Laravel 8 Cookie -> Can't get cookie value - laravel

I have annoying problem that I can't fix for hours. Have been trying all google suggestions, so far nothing.
Function for setting/getting cookie right now:
/* Check if user is logged in or else take cookie */
$user_id = Auth::user()->id;
if(Cookie::get('user_id') !== null){
$user_id_cookie = Cookie::get('user_id');
$user_id = Cookie::forever('user_id', Str::random(15));
$user_id_cookie = $user_id;
/* Check if user is logged in or else take cookie */
Cookie is set, but it doesn't get value back to blade.
For getting cookie value I have tried multiple solutions, for example 2:
$old = Crypt::decryptString(request()->cookie('user_id'))
$cookie_value = explode("|",$old)[1];
Or (As I have another cookie made in same way, and it's working. But I have no idea, why..)
$old= Crypt::decrypt(Cookie::get('user_id'), false);
$cookie_value = substr($old, 41);
But all these solutions shows this error:
The payload is invalid.


Laravel can't read a "recently" created cookie

I have a project who authenticate the user using cookies like token_ and refreshToken_, and a middleware who intercept my routes and verify if the user is logged or not.
In my middleware, when i need to renew the token_ I have the following code:
namespace App\Http\Middleware\VerifyAccessToken
$cookie_name = "token_";
$cookie_value = $obj->access_token;
$expires_in = $obj->expires_in;
$time = time() + $expires_in; // 3600 = 1 hora
$path = "/";
$domain = env('COOKIE_DOMAIN');
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, $time, $path, $domain, false, true);
$cookie_name = "refreshToken_";
$cookie_value = $obj->refresh_token;
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, $time + 3600, $path, $domain, false, true);
return $next($request);
It works apparently fine, but the problem is:
After the middleware intercep my route and renew the cookie, the request proced to his controller, but there, I can't access the cookie using $_COOKIE['token_'] and I get an error, but if I look in the chrome's inspector, the cookie is there and reloading the page (F5) I can access the cookie in controller
Have a method for me access the cookie in controller without need to go to the view before?
To read the value of Cookie in Laravel, do you need to use:
$token = Cookie::queued('token_');

login a user and granting core permissions in Joomla

I am working on a project which requires some manager level access to perform tasks, so when I receive a call I forcefully logging in the request as a superuser so that it will have all permissions to complete that task. For login I am using this code:
function forceLogin($superuserId)
$user = JFactory::getUser($superuserId);
//Will authorize you as this user.
$options = array();
$options['action'] = '';
$response = new stdClass();
$response->username = $user->username;
$response->language = '';
$response->email = $user->email;
$response->password_clear = '';
$response->fullname = '';
$result = $app->triggerEvent('onUserLogin', array((array)$response, $options));
return true;
By this my current login user will be superuser. Now the concern is when any extension is searching for permissions, it is still getting that current session doesn't have them and so it returns false.
One of the solutions I came around is to redirect internally after login and then proceed to other tasks, in that way the system recognizes session to be availed with all permissions. For example -
I received something in getNotification()
function getNotification()
//from here I log in the user
//and now redirect
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
Now I proceed further request from setNotification()
function getNotification()
// do my work here
To be specific, the issue is arising in VirtueMart (e-commerce extension) in which I am creating a product from my call and while creating a product it checks vmAccess::manager('product.create') which is actually same as core.create of Joomla.
I think by redirecting session is being reset with current user and so it gets all permission. Can it be done without redirection? If yes, how?

Laravel url previous return same page after page reload

I tried to access the previous URL on Laravel 5.3 Homestead by several methods but all times i got the right previous page at first request then i got the same page after i refresh the page.
I am using Middleware to check the language before accessing the page
// or
Language middleware
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null) {
$locale = $request->locale;
$segments = $request->segments();
$lang_sess = $request->session()->get('language');
if (!array_key_exists($locale, Config::get('app.locales'))) :
if (count($segments) > 1):
$segments[0] = ($lang_sess == "") ? Config::get('app.fallback_locale') : $lang_sess;
$re_to = implode('/', $segments);
$locale = $request->session()->get('language', 'en');
$re_to = "/$locale/" . implode('/', $segments);
return Redirect::to($re_to);
$request->session()->put('language', $locale);
return $next($request);
as i still developing my web app, i didn't go the page through a 'href' link, i was entering it through copy and paste the URL into browser, and this causes the URL::previous to be changed after reload the page..
Case closed, thanks for all who replied and gave attention.
the 'previous URL' is stored in a session.Every time your URL changes, the session()->get('_previous')['url'] will change to previous url.
Doing the logic this way:
if (url()->current() == url()->previous()) {
url()->setPreviousUrl('xxx') // or other logic here
If you go to page A from B . Your previous page will be B . But if you refresh page then you are going from A to page A.
I suggest to use cookie in this case by checking previous page , if different change cookie otherwise keep it as it is.
$last_page = URL::previous();
if(Cookie::get("previous_page") == $last_page){
Cookie::make('previous_page',$last_page, 60);
Now you can use this cookie value Cookie::get ("previous_page") in your middleware
Not tested but this would guide you.

PHP and session

I have strange problem with sessions. In my small admin panel for my site there were some pages, 6 in fact. All worked nice. But in time I added one more page and when I go to that one firstly I see the content and after refreshing page or going to another one I'm thrown out from the account. Cookies are not deleted. It seems that session is destroyed but there is no any work with sessions. That is just infomartion page where some data from db is displayed.
This is code from index.php where session starts:
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 3600);
ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 3600);
And this code from problem page 'orders.php':
$res = $administrator->getOrders();
while($order = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
filtrate and print data from db in a table
Do you have any assumptions? I have not, was searching for an error for 2 days ;(
Check authorization function:
public function checkLogin() {
if(isset($_SESSION['hash']) && isset($_SESSION['id'])) {
$id = intval($_SESSION['id']);
$where = "`id`='$id'";
$cookie = DBWorking::getFieldWhere('cookie', 'users', $where);
$hash = mysql_fetch_assoc($cookie);
if($_SESSION['hash'] === $hash['cookie']) {
return true;
return false;

How to set and retrieve cookies in code igniter

I have tried setting cookies in codeigniter like this, but not working don't know what is the problem
//setting cookie
if($loaded_position == 'nativelocation' ){
$this->input->set_cookie('nativelocation' , $request_place, '86400');
//echo $this->input->cookie('nativelocation');
//retrieving cookie
$savedlocation = array();
if( $this->input->cookie('addlocation_1') )
$savedlocation[]= $this->input->cookie('addlocation_1') ;
It looks like you are setting a cookie called "nativelocation" but then you try to retrieve a cookie called "'addlocation_1", and there isn't one. Try:
if( $this->input->cookie('nativelocation') ){
echo $this->input->cookie('nativelocation');
Also, know that when setting a cookie, you can not access it on the same "page" you'll need a page refresh, or access the cookie $this->input->cookie('nativelocation') on another page/controller.
