Error loading syntax file for Ruby Slim on Sublime Text 4 - ruby

On latest Sublime Text 3 I get an error from Sublime Slim package everytime I launch ST3.
In the console I see this error.
unable to parse firstLineMatch "^#!/.*\b(node|js)$$?":target of repeat operator is invalid in regex ^#!/.*\b(node|js)$$?
warning: mnemonic t not found in menu caption Tools
reloading settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
unable to parse firstLineMatch "^#!/.*\b(node|js)$$?":target of repeat operator is invalid in regex ^#!/.*\b(node|js)$$?
I tried reinstalling the package but it didn't help.
Is there a fix for that?


Issue installing ceedling in Windows 11

I have tried to install ceedling for Windows 11. But come across this error:
Failed to load C:/ProgramData/gemrc, (<unknown>): control characters are not allowed at line 1 column 1
I installed Ruby (x64) from here
Then I ran:
gem install ceedling
Any ideas on how to install ceedling correctly would be appreciated.
That error is telling you that the file C:\ProgramData\gemrc has invalid data in it at line 1, column 1. You have most likely edited this file improperly when installing Ruby because this is a default file with a default configuration that should have been created when you installed Ruby.
You should try these steps in order:
Inspect the file to see what invalid characters exist at that position, comparing it to some default gemrc files, and remove any invalid characters, or:
Rename the file and try again, or:
Remove the file and reinstall Ruby from scratch so that the file is created from scratch

I am getting a pop-up in Sublime on save

I get this pop-up every time I save a .php file in sublime text 3. I have reinstalled sublime and uninstalled unused packages. What to do?
Error message: /bin/sh: php: command not found
Build 4143

there is no formatter for go when "go" extensions install success

When running the formatter using alt+shift+f the following notice is shown:
However the go extension is installed:
The Go extensions runtime status shows an error, but I can't find this error file path
Uncaught Errors (1)
Unexpected token [ in JSON at position 195
I have tried:
Reinstalling go extensions, no resolve.
Reinstalling vscode and extensions, but no resolve.

Trying to install nacl (native client) from google but getting syntax error

C:\nacl_sdk>naclsdk list
File "C:\nacl_sdk\sdk_tools\", line 720
print "Native Client SDK Updater, version r%s" % (REVISION,)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
File "C:\nacl_sdk\sdk_tools\", line 720
print "Native Client SDK Updater, version r%s" % (REVISION,)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
This is what I am getting on the command line. I have done nothing to the unzipped folder I downloaded except moving it to the C:\ directory. Any advice, solutions or help would be appreciated.
You need to use Python 2 instead of Python 3.

Problems with lein installation in a macbook

I'm trying to install lein in my new macbook (osx 10.8.2) following the tutorial on
When executing the lein script, I'm getting this error:
/bin/lein: line 1: {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1187cocoasubrtf340: command not found
/bin/lein: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token }'
/bin/lein: line 2:{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}'
The script I'm using is this one
The {rtf1 ... comes from an rtf document.
I suppose you haven't copy/pasted the script from the web into a document using TextEdit?
That program defaults to rtf, which could cause this problem.
You should try pasting in a 'decent' text editor. Try your IDE, or Vim or nano or something like that.
