Enable a readonly view to Laravel Nova without login - laravel

I'm using Laravel Nova to make a collaborative Wiki for songs. I would like an unauthenticated user be able to see the songs, but not collaborate. He would be able to collaborate only after registering a new account.
I tried to comment the Laravel\Nova\Http\Middleware\Authenticate middleware, in file 'web' middleware in config/nova.php.
Now, it still works for my superAdmin, and my simple user, but for the unauthenticated user, it can reach nova dashboard without login, but there is no more items in left menus. The only way to make them appear is to remove the custom policies I have defined for my resources.
Why is it happening, and what should I do to


How to use Laravel backpack for non admin user

In my system, there are tow types of users.
For admin I am using Laravel backpack. But, I also want the backpack's features for non admin panel also.
What's the way?
Usually people use Roles/Permissions to handle that.
There is a Backpack addon that will give you a kick start with cruds for user/permission/role using the Spatie Laravel Permission under the hood: https://github.com/Laravel-Backpack/PermissionManager
Then you can show some bits of your app to some users, hide some fields/columns from others etc.
Just remember that users will be authenticating using backpack guard, so you should use backpack_user()->hasRole(), or see the advanced configuration of the package in ReadMe.

How can I secure Front-End in a Vuejs SPA?

I'm building a SPA using Vuejs and consuming Laravel API's, and users can have multiple roles, what is the best way to save token and user roles? as well as prevent users from knowing what the roles are?
There is one solution I know yet, which is to save them in Cookies and LocalStorage.
However, if someone knows my LocalStorage key for the roles and they were just like a normal user and changed it, so that they can see what Admin Dashboard looks like (Just the Front-End) and what Admin can see in the app.
How can I prevent them? and what are the best ways to secure SPA?
Thank you in advance.
You can never consider SPA frontend as "secure". If something is executed on browser it means it can be modified by user. It of course doesn't mean SPA is bad, no no, just it is not good solution for every project.
If You want to be sure that user will never see admin dashboard then it should be in separate bundle or even better - separate project.
Instead - consider migrating SPA to SSR (in Vue You can use Nuxt.js (https://nuxtjs.org/) for this).
Thank's to this user will receive only HTML response (just like in Laravel with Blade). Because of this You can authenticate user and check roles BEFORE user will receive any content (and block access to admin panel by that).
BUT - if You are using Laravel with Vue in same project (so Vue is initiated by Blade) this means You can just like in Nuxt check user before it will receive any content. Just make middleware for it. But it will help only by blocking entire page, and not for changing (in secure way) content on single page based on multiple roles. So again - You need SSR for that.
For any every solution I would suggest You to use new official library from Laravel - Sanctum (https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/sanctum).
Laravel API use role and permission to check user is can do something.
Client save jwt token and use jwt to authen Laravel API. You will get user info in laravel side. Use user id check in role table.

login as a user and admin at the same time in laravel

I am working on a laravel project in which from ADMIN panel I can log in in the user module, but when I want to go back from the browser the admin panel is not working means admin is logout. is there any method in which I can log in in both module admin and user.
If you log in as one user, you log out as the other.
I see 2 possibilities:
1) Make 2 user tables, with separate login/logout/etc. one for your frontend users, one for your admin panel.
The advantage here is that your regular users will never be able to login as an admin, because they don't exist in that table.
2) Separate your frontend and admin panel into 2 different projects. You can link them to the same database. Put the admin panel on a subsite admin.my-project.com.
The advantage here is that you seperate your logic between 2 projects, each focused on different functionality, with their own styling, layout and most important for your example: authentication.
Use an incognito browser window for your admin tasks, which will enable you to be logged in to the same app twice.
You could solve your problem with two possible ways that laravel provide and you could google about "laravel multi auth example".
Multiple authentications using "middleware"
Multiple authentications using auth "guards"
Here are two articles will help you to understand and show you the implement with an example:
Laravel 6 Multi Auth (Authentication) Tutorial
How to use multiple authentication guards in a Laravel app

Authentication (and Authorization) in an app that's not fully a SPA - Laravel Passport

Hi I'm building an app with Larval and vue.js. This app is not a fully single page application but is a combination of vue and blade.
For example, the dashboard or login page and some other pages are SPA-based and are fully implemented with vue. But the landing page and some other pages have been created by blades that may have used vue components in some of them.
My question is about authentication in such cases. Is laravel passport appropriate for such cases? Or should I use jwt or something else? Because I need authentication on both types of pages (Vue-based, Blade-based). And it's done on almost every page.
On the other hand, I used laravel-permission - Spatie to control permissions and roles. Is it possible for passports to define roles and permissions and control based on them? I mean displaying or hiding elements and links, accessing certain sections, or doing some work with permissions checking.
What resources do you offer to start learning how to develop authentication and authorization in such apps?
Maybe there was some ambiguity in my question, so I'll explain a little more. Suppose our website has three parts:
The first part that includes landing page, display of a post, display of all posts and more. This section is implemented by blade and may also use vue components.
The second part is the user profile page of the site where users can edit their own information, view their posts and edit them, view registered comments and more. This section is SPA and is fully implemented with Vue and only logged in users can see it.
The third part is the admin dashboard page, which is needed to manage different sections, apply settings and more. This section is also SPA and fully implemented with Vue. In this section, only users with the Administrator role are allowed, and each one can perform certain tasks based on the permissions given to them. This means, it must be checked whether the user is allowed to see a section or perform a specific task, or not.
Routing is also performed by vue on the user profile and admin dashboard pages, and actions are performed by axios and sending requests to apis written in laravel. And all three parts are in the same application.
So the question is, how should Authentication and Authorization be done in this scenario? Is laravel-passport appropriate for this task? Is it possible to do both in laravel-passport? For example, Authorization is going to be done in the front-end section by vue, how should this be done? Is it possible to combine laravel-passport and laravel-permission - Spatie? Or do we need it at all? Perhaps the more general question: Is this scenario reasonable?
You can use the intermediate approach, blade login/register and the Laravel passport middleware https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/passport#consuming-your-api-with-javascript.
This Passport middleware will attach a laravel_token cookie to your outgoing responses. This cookie contains an encrypted JWT that Passport will use to authenticate API requests from your JavaScript application. Now, you may make requests to your application's API without explicitly passing an access token
Spatie permission is great for managing permissions and roles. You can protect your api routes with middleware or checks in your controller.
You making it too complicated. if you are calling your vue components in blade file you don't need passport at all but if your front end is separate from back end then you need to use passport because you don't have access to session...
On the other hand, I used laravel-permission - Spatie to control permissions and roles. Is it possible for passports to define roles and permissions and control based on them?
Passport doesn't care what kinda permission and role system you want to use you can use anything that you want

User and admin role in laravel 5.3

In my laravel project, I want some admin and user role. I want to make user login in different routes after login. And also for admin also. How should I do it?
You should first make 3 table in your database; user, role and user_role. user_role table has many to many relationship. Then you will make a middleware that checks your role checks when login. In your route, you use that middleware in login's post.
See details about middle ware in laravel 5.3 documentation.
You can try laravel 5.3 boilerplate. It comes with a full featured access control system out of the box with an easy to learn API and is built on a Twitter Bootstrap foundation with a front and backend architecture.
