How to add custom index using ingest node pipeline? - elasticsearch

Is it possible to create conditional indexing by using ingest node pipelines? I feel this could be done by the script processor but can someone tell if this is possible?
I am in a scenario where I should decide which is a better way to do custom indexing. I can mention conditions in the metricbeat.yml /filebeat.yml files to get this done. But is this the best way to do custom indexing? There is no logstash in my elastic stack
- index: "metricbeat-dev-%{[agent.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
kubernetes.namespace: "dev"
This is how I have implemented custom indexing in metric/filebeat right now. I have like 20+ namespaces in my Kubernetes cluster. Please help in suggesting if this could be done by ingest node pipeline or not

Yes, You can achived this by ingest pipeline Set Processor. Ingest Pipeline support accessing of metadata fields and you can access / update index name using _index field name.
Below is sample Ingest Pipeline which will update index name when namespace is dev:
"set": {
"field": "_index",
"value": "metricbeat-dev",
"if": "ctx.kubernetes?.namespace== 'dev'"
Upadte 1: append agent version to index name. I ahve consider agent version feild name as agent.version
"set": {
"field": "_index",
"value": "metricbeat-dev-{{agent.version}}",
"if": "ctx.kubernetes?.namespace== 'dev'"


Remove ECS data from metricbeat for smaller documents

I use the graphite beat to get graphite protocol metrics into es.
The metric document is much bigger than the metric data itself (timestamp, value, metric name).
I also get all the ECS data inserted and I think it will make my queries much slower (and my documents much bigger) and I don't need this data.
Can I remove the ECS data somehow in the metricbeat configuration?
You might be able to use Metricbeat's drop_fields processor, but it might not be able to remove all the fields you specify as some are added after the processor chain.
So, acting on the ES side will guarantee you that you can change the event source the way you like. Also if you have many Beats deployed, you only need to configure this in a single place.
One way to achieve this is to create an index template for Metricbeat events and attach an ingest pipeline to it.
PUT _index_template/my-template
"index_patterns" : [
"template" : {
"settings" : {
"index" : {
"lifecycle" : {
"name" : "metric-lifecycle"
"codec" : "best_compression",
"default_pipeline" : "metric-pipeline"
Then the metric-pipeline would simply look like this and remove all the fields listed in the field array:
PUT _ingest/pipeline/metric-pipeline
"processors": [
"remove": {
"field": ["agent", "host", "..."]

Elastich search rollover index with ingest pipeline

I have a data stream built out in elastic search through Kibana. I have all the right mappings, index patterns and settings. I created the index that matched the correct index pattern. All good so far.
I have a ingest pipeline that I have created to ensure that any documents that come to ES get a #timestamp field before getting ingested into the index.
PUT _ingest/pipeline/my_timestamp_pipeline
"description": "Adds a field to a document with the time of ingestion",
"processors": [
"set": {
"field": "#timestamp",
"value": "{{_ingest.timestamp}}"
I apply the above pipeline to the index as follows
PUT /<<index name>>/_settings
"settings": {
"default_pipeline": "my_timestamp_pipeline"
Everytime I do a manual rollover the ingest pipeline changes get disabled on the index and my documents fail to get indexed due to a missing #timestamp field, which is required as part of a data stream.
Do manual rollovers NOT support ingest pipelines and I have to manually apply the pipeline everytime I do a manual rollover?
I checked that you can pass properties during a manual rollover of an index but not for a rollover of a data stream. Am I missing anything obvious here?
Any help is appreciated

Using Elasticsearch and filebeats how do I only execute my pipeline on certain files?

I only want to run my pipeline on files where the log path contains a certain keyword, how do I do this within the pipeline?
Pipeline (removed my pattern and patterns as it is not relevant):
"description" : "...",
"processors": [
"grok": {
"if": "ctx['log']['file']['path'].value.contains('keyword')",
"field": "message",
In Kibana I see I have log.file.path available as metadata, and I just want to run the pipeline if it contains a keyword, but I get a runtime error because of my if statement.
Thanks for your help!
EDIT: I think the problem lies with how I am trying to access the log.file.path field as I don't know how to reference it correctly from here.
You can probably use the Drop processor
"drop": {
"if": "ctx.log.file.path.contains('keyword');"
You can find more complexe exemples here:

How to rotate ELK logs?

I have indexes around 250 GB all-together in 3 host i.e. 750 GB data in ELK cluster.
So how can I rotate ELK logs to keep three months data in my ELK cluster and older logs should be pushed some other place.
You could create your index using "indexname-%{+YYYY.MM}" naming format. This will create a distinct index every month.
You could then filter this index, based on timestamp, using a plugin like curator.
The curator could help you set up a CRON job to purge those older indexes or back them up on some s3 repository.
Reference - Backup or Restore using curator
Moreover, you could even restore these backup indexes whenever needed directly from s3 repo for historical analysis.
Answer by dexter_ is correct, but as the answer is old, a better answer would be:
version 7.x of elastic stack provides a index life cycle management policies, which can be easily managed with kibana GUI and is native to elk stack.
PS, you still have to manage the indices like "indexname-%{+YYYY.MM}" as suggested dexter_
It took me a while to figure out exact syntax and rules, so I'll post the final policy I used to remove old indexes (it's based on the example from
"policy": {
"description": "Removes old indexes",
"default_state": "active",
"states": [
"name": "active",
"transitions": [
"state_name": "delete",
"conditions": {
"min_index_age": "14d"
"name": "delete",
"actions": [
"delete": {}
"transitions": []
"ism_template": {
"index_patterns": [
It will automatically apply the policy for any new mylogs-* indexes, but you'll need to apply it manually for existing ones (under "Index Management" -> "Indices").

How to extract and visualize values from a log entry in OpenShift EFK stack

I have an OKD cluster setup with EFK stack for logging, as described here. I have never worked with one of the components before.
One deployment logs requests that contain a specific value that I'm interested in. I would like to extract just this value and visualize it with an area map in Kibana that shows the amount of requests and where they come from.
The content of the message field basically looks like this:
[fooServiceClient#doStuff] {"somekey":"somevalue", "multivalue-key": {"plz":"12345", "foo": "bar"}, "someotherkey":"someothervalue"}
This plz is a German zip code, which I would like to visualize as described.
My problem here is that I have no idea how to extract this value.
A nice first success would be if I could find it with a regexp, but Kibana doesn't seem to work the way I think it does. Following its docs, I expect this /\"plz\":\"[0-9]{5}\"/ to deliver me the result, but I get 0 hits (time interval is set correctly). Even if this regexp matches, I would only find the log entry where this is contained and not just the specifc value. How do I go on here?
I guess I also need an external geocoding service, but at which point would I include it? Or does Kibana itself know how to map zip codes to geometries?
A beginner-friendly step-by-step guide would be perfect, but I could settle for some hints that guide me there.
It would be possible to parse the message field as the document gets indexed into ES, using an ingest pipeline with grok processor.
First, create the ingest pipeline like this:
PUT _ingest/pipeline/parse-plz
"processors": [
"grok": {
"field": "message",
"patterns": [
Then, when you index your data, you simply reference that pipeline:
PUT plz/_doc/1?pipeline=parse-plz
"message": """[fooServiceClient#doStuff] {"somekey":"somevalue", "multivalue-key": {"plz":"12345", "foo": "bar"}, "someotherkey":"someothervalue"}"""
And you will end up with a document like the one below, which now has a field called plz with the 12345 value in it:
"message": """[fooServiceClient#doStuff] {"somekey":"somevalue", "multivalue-key": {"plz":"12345", "foo": "bar"}, "someotherkey":"someothervalue"}""",
"plz": "12345"
When indexing your document from Fluentd, you can specify a pipeline to be used in the configuration. If you can't or don't want to modify your Fluentd configuration, you can also define a default pipeline for your index that will kick in every time a new document is indexed. Simply run this on your index and you won't need to specify ?pipeline=parse-plz when indexing documents:
PUT index/_settings
"index.default_pipeline": "parse-plz"
If you have several indexes, a better approach might be to define an index template instead, so that whenever a new index called is created, the settings are going to be applied:
PUT _template/project-indexes
"index_patterns": ["*"],
"settings": {
"index.default_pipeline": "parse-plz"
Now, in order to map that PLZ on a map, you'll first need to find a data set that provides you with geolocations for each PLZ.
You can then add a second processor in your pipeline in order to do the PLZ/ZIP to lat,lon mapping:
PUT _ingest/pipeline/parse-plz
"processors": [
"grok": {
"field": "message",
"patterns": [
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"source": "ctx.location = params[ctx.plz];",
"params": {
"12345": {"lat": 42.36, "lon": 7.33}
Ultimately, your document will look like this and you'll be able to leverage the location field in a Kibana visualization:
"message": """[fooServiceClient#doStuff] {"somekey":"somevalue", "multivalue-key": {"plz":"12345", "foo": "bar"}, "someotherkey":"someothervalue"}""",
"plz": "12345",
"location": {
"lat": 42.36,
"lon": 7.33
So to sum it all up, it all boils down to only two things:
Create an ingest pipeline to parse documents as they get indexed
Create an index template for all project* indexes whose settings include the pipeline created in step 1
