What does an outlined folder with a red X mean in Visual Studio 2022? - visual-studio

I pulled down a shared solution from GitHub;
However, I am unable to open one of the solution folders.

This folder isn't in source control (in this case: Git because of GitHub)
Git only tracks files and so not empty folders.
The folder is probably mentioned in the .csproj

Thought I would add, there is a bug where this icon appears when it shouldn't, it's probably caused by switching branches. Restarting Visual Studio seems to fix it.


Mercurial Add On for Visual Studio not showing icons for 1 particular project

I have a peculiar problem where all but 1 of my projects are showing the Mercurial plug-ins for my solution correctly.
All the projects have been committed in my mercurial repository already.
The icons for the problematic project actually shows up correctly in another solution that includes it.
Fixes I've tried so far:
Recreate the Solution file from scratch.
Remove/Add Project again.
File compared csproj & sln files between the working and non working solutions.
I'm using Visual Studio 2015.
Has anyone come across this problem before?
It turns out I had to delete the hidden directories under the project folder that pertains to a different source control system (.svn).
It seems like the Mercurial add-on and/or Visual Studio gets confused if it sees more than 1 hidden folders under the project directory.

Visual Studio not showing all Projects in solution

I'm not sure why, but Visual Studio is not showing all the projects in my solution. I need them to show so I can set as default project under solution explorer. I'm not seeing a fix for this issue in a general internet search. The closest I see is VS not showing files folders, but this is different than my issue. Hopefully there is an easy way to fix it, without adding things again piecemeal. My co-workers can see their complete set of projects in solution explorer so it must be a corruption in my workspace.
Open your ".sln" project file using Notepad.
In this file you can observe listed projects like below
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "test.myProject.Data", "test.myProject.Data\test.myProject.csproj", "{6D7F7B84-F3BD-4A19-A069-D144C345B887}"
Please add if there any missing projects. If you have old back up or co-workers file, Just copy and paste missing projects to this file.
In my case it works !!
close vs , delete .vs folder then open vs again. it works for me.
I found that re-adding the existing project to the solution worked for me!
I had to copy out changed files in my workspace, fix my permissions/ownership on my directory (it was no owner instead of me), re-do the mapped drive the workspace was on, re-do the shortcut to the Visual Studio project (even though it was supposed to theoretically be the same place I mapped), re-pull the project down, and copy my changes in again. At this point Visual Studio had the missing solutions in it again so I could set startup project and run the debugger. I'm not sure how the ownership/permissions got messed up. I think at one point the other office had a server go down, and maybe my permissions/ownership got mixed up then. I'm not sure why VS wasn't showing the missing projects, but it's fixed after doing the above.
I had the same issue where my colleague saw 1 more project on his computer.
I deleted my .sln file and got the exact same version as he. Problem was still the same.
Solution was: I had an unloaded project. Apparently this is safed in a local user setting file (probably the .suo file). I looked for the unloaded project and loaded it again.
Close the VStudio entire project, go to the main project folder and click on the .sln file to load the entire project agian.
go to solution explorer see which are having (unload), right click and load project with dependencies
sometimes check if the project startup has changed, if changed just right click on the related project and set as project startup
This .sln file structure breakdown offers a great insight on how projects are able to be found and populated into the project hierarchy. My .sln file had lost all its project persistence blocks and thus I had 0 projects under my solution. I copied the blocks from a a previous git commit and this fixed it. I still don't know why the blocks disappeared or the whole .sln file changed
If the other solutions didn't work for you, then try this.
You can add the missing project to the solution file using the dotnet command. To do so, go to the root folder of your project and run the following command from the terminal:
dotnet sln add ProjectLibrary/ProjectLibrary.csproj
The ProjectLibrary/ProjectLibrary.csproj is the path to your missing project.
You can open the .sln file to confirm if the prject has been added. You should see something like:
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ProjectLibrary", "ProjectLibrary\ProjectLibrary.csproj", "{F042B1DB-F887-44CC-941A-76569A86AF75}"
Hope this helps.
I had the same issue. After opening the Visual Studio in Administrator mode it started to work.
Search for VS->Right click-> "Run as administrator"

Tell visual studio to close the documents that have been deleted outside of the IDE

I'm working with Visual Studio 2010 Professional and use git with Git Extensions as a version control system. When I checkout a branch that involves different versions of the files which I'm working on, VS2010 prompt me with a message that says: "this file has been modified outside of the source editor. Do you want to reload it?" I click yes to all, and get the right version of the files. Until here everything goes as expected.
The problem comes when I checkout a branch that involves files to be deleted. Files that in that branch do not exist yet/anymore. If one of these is opened in the editor, it continues there and you can keep writing on it and then save it.
I know the files can't disappear from the project tree, because we're not keeping track of the project files (at least they get in Project File explorer an exclamation mark telling you that the file doesn't exist anymore). What I want is Visual Studio to close each file that no longer exist. Is there a way to do that? Or does someone have an idea to achive this workflow?
Closing and opening Visual Studio again does the trick, actually does exactly what I want.. But it would be good to avoid it.
Thank you
I think you have forgotten to include the project file vbproj or csproj in git

How to add folders and move files into them in VS using AnkhSVN?

I tried accomplishing this using tortoise, but failed and reverted to my prior commit (How can I un-quagmirize my rearranged project?)
How can I add subfolders to my project and have them be recognized by Visual Studio AND Subversion?
Simply adding folders in Solution Explorer and dragging-and-dropping the files in Windows Explorer did not work.
It seems I can either add the files to the subfolders in Windows Explorer, but not have that rearrangement of file location recognized in Visual Studio's Solution Explorer, OR I can drag-and-drop the files within Visual Studio's Solution Explorer to the new subfolders, but that relocation is not recognized in Windows Explorer.
I HAVE re-added the subfolders within Visual Studio (I figure that can't break anything, while they are empty, anyway). Would right-clicking a file and selecting Refactor | Move be an accepted way to get this to work (I reckon the Refactor context menu item comes from Resharper, but possibly it's a VS "thing").
If at least one file is into a directory and this file was added via AnkhSVN (Subversion > Add), the directory will be automatically added as well.
If the directory is empty, even if the directory is included in the solution, the Add command via AnkhSVN will not work. This is a weird behaviour you can workaround using another SVN Client like TortoiseSVN.

Howto resolve... Visual Studio Source Control notification "Projects have recently been added to this solution"

After some use Visual Studio 2008 when opening a solution that is checked into Visual Studio Team Foundation will pop up a dialog saying:
Projects have recently been added to this solution. Do you want to get them from source control?
This happens every time the solution is loaded (even if no projects have been added). The only way I have found to remove this minor annoyance is to completely rebuild the SLN file.
Has anyone found a better/simpler way?
I had this recently after we moved a number of projects in the solution. I worked out eventually, that each project actual appears in solution file multiple times each with path information! So even though the path in the main reference of the project was correct it was wrong further down the file.
So go through the .sln file and make sure the paths in all the references of each project is correct.
For instance, the first reference for one of my projects is:
Project("{F184B08F-C81C-45F6-A57F-5ABD9991F28F}") = "ObexPushVB", "Samples\ObjectPush\ObexPushVB\ObexPushVB.vbproj", "{E3692A59-D636-48E8-9B57-7DA80A88E517}"
In my case the path there was correctly updated. But then we have also for that project:
SccProjectUniqueName8 = Samples\\ObjectPush\\ObexPushVB\\ObexPushVB.vbproj
SccProjectTopLevelParentUniqueName8 = InTheHand.Net.Personal.sln
SccProjectName8 = Samples/ObjectPush/ObexPushVB
SccLocalPath8 = Samples\\ObjectPush\\ObexPushVB
So all of those paths needed to be updated too! After I fixed that manually all was well. (The sample there is after the fix BTW).
Hey, this actually happened to me about 4 years ago.
First, it sounds to me like someone on your team doesn't have all the updates applied to their visual studio installation. Go around and get everyone upgraded to the latest service pack for your VS version.
Once that is done, unbind the solution, fix the file, rebind it and tell everyone to do a force get latest on your TFS project.
(broken link: http://technorati.com/posts/Yadz3Mj1pxHPSJLlnUs1tL1sIwU5jXa5rNBbIAnYdvs%3D)
This message will also occur if your solution has a reference to a project whose location is outside of the solution directory, but it doesn't physically exist (i.e. you hadn't checked it out before opening the solution). VSS (or TFS) will then give you that message and clicking OK will automatically get latest on the project that's missing so your solution won't have any unloaded projects in it.
Reading that again confuses me. Basically you get the message if your solution has a source control binding to a project that isn't inside of the folder your solution is in, and that outside project doesn't physically exist on your machine. Clicking on OK will check the project out for you.
In my case it was a reference to a test project which has been deleted.
I noticed that when I inspected all the projects in the Solution Explorer. Our team uses solution folders so it was not normally visible and because it was a test project it didn't have any impact on the application.
After removing the project from the solution the messages is no longer shown.
I'm working with Visual Studio 2013.
For me, it happened after having modified the folder's structure of my solution (I added a sub-folder for a project directly on the source code explorer). I got rid of this boring error by removing all the projects from my solution, using the solution explorer. After that, I closed Visual Studio, manually edited the .sln file and removed the whole section :
GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) = preSolution
To finish, I just added the projects back to the solution as "Existing projects" with solution explorer. Visual Studio will recreate by itself the removed section of the .sln file.
The same error message can occur if someone adds a project, check-in edited solution file, but don't adds project directory to source control.
To cut a long story short - this error can mean that in .sln file there's reference to .csproj file, but the .csproj itself is physically missing.
In my case I renamed a(n) (unloaded) project in VS. It correctly moved the project to a new folder and no data was lost. However the solution file still pointed to the old directory which still existed but was empty (so the project could not be actually loaded).
After deleting the project from the solution (which was no problem because the folder was allready empty) the problem was solved.
Adding the project again from the new location was no problem either.
I had this problem after moving a number of unit test projects that were under source control (VSTS) into another folder. After this whenever I opened a branch I would get the "Projects have recently been added to this solution. Do you want to get them from source control?" error.
For some reason the csproj file from the trunk wasn't under source control which meant it was missing from the branched version. I find this happens sometimes after moving source controlled projects.
To fix it I opened the original source trunk, used Source Control Explorer to add the missing file(s), then merged the trunk to the branches to copy over the missing csproj file.
After this I could open the branched versions without the warning popping up.
