Genexus error src0216 in database impact analysis - genexus

I have a couple of transactions with a sublevel in Genexus, in which it stores some images and relevant related data.
When I press Build All and undergoes through the Database Impact Analysis, when it gets to that particular table it gives me an 'error src0216' message ( error: src0216: 'Firma' invalid property. (Line: 1, Char: 9) ) and there's no field called Firma anywhere (except in some descriptions).
I check the genexus wiki and it only describes a web panel error but not in the case of a table.
Any ideas about a case like this?
PS: I'm using Genexus 17 U6

Thanks to gusbro's answer, the problem was due to an Initial Value that was referencing to a Domain with an Enum Value that didn't exist anymore.


odoo-8 Template 'report.layout' not found

I can't print no reports anymore with odoo 8.
As it seems, the error is in the database because a newly created database doesn't have this problem.
But how can I correct this in the current database?
File "/opt/odoo8/server/openerp/addons/base/ir/", line 200, in get_template
raise QWebTemplateNotFound("Template %r not found" % name, template=origin_template)
QWebTemplateNotFound: Template 'report.layout' not found
Thanks for helping...
You probably have mistakenly butchered either web.layout or report.layout records. In your database that works. Go to Settings -> User Interface -> Views and search for layout. Select report.layout and make note of the configuration and values. Export it or copy it to your broken database. Your broken database may be missing this record entirely. This is a base view so unless you have modified it a vanilla record should work. The important part is the external id as without it you will probable still get this error.

Adding a range on an enum field

I am trying to add a range (which I believe functions as a filter, right?) on an Enum field. This data source table is used in a Web Report.
This is what I do in the init method of the Web Report:
this.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(SupplProduct)).addRange(fieldnum(SupplProduct, ShowOnReport)).value(QueryValue(NoYesCombo::Yes));
ShowOnReport is a field of type NoYesCombo Enum.
The Web Report crashes with this error:
Invalid range
I've managed to find quite a few examples on the web and this seems to be the proper way to do it so it supports all languages.
Any ideas ?
Could it be the properties of the field I'm trying to add a range on ?
Right underneath the line of code above, there is another similar line doing exactly the same, on another field:
//this is at the beginning of the init method...
AppointmentTable activeAppoint = element.args().record().data();
this.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(AppointmentTable)).addRange(fieldnum(AppointmentTable, AppointmentId)).value(queryValue(activeAppoint.AppointmentId));
This range works fine.
Oh crap. The Enterprise Portal server and its Business Connector was still at version RTM while the AOS server it connects on is RU8. After I patched the EP server to RU8, this works.
Thanks. data set not working

I am using two different datasets to populate datagridview my project using visual studio using It is windows forms application which is used to display information from the database based on user inputs. Once the information is displayed the user can save the information into a table specifically created to store the report information in order for it to be recalled at a later date. I am now trying to recall this information so have created my dataset in the same way as before and am now trying to invoke a new occurrence of it and this is where the probelm begins. The code is below.
Dim dv2 As New System.Data.DataView
dv2 = New System.Data.DataView(DataSet2.Tables(0), "Status <> ''", "",
DataTable2TableAdapter.fill(DataSet2.DataTable2, f5.ComboBox2.SelectedValue)
I am getting two issues.
For DataSet2.Tables(0): Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference
For DataTable2TableAdapter: ’DataTable2TableAdapter’ is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
I dont know why this is happening as I have written the same code here as for my previous data set other than changing the SQL statement behind the dataset at set up. Any thoughts would be welcome as I am totally out of ideas. All questions are welcomed.
Try the following code to fix your error number 1....
Dim tablezero as System.Data.DataTable
tablezero = DataSet2.Tables(0)
The reason your getting the error is because you are trying to access an object (Table(0)) and it is not visible to the code that is trying to access it, if it was SHARED then it would be visible.
So you can resolve it by defining and object instance/reference to it and then accessing that reference, which in this case i have called "tablezero" (or by making table(0) SHARED - usually not the best bet unlessits neccesary - no point in having something accessible to the whole class it is declared in unless absolutelty neccessary)
It is quite possible the second error may dissapear after just fixing above, then again its difficult to tell without your code for Dataset2
Hope it helps.

How to get the package name where error is triggered in Oracle Forms 6i

I'm giving support on some oracle forms 6i forms, and I'm getting a Numeric or value error. However, the process is very long and it navigates along many packages in the form. What I could do, is just put messages along the process (only visible to me, of course) to see where exactly it comes out, but this would be really long. So, I was wondering if there is anything I could use like DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace but on the client side, and get the package name where the error was generated. I currently use:
exception when others then functionThatPrintsMe(sqlerrm);
But this does not give me enough information.
DBMS_ERROR_TEXT returns the entire sequence of recursive errors
so you should get all the required information from that
Kindly use
exception when others then functionThatPrintsMe(DBMS_ERROR_TEXT);
for more information about oracle 6i forms you can refer
At form level ON-ERROR TRIGGER .Add these lines will solve your problem
--form level error display
message(ERROR_type||'-'||TO_CHAR(message_code)||': '||ERROR_text); message(' ');
--Database level error display
if DBMS_ERROR_TEXT is not null then
message(DBMS_ERROR_TEXT );message(' ');
end if ;

Doctrine record unknown exception in a Symfony 1.4 backend admin module

I am facing a problem with the admin generator and I am unable to get my way around this after 3 hours of brainstorming and exploring.
The error reads as:
500 | Internal Server Error | Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException
Unknown record property / related component "option1" on "Questions"
Looking up the WWW, I got a gist of possible alternatives. None of which seem like the answer. option1, does exist under Questions schema. However, it is option_1 so I am not sure why it says option1. More importantly, opening up BaseQuestions.class.php file, it clearly states:
getOption1() retrieves the value of option_1.
Anybody with any answer on this?
I had just the same problem with a field named address_2. Changing the name of the field in the database to address2 solved the problem. I think that that this is because of the number that confuse the admin generator to translate the name from underscore-separated propriety name to camelCase function name. This issue append only with the admin generator so, if you need to use it you have to change the field name in your DB with option1.
