V8 javascript for C++ - precompiled binaries - v8

Can you please tell me if there are pre-compiled binaries of the v8 library somewhere?
Because building from source is just some kind of hell.

V8 developer here. We do not distribute any official binaries.
Building from source should be quite straightforward using the instructions at https://v8.dev/docs/source-code and https://v8.dev/docs/build-gn.
That said, guessing from your other question, you may want to look elsewhere right away, as V8 is not going to help you for that use case: it's a pure ECMAScript engine, so it doesn't know anything about the DOM or related browser functionality. For example, if it saw document.createElement(...), it'd say ReferenceError: document is not defined.


How to create visual studio projects that use LLVM

I'm trying to use LLVM to implement a compiler for a toy language. Something like the Kaleidoscope Tutorial. I'm using Visual Studio on 64 bit Windows.
I've managed to build LLVM and clang using VS, but now I want to use the LLVM libraries in my own project. It seems like a silly question but how to I do this? What compiler options do I need? What libraries should I link with etc. etc.
As far as I can see this isn't covered anywhere in the LLVM documentation although I could have easily missed it.
I discovered llvm-config which is designed to solve the problems I'm having. It often seems to give incorrect information (for instance llvm-config --includedir is wrong) but it at least gives me a list of libraries to link with.
I suppose I could also use CMake to generate project files, but CMake seems to be difficult to learn from free resources.

What is happening when you set a compilation path?

I understand it is somehow making a connection so that a compiler when envokes connects a source code to whatever libraries that it needs to.
But what is going on a more technical level, or better put what do I need to know in order to confidentally compile code.
I'm working with C++ and MinGW, and have started to look into build files and stuff for Sublime Text 2 (Have learned mostly under unix, or Java + eclipse so far). But what I don't understand what is adding a compiler to your path do for you?
Do I need to add it for every folder I want to compile from? Or is it system wide? I'm really learning this stuff for the first time, we we're never showed how to set up development environments or even deploy code on other systems.
You probably mean include paths and library paths in the compiler:
include paths: where the compiler will look for headers; and
library paths: where the linker, invoked by the compiler, will look for binary libraries to finish building your project.
If that is the case, look here for a gentle explanation.
Basically, what is happening is that the compiler looks in certain places for symbols defined by the operating system and other libraries installed system-wide.
In addition to those paths, you need to tell the compiler where to find the symbols defined in your own project.
You may also mean something related to installing the compiler itself or configuring the editor to use it.
In that case, what is happening is that you need to tell the build system where to find the executable for the compiler.
Basically, what is probably happening is that your editor wants to know where the compiler is so that it can provide real time feedback on your code. Adding the compiler to the system path will usually, but not always, solve your problem.
In more detail:
A C++ build is a rather complex tool chain, involving determining dependencies, preprocessing, compiling, and linking. There are tools that automate that tool chain, and those tools are in turn wrapped into the functionality of modern IDEs like Eclipse, Visual C++, or Sublime Text 2. You many need to tell your editor where to find the tools it uses to provide you with those services.

OpenCV Deploying a partial project as static or dynamic library or something else?

I'm fairly new to OpenCV and Visual Studio as well. My question is not so much technical but theoretically anyways:
I'm working on a bigger project but do not have access to all its subcomponents etc. I wrote a few classes and functions that other members want to use. However, I'm using some OpenCV specific things (because I'm lazy and dont want to implement everything all by myself) but the other members dont use it and they want to keep the project size relatively small.
My question is: How can I provide my code as a library or something similar that includes all my opencv dependencies? Can I create a dll of my code and just ship the opencv dlls with it? Is there a way to bundle everything into one file with only one header?
How would you solve this problem?
Summarizing: I want my functions in a library and shipped as small as possible (with opencv dependencies)
Put all your code in a DLL, and then ship OpenCV DLLs along with yours.
Or: put all your code in a DLL, and perform static linking with OpenCV.

How can I build a targetting pack for Portable Class Libraries?

I'm building some code with these portable class libraries at present.
I'm looking to target full .Net, WinRT Metro, Windows Phone, ... and then MonoTouch and MonoDroid. My experiments today show this can work - http://slodge.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/experiments-with-portable-class.html
However, I have hit a fairly significant problem - MonoTouch and MonoDroid currently support these libraries in that you can consume PCLs as binary assemblies, but they don't allow linking between project files
e.g. I can reference MyLib.dll from a MonoDroid project, but I can't reference MyLib.csproj.
This is a problem as it means automated (resharper) refactoring doesn't work - and I seem to rely on this for most of my work!
I've seen that Microsoft publish targetting packs that allow you to extend class libraries, but I've not worked out where these install to or what they modify.
Here's the current Microsoft list: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/hh487282.aspx
Does anyone have any knowledge about what these packs contain or how someone might make their own pack? If they're not too overly complex, then I would like to have a go at producing one for MonoTouch and/or MonoDroid.
This has come up a few times recently, so I wrote a blog post that should do what you want:
Please let me know if have any issues!

How do I make use of gtk with cmake under windows platform?

This is the FindGTK.cmake:
# don't even bother under WIN32
So it's not intended to work in windows at all,even though I've already installed the gtk+-bundle_2.20.0-20100406_win32 days ago.
How should I properly use gtk with cmake now?
Given that you are using GTK 2.20.0 (i.e. version is >= 2), you should be using GTK2 instead of GTK. But, if FindGTK2 has the same problem, then you can use find_path to locate the header files, and you can use find_library to locate the associated library files. Putting those together, you can construct the symbols GTK2_FOUND, GTK2_LIBRARIES, and GTK2_INCLUDE_DIRS that it should produce. You may find my FindUnitTestPlusPlus.cmake file a little bit helpful; it makes use of "FindPackageHandleStandardArgs", which takes care of the nitty gritty details of making sure to fail if the library isn't there and the REQUIRED flag is given. Unfortunately, there really isn't much documentation out there on creating custom FindXYZ.cmake modules; however, you should be able to hack something together from the existing modules, I think.
Another option is to contact the maintainer of that particular module. A list of CMake find module maintainers may be found at the link. Philip Lowman is the go-to guy for the FindGTK2 module.
