Setting a global value (and keeping it) within the scope of an eval - ruby

I've got a large Rails 5 app (Ruby 2.6.x at present) that makes crucial use of Kernel::eval (please don't tell me to try to refactor this out because eval is dangerous - I didn't write the original code, and this is not in the cards for any time soon).
There are a very wide variety of Ruby expressions (coming out of the db) that can be passed to eval, sometimes of great complexity, making extensive use of classes and resources of the app.
(you might want to jump straight down to BIG EDIT below)
What I want is to be able to set a global value ($global) that will be seen within the scope of the eval execution, but that will not "infect" any of the execution context outside of that. I can't try to interpolate this into the string and pass it down though method params and such, because, as I say, the code being eval'ed is complex and stacks can get very deep, and I want the value to potentially be accessed (though never modified) anywhere within.
I understand about Bindings. I have played around with setting local and instance vars in a binding, and passing this to eval, but inevitably these are not seen inside any method calls within the eval, especially if I'm inside a method of some random class (which I always am). Seems like global is the only possibility. But experimentation shows that a global set inside an eval remains in the code that calls the eval:
2.6.3 :002 > $foo
=> nil
2.6.3 :003 > eval("$foo = 12")
=> 12
2.6.3 :004 > $foo
=> 12
Although I might find some hacky way to deal with this situation, I'm sure you can see where I'd really rather not.
The Binding class offers methods to set local and instance vars dynamically within a Binding object, but nothing for globals (apparently). I've thought about something like this:
eval code_string, get_binding()
def get_binding
$global = :special_value
but I'm really worried, with a Rails app that might be servicing lots of requests at the same time, that these settings of $global will step on each other in unpredictable ways. Related clarifying question: Is a global value in a Rails app global to the entire thing, readable and writable within the scope of all the requests whose servicing may be overlapping in time? (I'm running under Passenger, if that means anything)
So this is a fairly simple and straightforward problem when you understand it, although oddly not addressed in anything I can google about it, and I think I've written enough words. Thanks for any help or ideas to try.
Ok, let me try to refocus this in a different way. I'm getting that the scope of a global can never, no-how, be constrained (duh, right?), but how about this strategy (similar to above):
eval code_string, get_binding()
def get_binding
luaapg = :special_value ## local used as a pseudo-global
So, now I've got this Binding that includes the local var luaapg. I've confirmed that. I eval code_string with this Binding. When I am somewhere inside the execution of code_string, where do I find luaapg - how do I access it? If you look at pretty much every tutorial on this stuff on the web, they show you puts eval("luaapg", get_binding) and voila, the assigned value comes out! But this is too simplistic for real life. When I am in the middle of my code_string, in some method scope of some class, luaapg is not there. I had great hope that this would work, even deep down the stack:
but it doesn't (I learned about TOPLEVEL_BINDING from here - thanks to that author). So this is the new question: what does it mean to say that I have executed (eval'ed) my code_string in the context of that Binding, which contains a local variable, if I have no way to access that variable, other than with the most simpleminded code? (incidentally I played around with instance vars too - same thing). I'm still hoping there's some magic incantation...

I think you've put your finger on it in the name of the type of variable - it's global - common to all the code in the executing program. I'm not sure exactly how Passenger works but I suspect it runs several copies of your program, so it won't be common between the copies.
To get reliable shared information I think you're going to have to use your database or some sort of information cache like memcached. You choose how you save/name it there.


What benefit does discriminating between local and global variables provide?

I'm wondering what benefit discriminating between local and global variables provides. It seems to me that if everything were made a global variable, there would be a lot less confusion.
Wouldn't declaring everything a global variable result in fewer errors because one wouldn't mistakenly call a local variable in a global instance, thereby encountering fewer errors?
Where is my logic wrong on this?
Some of this boils down to good coding practices. Keeping variables local also means it becomes simpler to share code from one application to another without having to worry about code conflicts. While its simpler to make everything global, getting into the habit of only using global variables when you actually have to will force you to code more efficiently and will make your code more structured.
I think your key oversight is thinking that an error telling you a local variable doesn't exist is a bad thing - it isn't. You've made a mistake and ruby is telling you so. This type of mistake is usually easy to fix: you've misspelled something or you're using something that you forgot to create.
Global variables everywhere might remove those errors but they would replace them with a far harder set of errors to reason about: accidentally using a variable that another bit of code is using. Imagine if every time you called a function (one of your own or a standard library one or one from a gem) you had to check which global variables it might change (and which functions it called, since it might also change global variables) If you make a mistake then you might get an error message (if the class of the object in the variable changes enough) but often you would just silently get incorrect results (if the value of a variable you were using changes unexpectedly).
In general global variables are much harder to work with and people avoid them when possible.
If all variables are global, every line of code in every program (including those which haven't been written yet) written by every programmer on the planet (including those who haven't been born yet or are already dead) must universally, uniquely agree on the names of variables. If you use a variable name that someone else on a different continent two years from now will also use, both of your programs will break, when used together.

Is it possible to change Ruby's frozen object handling behaviour?

I am submitting solutions to Ruby puzzles on and experimenting with how locked into the testing enviroment I am for one of the challenges.
I can redefine the classes used to test my solution but they are defined by the system after I submit my code. If I freeze these objects, the system cannot write over them but a RunTime error is raised when it tries to.
I'm fairly new to Ruby, so I'm not sure which parts (other than falsiness and truthiness) are impossible to override. Can I use Ruby code to force modification of frozen objects to silently fail instead of terminate the program or is that bound up in untouchable things like the assignment operator or similar?
The real answer here is that if you might want to modify an object later, you shouldn't freeze it. That's inherent in the whole concept of "freezing" an object. But since you asked, note that you can test whether an object is frozen with:
So if those pesky RuntimeErrors are getting you down, one solution is to use a guard clause like:
obj.do_something! if !obj.frozen?
If you want to make the guard clauses implicit, you can redefine the "problem" methods using a monkey patch:
class Array
# there are a couple other ways to do this
# read up on Ruby metaprogramming if you want to know
alias :__pop__ :pop
def pop
frozen? ? nil : __pop__
If you want your code to work seamlessly with any and all Ruby libraries/gems, adding behavior to built-in methods like this is probably a bad idea. In this case, I doubt it will cause any problems, but whenever you choose to start hacking on Ruby's core classes, you have to be ready for the possible consequences.

How do I work around Ruby's eval and "Already initialized constant"?

I inherited maintenance on an app that uses eval() as a way to evaluate rules written in Ruby code in a rules engine. I know there are a lot of other ways to do it, but the code base so far is pretty big, and changing it to something else would be prohibitive time-wise at this point; so assume I'm stuck using eval() for the moment.
The rules as written typically call up some of the same objects from the database as each other, and the rules writer gave the variables in the rules the same names as each other. This is resulting in pages and pages of "already initialized constant" warnings in the console during development.
I'm wondering a couple things:
First, if feels like those are slowing down the execution of the program in the dev environment, and so I'm wondering if it's a big performance hit in the production environment, specifically, having those warnings pop, not eval() itself, which I know is a hit.
Second, is there any way to "namespace" the execution of each rules so that it's not defining its variables on the same scope as all the other evals in the request to avoid that warning popping all over the place? I know I could rewrite all the rules to use ||= syntax or to check if a name has already been defined, but there's quite a lot of them so I'd rather do it from the code that runs the eval()'s, if possible.
** update with example rule **
A question has a rule about when it's to be displayed to a user. For example, if the user has stated that they live in an apartment, another question might need to be shown to ask what size the apartment building is. So the second question's rule_text might look like:
UserLivesInApartment = Question.find_by_name "UserLivesInApartment"
The code that calls the eval ensures there's a current_user variable in scope prior to evaluating.
uh, eval is not perhaps the most golden of standards. You could probably fire up a drb instance and run the stuff in that instead of eval, that way you would have at least some control of what is happening and not pollute your own namespace.
Edit: added another answer for running the code in the same process:
I don't know how your rule code looks, but it might be possible to wrap a module around it:
# create a module
module RuleEngineRun1;end
# run code in module
RuleEngineRun1.module_eval("class Foo;end")
# get results
# cleanup
Object.send(:remove_const, :RuleEngineRun1)
You can also create an anonymous module with { #block to be module eval'd } if you need to run code in parallel.
In later rubies you can add -W0 to run your code without printing warnings, but doing so makes possible errors go unnoticed:
$ cat foo.rb
FOO = :bar
FOO = :bar
$ ruby foo.rb
foo.rb:2: warning: already initialized constant FOO
$ ruby -W0 foo.rb
You could also run your eval inside a Kernel.silence_warnings block, but might be devastating as well if you actually run into some real problems with the eval'd code, see
Suppress Ruby warnings when running specs

When to use RSpec let()?

I tend to use before blocks to set instance variables. I then use those variables across my examples. I recently came upon let(). According to RSpec docs, it is used to
... to define a memoized helper method. The value will be cached across multiple calls in the same example but not across examples.
How is this different from using instance variables in before blocks? And also when should you use let() vs before()?
I always prefer let to an instance variable for a couple of reasons:
Instance variables spring into existence when referenced. This means that if you fat finger the spelling of the instance variable, a new one will be created and initialized to nil, which can lead to subtle bugs and false positives. Since let creates a method, you'll get a NameError when you misspell it, which I find preferable. It makes it easier to refactor specs, too.
A before(:each) hook will run before each example, even if the example doesn't use any of the instance variables defined in the hook. This isn't usually a big deal, but if the setup of the instance variable takes a long time, then you're wasting cycles. For the method defined by let, the initialization code only runs if the example calls it.
You can refactor from a local variable in an example directly into a let without changing the
referencing syntax in the example. If you refactor to an instance variable, you have to change
how you reference the object in the example (e.g. add an #).
This is a bit subjective, but as Mike Lewis pointed out, I think it makes the spec easier to read. I like the organization of defining all my dependent objects with let and keeping my it block nice and short.
A related link can be found here:
The difference between using instances variables and let() is that let() is lazy-evaluated. This means that let() is not evaluated until the method that it defines is run for the first time.
The difference between before and let is that let() gives you a nice way of defining a group of variables in a 'cascading' style. By doing this, the spec looks a little better by simplifying the code.
I have completely replaced all uses of instance variables in my rspec tests to use let(). I've written a quickie example for a friend who used it to teach a small Rspec class:
As some of the other answers here says, let() is lazy evaluated so it will only load the ones that require loading. It DRYs up the spec and make it more readable. I've in fact ported the Rspec let() code to use in my controllers, in the style of inherited_resource gem.
Along with lazy evaluation, the other advantage is that, combined with ActiveSupport::Concern, and the load-everything-in spec/support/ behavior, you can create your very own spec mini-DSL specific to your application. I've written ones for testing against Rack and RESTful resources.
The strategy I use is Factory-everything (via Machinist+Forgery/Faker). However, it is possible to use it in combination with before(:each) blocks to preload factories for an entire set of example groups, allowing the specs to run faster:
It is important to keep in mind that let is lazy evaluated and not putting side-effect methods in it otherwise you would not be able to change from let to before(:each) easily.
You can use let! instead of let so that it is evaluated before each scenario.
In general, let() is a nicer syntax, and it saves you typing #name symbols all over the place. But, caveat emptor! I have found let() also introduces subtle bugs (or at least head scratching) because the variable doesn't really exist until you try to use it... Tell tale sign: if adding a puts after the let() to see that the variable is correct allows a spec to pass, but without the puts the spec fails -- you have found this subtlety.
I have also found that let() doesn't seem to cache in all circumstances! I wrote it up in my blog:
Maybe it is just me?
Dissenting voice here: after 5 years of rspec I don't like let very much.
1. Lazy evaluation often makes test setup confusing
It becomes difficult to reason about setup when some things that have been declared in setup are not actually affecting state, while others are.
Eventually, out of frustration someone just changes let to let! (same thing without lazy evaluation) in order to get their spec working. If this works out for them, a new habit is born: when a new spec is added to an older suite and it doesn't work, the first thing the writer tries is to add bangs to random let calls.
Pretty soon all the performance benefits are gone.
2. Special syntax is unusual to non-rspec users
I would rather teach Ruby to my team than the tricks of rspec. Instance variables or method calls are useful everywhere in this project and others, let syntax will only be useful in rspec.
3. The "benefits" allow us to easily ignore good design changes
let() is good for expensive dependencies that we don't want to create over and over.
It also pairs well with subject, allowing you to dry up repeated calls to multi-argument methods
Expensive dependencies repeated in many times, and methods with big signatures are both points where we could make the code better:
maybe I can introduce a new abstraction that isolates a dependency from the rest of my code (which would mean fewer tests need it)
maybe the code under test is doing too much
maybe I need to inject smarter objects instead of a long list of primitives
maybe I have a violation of tell-don't-ask
maybe the expensive code can be made faster (rarer - beware of premature optimisation here)
In all these cases, I can address the symptom of difficult tests with a soothing balm of rspec magic, or I can try address the cause. I feel like I spent way too much of the last few years on the former and now I want some better code.
To answer the original question: I would prefer not to, but I do still use let. I mostly use it to fit in with the style of the rest of the team (it seems like most Rails programmers in the world are now deep into their rspec magic so that is very often). Sometimes I use it when I'm adding a test to some code that I don't have control of, or don't have time to refactor to a better abstraction: i.e. when the only option is the painkiller.
let is functional as its essentially a Proc. Also its cached.
One gotcha I found right away with let... In a Spec block that is evaluating a change.
let(:object) {FactoryGirl.create :object}
expect {
post :destroy, id:
}.to change(Object, :count).by(-1)
You'll need to be sure to call let outside of your expect block. i.e. you're calling FactoryGirl.create in your let block. I usually do this by verifying the object is persisted.
object.persisted?.should eq true
Otherwise when the let block is called the first time a change in the database will actually happen due to the lazy instantiation.
Just adding a note. Be careful playing code golf or in this case rspec golf with this answer.
In this case, I just have to call some method to which the object responds. So I invoke the _.persisted?_ method on the object as its truthy. All I'm trying to do is instantiate the object. You could call empty? or nil? too. The point isn't the test but bringing the object ot life by calling it.
So you can't refactor
object.persisted?.should eq true
to be
object.should be_persisted
as the object hasn't been instantiated... its lazy. :)
Update 2
leverage the let! syntax for instant object creation, which should avoid this issue altogether. Note though it will defeat a lot of the purpose of the laziness of the non banged let.
Also in some instances you might actually want to leverage the subject syntax instead of let as it may give you additional options.
subject(:object) {FactoryGirl.create :object}
"before" by default implies before(:each). Ref The Rspec Book, copyright 2010, page 228.
before(scope = :each, options={}, &block)
I use before(:each) to seed some data for each example group without having to call the let method to create the data in the "it" block. Less code in the "it" block in this case.
I use let if I want some data in some examples but not others.
Both before and let are great for DRYing up the "it" blocks.
To avoid any confusion, "let" is not the same as before(:all). "Let" re-evaluates its method and value for each example ("it"), but caches the value across multiple calls in the same example. You can read more about it here:
Note to Joseph -- if you are creating database objects in a before(:all) they won't be captured in a transaction and you're much more likely to leave cruft in your test database. Use before(:each) instead.
The other reason to use let and its lazy evaluation is so you can take a complicated object and test individual pieces by overriding lets in contexts, as in this very contrived example:
context "foo" do
let(:params) do
{ :foo => foo, :bar => "bar" }
let(:foo) { "foo" }
it "is set to foo" do
params[:foo].should eq("foo")
context "when foo is bar" do
let(:foo) { "bar" }
# NOTE we didn't have to redefine params entirely!
it "is set to bar" do
params[:foo].should eq("bar")
I use let to test my HTTP 404 responses in my API specs using contexts.
To create the resource, I use let!. But to store the resource identifier, I use let. Take a look how it looks like:
let!(:country) { create(:country) }
let(:country_id) { }
before { get "api/countries/#{country_id}" }
it 'responds with HTTP 200' { should respond_with(200) }
context 'when the country does not exist' do
let(:country_id) { -1 }
it 'responds with HTTP 404' { should respond_with(404) }
That keeps the specs clean and readable.

Ruby global variables, legitimate uses

I've never seen global variables used in any Ruby code. I understand that their use is frowned upon across languages but they seem actually useless in Ruby. Can anyone point to properly designed code that uses them?
If I'm right and they're redundant/historical, why do they persist in 1.9?
To be clear, I don't mean variables that Ruby sets up for you like $" and $stdin. I mean uses in one's own code.
The only time I see it in decent code is for a log.
$log ='foo.log', 'daily')
A constant would probably do fine, but it somehow feels strange calling methods on a constant.
Environment variables are usually Global variables in Ruby.
So are CLASSPATH in jruby and so on...
Also, you can implement cheap singletons using global variables (although it's not advisable).
So, global variables definitely have a place in Ruby.
