Spring Boot Scheduler - spring-boot

I have used a Spring Boot Scheduler with #Scheduled annotation along with fixedRateString of 1 sec. This scheduler intermittently stops working for approx 2 min and then starts working automatically. What can be the possible reasons for this behavior and do we have any resolution to this?
Below is the code snippet for the scheduler.

1st) Please read SO guidelines
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2nd) To your problem
You use a xml spring based configuration where you have configured your sheduler. Then you also use the annotation #Scheduled. You should not mix those 2 different types of configuring beans.
Also you use some type of thread synchronization into this method. Probably some thread is stuck outside of the method because of the lock and this messes the functionality that you want.
Clean either the xml configuration or the annotation for scheduling and try with debug to see why the method behaves as it does which most probable would be from what I have mentioned above about the locks and the multiple configurations.


Reusing expensive beans in Spring Boot Tests

I am trying to improve performance of medium tests in Spring Boot.
I am using the Spring Boot - testcontainers library.
For an individual test this works really well, with a few annotations I can get access to kafka, zookeeper, and schema-registry. These are full services so it takes a few seconds to start everything up, all together setup takes about 40 seconds. The test accurately recreates a realistic deployment, it's beautifully simple.
This would be fine if it just happened once but it happens every time a Spring Context is created. That means every test that uses #MockBean incurs that 40 second cost.
I've tried refactoring into a single TestConfiguration class and referencing that. I've looked into using ContextHierarchy but I think that means I'll lose all of the Spring Boot niceties and I'll need to recreate the context (which means it won't look exactly like the context created by the production app).
Is there a better way to do this?
Spring framework already took care of this scenario.
There is a concept of caching the application context for test class/classes.
See the documentation.
Few lines from the documentation:
The Spring TestContext framework stores application contexts in a
static cache. This means that the context is literally stored in a
static variable. In other words, if tests run in separate processes,
the static cache is cleared between each test execution, which
effectively disables the caching mechanism.
So essentially you need to structure your code or context configuration in such a way that you use cached context in your desired test cases.
But use this capability wisely, if not thought through properly this could lead to undesired side-effects

Spring design pattern for common update service or module

I have a use case where I would like build a common interface or service which can update entities of application. Example case is shown as below:
Now every application has to handle update functionality of entities. Rather than implementing update functionality in n application module. I would like to build a common interface or server in spring boot.
Service will be like below:
My question is how to design service/interface which can used for above scenario. Any api or tool which can help me to achieve this. I dont want to write code for update in every application module.
Thanks in advance.
Last year I was thinking about the similar concept to yours, but in Apache Camel framework context. I haven't got enough time and motivation to do so, but your post encouraged me to give it a try - perhaps mostly because I've found your concept very similar to mine.
This is how I see it:
So basically I considered an environment with application that might uses N modules/plugins that enriches application's features, i.e. processing feature etc. Application uses module/plugin when it is available in the classpath - considering Java background. When the module is not available application works without its functionality like it was never there. Moreover I wanted to implement it purely using framework capabilities - in this case Spring - without ugly hacks/ifs in the source code.
Three solutions come to my mind:
- using request/response interceptors and modifying(#ControllerAdvice)
- using Spring AOP to intercept method invocations in *Service proxy classes
- using Apache Camel framework to create a routes for processing entities
Here's the brief overview of POC that I implemented:
I've chosen Spring AOP because I've never been using it before on my own.
simple EmployeeService that simulates saving employee - EmployeeEntity
3 processors that simulates Processing Modules that could be located outside the application. These three modules change properties of EmployeeEntity in some way.
one Aspect that intercepts "save" method in EmployeeService and handles invocation of available processors
In the next steps I'd like to externalize these Processors so these are some kind of pluggable jar files.
I'm wondering if this is something that you wanted to achieve?
link to Spring AOP introduction here: https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/5.0.5.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/core.html#aop
link to repository of mentioned POC: https://github.com/bkpawlowski/spring-aop

Activiti vs Spring batch

I have got a use case to implement. It's basically a workflow kind of use case. Below is the requirements
Extract and import data from an external db to an internal db
Make this imported data into different formats and supply it to multiple external systems and invoke some script there. The external interfaces are SFTP, SOAP, JDBC, Python over CORBA. There are around 14 external systems with one of these interfaces.
Interface transactions are executed in around 15 steps, with the ability to run some steps in parallel
These steps should be configurable. ie, a particular flow may execute 10 of these 15 steps and another flow executes 15 of 15 steps
Should have the ability to restart each step individually or restart from a particular step
There are some steps that are manual and completion of manual step should trigger next step
Volume of data is not that large. Total data size is around 400k records. But this process is executing for around 30k records at a time. Time for development is less and we are looking for some light weight easy to learn and implement solution.
We are looking for Spring based or Spring integratable solutions.
The solutions we considered are
For workflow:
Activiti, Spring Batch
For interfaces:
Spring Integration
My question is
Can Spring batch considered for managing a work flow kind of use case? I don't think it's a best fit use case for Spring Batch but as its simple and easy to implement looked for its scope. We considered doing the interfaces interaction as each step in a batch job and inside the tasklet do the Spring Integration for external interfaces, with few issues as far as I understand are
a) Dynamic step configuration can be done with Java configuration, but how flexible it is and is it recommended?
b) Manual step processing is not possible in Spring Batch
Is there any work around for this? Is there any other issues or performance impacts on doing this?
Activiti seems to a solution. Can you please provide some feedback on Activiti with Spring and Spring integration for this use case and ease of implementing it? And support for Activiti
Can Activiti workflows restarted from a particular task? Is a task can be rollbacked?
Welcoming any suggestions !!
1) For managing workflows, Activiti would be a great choice. They have created a really good process engine which should comply your needs for delegating your tasks as well as calling your custom logic. Moreover, it is based entirely on Spring Framework so Integration with your logic would be easy.
2) i've provided the same in first answer.
3) No, you will have to create a new workflow for that and Yes!, a task can be rolled back.

Verify Spring Configuration without full start up

I have a large spring project, using xml configuration. I'm looking for a quick way to verify changes to the xml configuration.
I can load the whole project locally - the problem is this takes more than 5 minutes, loads a huge amount of data.
My XML editor catches XML formatting errors.
I'm looking for something intermediate - to catch obvious problems like references to beans that aren't defined, or calling constructors with the wrong arguments. Is there a quick way to do this, without having to actually invoke all the constructors and bring up the whole environment?
I'm building with Maven and editing with Eclipse, although my question isn't specific to either.
Since you already use Eclipse, you could try Spring Tool Suite (comes either standalone or as an add-on). It's essentially Eclipse with extra Spring-specific features, like Beans Validator. I'm not sure how thorough the validation is, but it should catch most configuration problems.
It's maintained by SpringSource so its integration with Spring "just works" and it's guaranteed not be more or less in sync with Spring Framework's release cycle.
Beanoh :
this project does exactly what I'm looking for. Verify obvious problems with spring config, but without the overhead of initializing everything.
You can use a Spring testing support to integration test your Spring configuration. However if the loading of the context is taking 5 mins, then the tests will also take the same amount of time. Spring does cache the context so if you have multiple tests using the same set of Spring contexts, then once cached the tests should be very quick.
I can suggest a few ways to more efficiently test your configuration:
Organize your project in modules, with each module being responsible for its own Spring configuration - this way, each module can be independently developed and tested.
If you have a modular structure, the testing can be more localized by mocking out the dependent modules, again this is for speed.

spring + struts2, inject DAO into external thread

I have a web application that uses Struts2 + Spring for the resource injection, basically my DAO. Now I would like to create a thread that periodically polls the database and, if needed, send email notifications to users.
I would like to know how I can implement this in a way that this thread can use my DAO. I haven't been able to manage Spring to inject it the way I've done it. So I would like to hear suggestions and see if someone can point me to the right way.
Right now I have a thread started by a ServletContextListener, that just creates a timer and schedules an action every 5 minutes. But I can't get this action to use my DAO. I don't have any need to use this structure, I'm open to using whichever solution works.
Thanks for your help!
Edit: As axtavt suggested, I used Spring task Execution Scheduling and it works perfectly, the thing is that my task gets injected with the DAO but then I get LazyInitializationException every time I try to access a property of my fetched objects, any suggestion on how to solve that??
Perhaps the best option is to use Spring's own scheduling support, see 25. Task Execution and Scheduling (if necessary - with Quartz, see 25.6 Using the OpenSymphony Quartz Scheduler). This apporach allows you to configure your scheduled action as Spring beans, so you can wire them with other beans such as DAO.
Alternatively, you can use the following to obtain any Spring bean in web application (for example, to obtain DAO from your thread):
