: {
letsencrypt: {
email: 'xxxxxx#gmail.com', // Domain owner/admin email
production: false,
// WARNING: Only use this flag when the proxy is verified to
// work correctly to avoid being banned!
proxy.register("exposito.bitifet.net", "http://localhost:8001");
Any clue will be welcome.
Many issues were involved at the same time (despite my lack of experience with either redbird and letsencrypt.
The magic 404/Not found page: I guess it came from a lighttpd server that seems to had been preinstalled in my VPS.
Port 80 was redirected via iptables but I suppose in one or other configuration tweak I could have redirected incoming requests to localhost's port 80 (which is not redirected).
My redbird missunderstanding: Looking at examples in its README file, I thought redbird were kinda "multi- reverse_proxy" in the sense that you could redirect http and https requests with single redbird instance.
But I finally realized that the (maybe not so well named) port option which is, in fact, an http port, serves only to configure a built-in unconditional http->https redirector (of which I already had read about, but I thought it were optional).
The actual underlying issue: If your DNS have DNSSEC activated, you should define a CAA register in it pointing to letsencrypt.org.
At the moment I disabled DNSSEC instead because my provider's control panel doesn't allow me to create such register.
I discovered it while trying to get the certificates through certbot (sudo apt-get install certbot which I must say that, If I had known about it before, I wouldn't had care about trying redbird's letsencrypt integration.
It is much more verbose (while redbird is more like a black box when errors arise) and pointed out that I needed the CAA register.
Here the notes I took about it (in case anyone could be interested):
Free SSL Certificates with Certbot
Install certbot:
sudo apt-get install certbot
sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges http -d <domain>
sudo certbot renew
If your DNS server has DNSSEC enabled, you will need to add a CAA
register pointing to letsencrypt.org.
...and your DNS provider my not allow to create it (at least I
couldn't with CDMON. Also not -yet- complained).
production = false is for other kinds of testing: I read that if you put in to true while testing, you may be banned from letsencrypt if you perform too many requests.
Setting it to false you can test redirections, but you will see still errors regarding letsencrypt even you could navigate without a secure certificate (I think kinda self-signed is provided to allow testing). So don't expect a valid one.
ssl port is used for redirection: Not a (big) issue, but if you specify ssl port other than 443, built in redirector will unconditionally redirect you to that port.
Running redbird as root and using standard (80 and 443) ports works fine. But if you, like me, want to use an alternative ports in order to execute redbird with non privileged user, you will get redirected to that alternative port instead of 443 (Even having it redirected through iptables).
Here my (almost*) final redbird script:
const Redbird = require("redbird");
const proxy = Redbird({
port: 1080,
xfwd: false, // Disable the X-Forwarded-For header
ssl: {
port: 1443,
letsencrypt: {
path: __dirname + '/certs',
port: 9999,
// LetsEncrypt minimal web server port for handling challenges.
// Routed 80->9999, no need to open 9999 in firewall. Default 3000
// if not defined.
proxy.register('exposito.bitifet.net', 'http://exposito.bitifet.net:8001', {
ssl: {
http2: true,
letsencrypt: {
email: 'xxxxxx#gmail.com', // Domain owner/admin email
production: true,
// WARNING: Only use this flag when the proxy is verified to
// work correctly to avoid being banned!
(*) I still need to fix the explicit-port redirection issue (5), because I don't want to run redbird as root. But I know is possible to allow uses to listen given ports. Even I would probably better try to patch redbird in order to allow specifying listen and redirection ports separatedly.
EDIT: It is already implemented (and documented) using the (optional) option redirectPort in ssl section. Just added redirectPort: 443 and job done!!
EDIT 2: For the sake of completion, there still was another issue I struggled with.
To get things working I finally configured the redirection to the http port instead of https one.
That is: Incomming https requests gets redirected to my application http port.
It seems weird but it works. At least if you don't need any exclusively https feature such as push notifications (which I plan to use in the future).
But its implies to open an http server at least on localhost. Which isn't a major issue now (this is only a playground server) but I plan to use redbird at work to proxy multiple domains to different servers so that would had forced us to open http at least in our DMZ vlan (which is an additional risk that is better to avoid...).
When I tried redirecting to https I got the DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT error.
Ok: This is telling me that redbird (or node) does not trust my original (self signed) certificate. I know there is an option to tell node to accept those certificates. But maybe it is not the way to go...
So I configured my application to use the same certificate that redbird is obtaining through letsencrypt.
But then I got this other error:
Researching a bit I found this StackOverflow answer that explains how to get all root and intermediate certificates trusted by Mozilla and make node to trust them.
So, at the end, what I did was:
Installed node_extra_ca_certs_mozilla_bundle package:
npm install --save node_extra_ca_certs_mozilla_bundle
Prepended NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=node_modules/node_extra_ca_certs_mozilla_bundle/ca_bundle/ca_intermediate_root_bundle.pem to the start command in the package.json's scripts section.
Updated my redbird script to point again to the https (protocol and) port:
proxy.register('exposito.bitifet.net', 'https://localhost:4301', {...]);
Here my final redbird configuration:
const Redbird = require("redbird");
const proxy = Redbird({
port: 1080,
xfwd: false, // Disable the X-Forwarded-For header
ssl: {
port: 1443,
redirectPort: 443
// key: "/etc/bitifet/exposito/ssl/private.key",
// cert: "/etc/bitifet/exposito/ssl/public.cert",
letsencrypt: {
path: __dirname + '/certs',
port: 9999,
// LetsEncrypt minimal web server port for handling challenges.
// Routed 80->9999, no need to open 9999 in firewall. Default 3000
// if not defined.
proxy.register('exposito.bitifet.net', 'https://localhost:4301', {
ssl: {
http2: true,
letsencrypt: {
email: 'xxxxxx#gmail.com', // Domain owner/admin email
production: true,
// WARNING: Only use this flag when the proxy is verified to
// work correctly to avoid being banned!
And here my package.json file contents:
"name": "redbird_domains",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Local Domains Handling",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"start": "NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=node_modules/node_extra_ca_certs_mozilla_bundle/ca_bundle/ca_intermediate_root_bundle.pem node ./index.js"
"author": "Joanmi",
"license": "GPL-3.0",
"dependencies": {
"node_extra_ca_certs_mozilla_bundle": "^1.0.4",
"redbird": "^0.10.0"

Dropwizard crashing on Heroku

I am trying to deploy my Dropwizard project to Heroku.
I have added a Procfile and a Postgres DB to the Heroku app.
My Procfile reads:
web: java $JAVA_OPTS -Ddw.server.connector.port=$PORT -Ddw.database.url=$DATABASE_URL -jar target/api-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server config.yml
When I try to deploy I receive the following error/crash message in the logs.
org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.internal.JdbcEnvironmentInitiator: HHH000342: Could not obtain connection to query metadata : Driver:org.postgresql.Driver#53d13cd4 returned null for URL:postgres://fdeqzbddzbefaz:138912590e989b1b8fab5d169a1aea291f04b2d3bc040b1bbf6642a9207a5355#ec2-54-235-101-91.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/d67crr4pvqrfee
Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment]
State changed from starting to crashed
Process exited with status 1
My config.yml reads
# the name of your JDBC driver
driverClass: org.postgresql.Driver
# the username
user: localusername
# the JDBC URL
url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/dbname
# use the simple server factory if you only want to run on a single port
# HEROKU NOTE - the port gets be overridden with the Heroku $PORT in the Procfile
type: simple
applicationContextPath: /
#adminContextPath: /admin # If you plan to use an admin path, you'll need to also use non-root app path
type: http
port: 8080
Does anyone have any trouble shooting ideas?
The DATABASE_URL env var is not directly compatible with the JDBC URL format. See docs. Specifically,
The DATABASE_URL for the Heroku Postgres add-on follows the below convention
However the Postgres JDBC driver uses the following convention:
Instead, try using JDBC_DATABASE_URL as documented here

Heroku domain doesn't work

I go to freenom create the free domain name: mydomain.ga
And the dns target at dashboard in heroku is mydomain.ga.herokudns.com
Name: any name
But When I connect to www.mydomain.ga
And it has the error about can not find out the server.
What was I missed?
I finally fixed .
heroku domains:add www.mydomain.ga
heroku domains:add mydomain.ga
IN the freenom's Target: www.mydomain.ga.herokudns.com

capistrano3 permission denied (using proxy)

I'm trying to migrate my capistrano v2 script to the new v3.4 version.
All went well with development stage: I have one EC2 instance, and the deploy completed without errors.
I'm having some troubles with my production script, because I've got a proxy (EC2 instance) before my production servers (EC2 instances too); in my capistrano v2 script all was working, now I'm using cap-ec2 + capistrano v3.4 to deploy my application only to tagged servers, but when I try it I get "Permission Denied", my production servers refuse my key.
Maybe I've set something wrong with proxy parameters in my script, can you please help me?
Thanks a lot!!
Here you can find proxy parameters:
CAPISTRANO V2 (working)
set :gateway, "deploy#xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
set :ssh_options, { :forward_agent => true }
default_run_options[:pty] = true
ssh_options[:port] = "22"
ssh_options[:keys] = [File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".ssh", "id_rsa_deploy_myapp")]
CAPISTRANO V3 (not working)
require 'net/ssh/proxy/command'
set :ssh_options, {
user: "deploy",
keys: %w("~/.ssh/id_rsa_deploy_myapp"),
auth_methods: %w(publickey),
forward_agent: true,
port: 22,
proxy: Net::SSH::Proxy::Command.new('ssh xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -W %h:%p')

How can I configure yeoman (gruntjs) to run as HTTPS?

I have recently been working with Yeoman (http://yeoman.io/) and now would like to set up my local environment to handle HTTPS requests, so that I can have it handle callbacks from OAUTH providers.
Under a non-Yeoman/grunt setup I was able to get node.js configured to handle HTTPS in a following a similar path as directed in this question (How to create an HTTPS server in Node.js?).
Looking at the gruntJS repo on github it appears this has been added as a feature (https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-connect/pull/15) but I still am unclear as to where I set the appropriate options.
connect: {
server: {
options: {
protocol: 'https',
port: 8443,
key: grunt.file.read('server.key').toString(),
cert: grunt.file.read('server.crt').toString(),
ca: grunt.file.read('ca.crt').toString(),
passphrase: 'grunt'
see this commit
