Bash input problem after computing size of folder with du for pv when gpg prompts user - bash

I'm working on a script to cipher a bunch of folders through the use of tar, gzip and gpg, plus pv with du and awk to keep track of progress. Here is the line that causes problems
tar cf - "$f" | pv -s $(($(du -sk "$f" | awk '{print $1}') * 1024)) | gzip | gpg -e -o "$output/$(basename "$f").tar.gz.gpg"
This works well most of the time. However, if the output file already exists, gpg prompts the user, asking if we want to override the file or not. And in this case, when the script exits, the console kind of breaks: what I type does not appear anymore, pressing Enter does not create a new line, and so on.
The problem does not appear if the outfile does not exist yet, nor if the -s option of pv is missing or computed without du and awk (ex: $((500 * 500)). This won't break the console, but obviously the progress bar would be completely off)
The problem is reproducable even by using this command line outside of a script and replacing $f and $output with desired options.

Perhaps one or a combination of these changes will help.
Change the gpg command to write to stdout, redirected to the file you want: gpg -e -o - > "$output/$(basename "$f").tar.gz.gpg".
Calculate the file size with stat: stat -c "%s" "$f".
The whole line might then look like this:
tar cf - "$f" | pv -s $(stat -c "%s" "$f") | gzip | gpg -e -o - > "$output/$(basename "$f").tar.gz.gpg"


Add a progress bar when deciphering files gpg

For the ease of use for ciphering and deciphering files and folder, and also to get some clues about when it's going to finish, I would like to set up some king of progress bar with gpg.
I'm using pv to do so, which works well for ciphering as I do not need a password.
However, I don't know how to do it for deciphering, as it may ask for the password of my private key.
Here is what I tried:
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ] || ! [ -f "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 CIPHERED_FOLDER" >&2
exit 1
echo "Deciphering $1"
pv $1 | gpg -d | tar -xz
It works well if the passphrase is already cached, but fails if it's not.
So I used a workaround, replacing the last line with gpg -d $1 | pv -W | tar -xz
However, as I can't know the exact size of the deciphered file, I can't have a percentage.
Is there a way to get this working? I tried looking at ways to manually ask in the script for the passphrase before trying to decipher to get it in the cache, but I couldn't find how to do so.
Edit: I'm ciphering the files only for myself for security storage, and gpg doesn't ask me for a recipient anymore because I've set up default-recipient-self
Here is a better solution than my previous answer.
gpg -d <(pv $1) | tar -xz
The <() operator makes gpg read from a file descriptor created for pv while still allowing the passphrase to be read from stdin.
Here is where I took the solution from:
Old answer for reference:
I managed to find a workaround.
I first sign a short text and throw the output directly in /dev/null.
This way, it makes sure that the passphrase is cached before the main deciphering.
It looks like this:
gpg -o /dev/null --sign <(echo "1234")
echo "Deciphering $1"
pv $1 | gpg -d -q | tar -xz

how to print names of files being downloaded

I'm trying to write a bash script that downloads all the .txt files from a website ''.
So far I have wget -A txt -r -l 1 -nd '' but I'm struggling to find a way to print the name of each file to the screen (when downloading). That's the part I'm really stuck on. How would one print the names?
EDIT this is what I have done so far, but I'm trying to remove a lot of stuff like ghcnd-inventory.txt</a></td><td align=...
wget -O- $LINK | tr '"' '\n' | grep -e .txt | while read line; do
echo Downloading $LINK$line ...
wget $LINK$line
wget -O- $LINK | tr '"' '\n' | grep -e .txt | grep -v align | while read line; do
echo Downloading $LINK$line ...
wget -nv $LINK$line
Slight optimization of Sundeep's answer:
wget -q -O- $LINK | sed -E '/.*href="[^"]*\.txt".*/!d;s/.*href="([^"]*\.txt)".*/\1/' | wget -nv -i- -B$LINK
The sed command eliminates all lines not matching href="xxx.txt" and extracts only the xxx.txt part of the others. It then passes the result to another wget that uses it as the list of files to retrieve. The -nv option tells wget to be as less verbose as possible. It will thus print the name of the file it currently downloads but almost nothing else. Warning: this works only for this particular web site and does not descend in the sub-directories.

Use "Touch -r" for several files with automator

I use "MacOS X Yosemite (10.10.4)"
I've converted video mts files to mov files using QuickTime, but the new file created doesn't preserve original Creation Date.
fileA.mts --> Creation Date: 07/02/2010 10:51 --> Creation Date: Today 8:35
I'd like to change the Creation Date attribute of several files, using the date of the original files. I know I can do this by using Terminal "Touch" command in order to this:
touch -r fileA.mts
touch -r fileB.mts
As I have more than 200 files to change Creation Date, is it possible to automate this using automator Script Shell action, or any other way?
Like this in the bash shell - which is what you get in Terminal (untested):
for orig in *.mts; do
# Generate new name from old one
echo touch -r "$orig" "$new"
Save the above in a file called doDates and then type this in the Terminal
chmod +x doDates # make the script executable
./doDates # run the script
Sample output
touch -r Freddy Frog.mts Freddy
touch -r fileA.mts
At the moment it does nothing, but run it, see if you like what it says, and then remove the word echo and run it again if all looks ok.
Execute below command when we have all original and converted files in same folder
ls | grep ".mts" | awk -F. '{print $0" "$1""}' | xargs touch -r
when we have different folder run below command on path where .mts files are present and add absolute path before $1 just like I have added /home/convertedfiles/
ls | grep ".mts" | awk -F. '{print $0" /home/convertedfiles/"$1""}' | xargs touch -r

How to get files list downloaded with scp -r

Is it possible to get files list that were downloaded using scp -r ?
$ scp -r $USERNAME#HOSTNAME:~/backups/ .
3.tar 100% 5 0.0KB/s 00:00
2.tar 100% 5 0.0KB/s 00:00
1.tar 100% 4 0.0KB/s 00:00
Expected result:
The output that scp generates does not seem to come out on any of the standard streams (stdout or stderr), so capturing it directly may be difficult. One way you could do this would be to make scp output verbose information (by using the -v switch) and then capture and process this information. The verbose information is output on stderr, so you will need to capture it using the 2> redirection operator.
For example, to capture the verbose output do:
scp -rv $USERNAME#HOSTNAME:~/backups/ . 2> scp.output
Then you will be able to filter this output with something like this:
awk '/Sending file/ {print $NF}' scp.output
The awk command simply prints the last word on the relevant line. If you have spaces in your filenames then you may need to come up with a more robust filter.
I realise that you asked the question about scp, but I will give you an alternative solution to the problem Copy files recursively from a server using ssh, and getting the file names that are copied.
The scp solution has at least one problem: if you copy lots of files, it takes a while as each file generates a transaction. Instead of scp, I use ssh and tar:
ssh $USERNAME#HOSTNAME:~/backups/ "cd ~/backups/ && tar -cf - ." | tar -xf -
With that, adding a tee and a tar -t gives you what you need:
ssh $USERNAME#HOSTNAME:~/backups/ "cd ~/backups/ && tar -cf - ." | tee >(tar -xf -) | tar -tf - > file_list
Note that it might not work in all shell (bash is ok) as the >(...) construct (process substitution) is not a general option. If you do not have it in your shell you could use a fifo (basically what the process substitution allows but shorter):
mkfifo tmp4tar
(tar -xf tmp4tar ; rm tmp4tar;) &
ssh $USERNAME#HOSTNAME:~/backups/ "cd ~/backups/ && tar -cf - ." | tee -a tmp4tar | tar -tf - > file_list
scp -v -r yourdir orczhou#targethost:/home/orczhou/ \
2> >(awk '{if($0 ~ "Sending file modes:")print $6}')
with -v "Sending file modes: C0644 7864 a.sql" should be ouput to stderr
use 'awk' to pick out the file list

creating a file downloading script with checksum verification

I want to create a shellscript that reads files from a .diz file, where information about various source files are stored, that are needed to compile a certain piece of software (imagemagick in this case). i am using Mac OSX Leopard 10.5 for this examples.
Basically i want to have an easy way to maintain these .diz files that hold the information for up-to-date source packages. i would just need to update these .diz files with urls, version information and file checksums.
Example line:
script part:
while IFS=: read app version file url md5
echo "Downloading $app Version: $version"
curl -L -v -O $url 2>> logfile.txt
$calculated_md5=`/sbin/md5 $file | /usr/bin/cut -f 2 -d "="`
echo $calculated_md5
done < "files.diz"
Actually I have more than just one question concerning this.
how to calculate and compare the checksums the best? i wanted to store md5 checksums in the .diz file and compare it with string comparison with "cut"ting out the string
is there a way to tell curl another filename to save to? (in my case the filename gets ugly libpng-1.2.42.tar.bz2?use_mirror=biznetnetworks)
i seem to have issues with the backticks that should direct the output of the piped md5 and cut into the variable $calculated_md5. is the syntax wrong?
The following is a practical one-liner:
curl -s -L <url> | tee <destination-file> |
sha256sum -c <(echo "a748a107dd0c6146e7f8a40f9d0fde29e19b3e8234d2de7e522a1fea15048e70 -") ||
rm -f <destination-file>
wrapping it up in a function taking 3 arguments:
- the url
- the destination
- the sha256
download() {
curl -s -L $1 | tee $2 | sha256sum -c <(echo "$3 -") || rm -f $2
while IFS=: read app version file url md5
echo "Downloading $app Version: $version"
#use -o for output file. define $outputfile yourself
curl -L -v $url -o $outputfile 2>> logfile.txt
# use $(..) instead of backticks.
calculated_md5=$(/sbin/md5 "$file" | /usr/bin/cut -f 2 -d "=")
# compare md5
case "$calculated_md5" in
"$md5" )
echo "md5 ok"
echo "do something else here";;
done < "files.diz"
My curl has a -o (--output) option to specify an output file. There's also a problem with your assignment to $calculated_md5. It shouldn't have the dollar sign at the front when you assign to it. I don't have /sbin/md5 here so I can't comment on that. What I do have is md5sum. If you have it too, you might consider it as an alternative. In particular, it has a --check option that works from a file listing of md5sums that might be handy for your situation. HTH.
