Google Spreadsheet Loop & IF statement: Loop through co-worker list and add them to a rotation schedule - for-loop

I have to make a rotation schedule for coworkers for the next year. Some coworkers have standard days off and I do not want to schedule them on those days.
This is the manual outcome I would like to get.
Example: Consultant A does not work on mondays, so I do not want Consultant A to be added to the schedule on a monday.
I then want consultant B to be added to the schedule as a fill-up. Consultant A would be next in line on a tuesday etc. Next would be consultant C but consultant C does not work on wednesdays. Therefore, we need to take consultant D for wednesday and consultant C on a thursday, and so on. When we are at the last consultant of the F column, it needs to start again at consultant A.
I have tried all kinds of formulas, like if statements and arrayformula. But there is no way that I know of to loop through the F column just with formulas.
I am not sure if this is at all clear what I want to achieve here, I am stuck 😄
I am using additionally an add-on to send the schedule to everyone's agenda, thats also the reason why i'd love to automate this, because it would help me SO much.
I did try myself on some coding, but I am no coder and I am not sure if it would be helpful at all to share my failure 😄 But this is what I've tried so far:
function Loop() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var EndRow = ss.getLastRow();
for (var i = 2; i <= EndRow; i++) {
var Day = ss.getRange(i,2).getValue();
var Consultants = ss.getRange(i,6).getValue();
var Off = ss.getRange(i,7).getValue ();
var Count = ss.getRange(i,8).getValue();
if(Day == Off){
ss.getRange(i, 3).setValue(Consultants)
ss.getRange(i, 3).setValue(Consultants)
I found a way without using apps scripts, costs me some more work manually and first tried it with a shorter team list.
The highlighted yellow cells are the cells in which the day off was identical to the work-day cell. So they got switched.
I did have to copy paste my input list of consultants but if this is the only manual way, its fine :)

Try this:
function myFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sh = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
var dayCol = sh.getRange("B2:B343").getValues().flat(); //get day column values and convert it to 1d array
var dayOffCol = sh.getRange("G2:G9").getValues().flat(); //get day off values and convert it to 1d array
var dayOffColCopy; //initialize copy
var consCol = sh.getRange("F2:F9").getValues().flat(); //get consultants values or column F
var consColCopy; //initialize copy
var tempArray = []; //storage of final value for column C
for(var i = 0; i < dayCol.length; i++){ //loop through dayCol values
var ctr = (i % consCol.length); //used modulo as counter. the value will return to 0 if the value of i is divisible to the length of consCol or in example 8
//The if statement below will help up reset the value of
//consColCopy and dayOffColCopy once the values are emptied because of the splice()
if(ctr == 0){
consColCopy = consCol.slice();
dayOffColCopy = dayOffCol.slice();
//the loop below will get the first non-matching values of dayCol and dayOffColCopy,
//the first non-matching values will be removed to the copy variables using splice()
//and insert it to tempArray using push()
for(var j = 0; j < dayOffColCopy.length; j++){ //loop through dayOffColCopy values
if(dayCol[i] != dayOffColCopy[j]){
tempArray.push(consColCopy.splice(j, 1));
dayOffColCopy.splice(j, 1);
break; //exit loop
sh.getRange(2, 3, tempArray.length, 1).setValues(tempArray); //set the values of temp array to column C
Example Data & Output:
Note: Make sure to use the cell that has data in your range and change the sheet name. I also added comments in my code to explain the process.
Class Range


office script - range find - return row or array to power automate

I have been trying several different ways to write an office script to search for a value in a cell and return the row or rows to power automate.
I believe I need to use range.find in order to make use of the "completematch: true" option.
However, I have also tried a filter and a foreach loop to find rows which include the text I am searching for.
I'm after a hint as to which method might be best?
essentially trying to:-
power automate - pass text parameter to the script
Scripts search for a match in excel business spreadsheet
the script finds match(s)
Script passes back the row(s) to powerautomate as an array
this is what I have so far: essentially it just finds the row number in which the matching result is found. This seems to work better to avoid partial matched (as happened with the filter method )
any pointers, most welcome
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook, siteNameToFilter: string) {
let activeSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
let range = activeSheet.getUsedRange();
let values = range.getValues();
* This script searches for the next instance of the text "Fino" on the current worksheet.
// Get the next cell that contains "Fino".
let findCell = range.find("Fino", {
completeMatch: true, /* Don't match if the cell text only contains "fino" as part of another string. */
matchCase: false,
searchDirection: ExcelScript.SearchDirection.forward /* Start at the beginning of the range and go to later columns and rows. */
// Set focus on the found cell.;
// Remove the "TK" text value from the cell, as well as any formatting that may have been added.
let row = findCell.getRow().getUsedRange();
let ur = findCell.getUsedRange();
I think Find may only be returning the first match. It sounds like you want all matches with the siteName. To do this, you'd either want to filter the range or loop through it.
Here's an example that loops through the range and adds the values from the rows containing the site name to an array. After the loop's completed, the array containing the values is returning by the function:
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook, siteNameToFilter: string) {
let activeSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
let range = activeSheet.getUsedRange()
let values = range.getValues() as string[][];
let rowCount = range.getRowCount()
let colCount = range.getColumnCount()
let colIndex = range.getColumnIndex()
let rowsArr: string[][][] = []
for (let i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
if (values[i][j] === siteNameToFilter) {
rowsArr.push(activeSheet.getRangeByIndexes(i, colIndex, 1, colCount).getValues() as string[][])
return rowsArr

For loop to check values from two spreadsheets

I have two spreadsheets:
Column A on sheet 6th&7thRoster lists all IDs in a sample, contains 853 items.
Column C on sheet alreadySubmitted contains the IDs of users who've completed a task. Contains 632 items.
I'm trying to parse through both columns. If a user from Column A of sheet 6th&7thRoster matches a user from Column C of sheet sandboxAlreadySubmitted, I want to write the word "Yes" on Column I of the current row of sheet 6th&7thRoster. When using the code below, I'm not seeing not seeing any instances of the word "Yes" on Column I of 6th&7thRoster, even though I know there's multiple places where that should be the case.
function checkRoster() {
var mainSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('XXXXXXX');
var roster = mainSheet.getSheetByName('6th&7thRoster');
var submissions = mainSheet.getSheetByName('alreadySubmitted');
var rosterLastRow = roster.getLastRow();
var submissionsLastRow = submissions.getLastRow();
var rosterArray = roster.getRange('A2:A853').getValues();
var submissionsArray = submissions.getRange('C2:C632').getValues;
var i;
var x;
for (i = 1; i < 853; i++) {
for (x = 1; x < 632; x++){
if (rosterArray[i] == submissionsArray[x]){
roster.getRange(i, 9).setValue("Yes");
Feedback on how to solve and achieve this task will be much appreciated. For confidentiality, I cannot share the original sheets.
You want to compate the values of A2:A853 of 6th&7thRoster and C2:C632 of alreadySubmitted.
When the values of C2:C632 of alreadySubmitted are the same with the values of A2:A853 of 6th&7thRoster, you want to put Yes to the column "I".
If my understanding is correct, how about this modification? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.
Modified script:
function checkRoster() {
var mainSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('XXXXXXX');
var roster = mainSheet.getSheetByName('6th&7thRoster');
var submissions = mainSheet.getSheetByName('alreadySubmitted');
var rosterLastRow = roster.getLastRow();
var submissionsLastRow = submissions.getLastRow();
var rosterArray = roster.getRange('A2:A853').getValues();
var submissionsArray = submissions.getRange('C2:C632').getValues(); // Modified
// I modified below script.
var obj = submissionsArray.reduce(function(o, [v]) {
if (v) o[v] = true;
return o;
}, {});
var values =[v]) {return [obj[v] ? "Yes" : ""]});
roster.getRange(2, 9, values.length, values[0].length).setValues(values);
Retrieve values from A2:A853 of 6th&7thRoster and C2:C632 of alreadySubmitted.
Create an object for searching the values from the values of alreadySubmitted.
Create the row values for putting to 6th&7thRoster.
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.

Use of regEx with multiple categories

I need to rotate the match through variables Cat1 to Catx as long as there is data for the Cat'x'. Whenever I do this this, it does not consider as a variable but the literal Cat4 or Cat5 instead of the variable Cat4 & Cat5 when I try to compile the new category label. Such as the following with i increasing until there is no value to the variable searched for .. i.e. Cat57 has nothing assigned.
category = "Cat"+i
This is the portion of my code I believe that needs to be adjusted .. essentially based on the category I am going to assign it a specific column in my spreadsheet (this part hasn't been added yet) .. still stuck on the matching through multiple categories
if(studentmarks && studentmarks.length > 0 && assign.maxPoints > 0){
for (d = 0; d < studentmarks.length; d++){
var marks = studentmarks[d];
if(student.userId == marks.userId){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url).getSheetByName(shet);
var re = RegExp(Cat1);
if (assign.title.match(re))
ss.appendRow([category, assign.title, marks.assignedGrade,
As we have talked in the comments there is no need to actually use RegEx in this case.
Just define an array and iterate through. Without the need
// Define new array
var Cat = [];
// Do stuf to populate Cat array
//Access your data
for(var i = 0; i < Cat.length; i++){
var element = Cat[i];

Sort a range or array based on two columns that contain the date and time

Currently I'm trying to create a Google Apps Script for Google Sheets which will allow adding weekly recurring events, batchwise, for upcoming events. My colleagues will then make minor changes to these added events (e.g. make date and time corrections, change the contact person, add materials neccessary for the event and so forth).
So far, I have written the following script:
function CopyWeeklyEventRows() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var repeatingWeeks = ss.getRange(5,1).getValue(); // gets how many weeks it should repeat
var startDate = ss.getRange(6, 1).getValue(); // gets the start date
var startWeekday = startDate.getDay(); // gives the weekday of the start date
var regWeek = ss.getRange(9, 2, 4, 7).getValues(); // gets the regular week data
var regWeekdays = new Array(regWeek.length); // creates an array to store the weekdays of the regWeek
var ArrayStartDate = new Array(startDate); // helps to store the We
for (var i = 0; i < regWeek.length; i++){ // calculates the difference between startWeekday and each regWeekdays
regWeekdays[i] = regWeek[i][1].getDay() - startWeekday;
// Add 7 to move to the next week and avoid negative values
if (regWeekdays[i] < 0) {
regWeekdays[i] = regWeekdays[i] + 7;
// Add days according to difference between startWeekday and each regWeekdays
regWeek[i][0] = new Date(ArrayStartDate[0].getTime() + regWeekdays[i]*3600000*24);
// I'm struggling with this line. The array regWeek is not sorted:
//regWeek.sort([{ column: 1, ascending: true }]);
ss.getRange(ss.getLastRow() + 1, 2, 4, 7).setValues(regWeek); // copies weekly events after the last row
It allows to add one week of recurring events to the overview section of the spreadsheet based on a start date. If the start date is a Tuesday, the regular week is added starting from a Tuesday. However, the rows are not sorted according to the dates:
How can the rows be sorted by ascending date (followed by time) before adding them to the overview?
My search for similar questions revealed Google Script sort 2D Array by any column which is the closest hit I've found. The same error message is shown when running my script with the sort line. I don't understand the difference between Range and array yet which might help to solve the issue.
To give you a broader picture, here's what I'm currently working on:
I've noticed that the format will not necessarily remain when adding
new recurring events. So far I haven't found the rule and formatted by
hand in a second step.
A drawback is currently that the weekly recurring events section is
fixed. I've tried to find the last filled entry and use it to set the
range of regWeek, but got stuck.
Use the column A to exclude recurring events from the addition
process using a dropdown.
Allow my colleagues to add an event to the recurring events using a
dropdown (e.g. A26). This event should then be added with sorting to
the right day of the week and start time. The sorting will come in
Thanks in advance for your input regarding the sorting as well as suggestions on how to improve the code in general.
A demo version of the spreadsheet
Here the code lines which copy and sort (first by date, then by time)
ss.getRange(ss.getLastRow()+1,2,4,7).setValues(regWeek); // copies weekly events after the last row
ss.getRange(ss.getLastRow()-3,2,4,7).sort([{column: 2, ascending: true}, {column: 4, ascending: true}]); // sorts only the copied weekly events chronologically
As #tehhowch pointed out, this is slow. Better to sort BEFORE writing.
I will implement this method and post it here.
regWeek.sort(function (r1, r2) {
// sorts ascending on the third column, which is index 2
return r1[2] - r2[2];
regWeek.sort(function (r1, r2) {
// r1 and r2 are elements in the regWeek array, i.e.
// they are each a row array if regWeek is an array of arrays:
// Sort ascending on the first column, which is index 0:
// if r1[0] = 1, r2[0] = 2, then 1 - 2 is -1, so r1 sorts before r2
return r1[0] - r2[0];
Here an attempt to repeat the recurring events over several weeks. Don't know yet how to include the push for the whole "week".
// Repeat week for "A5" times and add to start/end date
for (var j = 0; j < repeatingWeeks; j++){
for (var i = 0; i < numFilledRows; i++){
regWeekRepeated[i+j*6][0] = new Date(regWeek[i][0].getTime() + j*7*3600000*24); // <-This line leads to an error message
regWeekRepeated[i+j*6][3] = new Date(regWeek[i][3].getTime() + j*7*3600000*24);
My question was answered and I was able to make the code work as intended.
Given your comment - you want to sort the written chunk - you have two methods available. One is to sort written data after writing, by using the Spreadsheet service's Range#sort(sortObject) method. The other is to sort the data before writing, using the JavaScript Array#sort(sortFunction()) method.
Currently, your sort code //regWeek.sort([{ column: 1, ascending: true }]); is attempting to sort a JavaScript array, using the sorting object expected by the Spreadsheet service. Thus, you can simply chain this .sort(...) call to your write call, as Range#setValues() returns the same Range, allowing repeated Range method calling (e.g. to set values, then apply formatting, etc.).
This looks like:
ss.getRange(ss.getLastRow() + 1, 2, regWeek.length, regWeek[0].length)
/* other "chainable" Range methods you want to apply to
the cells you just wrote to. */
.sort([{column: 1, ascending: true}, ...]);
Here I have updated the range you access to reference the data you are attempting to write - regWeek - so that it is always the correct size to hold the data. I've also visually broken apart the one-liner so you can better see the "chaining" that is happening between Spreadsheet service calls.
The other method - sorting before writing - will be faster, especially as the size and complexity of the sort increases. The idea behind sorting a range is you need to use a function that returns a negative value when the first index's value should come before the second's, a positive value when the first index's value should come after the second's, and a zero value if they are equivalent. This means a function that returns a boolean is NOT going to sort as one thinks, since false and 0 are equivalent in Javascript, while true and 1 are also equivalent.
Your sort looks like this, assuming regWeek is an array of arrays and you are sorting on numeric values (or at least values which will cast to numbers, like Dates).
regWeek.sort(function (r1, r2) {
// r1 and r2 are elements in the regWeek array, i.e.
// they are each a row array if regWeek is an array of arrays:
// Sort ascending on the first column, which is index 0:
// if r1[0] = 1, r2[0] = 2, then 1 - 2 is -1, so r1 sorts before r2
return r1[0] - r2[0];
I strongly recommend reviewing the Array#sort documentation.
You could sort the "Weekly Events" range before you set the regWeek variable. Then the range would be in the order you want before you process it. Or you could sort the whole "Overview" range after setting the data. Here's a quick function you can call to sort the range by multiple columns. You can of course tweak it to sort the "Weekly Events" range instead of the "Overview" range.
function sortRng() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var firstRow = 22; var firstCol = 1;
var numRows = ss.getLastRow() - firstRow + 1;
var numCols = ss.getLastColumn();
var overviewRng = ss.getRange(firstRow, firstCol, numRows, numCols);
overviewRng.sort([{column: 2, ascending: true}, {column: 4, ascending: true}]);
As for getting the number of filled rows in the Weekly Events section, you need to search a column that will always have data if any row has data (like the start date column b), loop through the values and the first time it finds a blank, return that number. That will give you the number of rows that it needs to copy. Warning: if you don't have at least one blank value in column B between the Weekly Events section and the Overview section, you will probably get unwanted results.
function getNumFilledRows() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var eventFirstRow = 9; var numFilledRows = 0;
var colToCheck = 'B';//the StartDate col which should always have data if the row is filled
var vals = ss.getRange(colToCheck + eventFirstRow + ":" + colToCheck).getValues();
for (i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
if (vals[i][0] == '') {
numFilledRows = i;
return numFilledRows;
If you just want to sort the array in javascript before writing, and you want to sort by Start Date first, then by Time of day, you could make a temporary array, and add a column to each row that is date and time combined. array.sort() sorts dates alphabetically, so you would need to convert that date to an integer. Then you could sort the array by the new column, then delete the new column from each row. I included a function that does this below. It could be a lot more compact but I thought it might be more legible like this.
function sortDates() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var vals = ss.getActiveSheet().getRange('B22:H34').getDisplayValues(); //get display values because getValues returns time as weird date 1899 and wrong time.
var theDate = new Date(); var newArray = []; var theHour = ''; var theMinutes = '';
var theTime = '';
//Create a new array that inserts date and time as the first column in each row
vals.forEach(function(aRow) {
theTime = aRow[2];//hardcoded - assumes time is the third column that you grabbed
//get the hours (before colon) as a number
theHour = Number(theTime.substring(0,theTime.indexOf(':')));
//get the minutes(after colon) as a number
theMinutes = Number(theTime.substring(theTime.indexOf(':')+1));
theDate = new Date(aRow[0]);//hardcoded - assumes date is the first column you grabbed.
aRow.unshift(theDate.getTime()); //Add the date and time as integer to the first item in the aRow array for sorting purposes.
//Sort the newArray based on the first item of each row (date and time as number)
return function(a, b){
return (a[index] === b[index] ? 0 : (a[index] < b[index] ? -1 : 1));
//Remove the first column of each row (date and time combined) that we added in the first step
newArray.forEach(function(aRow) {

Date Validation with If/Then Function in Google Apps Script

Thanks already to Serge insas for his insight both here and here, which have been a godsend for me already. But...I'm having trouble tying everything together with date validation.
To clarify, I have a GAS intended to verify that the date in Column A is (a) more than seven days old and (b) not null. If both pass, the script determines the first empty row in Column G, and then pauses before completing various functions. The beginning of the script looks like...
function getStats() {
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = doc.getSheetByName("Main");
var TITLE_ROW = 1;
var DATE_COL = 1;
var URL_COL = 4;
var sevendaysBefore = new Date(new Date().getTime()-7*24*60*60*1000);
if (DATE_COL != ''||(DATE_COL != null || DATE_COL< sevendaysBefore)) {
var end = sheet.getLastRow();
for( var i = 1; i < end; i++) {
var Gvals = sheet.getRange("G1:G").getValues();
var Glast = Gvals.filter(String).length;
var rowNum = TITLE_ROW+Glast;
var itemurl = sheet.getRange(rowNum,URL_COL).getValues();
I've clearly implemented something wrong, though, because the date validation doesn't work—the script appears to function as though the data in Column A doesn't matter. I'm sure I've done something incredibly idiotic, but I'm too ignorant to spot it on my own. So...anyone know what I've overlooked?
While the other answer is probably working (didn't test), its approach is very different from yours.
Below is code that follows the same logic as yours but works at the array level (to follow recommendations in Best practices).
I added a few comments to show the differences, hoping it will help you to understand how it works.
function getStats() {
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = doc.getSheetByName("Main");
var Glast; // define the variable for later use
var vals = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();// get all data in an array (do that before loop)
var TITLE_ROW = 0;// use array index instead of real row numbers
var DATE_COL = 0;// use array index instead of real column numbers
var URL_COL = 3;// use array index instead of real column numbers
var sevendaysBefore = new Date(new Date().getTime()-7*24*60*60*1000).getTime();// get native value in milliseconds to make comparison easier below
for( var i = 1; i < vals.length; i++) { // start loop from Row 2 (=array index 1)
if(vals[i][0]!='' && vals[i][0]!=null&&vals[i][0].getTime()<sevendaysBefore){continue};// use && instead of ||, we want ALL conditions to be true ( see !='' and !=null)
Glast = i; break ;// first occurrence of data meeting above condition (non null and date < 7 days before)
var itemurl = vals[Glast][URL_COL];// get the value from the array
Mistake : You are hard coding DATE_COL = 1 and you are using this in if statement. It doesn't get the value of the cell. Also I am not getting your statement "date in Column A is (a) more than seven days old". Is that date is from a cell or you are iterating through all the cells in column A ?.
Below code will satisfy your need and I tested. Here as example I am checking date validation for cell R1C1(A1).
1)Get the date from cell. You can change it or Iterate the cells in column for date.
2) We have date.valueOf() method which returns the number of milliseconds since midnight 1970-01-01.
3) Validation : check the cell data is date and greater than 7 days
function compDate()
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var cell = sheet.getRange("A1"); //point1
var date01 = new Date();
var date02 = cell.getValue(); //point2
var dateDiff = (date01.valueOf()-date02.valueOf())/(24*60*60*1000);
if((isValidDate(date02)) == true && dateDiff > 7) //point3
//below function will return true if the arg is valid date and false if not.
function isValidDate(d) {
if ( !== "[object Date]" )
return false;
return !isNaN(d.getTime());
