Routing to receivers with daemon only - without network or service - tibco

When a sender specifies only daemon, without network and service, a receiver with similar settings can see messages on a given subject.
However if the sender specifies the daemon explicitly, and network with service, then the receiver (which specifies only daemon, and empty network and service) cannot see messages on subject or _LOCAL.subject - why is that?
And what would be the significance of _LOCAL (not routing beyond the daemon) for listening to subject or LOCAL.subject as long as everyone connects to the same daemon explicitl?

When a sender specifies only daemon, without network and service then it is using the following configuration :
. specified daemon
. default network (';' = the default broadcast address of the machine)
. default service = 7500
To be able to exchange Rendezvous messages applications need to share the same configuration (same network and service, two different daemons can be used if they are not running on the same host ).
This means that if an application is using a specific configuration (different from the default) that it defined explicitly and another application is using the default configuration they cannot communicate.
Message sent using the _LOCAL subject prefix remain local on the daemon used by the Publisher application, only Subscriber applications connected on the same daemon can receive this message (if they are subscribed to the prefixed subject).


MQRC_UNKNOWN_ALIAS_BASE_Q when connecting with IBM MQ cluster using CCDT and Spring Boot JMSTemplate

I have a Spring Boot app using JMSListener + IBMConnectionFactory + CCDT for connecting an IBM MQ Cluster.
A set the following connection properties:
- url pointing to a generated ccdt file
- username (password not required, since test environment)
- queuemanager name is NOT defined - since it's the cluster's task to decide, and a few google results, including several stackoverflow ones indicate that in my case qmgr must be set to empty string.
When my Spring Boot JMSListener tries to connect to the queue, the following MQRC_UNKNOWN_ALIAS_BASE_Q error occurs:
2019-01-29 11:05:00.329 WARN [thread:DefaultMessageListenerContainer-44][class:org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer:892] - Setup of JMS message listener invoker failed for destination 'MY.Q.ALIAS' - trying to recover. Cause: JMSWMQ2008: Failed to open MQ queue 'MY.Q.ALIAS'.; nested exception is JMSCMQ0001: IBM MQ call failed with compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') reason '2082' ('MQRC_UNKNOWN_ALIAS_BASE_Q'). JMSWMQ2008: Failed to open MQ queue 'MY.Q.ALIAS'.
In the MQ error log I see the following:
01/29/2019 03:08:05 PM - Process(27185.478) User(mqm) Program(amqrmppa)
Host(myhost) Installation(Installation1)
AMQ9999: Channel 'MyCHL' to host 'MyIP' ended abnormally.
The channel program running under process ID 27185 for channel 'MyCHL'
ended abnormally. The host name is 'MyIP'; in some cases the host name
cannot be determined and so is shown as '????'.
Look at previous error messages for the channel program in the error logs to
determine the cause of the failure. Note that this message can be excluded
completely or suppressed by tuning the "ExcludeMessage" or "SuppressMessage"
attributes under the "QMErrorLog" stanza in qm.ini. Further information can be
found in the System Administration Guide.
----- amqrmrsa.c : 938 --------------------------------------------------------
01/29/2019 03:15:14 PM - Process(27185.498) User(mqm) Program(amqrmppa)
Host(myhost) Installation(Installation1)
AMQ9209: Connection to host 'MyIP' for channel 'MyCHL' closed.
An error occurred receiving data from 'MyIP' over TCP/IP. The connection
to the remote host has unexpectedly terminated.
The channel name is 'MyCHL'; in some cases it cannot be determined and so
is shown as '????'.
Tell the systems administrator.
Since the MQ error log contains QMgr(MyQMGR), which MyQMGR value I did not set in the connection properties, I assume the routing seems to be fine: the MQ Cluster figured out a qmgr to use.
The alias exists and points to an existing q. Bot the target q and the alias are added to the cluster via the CLUSTER(clustname) command.
What can be wrong?
Short Answer
MQ Clustering is not used for a consumer application to find a queue to GET messages from.
MQ Clustering is used when a producer application PUTs messages to direct them to a destination.
Further reading
Clustering is used when messages are being sent to help provide load balancing to multiple instances of a clustered queue. In some cases people use this for hot/cold failover by having two instances of a queue and keeping only one PUT(ENABLED).
If an application is a producer that is putting messages to a clustered queue, it only needs to be connected to a queue manager in the cluster and have permissions to put to that clustered queue. MQ based on a number of different things will handle where to send that message.
Prior to v7.1 there was only two ways to provide access to remote clustered queues:
Using a QALIAS:
Define a local QALIAS which has a TARGET set to the clustered queue name
Note this QALIAS does not itself need to be clustered.
Grant permission to put to the local QALIAS.
Provide permissions to PUT to the SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE.
The first option allows for granting granular access to an application for specific clustered queues in the cluster. The second option allows for the application to put to any clustered queue in the cluster or any queue on any clustered queue manager in the cluster.
At 7.1 IBM added a new optional behavior, this was provided with the setting ClusterQueueAccessControl=RQMName in the Security stanza of the qm.ini. If this is enabled (it is not the default), then you can actually provide permission for the app to PUT to the remote clustered queues directly without the need for a local QALIAS.
What clustering is not for is consuming applications such as your example of a JMSListener.
An application that will consume from any QLOCAL (clustered or not) must be connected to the queue manager where the QLOCAL is defined.
If you have a situation where there are multiple instances of a clustered QLOCAL that are PUT(ENABLED), you would need to ensure you have consumers connected directly to each queue managers that an instance is hosted on.
Based on your comment you have a CCDT with an entry such as:
CHANNEL('MyCHL') CHLTYPE(CLNTCONN) QMNAME('MyQMGR') CONNAME('node1url(port1),node2url(port2)')
If there are two different queue managers with different queue manager names listening on node1url(port1) and node2url(port2), then you have different ways to accomplish this from the app side.
When you specify the QMNAME to connect to the app will expect the name to match the queue manager you connect to unless it meets one of the following:
If you specify *MyQMGR it will find the channel or channels with QMNAME('MyQMGR') and pick one and connect and will not enforce that the remote queue manager name must match.
If in your CCDT you have QNAME(''), it is set to NULL, then in your app you can specify a empty queue manager name or only a space and it will find this entry in the CCDT and will not enforce that the remote queue manager name must match.
In your app you specify the queue manager name as *, MQ will use any channel in the CCDT and will not enforce that the remote queue manager name must match.
One limitation of CCDT is that channel name must be unique in the CCDT. Even if the QMNAME is different you can't have a second entry with the same channel name.
When you connect you are hitting the entry with two CONNAME's and getting connected to the first IP(port), you would only get to the second IP(port) if at connect time the first is not available, MQ will try the second, or if you are connected and have RECONNECT enabled and then the first goes down MQ will try to connect to the first then second.
If you want to have both clustered queue PUT(ENABLED) to receive traffic then you want to be able to specifically connect to each of the two queue managers to read those queues.
I would suggest you add a new channel on each queue manager that has a different QM specific name that is also different from the existing name, something like this:
This would be in addition to the existing entry.
For your putting components you can continue to use the channel that can connect to either queue manager.
For your getting components you can configure at least two of them, one to connect to each queue manager using the new queue manager specific CCDT entries, this way both queues are being consumed.

Requiring public IP address for kafka running on EC2

We have kafka and zookeeper installed on a single AWS EC2 instance. We have kafka producers and consumers running on separate ec2 instances which are on the same VPC and have the same security group as that of kafka instance. In the producer or consumer config we are using the internal IP address of the kafka server to connect to it.
But we have noticed that we need to mention the public IP address of the EC2 server as advertised.listeners for letting the producers and consumers connect to the Kafka server:
Also we have to whitelist the public ip addresses and open traffic on 9092 port of each of our ec2 servers running producers and consumers.
We want the traffic to flow using internal IP addresses. Is there a way we need not whitelist the public ip addresses and open traffic on 9092 port for each one of our servers running producer or consumer?
If you don't want to open access to all for either one of your servers, I would recommend adding a proper high performance web server like nginx or Apache HTTPD in front of your applications' servers acting as a reverse proxy. This way you could also add SSL encryption and your server stays on a private network while only the web server would be exposed. It’s very easy and you can find many tutorials on how to set it up. Like this one:
Because of the variable nature of the ecosystem that kafka may need to work in, it only makes sense that you are explicit in declaring the locations which kafka can use. The only way to guarantee that external parts of any system can be reached via an ip address is to ensure that you are using external ip addresses.

What open ports are required on firewall to allow for salt-stack remote execution?

The documentation on saltstack appears to be unclear regarding what ports are required from the salt-master -> salt-minion (apparently none are required).
It suggests that ports only need to be opened from the salt-minion -> salt-master.
If however commands are executed remotely on the salt-master targeted to a minion, surely the master needs to be able to push this into the minion and therefore require a network opening to allow for this.
Therefore my question is if the saltstack ports (4505 & 4506) need to be opened in both directions, or whether the remote commands are triggered over another protocol?
[A bit of background: My team want salt-stack setup to manage a server landscape in quite a restrictive network where each individual network route needs to be requested in the security concept. This is not controlled by our company and I need to explicitly request all required routes and in each direction.]
Salt uses a zeromq pub/sub interface to communicate with the minions. Indeed, you only need to open ports 4505 and 4506 on the master's firewall.
The minions listen on one port on the master, which is the "pub" port, and then return results to the master on the other port.
The master never actually "pushes" commands to the minions. The minions listen for commands published on the pub port. Which is why you don't need to open any incoming ports on your minions.

How check the restSecureServicesPort is available?

I've installed a application with a service on a Windows Server 2012 R2. The status of the service is paused. When I start the service, he runs for two seconds and he's again paused.
In the instructions from the manufacturer is written:
Note: If the service shows as paused, check the restSecureServicesPort is available.
What does that mean? What should I do?
This could mean, that you application hosts a REST service on this Windows service. REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is a simple stateless architecture that generally runs over HTTP. This means it needs a port on which the application listens and receive data. This port is probably already busy and another application uses it. To view all busy ports you could use the netstat command via the command line on your server. But first you have to find out on which port your application wants to listen (maybe through some documentation of the application).
After this you could check if it's possible to change the port of your application or the port of the application which occupies this port.
Hope this helps!

Starting multiple remote servers with Akka

I'm running into some deployment issues using Akka remoting to implement a small search application.
I want to deploy my ActorSystem on a set of local cluster machines to use them as workers, but I'm a bit confused for what to put into my application.conf to make this happen. For example, I can use:
akka.remote {
transport = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport"
netty {
hostname = ""
port = 2552
Each worker just runs the ActorSystem at startup.
This allows my worker machines to bind to their address when they start up, but then they refuse to listen to messages:
beaker-24: [ERROR] ... dropping message DaemonMsgWatch for non-local recipient akka://SearchService#beaker-24:2552/remote at akka://SearchService#
The documentation I've found for this so far only discusses deployment on my localhost, which is not so useful :). I'm hoping there is a way to do this without generating a separate configuration for each host.
Using an empty string as the hostname allows for contacting the host via the normal IP address. Addressing using the hostname itself doesn't work at the moment.
Setting “” as host name will currently basically disable remoting, because that is not a legal IP to send to. Background: actor references get the configured IP (or host name) inserted in their address part when they leave the local system, and that is exactly their “pointer home” for other systems to send messages back.
There has been an effort by Scott which would enable a system to receive replies to a different address here, but that is not included yet—and we may well chose a different solution to this problem.
