How can i put an experiession to minimize using choco solver? - solver

I use choco solver version 2.1.5, and I want to make an experience to minimize the sum of my variables. How I can do that?

Maybe you downloaded that version from sourceforge: there, we are advised to visit where we can download more recent ones.
With the more recent version 4.10.7, released on Oct 11 2021,
you may experiment with something like this:
Model model = new Model();
IntVar x = model.intVar("x", 3, 10, false);
IntVar y = model.intVar("y", 2, 20, false);
IntVar sum = model.intVar("sum", 1, 50, false);
model.arithm(x, "+", y, "=", sum).post();
Solver solver = model.getSolver();
model.setObjective(Model.MINIMIZE, sum);
while (solver.solve()) {
System.out.println(" x = " + x.getValue());
System.out.println(" y = " + y.getValue());
System.out.println(" sum = " + sum.getValue());
It will print:
x = 3
y = 2
sum = 5


Android Kotlin replace while with for next loop

We have a HashMap Integer/String and in Java we would iterate over the HashMap and display 3 key value pairs at a time with the click of a button. Java Code Below
hm.put(1, "1");
hm.put(2, "Dwight");
hm.put(3, "Lakeside");
hm.put(4, "2");
hm.put(5, "Billy");
hm.put(6, "Georgia");
hm.put(7, "3");
hm.put(8, "Sam");
hm.put(9, "Canton");
hm.put(10, "4");
hm.put(11, "Linda");
hm.put(12, "North Canton");
hm.put(13, "5");
hm.put(14, "Lisa");
hm.put(15, "Phoenix");
public void onNEXT(View view){
X = X + 3;
for(int L = 1; L <= X; L++ ){
String id = hm.get(L);
String name = hm.get(L = L + 1);
String city = hm.get(L = L + 1);
if(X == hm.size()){
X = 0;
We decoded to let Android Studio convert the above Java Code to Kotlin
The converter decide to change the for(int L = 1; L <= X; L++) loop to a while loop which seemed OK at first then we realized the while loop was running for 3 loops with each button click. Also Kotlin complained a lot about these line of code String name = hm.get(L = L + 1); String city = hm.get(L = L + 1);
We will post the Kotlin Code below and ask the question
fun onNEXT(view: View?) {
X = X + 3
var L = 0
while (L <= X) {
val id = hm[L - 2]
val name = hm.get(L - 1)
val city = hm.get(L)
if (X == hm.size) {
X = 0
We tried to write a For Next Loop like this for (L in 15 downTo 0 step 1)
it seems you can not count upTo so we thought we would use the hm:size for the value 15 and just use downTo
So the questions are
How do we use the Kotlin For Next Loop syntax and include the hm:size in the construct?
We have L declared as a integer but Kotlin will not let us use
L = L + 1 in the While loop nor the For Next Loop WHY ?
HERE is the strange part notice we can increment X by using X = X + 3
YES X was declared above as internal var X = 0 as was L the same way
Okay, I'll bite.
The following code will print your triples:
val hm = HashMap<Int, String>()
hm[1] = "1"
hm[2] = "Dwight"
hm[3] = "Lakeside"
hm[4] = "2"
hm[5] = "Billy"
hm[6] = "Georgia"
hm[7] = "3"
hm[8] = "Sam"
hm[9] = "Canton"
hm[10] = "4"
hm[11] = "Linda"
hm[12] = "North Canton"
hm[13] = "5"
hm[14] = "Lisa"
hm[15] = "Phoenix"
for (i in step 3) {
println(Triple(hm[i], hm[i + 1], hm[i + 2]))
Now let's convert the same idea into a function:
var count = 0
fun nextTriplet(hm: HashMap<Int, String>): Triple<String?, String?, String?> {
val result = mutableListOf<String?>()
for (i in 1..3) {
result += hm[(count++ % hm.size) + 1]
return Triple(result[0], result[1], result[2])
We used a far from elegant set of code to accomplish an answer to the question.
We used a CharArray since Grendel seemed OK with that concept of and Array
internal var YY = 0
val CharArray = arrayOf(1, "Dwight", "Lakeside",2,"Billy","Georgia",3,"Sam","Canton")
In the onCreate method we loaded the first set of data with a call to onCO(null)
Here is the working code to iterate over the CharArray that was used
fun onCO(view: View?){
if(CharArray.size > YY){
val id = CharArray[YY]
val name = CharArray[YY + 1]
val city = CharArray[YY + 2]
YY = YY + 3
YY = 0
val id = CharArray[YY]
val name = CharArray[YY + 1]
val city = CharArray[YY + 2]
YY = YY + 3
Simple but not elegant. Seems the code is a better example of a counter than iteration.
Controlling the For Next Look may involve less lines of code. Control of the look seemed like the wrong direction. We might try to use the KEY WORD "when" to apply logic to this question busy at the moment
After some further research here is a partial answer to our question
This code only show how to traverse a hash map indexing this traverse every 3 records needs to be added to make the code complete. This answer is for anyone who stumbles upon the question. The code and a link to the resource is provide below
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val map = hashMapOf<String, Int>()
map.put("one", 1)
map.put("two", 2)
for ((key, value) in map) {
println("key = $key, value = $value")
The link will let you try Kotlin code examples in your browser
We only did moderate research before asking this question. Our Appoligies. If anyone is starting anew with Kotlin this second link may be of greater value. We seldom find understandable answers in the Android Developers pages. The Kotlin and Android pages are beginner friendlier and not as technical in scope. Enjoy the link
Kotlin and Android

Cutting algorithm of two dimensional board

I have problem with my homework.
Given a board of dimensions m x n is given, cut this board into rectangular pieces with the best total price. A matrix gives the price for each possible board size up through the original, uncut board.
Consider a 2 x 2 board with the price matrix:
3 4
3 6
We have a constant cost for each cutting for example 1.
Piece of length 1 x 1 is worth 3.
Horizontal piece of length 1 x 2 is worth 4.
Vertical piece of length 1 x 2 is worth 3.
Whole board is worth 6.
For this example, the optimal profit is 9, because we cut board into 1 x 1 pieces. Each piece is worth 3 and we done a 3 cut, so 4 x 3 - 3 x 1 = 9.
Second example:
1 2
3 4
Now I have to consider all the solutions:
4 1x1 pieces is worth 4x1 - (cost of cutting) 3x1 = 1
2 horizontal 1x2 is worth 2x2 - (cost of cutting) 1x1 = 3
2 vertical 1x2 is worth 3x2 - (cost of cutting) 1x1 = 5 -> best optimal profit
1 horizontal 1x2 + 2 x (1x1) pieces is worth 2 + 2 - (cost of cutting) 2 = 2
1 vertical 1x2 + 2 x (1x1) pieces is worth 3 + 2 - (cost of cutting) 2 = 3
I've read a lot about rod cutting algorithm but I don't have any idea how to bite this problem.
Do you have any ideas?
I did this in Python. The algorithm is
best_val = value of current board
check each horizontal and vertical cut for better value
for cut point <= half the current dimension (if none, return initial value)
recur on the two boards formed
if sum of values > best_val
... best_val = that sum
... record cut point and direction
return result: best_val, cut point, and direction
I'm not sure what you'll want for return values; I gave back the best value and tree of boards. For your second example, this is
(5, [[2, 1], [2, 1]])
Code, with debugging traces (indent and the labeled prints):
indent = ""
indent_len = 3
value = [[1, 2],
[3, 4]]
def best_cut(high, wide):
global indent
print indent, "ENTER", high, wide
indent += " " * indent_len
best_val = value[high-1][wide-1]
print indent, "Default", best_val
cut_vert = None
cut_val = best_val
cut_list = []
# Check horizontal cuts
for h_cut in range(1, 1 + high // 2):
print indent, "H_CUT", h_cut
cut_val1, cut_list1 = best_cut(h_cut, wide)
cut_val2, cut_list2 = best_cut(high - h_cut, wide)
cut_val = cut_val1 + cut_val2
if cut_val > best_val:
cut_list = [cut_list1, cut_list2]
print indent, "NEW H", h_cut, cut_val, cut_list
best_val = cut_val
cut_vert = False
best_h = h_cut
# Check vertical cuts
for v_cut in range(1, 1 + wide // 2):
print indent, "V_CUT", v_cut
cut_val1, cut_list1 = best_cut(high, v_cut)
cut_val2, cut_list2 = best_cut(high, wide - v_cut)
cut_val = cut_val1 + cut_val2
if cut_val > best_val:
cut_list = [cut_list1, cut_list2]
print indent, "NEW V", v_cut, cut_val, cut_list
best_val = cut_val
cut_vert = True
best_v = v_cut
# Return result of best cut
# Remember to subtract the cut cost
if cut_vert is None:
result = best_val , [high, wide]
elif cut_vert:
result = best_val-1, cut_list
result = best_val-1, cut_list
indent = indent[indent_len:]
print indent, "LEAVE", cut_vert, result
return result
print best_cut(2, 2)
Output (profit and cut sizes) for each of the two tests:
(9, [[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]]])
(5, [[2, 1], [2, 1]])
Let f(h,w) represent the best total price achievable for a board with height h and width w with cutting price c. Then
f(h,w) = max(
price_matrix(h, w),
f(i, w) + f(h - i, w) - c,
f(h, j) + f(h, w - j) - c
for i = 1 to floor(h / 2)
for j = 1 to floor(w / 2)
Here's a bottom-up example in JavaScript that returns the filled table given the price matrix. The answer would be in the bottom right corner.
function f(prices, cost){
var m = new Array(prices.length);
for (let i=0; i<prices.length; i++)
m[i] = [];
for (let h=0; h<prices.length; h++){
for (let w=0; w<prices[0].length; w++){
m[h][w] = prices[h][w];
if (h == 0 && w == 0)
for (let i=1; i<(h+1>>1)+1; i++)
m[h][w] = Math.max(
m[i-1][w] + m[h-i][w] - cost
for (let i=1; i<(w+1>>1)+1; i++)
m[h][w] = Math.max(
m[h][i-1] + m[h][w-i] - cost
return m;
let prices = JSON.parse($('#input').val());
let result = f(prices, 1);
let str = => JSON.stringify(line)).join('<br>');
<script src=""></script>
<textarea id="input">[[3, 4],
[3, 6]]</textarea>
<p><button type="button" id="submit">Submit</button></p>
<div id="output"><div>
Some thoughts on the problem rather than an answer:
It was a long time ago i studied dynamic programming, but i wrote up the following pseudo code which is think is O(n^2):
// 'Board'-class not included
val valueOfBoards: HashMap<Board, int>
fun cutBoard(b: Board, value: int) : int {
if (b.isEmpty()) return 0
if (valueOfBoards[b] > value) {
return 0;
} else {
valueOfBoards[b] = value
int maxValue = Integer.MIN_VALUE
for (Board piece : b.getPossiblePieces()) {
val (cuttingCost, smallerBoard) = b.cutOffPiece(piece)
val valueGained: int = piece.getPrice() - cuttingCost
maxValue = Max(maxValue, valueGained + cutBoard(smallerBoard, value + valueGained))
return maxValue;
The board class is not trivially implemented, here is some elaboration:
// returns all boards which fits in the current board
// for the initial board this will be width*height subboards
// returns a smaller board and the cutting cost of the cut
// I can see this becoming complex, depends on how one chooses to represent the board.
board.cutOffPiece(piece: Board)
It is not clear to me at the moment if cutOffPiece() breaks the algorithm in that you do not know how to optimally cut. I think since the algorithm will proceed from larger pieces to smaller pieces at some point it will be fine.
I tried to solve the re computation of sub problems (identical boards) by storing results in something like HashMap<Board, price> and comparing the new board with the stored best price before proceeding.
According to your answers I've prepared bottom-up and top-down implementation.
function bottomUp($high, $wide, $matrix){
$m = [];
for($h = 0; $h < $high; $h++){
for($w = 0; $w < $wide; $w++){
$m[$h][$w] = $matrix[$h][$w];
if($h == 0 && $w == 0){
for($i = 1; $i < ($h + 1 >> 1) + 1; $i++){
$m[$h][$w] = max(
$m[$i - 1][$w] + $m[$h - $i][$w] - CUT_COST
for($i = 1; $i < ($w + 1 >> 1) + 1; $i++){
$m[$h][$w] = max(
$m[$h][$i - 1] + $m[$h][$w - $i] - CUT_COST
return $m[$high-1][$wide-1];
function getBestCut($high, $wide, $matrix){
global $checked;
return $checked[$high][$wide];
$bestVal = $matrix[$high-1][$wide-1];
$cutVert = CUT_VERT_NONE;
$cutVal = $bestVal;
$cutList = [];
for($hCut = 1; $hCut < 1 + floor($high/2); $hCut++){
$result1 = getBestCut($hCut, $wide, $matrix);
$cutVal1 = $result1[0];
$cutList1 = $result1[1];
$result2 = getBestCut($high - $hCut, $wide, $matrix);
$cutVal2 = $result2[0];
$cutList2 = $result2[1];
$cutVal = $cutVal1 + $cutVal2;
if($cutVal > $bestVal){
$cutList = [$cutList1, $cutList2];
$bestVal = $cutVal;
$cutVert = CUT_VERT_FALSE;
$bestH = $hCut;
$checked[$hCut][$wide] = $result1;
$checked[$high - $hCut][$wide] = $result2;
for($vCut = 1; $vCut < 1 + floor($wide/2); $vCut++){
$result1 = getBestCut($hCut, $vCut, $matrix);
$cutVal1 = $result1[0];
$cutList1 = $result1[1];
$result2 = getBestCut($high, $wide - $vCut, $matrix);
$cutVal2 = $result2[0];
$cutList2 = $result2[1];
$cutVal = $cutVal1 + $cutVal2;
if($cutVal > $bestVal){
$cutList = [$cutList1, $cutList2];
$bestVal = $cutVal;
$cutVert = CUT_VERT_TRUE;
$bestH = $vCut;
$checked[$hCut][$vCut] = $result1;
$checked[$high][$wide - $vCut] = $result2;
if($cutVert == CUT_VERT_NONE){
$result = [$bestVal, [$high, $wide]];
}else if($cutVert == CUT_VERT_TRUE){
$result = [$bestVal - CUT_COST, $cutList];
$result = [$bestVal - CUT_COST, $cutList];
return $result;
Please tell me are they correct implementation of this method?
I wonder if time complexity is O(m^2*n^2) in top-down method?

find all subsets that sum to x - using an initial code

I am trying to build upon a problem, to solve another similar problem... given below is a code for finding the total number of subsets that sum to a particular value, and I am trying to modify the code so that I can return all subsets that sum to that value (instead of finding the count).
Code for finding the total number of suibsets that sum to 'sum':
* method to return number of sets with a given sum.
public static int count = 0;
public static void countSubsetSum2(int arr[], int k, int sum) {
if(sum == 0) {
if(sum != 0 && k == 0) {
if(sum < arr[k - 1]) {
countSubsetSum2(arr, k-1, sum);
countSubsetSum2(arr, k-1, sum - arr[k-1]);
countSubsetSum2(arr, k-1, sum);
Can someone propose some changes to this code, to make it return the subsets rather than the subset count?
Firstly, your code isn't correct.
The function, at every step, recurses with the sum excluding and including the current element 1, moving on to the next element, thanks to these lines:
countSubsetSum2(arr, k-1, sum - arr[k-1]);
countSubsetSum2(arr, k-1, sum);
But then there's also this:
if(sum < arr[k - 1]) {
countSubsetSum2(arr, k-1, sum);
which causes it to recurse twice with the sum excluding the current element under some circumstances (which it should never do).
Essentially you just need to remove that if-statement.
If all the elements are positive and sum - arr[k-1] < 0, we'd keep going, but we can never get a sum of 0 since the sum can't increase, thus we'd be doing a lot of unnecessary work. So, if the elements are all positive, we can add a check for if(arr[k - 1] <= sum) to the first call to improve the running time. If the elements aren't all positive, the code won't find all sums.
Now on to printing the sums
If you understand the code well, changing it to print the sums instead should be pretty easy. I suggest you work on understanding it a bit more - trace what the program will do by hand, then trace what you want the program to do.
And a hint for solving the actual problem: On noting that countSubsetSum2(arr, k-1, sum - arr[k-1]); recurses with the sum including the current element (and the other recursive call recurses with the sum excluding the current element), what you should do should become clear.
1: Well, technically it's reversed (we start with the target sum and decrease to 0 instead of starting at 0 and increasing to sum), but the same idea is there.
This is the code that works:
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
public class subset{
public static int count = 0;
public static List list = new LinkedList();
public static void countSubsetSum2(int arr[], int k, int sum) {
if(sum <= 0 || k < 0) {
if(sum == arr[k]) {
for(Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
System.out.print("\t" +;
countSubsetSum2(arr, k-1, sum - arr[k]);
list.remove(list.size() - 1);
countSubsetSum2(arr, k-1, sum);
public static void main(String[] args)
int [] array = {1, 4, 5, 6};
countSubsetSum2(array, 3, 10);
First off, the code you have there doesn't seem to actually work (I tested it on input [1,2,3, ..., 10] with a sum of 3 and it output 128).
To get it working, first note that you implemented the algorithm in a pretty unorthodox way. Mathematical functions take input and produce output. (Arguably) the most elegant programming functions should also take input and produce output because then we can reason about them as we reason about math.
In your case you don't produce any output (the return type is void) and instead store the result in a static variable. This means it's hard to tell exactly what it means to call countSubsetSum2. In particular, what happens if you call it multiple times? It does something different each time (because the count variable will have a different starting value!) Instead, if you write countSubsetSum2 so that it returns a value then you can define its behavior to be: countSubsetSum2 returns the number of subsets of the input arr[0...k] that sum to sum. And then you can try proving why your implementation meets that specification.
I'm not doing the greatest job of explaining, but I think a more natural way to write it would be:
// Algorithm stops once k is the least element in the array
if (k == 0) {
if (sum == 0 || sum == arr[k]) {
// Either we can sum to "sum"
return 1;
else {
// Or we can't sum to "sum"
return 0;
// Otherwise, let's recursively see if we can sum to "sum"
// Any valid subset either includes arr[k]
return countSubsetSum2(arr, k-1, sum - arr[k]) +
// Or it doesn't
countSubsetSum2(arr, k-1, sum);
As described above, this function takes an input and outputs a value that we can define and prove to be true mathematically (caveat: it's usually not quite a proof because there are crazy edge cases in most programming languages unfortunately).
Anyways, to get back to your question. The issue with the above code is that it doesn't store any data... it just returns the count. Instead, let's generate the actual subsets while we're generating them. In particular, when I say Any valid subset either includes arr[k] I mean... the subset we're generating includes arr[k]; so add it. Below I assumed that the code you wrote above is java-ish. Hopefully it makes sense:
// Algorithm stops once k is the least element in the array
if (k == 0) {
if (sum == 0 || sum == arr[k]) {
// Either we can sum to "sum" using just arr[0]
// So return a list of all of the subsets that sum to "sum"
// There are actually a few edge cases here, so we need to be careful
List<Set<int>> ret = new List<Set<int>>();
// First consider if the singleton containing arr[k] could equal sum
if (sum == arr[k])
Set<int> subSet = new Subset<int>();
// Now consider the empty set
if (sum == 0)
Set<int> subSet = new Subset<int>();
return ret;
else {
// Or we can't sum to "sum" using just arr[0]
// So return a list of all of the subsets that sum to "sum". None
// (given our inputs!)
List<Set<int>> ret = new List<Set<int>>();
return ret;
// Otherwise, let's recursively generate subsets summing to "sum"
// Any valid subset either includes arr[k]
List<Set<int>> subsetsThatNeedKthElement = genSubsetSum(arr, k-1, sum - arr[k]);
// Or it doesn't
List<Set<int>> completeSubsets = genSubsetSum(arr, k-1, sum);
// Note that subsetsThatNeedKthElement only sum to "sum" - arr[k]... so we need to add
// arr[k] to each of those subsets to create subsets which sum to "sum"
// On the other hand, completeSubsets contains subsets which already sum to "sum"
// so they're "complete"
// Initialize it with the completed subsets
List<Set<int>> ret = new List<Set<int>>(completeSubsets);
// Now augment the incomplete subsets and add them to the final list
foreach (Set<int> subset in subsetsThatNeedKthElement)
return ret;
The code is pretty cluttered with all the comments; but the key point is that this implementation always returns what it's specified to return (a list of sets of ints from arr[0] to arr[k] which sum to whatever sum was passed in).
FYI, there is another approach which is "bottom-up" (i.e. doesn't use recursion) which should be more performant. If you implement it that way, then you need to store extra data in static state (a "memoized table")... which is a bit ugly but practical. However, when you implement it this way you need to have a more clever way of generating the subsets. Feel free to ask that question in a separate post after giving it a try.
Based, on the comments/suggestions here, I have been able to get the solution for this problem in this way:
public static int counter = 0;
public static List<List<Integer>> lists = new ArrayList<>();
public static void getSubsetCountThatSumToTargetValue(int[] arr, int k, int targetSum, List<Integer> list) {
if(targetSum == 0) {
if(k <= 0) {
getSubsetCountThatSumToTargetValue(arr, k - 1, targetSum, list);
List<Integer> appendedlist = new ArrayList<>();
appendedlist.add(arr[k - 1]);
getSubsetCountThatSumToTargetValue(arr, k - 1, targetSum - arr[k - 1], appendedlist);
The main method looks like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
SubSetSum.getSubsetCountThatSumToTargetValue(arr, 5, 9, new ArrayList<Integer>());
System.out.println("Result count: " + counter);
System.out.println("lists: " + lists);
Result: 3
lists: [[4, 3, 2], [5, 3, 1], [5, 4]]
A Python implementation with k moving from 0 to len() - 1:
import functools
def sum_of_subsets( numbers, sum_original ):
def _sum_of_subsets( list, k, sum ):
if sum < 0 or k == len( numbers ):
if ( sum == numbers[ k ] ):
expression = functools.reduce( lambda result, num: str( num ) if len( result ) == 0 else \
"%s + %d" % ( result, num ),
sorted( list + [ numbers[ k ]] ),
'' )
print "%d = %s" % ( sum_original, expression )
list.append( numbers[ k ] )
_sum_of_subsets( list, k + 1, sum - numbers[ k ])
list.pop( -1 )
_sum_of_subsets( list, k + 1, sum )
_sum_of_subsets( [], 0, sum_original )
sum_of_subsets( [ 8, 6, 3, 4, 2, 5, 7, 1, 9, 11, 10, 13, 12, 14, 15 ], 15 )
15 = 1 + 6 + 8
15 = 3 + 4 + 8
15 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8
15 = 2 + 5 + 8
15 = 7 + 8
15 = 2 + 3 + 4 + 6
15 = 1 + 3 + 5 + 6
15 = 4 + 5 + 6
15 = 2 + 6 + 7
15 = 6 + 9
15 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
15 = 1 + 3 + 4 + 7
15 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 9
15 = 2 + 3 + 10
15 = 3 + 5 + 7
15 = 1 + 3 + 11
15 = 3 + 12
15 = 2 + 4 + 9
15 = 1 + 4 + 10
15 = 4 + 11
15 = 1 + 2 + 5 + 7
15 = 1 + 2 + 12
15 = 2 + 13
15 = 1 + 5 + 9
15 = 5 + 10
15 = 1 + 14
15 = 15

Very interesting program of building pyramid

I have came across this very interesting program of printing numbers in pyramid.
If n = 1 then print the following,
1 2
4 3
if n = 2 then print the following,
1 2 3
8 9 4
7 6 5
if n = 3 then print the following,
1 2 3 4
12 13 14 5
11 16 15 6
10 9 8 7
I can print all these using taking quite a few loops and variables but it looks very specific. You might have noticed that all these pyramid filling starts in one direction until it find path filled. As you might have noticed 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 filed in outer edges till it finds 1 so after it goes in second row after 12 and prints 13,14 and so on. It prints in spiral mode something like snakes game snakes keep on going until it hits itself.
I would like to know is there any algorithms behind this pyramid generation or its just tricky time consuming pyramid generation program.
Thanks in advance. This is a very interesting challenging program so I kindly request no need of pipeline of down vote :)
I made a small recursive algorithm for your problem.
public int Determine(int n, int x, int y)
if (y == 0) return x + 1; // Top
if (x == n) return n + y + 1; // Right
if (y == n) return 3 * n - x + 1; // Bottom
if (x == 0) return 4 * n - y + 1; // Left
return 4 * n + Determine(n - 2, x - 1, y - 1);
You can call it by using a double for loop. x and y start at 0:
for (int y=0; y<=n; y++)
for (int x=0; x<=n; x++)
result[x,y] = Determine(n,x,y);
Here is some C code implementing the basic algorithm submitted by #C.Zonnerberg my example uses n=6 for a 6x6 array.
I had to make a few changes to get the output the way I expected it to look. I swapped most the the x's and y's and changed several of the n's to n-1 and changed the comparisons in the for loops from <= to <
int main(){
int x,y,n;
int result[6][6];
for (x=0; x<n; x++){
for (y=0; y<n; y++) {
result[x][y] = Determine(n,x,y);
printf("\n[%d,%d] = %2d, ", x,y, result[x][y]);
printf("[%d,%d] = %2d, ", x,y, result[x][y]);
return 0;
int Determine(int n, int x, int y)
if (x == 0) return y + 1; // Top
if (y == n-1) return n + x; // Right
if (x == n-1) return 3 * (n-1) - y + 1; // Bottom
if (y == 0) return 4 * (n-1) - x + 1; // Left
return 4 * (n-1) + Determine(n - 2, x - 1, y- 1);
[0,0] = 1, [0,1] = 2, [0,2] = 3, [0,3] = 4, [0,4] = 5, [0,5] = 6,
[1,0] = 20, [1,1] = 21, [1,2] = 22, [1,3] = 23, [1,4] = 24, [1,5] = 7,
[2,0] = 19, [2,1] = 32, [2,2] = 33, [2,3] = 34, [2,4] = 25, [2,5] = 8,
[3,0] = 18, [3,1] = 31, [3,2] = 36, [3,3] = 35, [3,4] = 26, [3,5] = 9,
[4,0] = 17, [4,1] = 30, [4,2] = 29, [4,3] = 28, [4,4] = 27, [4,5] = 10,
[5,0] = 16, [5,1] = 15, [5,2] = 14, [5,3] = 13, [5,4] = 12, [5,5] = 11,
With an all-zeros array, you could start with [row,col] = [0,0], fill in this space, then add [0,1] to position (one to the right) until it's at the end or runs into a non-zero.
Then go down (add [1,0]), filling in space until it's the end or runs into a non-zero.
Then go left (add [0,-1]), filling in space until it's the end or runs into a non-zero.
Then go up (add [-1,0]), filling in space until it's the end or runs into a non-zero.
and repeat...

algorithm to sum up a list of numbers for all combinations

I have a list of numbers and I want to add up all the different combinations.
For example:
number as 1,4,7 and 13
the output would be:
Is there a formula to calculate this with different numbers?
A simple way to do this is to create a bit set with as much bits as there are numbers.
In your example 4.
Then count from 0001 to 1111 and sum each number that has a 1 on the set:
Numbers 1,4,7,13:
0001 = 13=13
0010 = 7=7
0011 = 7+13 = 20
1111 = 1+4+7+13 = 25
Here's how a simple recursive solution would look like, in Java:
public static void main(String[] args)
f(new int[] {1,4,7,13}, 0, 0, "{");
static void f(int[] numbers, int index, int sum, String output)
if (index == numbers.length)
System.out.println(output + " } = " + sum);
// include numbers[index]
f(numbers, index + 1, sum + numbers[index], output + " " + numbers[index]);
// exclude numbers[index]
f(numbers, index + 1, sum, output);
{ 1 4 7 13 } = 25
{ 1 4 7 } = 12
{ 1 4 13 } = 18
{ 1 4 } = 5
{ 1 7 13 } = 21
{ 1 7 } = 8
{ 1 13 } = 14
{ 1 } = 1
{ 4 7 13 } = 24
{ 4 7 } = 11
{ 4 13 } = 17
{ 4 } = 4
{ 7 13 } = 20
{ 7 } = 7
{ 13 } = 13
{ } = 0
The best-known algorithm requires exponential time. If there were a polynomial-time algorithm, then you would solve the subset sum problem, and thus the P=NP problem.
The algorithm here is to create bitvector of length that is equal to the cardinality of your set of numbers. Fix an enumeration (n_i) of your set of numbers. Then, enumerate over all possible values of the bitvector. For each enumeration (e_i) of the bitvector, compute the sum of e_i * n_i.
The intuition here is that you are representing the subsets of your set of numbers by a bitvector and generating all possible subsets of the set of numbers. When bit e_i is equal to one, n_i is in the subset, otherwise it is not.
The fourth volume of Knuth's TAOCP provides algorithms for generating all possible values of the bitvector.
I was trying to find something more elegant - but this should do the trick for now...
//Set up our array of integers
int[] items = { 1, 3, 5, 7 };
//Figure out how many bitmasks we need...
//4 bits have a maximum value of 15, so we need 15 masks.
//Calculated as:
// (2 ^ ItemCount) - 1
int len = items.Length;
int calcs = (int)Math.Pow(2, len) - 1;
//Create our array of bitmasks... each item in the array
//represents a unique combination from our items array
string[] masks = Enumerable.Range(1, calcs).Select(i => Convert.ToString(i, 2).PadLeft(len, '0')).ToArray();
//Spit out the corresponding calculation for each bitmask
foreach (string m in masks)
//Get the items from our array that correspond to
//the on bits in our mask
int[] incl = items.Where((c, i) => m[i] == '1').ToArray();
//Write out our mask, calculation and resulting sum
"[{0}] {1}={2}",
String.Join("+", incl.Select(c => c.ToString()).ToArray()),
Outputs as:
[0001] 7=7
[0010] 5=5
[0011] 5+7=12
[0100] 3=3
[0101] 3+7=10
[0110] 3+5=8
[0111] 3+5+7=15
[1000] 1=1
[1001] 1+7=8
[1010] 1+5=6
[1011] 1+5+7=13
[1100] 1+3=4
[1101] 1+3+7=11
[1110] 1+3+5=9
[1111] 1+3+5+7=16
Here is a simple recursive Ruby implementation:
a = [1, 4, 7, 13]
def add(current, ary, idx, sum)
(idx...ary.length).each do |i|
add(current + [ary[i]], ary, i+1, sum + ary[i])
puts "#{current.join('+')} = #{sum}" if current.size > 1
add([], a, 0, 0)
Which prints
1+4+7+13 = 25
1+4+7 = 12
1+4+13 = 18
1+4 = 5
1+7+13 = 21
1+7 = 8
1+13 = 14
4+7+13 = 24
4+7 = 11
4+13 = 17
7+13 = 20
If you do not need to print the array at each step, the code can be made even simpler and much faster because no additional arrays are created:
def add(ary, idx, sum)
(idx...ary.length).each do |i|
add(ary, i+1, sum + ary[i])
puts sum
add(a, 0, 0)
I dont think you can have it much simpler than that.
Mathematica solution:
{#, Total##}& /# Subsets[{1, 4, 7, 13}] //MatrixForm
{} 0
{1} 1
{4} 4
{7} 7
{13} 13
{1,4} 5
{1,7} 8
{1,13} 14
{4,7} 11
{4,13} 17
{7,13} 20
{1,4,7} 12
{1,4,13} 18
{1,7,13} 21
{4,7,13} 24
{1,4,7,13} 25
This Perl program seems to do what you want. It goes through the different ways to choose n items from k items. It's easy to calculate how many combinations there are, but getting the sums of each combination means you have to add them eventually. I had a similar question on Perlmonks when I was asking How can I calculate the right combination of postage stamps?.
The Math::Combinatorics module can also handle many other cases. Even if you don't want to use it, the documentation has a lot of pointers to other information about the problem. Other people might be able to suggest the appropriate library for the language you'd like to you.
use List::Util qw(sum);
use Math::Combinatorics;
my #n = qw(1 4 7 13);
foreach my $count ( 2 .. #n ) {
my $c = Math::Combinatorics->new(
count => $count, # number to choose
data => [#n],
print "combinations of $count from: [" . join(" ",#n) . "]\n";
while( my #combo = $c->next_combination ){
print join( ' ', #combo ), " = ", sum( #combo ) , "\n";
You can enumerate all subsets using a bitvector.
In a for loop, go from 0 to 2 to the Nth power minus 1 (or start with 1 if you don't care about the empty set).
On each iteration, determine which bits are set. The Nth bit represents the Nth element of the set. For each set bit, dereference the appropriate element of the set and add to an accumulated value.
ETA: Because the nature of this problem involves exponential complexity, there's a practical limit to size of the set you can enumerate on. If it turns out you don't need all subsets, you can look up "n choose k" for ways of enumerating subsets of k elements.
PHP: Here's a non-recursive implementation. I'm not saying this is the most efficient way to do it (this is indeed exponential 2^N - see JasonTrue's response and comments), but it works for a small set of elements. I just wanted to write something quick to obtain results. I based the algorithm off Toon's answer.
$set = array(3, 5, 8, 13, 19);
$additions = array();
for($i = 0; $i < pow(2, count($set)); $i++){
$sum = 0;
$addends = array();
for($j = count($set)-1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
if(pow(2, $j) & $i) {
$sum += $set[$j];
$addends[] = $set[$j];
$additions[] = array($sum, $addends);
foreach($additions as $addition){
printf("%d\t%s\n", $addition[0], implode('+', $addition[1]));
Which will output:
3 3
5 5
8 8
8 5+3
11 8+3
13 13
13 8+5
16 13+3
16 8+5+3
18 13+5
19 19
21 13+8
21 13+5+3
22 19+3
24 19+5
24 13+8+3
26 13+8+5
27 19+8
27 19+5+3
29 13+8+5+3
30 19+8+3
32 19+13
32 19+8+5
35 19+13+3
35 19+8+5+3
37 19+13+5
40 19+13+8
40 19+13+5+3
43 19+13+8+3
45 19+13+8+5
48 19+13+8+5+3
For example, a case for this could be a set of resistance bands for working out. Say you get 5 bands each having different resistances represented in pounds and you can combine bands to sum up the total resistance. The bands resistances are 3, 5, 8, 13 and 19 pounds. This set gives you 32 (2^5) possible configurations, minus the zero. In this example, the algorithm returns the data sorted by ascending total resistance favoring efficient band configurations first, and for each configuration the bands are sorted by descending resistance.
This is not the code to generate the sums, but it generates the permutations. In your case:
1; 1,4; 1,7; 4,7; 1,4,7; ...
If I have a moment over the weekend, and if it's interesting, I can modify this to come up with the sums.
It's just a fun chunk of LINQ code from Igor Ostrovsky's blog titled "7 tricks to simplify your programs with LINQ" (
T[] arr = …;
var subsets = from m in Enumerable.Range(0, 1 << arr.Length)
from i in Enumerable.Range(0, arr.Length)
where (m & (1 << i)) != 0
select arr[i];
You might be interested in checking out the GNU Scientific Library if you want to avoid maintenance costs. The actual process of summing longer sequences will become very expensive (more-so than generating a single permutation on a step basis), most architectures have SIMD/vector instructions that can provide rather impressive speed-up (I would provide examples of such implementations but I cannot post URLs yet).
Thanks Zach,
I am creating a Bank Reconciliation solution. I dropped your code into to do some quick testing and produced this in Javascript:
function f(numbers,ids, index, sum, output, outputid, find )
if (index == numbers.length){
var x ="";
if (find == sum) {
y= output + " } = " + sum + " " + outputid + " }<br/>" ;
f(numbers,ids, index + 1, sum + numbers[index], output + " " + numbers[index], outputid + " " + ids[index], find);
f(numbers,ids, index + 1, sum, output, outputid,find);
var y;
f( [1.2,4,7,13,45,325,23,245,78,432,1,2,6],[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13], 0, 0, '{','{', 24.2);
if (document.getElementById('hello')) {
document.getElementById('hello').innerHTML = y;
I need it to produce a list of ID's to exclude from the next matching number.
I will post back my final solution using
v=[1,2,3,4]#variables to sum
clis=[]#check list for solution excluding the variables itself
def iterate(lis,a,b):
global i
global clis
while len(b)!=0 and i<len(lis):
if len(b)>1:
for j in b:
its written in python. the idea is to break the list in a single integer and a list for eg. [1,2,3,4] into 1,[2,3,4]. we append the total sum now by adding the integer and sum of remaining list.also we take each individual sum i.e 1,2;1,3;1,4. checklist shall now be [1+2+3+4,1+2,1+3,1+4] then we call the new list recursively i.e now int=2,list=[3,4]. checklist will now append [2+3+4,2+3,2+4] accordingly we append the checklist till list is empty.
set is the set of sums and list is the list of the original numbers.
Its Java.
public void subSums() {
Set<Long> resultSet = new HashSet<Long>();
for(long l: list) {
for(long s: set) {
resultSet.add(l + s);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// this is an example number
long number = 245L;
int sum = 0;
if (number > 0) {
do {
int last = (int) (number % 10);
sum = (sum + last) % 9;
} while ((number /= 10) > 0);
System.err.println("s = " + (sum==0 ? 9:sum);
} else {
