I am trying to rotate an image in Matlab about an arbitrary set of points.
So far, I have used imrotate, but it looks like imrotate only rotates about the center.
Is there a nice way of doing this without first padding the image and then using imrotate?
Thank you
The "nice way" is using imwarp
Building the transformation matrix is a little tricky.
I figured out how to build it from a the following question: Matlab image rotation
The transformation supports rotation, translation and zoom.
(x0, y0) is the center point that you rotate around it.
phi is rotation angle.
sx, sy are horizontal and vertical zoom (set to value to 1).
W and H are width and height of input (and output) images.
Building 3x3 transformation matrix:
T = [sx*cos(phi), -sx*sin(phi), 0
sy*sin(phi), sy*cos(phi), 0
(W+1)/2-((sx*x0*cos(phi))+(sy*y0*sin(phi))), (H+1)/2+((sx*x0*sin(phi))-(sy*y0*cos(phi))), 1];
Using imwarp:
tform = affine2d(T);
J = imwarp(I, tform, 'OutputView', imref2d([H, W]), 'Interp', 'cubic');
Here is a complete executable code sample:
I = imresize(imread('peppers.png'), 0.5); %I is the input image
[H, W, ~] = size(I); %Height and Width of I
phi = 120*pi/180; %Rotate 120 degrees
%Zoom coefficients
sx = 1;
sy = 1;
%Center point (the point that the image is rotated around it).
x0 = (W+1)/2 + 50;
y0 = (H+1)/2 + 20;
%Draw white cross at the center of the point of the input image.
I(y0-0.5:y0+0.5, x0-19.5:x0+19.5, :) = 255;
I(y0-19.5:y0+19.5, x0-0.5:x0+0.5, :) = 255;
%Build transformation matrix.
T = [sx*cos(phi), -sx*sin(phi), 0
sy*sin(phi), sy*cos(phi), 0
(W+1)/2-((sx*x0*cos(phi))+(sy*y0*sin(phi))), (H+1)/2+((sx*x0*sin(phi))-(sy*y0*cos(phi))), 1];
tform = affine2d(T);
J = imwarp(I, tform, 'OutputView', imref2d([H, W]), 'Interp', 'cubic');
%Draw black cross at the center of the output image:
J(end/2:end/2+1, end/2-15:end/2+15, :) = 0;
J(end/2-15:end/2+15, end/2:end/2+1, :) = 0;
%Shows that the center of the output image is the point that the image was rotated around it.
Input image:
Output image:
Important advantage over other methods (like imrotate after padding), is that the center coordinates don't have to be integer values.
You can rotate around (100.4, 80.7) for example.
So I'm trying to add a rotation and a perspective effect to an image into the vertex shader. The rotation works just fine but I'm unable to make the perspective effect. I'm working in 2D.
The rotation matrix is generated from the code but the perspective matrix is a bunch of hardcoded values I got from GIMP by using the perspective tool.
private final Matrix3 perspectiveTransform = new Matrix3(new float[] {
0.58302f, -0.29001f, 103.0f,
-0.00753f, 0.01827f, 203.0f,
-0.00002f, -0.00115f, 1.0f
This perspective matrix was doing the result I want in GIMP using a 500x500 image. I'm then trying to apply this same matrix on texture coordinates. That's why I'm multiplying by 500 before and dividing by 500 after.
attribute vec4 a_position;
attribute vec4 a_color;
attribute vec2 a_texCoord0;
uniform mat4 u_projTrans;
uniform mat3 u_rotation;
uniform mat3 u_perspective;
varying vec4 v_color;
varying vec2 v_texCoords;
void main() {
v_color = a_color;
vec3 vec = vec3(a_texCoord0 * 500.0, 1.0);
vec = vec * u_perspective;
vec = vec3((vec.xy / vec.z) / 500.0, 0.0);
vec -= vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
vec = vec * u_rotation;
v_texCoords = vec.xy + vec2(0.5);
gl_Position = u_projTrans * a_position;
For the rotation, I'm offsetting the origin so that it rotates around the center instead of the top left corner.
Pretty much everything I know about GIMP's perspective tool comes from This was suggesting I would be able to reproduce what GIMP does after reading it, but it turns out I can't. The result shows nothing (no pixel) while removing the perspective part shows the image rotating properly.
As mentioned in the link, I'm dividing by vec.z to convert my homogeneous coordinates back to a 2D point. I'm not using the origin shifting for the perspective transformation as it was mentioned in the link that the top left corner was used as an origin. p.11:
There is one thing to be careful about - the origin of GIMP
coordinates is at the upper left, with y increasing downwards.
Thanks to #Rabbid76's answer, it's now showing something! However, it's not transforming my texture like the matrix was transforming my image on GIMP.
My transformation matrix on GIMP was supposed to do something a bit like that:
But instead, it looks like something like that:
This is what I think from what I can see from the actual result: (Image used)
(As pointed out, it texture parameter is clamp to edge instead of clamp to border, but that's beside the point)
It looks like it's doing the exact opposite of what I'm looking for. I tried offsetting the origin to the center of the image and to the bottom left before applying the matrix without success. This is a new result but it's still the same problem: How to apply the GIMP perspective matric into a GLSL shader?
With more testing, I can confirm that it's doing the "opposite". Using this simple downscale transformation matrix:
private final Matrix3 perspectiveTransform = new Matrix3(new float[] {
0.75f, 0f, 50f,
0f, 0.75f, 50f,
0f, 0f, 1.0f
The result is an upscaled version of the image:
If I invert the matrix programmatically, it works for the simple scaling matrix! But for the perspective matrix, it shows that:
Thanks to #Rabbid76 again it turned out applying the rotation after the perspective matrix does the rotation before and I end up with a result like this:
It is almost it! The only problem is that the image is VERY squished. It's just like the perspective matrix was applied multiple times. But if you look carefully, you can see it rotating while in perspective just like I want it. The problem now is how to unsquish it to get a result just like I had in GIMP. (The root problem is still the same, how to take a GIMP matrix and apply it in a shader)
This perspective matrix was doing the result I want in GIMP using a 500x500 image. I'm then trying to apply this same matrix on texture coordinates. That's why I'm multiplying by 500 before and dividing by 500 after.
The matrix
0.58302 -0.29001 103.0
-0.00753 0.01827 203.0
-0.00002 -0.00115 1.0f
is a 2D perspective transformation matrix. It operates with 2D Homogeneous coordinate.
See 2D affine and perspective transformation matrices
Since the matrix which is displayed in GIMP is the transformation from the perspective to the orthogonal view, the inverse matrix has to be used for the transformation.
The inverse matrix can be calculated by calling inv().
The matrix is setup to performs a operation of a Cartesian coordinate in the range [0, 500], to a Homogeneous coordinates in the range [0, 500].
Your assumption is correct, you have to scale the input from the range [0, 1] to [0, 500] and the output from [0, 500] to [0, 1].
But you have to scale the 2D Cartesian coordinates
Further you have to do the rotation after the perspective projection and the Perspective divide.
It may be necessary (dependent on the bitmap and the texture coordinate attributes), that you have to flip the V coordinate of the texture coordinates.
And most important, the transformation has to be done per fragment in the fragment shader.
Note, since this transformation is not linear (it is perspective transformation), it is not sufficient to to calculate the texture coordinates on the corner points.
vec2 Project2D( in vec2 uv_coord )
vec2 v_texCoords;
const float scale = 500.0;
// flip Y
//vec2 uv = vec2(uv_coord.x, 1.0 - uv_coord.y);
vec2 uv = uv_coord.xy;
// uv_h: 3D homougenus in range [0, 500]
vec3 uv_h = vec3(uv * scale, 1.0) * u_perspective;
// uv_h: perspective devide and downscale [0, 500] -> [0, 1]
vec3 uv_p = vec3(uv_h.xy / uv_h.z / scale, 1.0);
// rotate
uv_p = vec3(uv_p.xy - vec2(0.5), 0.0) * u_rotation + vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
return uv_p.xy;
Of course you can do the transformation in the vertex shader too.
But then you have to pass the 2d homogeneous coordinate to from the vertex shader to the fragment shader
This is similar to set a clip space coordinates to gl_Position.
The difference is that you have a 2d homogeneous coordinate and not a 3d. and you have to do the Perspective divide manually in the fragment shader:
Vertex shader:
attribute vec2 a_texCoord0;
varying vec3 v_texCoords_h;
uniform mat3 u_perspective
vec3 Project2D( in vec2 uv_coord )
vec2 v_texCoords;
const float scale = 500.0;
// flip Y
//vec2 uv = vec2(uv_coord.x, 1.0 - uv_coord.y);
vec2 uv = uv_coord.xy;
// uv_h: 3D homougenus in range [0, 500]
vec3 uv_h = vec3(uv * scale, 1.0) * u_perspective;
// downscale
return vec3(uv_h.xy / scale, uv_h.z);
void main()
v_texCoords_h = Project2D( a_texCoord0 );
Fragment shader:
varying vec3 v_texCoords_h;
uniform mat3 u_rotation;
void main()
// perspective divide
vec2 uv = vertTex.xy / vertTex.z;
// rotation
uv = (vec3(uv.xy - vec2(0.5), 0.0) * u_rotation + vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.0)).xy;
See the preview, where I used the following 2D projection matrix, which is the inverse matrix from that one which is displayed in GIMP:
2.452f, 2.6675f, -388.0f,
0.0f, 7.7721f, -138.0f,
0.00001f, 0.00968f, 1.0f
Further note, in compare to u_projTrans, u_perspective is initialized in row major order.
Because of that you have to multiply the vector from the left to u_perspective:
vec_h = vec3(vec.xy * 500.0, 1.0) * u_perspective;
But you have to multiply the vector from the right to u_projTrans:
gl_Position = u_projTrans * a_position;
See GLSL Programming/Vector and Matrix Operations
and Data Type (GLSL)
Of course this may change if you transpose the matrix when you set it by glUniformMatrix*
I'd like to create a polar representation of this shader:
So that it looks like in this screenshot:
I know the basics of the polar-system: How to calculate r and ϕ, but i can only use those values with a texture2d() load function on a image.
When i only have a amplitude value like in the shader above, i dont get it working.
r should somehow be based of the amplitude, but then i dont know how to draw the circle without the texture2d() function... i can draw a circle with r only, but then there are no different amplitudes. Or do i even need to fill a matrix with the generated bars in a loop and load the circle from there?
Im quite sure it is possible, because of the insane shaders on shadertoy, but i dont quite get it...
Can anyone point me out to a solution?
From the shader you posted I think it should be enough to simply transform the uv to polar coordinates.
So what you are looking for are angle and radius from the center. First let us transform the uv so it gives the vector pointing from the center:
uv = fragCoord - (iResolution*.5);
Next try to normalize it. Since the view is not square the normalization transform should only be by 1 coordinate such that
uv = uv/iResolution.y;
uv = uv/iResolution.x;
This will kind of produce a fit effect but you may just hard code one or the other if you need to. min can be used if available (uv = uv/min(iResolution.x, iResolution.y))) to remove the condition.
So at this point the uv vector points from the center toward the pixel position in a coordinate system that is normalized in one dimension.
Now to get the angle you may simply use atan(uv.y, uv.x). To get the radius you then need length(uv).
The radius in your case will be for the shorter dimension in range [0, .5] so you may multiply it by 2.0 but this is a factor you may later change to get the desired effect so that the maximum value is not hitting the border but maybe having 80% or so (just play around with it).
The angle is in range of [-Pi, Pi] plus in the docs it says it does not work for X = 0 which you will need to handle yourself then. So now the angle must be transformed to be in range [.0, 1.0] to access the texture coordinate:
angle = angle/(Pi*2.0) + .5
So now construct the new uv
uv = vec2(angle, radius)
And use the same shader you did before.
You will also need to keep in mind that radius may be larger then 1.0 in corners which may produce a wrong texture access. In such cases it would be best to discard the fragment.
From the shader toy:
#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy - (iResolution.xy*.5);
uv = uv/min(iResolution.x, iResolution.y);
float angle = atan(uv.y, uv.x);
angle = angle/(M_PI*2.0) + .5;
float radius = length(uv);
uv = vec2(angle, radius*2.0);
float bars = 24.;
float fft = texture2D( iChannel0, vec2(floor(uv.x*bars)/bars,0.25) ).x;
float amp = (fft - uv.y)*100.;
fragColor = vec4(amp,0.,0.,1.0);
I was trying to figure out how to make a swirl in the photo, tried looking everywhere for what exactly you do to the pixels. I was talking with a friend and we kinda talked about using sine functions for the redirection of pixels?
Let's say you define your swirl using 4 parameters:
X and Y co-ordinates of the center of the swirl
Swirl radius in pixels
Number of twists
Start with a source image and create a destination image with the swirl applied. For each pixel (in the destination image), you need to adjust the pixel co-ordinates based on the swirl and then read a pixel from the source image. To apply the swirl, figure out the distance of the pixel from the center of the swirl and it's angle. Then adjust the angle by an amount based on the number of twists that fades out the further you get from the center until it gets to zero when you get to the swirl radius. Use the new angle to compute the adjusted pixel co-ordinates to read from. In pseudo code it's something like this:
Image src, dest
float swirlX, swirlY, swirlRadius, swirlTwists
for(int y = 0; y < dest.height; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < dest.width; x++)
// compute the distance and angle from the swirl center:
float pixelX = (float)x - swirlX;
float pixelY = (float)y - swirlY;
float pixelDistance = sqrt((pixelX * pixelX) + (pixelY * pixelY));
float pixelAngle = arc2(pixelY, pixelX);
// work out how much of a swirl to apply (1.0 in the center fading out to 0.0 at the radius):
float swirlAmount = 1.0f - (pixelDistance / swirlRadius);
if(swirlAmount > 0.0f)
float twistAngle = swirlTwists * swirlAmount * PI * 2.0;
// adjust the pixel angle and compute the adjusted pixel co-ordinates:
pixelAngle += twistAngle;
pixelX = cos(pixelAngle) * pixelDistance;
pixelY = sin(pixelAngle) * pixelDistance;
// read and write the pixel
dest.setPixel(x, y, src.getPixel(swirlX + pixelX, swirlY + pixelY));
I want to apply some real-world transformation (from accelerometer/gyroscope/compass) to my model-view matrix. This way:
modelViewMatrix = GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt(cam.x, cam.y, cam.z,
0.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
GLKVector3 v = GLKVector3Normalize(x, y, z); // accelerometer + gyro
float roll = asinf(-v.x);
float pitch = atan2f(v.y, -v.z);
float yaw = GLKMathDegreesToRadians(heading); // compass
GLKMatrix4 m = GLKMatrix4Identity;
m = GLKMatrix4RotateX(m, pitch);
m = GLKMatrix4RotateY(m, roll);
m = GLKMatrix4RotateZ(m, yaw);
modelViewMatrix = GLKMatrix4Multiply(m, m_modelViewMatrix);
It works. But there is a problem. When the phone is in "camera" (landscape) orientation, so the "Slide to unlock" is exactly vertical, y and z are both very close to zero, frequently changing their signs. So, atan2() returns some "random" values, and the scene is moving in the horizontal plane...
There must be a way to simplify the transition by creating a single matrix from x, y, z, and heading without losing the accuracy...
UPD: Found the problem! Can anyone explain how to apply the solution to my matrix?
this should clarify what you need to do: this will solve your gimbal lock issues.
as for the random values when holding your phone vertically, im not sure. maybe transform the orientation vector so that its values are always positive or something.