is power of 2 with golang - go

I want to check whether the number given is a power of 2. I have written a code but I cannot return true or false, I think somewhere there is an infinite loop. I am only allowed to use functions from imported packages on the code. I could not figure out what to do to correct the mistake. I would be glad if you can help me :)
package main
import (
func main() {
for len(os.Args) == 2 {
numbers, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
newnum := numbers
counts := 0
for numbers != 1 {
if newnum%2 != 0 {
} else {
newnum = newnum / 2
var x int = 2 ^ counts
if x == numbers {
return true
} else {
return false

As commented by #phuclv , I have created a sample program for your scenario by using n & (n - 1) == 0 as follows :
//Let's assume n = 16(00010000)
//Now find x = n-1 => 15(00001111) => x & n => 0
func CheckPowerOfTwo(n int) int {
//added one corner case if n is zero it will also consider as power 2
if n==0{
return 1
return n & (n - 1)
func main() {
var n = 16
flag := CheckPowerOfTwo(n)
if flag == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Given %d number is the power of 2.\n", n)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Given %d number is not the power of 2.\n", n)
You can run it here :


how to simplimize my go script because always get time out in hackerrank

I have a test interview as a Go Developer and have to do some of the tasks on hackerrank.
I've done the task, but when I submit my script it always "times out".. maybe because there are a lot of loops that I use to do this function, and the task is :
So, my solution are :
Loop from a to b with a increment.
Define the digit sum with modulus by 10, sum the result with the leftover.
Define the square sum with converting int(a) to string then use for-range to sum the values.
checking if digit sum and square sum is a prime number, if so then count++
My script is :
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Jadi ada %d bilangan prima \n", luckyNumbers(1, 20))
func luckyNumbers(a int64, b int64) int64 {
count := 0
for min, max := a, b; min <= max; min++ {
squareSum := digitSquare(min)
digitSum := digitSum(min)
if isPrime(digitSum) && isPrime(squareSum) {
return int64(count)
func digitSquare(number int64) int64 {
numStr := strconv.Itoa(int(number))
var firstDigit, secondDigit int
for _, digit := range numStr {
numInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(digit))
pow := int(math.Pow(float64(numInt), 2))
if firstDigit == 0 {
firstDigit += pow
} else {
secondDigit += pow
squareSum := int64(firstDigit + secondDigit)
return squareSum
func digitSum(number int64) int64 {
var remainder, sumResult int64 = 0, 0
for number != 0 {
remainder = number % 10
sumResult += remainder
number /= 10
return sumResult
func isPrime(num int64) bool {
if num < 2 {
return false
for i := int64(2); i <= int64(math.Sqrt(float64(num))); i++ {
if num%i == 0 {
return false
return true
The script above is the best script that I can make right now, I understand that I do a lot of iterations, so when I try to submit it will always show "time out". So I want to learn from you and want to see if there is a simpler script so that it can be submitted.
Thank you,

How to find sum of integers using recursion(without loops) in Golang?

Program should ask values "number of numbers" and "numbers" for each "number of inputs", answers are sum of squares of these numbers. My code works but it shows answers in wrong order, how to make it work properly? Outputs should be shown after all inputs.
I think its easier to understand this program by reading inputs and outputs:
Enter the number of inputs // output
2 // input
Enter the number of numbers // output
2 // input
Enter the numbers // output
1 2 // input (second ans)
Enter the number of numbers // output
2 // input
Enter the numbers
2 3 // input (first ans)
ans = 13 // ans = 2^2 + 3^2
ans = 5 () // ans = 1^2 + 2^2
package main
import (
func main() {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
fmt.Println(`Enter the number of inputs`)
n, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
n = strings.TrimRight(n, "\r\n")
test_cases, err := strconv.Atoi(n)
if err != nil {
process_test_case(test_cases, reader)
func process_test_case(test_cases int, reader *bufio.Reader) {
fmt.Println(`Enter the number of numbers`)
_, _ = reader.ReadString('\n')
fmt.Println(`Enter the numbers`)
input, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
input = strings.TrimRight(input, "\r\n")
arr := strings.Split(input, " ")
test_cases -= 1
if test_cases != 0 {
process_test_case(test_cases, reader)
fmt.Println("ans = ", process_array(arr, 0))
func process_array(arr []string, result int) int {
num, _ := strconv.Atoi(arr[0])
if len(arr) > 1 {
next := arr[1:]
if num < 0 {
num = 0
result = num*num + process_array(next, result)
return result
} else {
if num >= 0 {
return num * num
return 0
How to find sum of integers using recursion (without loops) in Go?
The program should ask "number of numbers" and "numbers" for each "number of inputs", answers are sum of squares of these numbers.
Here is an answer to the question, a recursive solution in Go:
$ go run sumsq.go
Enter the number of inputs:
Enter the number of numbers:
Enter the numbers:
Enter the number of numbers:
Enter the numbers:
Sum of Squares:
package main
import (
func readInt(r *bufio.Reader) int {
line, err := r.ReadString('\n')
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
if err != nil {
if len(line) == 0 {
return 0
i, err := strconv.Atoi(line)
if err != nil {
return 0
return i
func nSquares(n int, r *bufio.Reader) int {
if n == 0 {
return 0
i := readInt(r)
return i*i + nSquares(n-1, r)
func nNumbers(n int, r *bufio.Reader, sums *[]int) int {
if n == 0 {
return 0
fmt.Println("\nEnter the number of numbers: ")
i := readInt(r)
fmt.Println("Enter the numbers: ")
*sums = append(*sums, nSquares(i, r))
return nNumbers(n-1, r, sums)
func nInputs(r *bufio.Reader) []int {
fmt.Println("Enter the number of inputs: ")
i := readInt(r)
sums := make([]int, 0, i)
nNumbers(i, r, &sums)
return sums
func sumSqrs(sums []int) {
if len(sums) == 0 {
func main() {
r := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
sums := nInputs(r)
fmt.Println("\nSum of Squares:")
I have created a sample code for your scenario. You can modify it by using bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
func process_array(arr []string) int {
res := 0
for _, v := range arr {
num, err := strconv.Atoi(v)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("num :", num)
res += num * num
return res
func process_test_case() int {
fmt.Println(`Enter the number of numbers`)
num := 2
fmt.Println("number of numbers :", num)
fmt.Println(`Enter the numbers`)
input := "1 2"
fmt.Println("the numbers :", input)
arr := strings.Split(input, " ")
res := process_array(arr)
return res
func main() {
fmt.Println(`Enter the number of inputs`)
test_cases := 1
fmt.Println("number of inputs :", test_cases)
for test_cases >= 1 {
res := process_test_case()
test_cases -= 1
You can run it here :
As commented by #phonaputer you can change the sequence. Return the slice and print it from the end.
I think this code answer your title of the question:
package main
import "fmt"
func SumValues(x int, y (sum int) {
q := len(y) - 1
sum = y[q - x]
if x < q {
sum += SumValues(x + 1, y...)
return sum
func main() {
sum := SumValues(0,1,2,3,4,5)
fmt.Println("Sum is:", sum)

Too many results in a loop for Project Euler #145

I am trying to create a solution for Project Euler #145. I am writing in Go. When I run my program I get a result of 125. The expected result is 120. I have 2 different ways I have tried to write the code but both come up with the same answer. Any help pointing out my error would be appreciated.
Code option #1 using strings:
package main
import (
//checks to see if all the digits in the number are odd
func is_Odd(sum int) bool {
intString := strconv.Itoa(sum)
for x := len(intString); x > 0; x-- {
newString := intString[x-1]
if newString%2 == 0 {
return false
return true
//reverse the number passed
func reverse_int(value int) int {
intString := strconv.Itoa(value)
newString := ""
for x := len(intString); x > 0; x-- {
newString += string(intString[x-1])
newInt, err := strconv.Atoi(newString)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error converting string to int")
return newInt
//adds 2 int's passed to it and returns an int
func add(x int, y int) int {
return x + y
func main() {
//functions test code
/*y := 35
x := reverse_int(y)
z := add(x,y)
counter := 1
for i := 1; i < 1000; i++ {
flipped := reverse_int(i)
sum := add(flipped, i)
oddCheck := is_Odd(sum)
if oddCheck {
fmt.Println(counter, ":", i, "+", flipped, "=", sum)
fmt.Println("total = ", counter)
Code option #2 using only ints:
package main
import (
var counter int
//breaks down an int number by number and checks to see if
//all the numbers in the int are odd
func is_Odd(n int) bool {
for n > 0 {
remainder := n % 10
if remainder%2 == 0 {
return false
n /= 10
return true
//adds 2 int's passed to it and returns an int
func add(x int, y int) int {
return x + y
//reverses the int passed to it and returns an int
func reverse_int(n int) int {
var new_int int
for n > 0 {
remainder := n % 10
new_int *= 10
new_int += remainder
n /= 10
return new_int
func main() {
//functions test code
/*y := 35
x := reverse_int(y)
z := add(x,y)
counter = 1
for i := 1; i < 1000; i++ {
flipped := reverse_int(i)
sum := add(flipped, i)
oddCheck := is_Odd(sum)
if oddCheck {
Leading zeroes are not allowed in either n or reverse(n) so in reverse(n int) int remove Leading zeroes like so:
remainder := n % 10
if first {
if remainder == 0 {
return 0
first = false
try this:
package main
import (
//breaks down an int number by number and checks to see if
//all the numbers in the int are odd
func isOdd(n int) bool {
if n <= 0 {
return false
for n > 0 {
remainder := n % 10
if remainder%2 == 0 {
return false
n /= 10
return true
//adds 2 int's passed to it and returns an int
func add(x int, y int) int {
return x + y
//reverses the int passed to it and returns an int
func reverse(n int) int {
first := true
t := 0
for n > 0 {
remainder := n % 10
if first {
if remainder == 0 {
return 0
first = false
t *= 10
t += remainder
n /= 10
return t
func main() {
counter := 0
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
flipped := reverse(i)
if flipped == 0 {
sum := add(flipped, i)
if isOdd(sum) {
//fmt.Println(counter, ":", i, "+", flipped, "=", sum)
You're ignoring this part of the criteria:
Leading zeroes are not allowed in either n or reverse(n).
Five of the numbers you count as reversible end in 0. (That means their reverse has a leading zero.) Stop counting those as reversible and you're done.
Some positive integers n have the property that the sum [ n +
reverse(n) ] consists entirely of odd (decimal) digits. For instance,
36 + 63 = 99 and 409 + 904 = 1313. We will call such numbers
reversible; so 36, 63, 409, and 904 are reversible. Leading zeroes are
not allowed in either n or reverse(n).
All digits of the sum must all be odd.
Try this one:

prime numbers program gives wrong answer

I recently created a program which will tell you if a number is prime or not. It gets all answers right but the prime number of 9.
package main
import "fmt"
func isPrime(num int) bool {
for x := 2; x > 1; x++ {
if num%2 == 0 {
return false
} else {
return true
return true
func main() {
fmt.Printf("is it a prime number: %v \n", isPrime(9))
What is the problem?
Thanks in advance!
1- Here is the working version of your code: try it on The Go Playground.
package main
import "fmt"
func isPrime(num int) bool {
if num < 2 {
return false
for x := 2; x < num; x++ {
if num%x == 0 {
return false
return true
func main() {
fmt.Printf("is it a prime number: %v \n", isPrime(9))
2- The only even prime is 2, so it is better to check it first:
if n == 2 {
return true
Then there is no other even prime number: remove them all, and there is no prime number less than 2:
if n < 2 || n&1 == 0 {
return false
and you don't need to check more than square root of n:
sqrt := int(math.Sqrt(float64(n)))
And now you may start from 3, with just odd numbers (i += 2):
for i := 3; i <= sqrt; i += 2 {
if n%i == 0 {
return false
Try it on The Go Playground:
package main
import (
func isPrime(n int) bool {
if n == 2 {
return true
if n < 2 || n&1 == 0 {
return false
sqrt := int(math.Sqrt(float64(n)))
for i := 3; i <= sqrt; i += 2 {
if n%i == 0 {
return false
return true
func main() {
fmt.Printf("is it a prime number: %v \n", isPrime(9))
for i := 0; i < 120; i++ {
if isPrime(i) {
fmt.Print(i, " ")
is it a prime number: false
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113
Prime number
Generating primes
As it is, your code is only checking if a number's parity and returning false if it is even. I don't actually know Go, but I did manage to work out this problem for you using the following code:
func isPrime(num int) bool {
for x := 2; x < num; x++{
if num%x == 0 && num!=2{
return false
}return true;
According to prime number definition A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself, in your code you're only checking if it's odd or not.
I left you a fast solution in Go It does only go until the square root of the number.
func isPrime(n int) bool {
if n <= 1 {
return false
for ix, sqn := 2, int(math.Sqrt(float64(n))); ix <= sqn; ix++ {
if n%ix == 0 {
return false
return true
Also if you're interested in a faster way to know if a number is primer or not I recommend you read about the Sieve of Eratosthenes

Generating prime numbers in Go

EDIT: The question essentially asks to generate prime numbers up to a certain limit. The original question follows.
I want my if statement to become true if only these two conditions are met:
for i := 2; i <= 10; i++ {
if i%i == 0 && i%1 == 0 {
} else {
In this case every possible number gets past these conditions, however I want only the numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11... basically numbers that are divisible only with themselves and by 1 to get past, with the exception being the very first '2'. How can I do this?
It seems you are looking for prime numbers. However the conditions you described are not sufficient. In fact you have to use an algorithm to generate them (up to a certain limit most probably).
This is an implementation of the Sieve of Atkin which is an optimized variation of the ancient Sieve of Eratosthenes.
For the sake of completeness:
package main
import (
// Only primes less than or equal to N will be generated
const N = 100
func main() {
var x, y, n int
nsqrt := math.Sqrt(N)
is_prime := [N]bool{}
for x = 1; float64(x) <= nsqrt; x++ {
for y = 1; float64(y) <= nsqrt; y++ {
n = 4*(x*x) + y*y
if n <= N && (n%12 == 1 || n%12 == 5) {
is_prime[n] = !is_prime[n]
n = 3*(x*x) + y*y
if n <= N && n%12 == 7 {
is_prime[n] = !is_prime[n]
n = 3*(x*x) - y*y
if x > y && n <= N && n%12 == 11 {
is_prime[n] = !is_prime[n]
for n = 5; float64(n) <= nsqrt; n++ {
if is_prime[n] {
for y = n * n; y < N; y += n * n {
is_prime[y] = false
is_prime[2] = true
is_prime[3] = true
primes := make([]int, 0, 1270606)
for x = 0; x < len(is_prime)-1; x++ {
if is_prime[x] {
primes = append(primes, x)
// primes is now a slice that contains all primes numbers up to N
// so let's print them
for _, x := range primes {
Here's a golang sieve of Eratosthenes
package main
import "fmt"
// return list of primes less than N
func sieveOfEratosthenes(N int) (primes []int) {
b := make([]bool, N)
for i := 2; i < N; i++ {
if b[i] == true { continue }
primes = append(primes, i)
for k := i * i; k < N; k += i {
b[k] = true
func main() {
primes := sieveOfEratosthenes(100)
for _, p := range primes {
The simplest method to get "numbers that are divisible only with themselves and by 1", which are also known as prime numbers is:
It's not a "simple if statement".
If you don't mind a very small chance (9.1e-13 in this case) of them not being primes you can use ProbablyPrime from math/big like this (play)
import (
func main() {
for i := 2; i < 1000; i++ {
if big.NewInt(int64(i)).ProbablyPrime(20) {
fmt.Printf("%d is probably prime\n", i)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%d is definitely not prime\n", i)
Just change the constant 20 to be as sure as you like that they are primes.
Simple way(fixed):
package main
import "math"
const n = 100
func main() {
print(1, " ", 2)
L: for i := 3; i <= n; i += 2 {
m := int(math.Floor(math.Sqrt(float64(i))))
for j := 2; j <= m; j++ {
if i%j == 0 {
continue L
print(" ", i)
just change the 100 in the outer for loop to the limit of the prime number you want to find. cheers!!
for i:=2; i<=100; i++{
for j:=2; j<i; j++{
if i % j == 0 {
isPrime = false
if isPrime == true {
Here try this by checking all corner cases and optimised way to find you numbers and run the logic when the function returns true.
package main
import (
func prime(n int) bool {
if n < 1 {
return false
if n == 2 {
return true
if n % 2 == 0 && n > 2 {
return false
var maxDivisor = int(math.Floor(math.Sqrt(float64 (n))))
//d := 3
for d:=3 ;d <= 1 + maxDivisor; d += 2 {
if n%d == 0 {
return false
return true
//======Test Function=====
func main() {
// var t0 = time.Time{}
var t0= time.Second
for i := 1; i <= 1000; i++ {
var t1= time.Second
println(t1 - t0)
package main
import (
func main() {
ch := make(chan int)
go generate(ch)
for {
prime := <-ch
ch1 := make(chan int)
go filter(ch, ch1, prime)
ch = ch1
func generate(ch chan int) {
for i := 2; ; i++ {
ch <- i
func filter(in, out chan int, prime int) {
for {
i := <-in
if i%prime != 0 {
out <- i
A C like logic (old school),
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var num = 1000
for j := 2; j < num ; j++ {
var flag = 0
for i := 2; i <= j/2 ; i++ {
if j % i == 0 {
flag = 1
if flag == 0 {
Simple solution for generating prime numbers up to a certain limit:
func findNthPrime(number int) int {
if number < 1{
fmt.Println("Please provide positive number")
return number
var primeCounter, nthPrimeNumber int
for i:=2; primeCounter < number; i++{
isPrime := true
for j:=2; j <= int(math.Sqrt(float64(i))) && i != 2 ; j++{
if i % j == 0{
isPrime = false
if isPrime{
nthPrimeNumber = i
fmt.Println(primeCounter, "th prime number is ", nthPrimeNumber)
fmt.Println("Nth prime number is ", nthPrimeNumber)
return nthPrimeNumber
A prime number is a positive integer that is divisible only by 1 and itself. For example: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17.
What is Prime Number?
A Prime Number is a whole number that cannot be made by multiplying other whole numbers
A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that is not a product of two smaller natural numbers. A natural number greater than 1 that is not prime is called a composite number.
Go Language Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not
