Microsoft Teams Toolkit - Support for Multitenant Teams App - microsoft-teams

I am developing a Teams App which have Tab and Search Message extension as a capability. The app should support multitenant scenarios, where the app will be deployed on different tenant and should be able to do some operation using Graph api. Hence I am calling a On-Behalf-user token. My request fails for these scenarios. When I tried to make Tab App registration to support Multitenant, I receive below error:
and when I am querying for Graph Token, I get CORS Issue:
Let me know what should be my next step.

Please take a look at this Github Issue.
Main reason of this failure is that Azure AD requires verified domain as Application ID Uri for Multi-tenant apps.

Please have a look at this doc, to understand Why changing to multi-tenant can fail?
Key point from doc are
Can sometimes fail due to Application ID URI (App ID URI) name collisions.
For a multi-tenant application, Application ID URI must be globally unique so Azure AD can find the app across all tenants


Using two azure AD app registrations for mobile and web

I have a mobile app which gets token directly from azure login. And I have a service which is using adal4j in spring boot. I cannot use the mobile generated token to authenticate spring service. Becase I use two different azure app registrations for mobile and web service. Is there a way to accomplish this ?
My understanding is that you have created 2 Enterprise Applications in Azure.
1) An Enterprise Application for your mobile app (Type: Native)
2) An Enterprise Application for your Web API app (Type: WebAPI)
For native app, you will not need a client secret but you will need a client secret for the Web API app.
Now coming to the key configurations:
In both of these, please update the manifest file to have oauth2AllowImplicitFlow set to true
Also, in your Web API Enterprise Application, please have the app id of your native app in the known client apps
"knownClientApplications": ["
Now, when calling your Web API through an end-point from the Native application, pass your token in your request header as "Authorization": "Bearer "
Also note: if you need to retrieve group claims, please update the manifest in both your enterprise apps to have the following setting for this property
"groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup"
Under permissions in the native app, please add the Web API app registration to allow access
Yes, the OAuth 2.0 on-behalf-of flow should applies to your scenario. These steps constitute the On-Behalf-Of flow.
Azure AD issues a token for certain resource (which is mapped to an Azure AD app). When we call AcquireToken(), we need to provide a resourceID, only ONE resourceID. The result would have a token that can only be used for the supplied resource (id). There are ways where you could use the same token , but it is not recommended as it complicates operations logging, authentication process tracing, etc. Therefore it is better to look at the other options provided by Azure and the ADAL library. The ADAL library supports acquiring multiple access-Tokens for multiple resources using a refresh token. This means once a user is authenticated, the ADAL’s authentication context, would be able to generate an access-token to multiple resources without authenticating the user again.
Further details here.

Setting PowerApps CustomConnector to OAuth2/AzureAD

I am trying to use OAuth2 (Azure Active Directory) to authenticate against a web api that I wrote, which is secured by Azure Active Directory. I know my security is setup correctly because I wrote a different app to consume the API, and it works.
When I try to setup the PowerApps custom connector, I keep getting a 401 Unauthorized error. I believe that it is because I don't have my settings correct. However, I cannot figure out what the fields in the PowerApps security page are supposed to map to.
Here is a screen shot of the page in powerapps. Please advise...
The client id and client secrecy is that the property the client app you register in the app.
And the resource URL is the app id URI of the app which represents the web API. And you can decode it from the token which works for previews request.
More detail about authentication for the PowerApps for Azure Active Directory, you can refer the link below:
Use Azure Active Directory with a custom connector in PowerApps

Undisplaying the permission screen for each user. (Case: Using API don't support Service Account authentication)

We publish an app that use OAuth 2.0 API access on Google Apps Marketplace. It got reviewed by Google and they said our app is invalid because it shows permission screen when a user first runs the app. (The app will be removed from the Google Apps Marketplace if our app is not fixed within 30 days) To solve this issue, we have some problems.
Our app uses OpenID Connect to make users login.
Our app also uses Spreadsheet API and Calendar Resource API (OAuth 2.0 Web Application Flow)
So our questions related above is the followings:
Although our app uses OpenID Connect for login, using OpenID Connect forces our app to show the permission screen. Doesn't it meet the best practice below of Google Apps Marketplace?
We followed the OpenID Connect document provided by Google:
Since Spreadsheet API and Calendar Resource API don't currently support the authentication method using Service Account with OAuth 2.0, we chose to use the method of Web Application Flow. Our app get the token when users login, but Google said to us that it fails to meet their SSO requirements. To solve the issue, we are thinking to change our app to authorize AFTER login within the app instead (use Web Application Flow method as it is). Does the way meet the SSO requirements? In other words, is it OK to show permission screen if after login?
We will applicate if anyone can tell us good solution to solve these problems.
If you register your scopes in the Google Apps Marketplace configuration screen, and then only request those scopes in the OpenID Connect flow, then the permissions screen should be automatically skipped. Please ensure the scopes match between these two locations.

Unable to recover Google API project and "This client ID is globally unique and is already in use."

I've been working as a consultant on an Android project that uses Google oAuth2 to authenticate and identify it's users. The Android project is in production and available for download on Google Play. The oAuth client ids and the entire Google API project was setup by me using a Google Apps e-mail address setup in my name on the client's domain.
Since the project has been released and my work with the client is finished my e-mail address has been deactivated and subsequently deleted (or so it seems, the client claims to not being able to recreate it). Since my e-mail account was set as the owner of the API project the deletion of my e-mail address has resulted in the deactivation (or deletion) of the API project as well. This has of course seriously crippled the app in question.
To get things up and running again a new e-mail address was set up for me on the client's domain and I created a new API project. The problem is that I'm unable to create the oAuth client ids since the packagename and SHA1 key are the same as for the app already live. I get the "This client ID is globally unique and is already in use" message and I seem to be stuck in a very awkward situation. I see a couple of possible solutions but I'm not sure how to proceed:
Reactivate the original e-mail address in the hope that the API project is still linked to that account
Reactivate the Google API project with the help of a Google engineer and assign it to an e-mail account on the client's domain
Delete the client ids from some Google database with the help of a Google engineer and setup a new API project and release a new version of the app.
Worst case: accept the loss, change package name, release a new app and kindly ask users to migrate to the new app.
I've read that Google monitors the google-oauth tag here on SO and I hope to get some help either from the SO community or Google itself. Many thanks in advance!
In the future, please coordinate for long-term ownership of the project, since the Google accounts that own the project are an important aspect of Google's authorization system. For instance, the owner of the project signs ToS for accessing the APIs on behalf of users.
I will follow up with you to find a way to sort out this issue.

Making an OAuth connection from a Windows application to a Google App Engine application

We have a Windows 7 Task Tray application that needs to access services in our Google App Engine application, and we are having difficulty making the OAuth connection between them work. For some reason our OAuth libraries that work with the Twitter and Tumblr OAuth implementations do not seem to work in this scenario with Google. Google is returning a 400 bad request response to the last step in the OAuth authorization sequence.
To debug the problem I am trying to use Google's OAuth 1.0 Playground page ( But I can't figure out what should be entered for the "scope" in step 1. If I enter the name of our GAE server the sequence will fail with the error message "Invalid scope". Clearly, choosing one of the provided scopes (the Google API services) is not an option for us.
Can anybody tell me how the OAuth scope designation should be set when accessing Google App Engine hosted services?
just for reference look at this blog,looks helpful in your case
I think this Google Official Docs explains best how to set up an endpoint to your own appengine application. You question isn't very specific, but take note of the following that is being written in this document:
The scope of an authorization, how much the consumer is allowed to access, is for all of a single app. App Engine only supports whole-app scopes, and does not support more granular scope requests. When Google Accounts prompts the user to authorize a consumer, the prompt explains that the consumer is requesting permission to access the full app.
And did you set up OAuth on your domain?
The consumer performs OAuth actions using a set of standard web service endpoints. These endpoints use reserved paths on your app's domain. For example, if your app uses a Google Apps domain of, the endpoints for the OAuth protocol begin as follows:
