Remove string from each item on array using VB [closed] - vbscript

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Closed last year.
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Basically I've an array that looks like this
array = ("Hello_123","Hello_234","Hello_345")
I would like to remove the word "Hello_" from the array so that the result would become
array = ("123","234","345")
Any idea how can I do that please?

As stated by #user692942, loop through the array and update the values using Replace() like this:
MyArray = Array("Hello_123","Hello_234","Hello_345")
For i = 0 to UBound(MyArray)
MyArray(i) = Replace(MyArray(i),"Hello_","")


Laravel How to filter inputs before going to the DataBase? [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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Laravel How to filter inputs before going to the DataBase
what shoud i do to filter my inputs before saving to the database? i want it to be uniformed in like this format "Name" a uper case followed by lowercase.
in some cases like when the user register a full caps name i want it to be re format as the example "Name"
there's an especific PHP function to do what you need: ucfirst(). This function turns to Uppercase the first char from a string.
For example:
//If $request->name is 'JoHn' or whatever
$filtered_name = ucfirst($request->name);
//Returns 'John'
If is a case with two names, you can use the ucwords() PHP function (Turn first letter uppercase of every word from a string)
//If $request->name is 'OlivER JAMES'
$filtered_name = ucwords($request->name);
//Returns 'Oliver James'
Hope this help you.

Ruby snippet for reading lines block [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am new to ruby and seeking help.
We got the csv files having the column with data shown below. Using the csv parser and fetch the column data for each in a variable.
And we want to change column data from csv file to line shown below and write to a file:
- - status
- New
- Delivered
status from New to Delivered
Thanks #igian for help
- - status
- New
- Delivered
- - Milestone
- Sprint1
- Sprint
I was struggling for this. I tried to use y.second but it fails, please correct what I am doing wrong.
Looks like a YAML file, see
Load the file then handle the array:
require 'yaml'
y = YAML.load_file( 'the_file.yaml' )
y #=> [["status", "New", "Delivered"]]
words = y.first
p "#{words[0]} from #{words[1]} to #{words[2]}"
#=> "status from New to Delivered"

How to remove numbers from a string [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want the following:
"Set off to London 29min"
to become:
"Set off to London min"
I also want to remove the "min" and space as well, but I know how to do it in a very inefficient way.
This will do:"0-9", "")
If I understand you correctly then here are some solutions.
string = "Set off to London 29min"
#=> "Set off to London min"
or if you would also like the literal word 'min' taken out as well
string = "Set off to London 29min"
#=> "Set off to London "

how to add list of strings to a text file in ruby [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I have list of strings. I am trying to append those string values to a text file.
Here is my code:
java_location = "#{second}#{first}"
The output of java_location is:
I want this output writing into a text file.
How can i do that?
File.write('file.txt', java_location)
You want to open the file in append mode ('a') rather than readwrite ('w+') which truncates the existing file to zero length before writing
if first && second
java_location = "#{second}#{first}"
a << java_location"/home/weblogic/javafoundmodified.txt", 'a') do |file|
a.each {
file.puts item

Sorting algorithms in Ruby sorting only by first digit [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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So I've been implementing a few different sorting methods (quick, merge, and insertion) and came across seemed a tad bit impractical and was wondering if someone could explain the thought process behind the behavior.
The list im trying to sort is the following:
[20401, 11087, 2, 62176, 70095, 20947, 20098, 90914, 53475, 51251, 20065]
The feedback is:
["11087", "2", "20065", "20098", "20401", "20947", "51251", "53475", "62176", "70095", "90914"]
If I change the 2 over to 00002 then I get a properly sorted list
["00002", "11087", "20065", "20098", "20401", "20947", "51251", "53475", "62176", "70095", "90914"]
Thanks ahead of time!
The respective two outputs that you are demostrating in the OP can be obtained as follows:
a = [20401, 11087, 2, 62176, 70095, 20947, 20098, 90914, 53475, 51251, 20065] &"%05d".method( :% )
#=> ["00002", "11087", "20065", "20098", "20401", "20947", "51251", "53475", "62176", "70095", "90914"] &:to_s ).sort
#=> ["11087", "2", "20065", "20098", "20401", "20947", "51251", "53475", "62176", "70095", "90914"]
Now what was the question, again?
