How to include user details from a legacy UserDetailsService in OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider? - spring-boot

I am hoping someone can give me a more concrete example than the one I found in the documentation.
Using SpringBoot/Spring Security 5.6.0. I am migrating the authentication process based on SpringSecurity/SAML to SAML2.
I need to add to the Authentication a UserDetails built from the responseToken information.
Something like what we can read in the documentation:
But I don't understand the third point: return a custom authentication that includes the user details: "return MySaml2Authentication(userDetails, authentication);"
In any case you would have to do "return new MySaml2Authentication(userDetails, authentication);" right?
In any case, when the process continues it is executed:
Authentication authenticate = provider.authenticate(authentication);
Which as we can see replaces the Details value with the original.
* #param authentication the authentication request object, must be of type
* {#link Saml2AuthenticationToken}
* #return {#link Saml2Authentication} if the assertion is valid
* #throws AuthenticationException if a validation exception occurs
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {
try {
Saml2AuthenticationToken token = (Saml2AuthenticationToken) authentication;
String serializedResponse = token.getSaml2Response();
Response response = parse(serializedResponse);
process(token, response);
AbstractAuthenticationToken authenticationResponse = this.responseAuthenticationConverter
.convert(new ResponseToken(response, token));
if (authenticationResponse != null) {
return authenticationResponse;
catch (Saml2AuthenticationException ex) {
throw ex;
catch (Exception ex) {
throw createAuthenticationException(Saml2ErrorCodes.INTERNAL_VALIDATION_ERROR, ex.getMessage(), ex);
How can you add a UserDetails that depends on the information obtained from the tokens?
I can't extend OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider because it is "final".
The only thing I can think of is the option:
And in the MySaml2AuthenticationManager set the Details after executing the Authentication authenticate = provider.authenticate(authentication); but it doesn't seem right to me.
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {
OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider provider = new OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider();
provider.setResponseAuthenticationConverter(responseToken -> {
Saml2Authentication auth = OpenSaml4AuthenticationProvider
.createDefaultResponseAuthenticationConverter()// First, call the default converter, which extracts attributes and authorities from the response
List<GrantedAuthority> grantedAuthorities = new ArrayList<>();
String role = getRole(auth.getName());
grantedAuthorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(role));
Saml2Authentication saml2Authentication = new Saml2Authentication((AuthenticatedPrincipal) auth.getPrincipal(), auth.getSaml2Response(), grantedAuthorities);
//The details are replaced by the authentication.getDetails().
MyUserDetails userDetails = new MyUserDetails(authenticate.getName(),auth.getPrincipal());
return saml2Authentication;
Authentication authenticate = provider.authenticate(authentication);
//Doesn't sound like a good idea
if ((authenticate.getPrincipal() instanceof DefaultSaml2AuthenticatedPrincipal)) {
DefaultSaml2AuthenticatedPrincipal samlPrincipal = (DefaultSaml2AuthenticatedPrincipal) authenticate.getPrincipal();
MyUserDetails userDetails = new MyUserDetails(authenticate.getName(),
, samlPrincipal.getFirstAttribute("SMLASTNAME")
, samlPrincipal.getFirstAttribute("SMEMAIL"));
return authenticate;
Any better option?
Thank you very much for your help
Best regards

I figured this out way too late as well. But you should actually use your own implementation of an AbstractAuthenticationToken and use an extra field to stuff your own object in. Here is mine:
public class CustomSaml2Authentication extends Saml2Authentication {
private User user;
public CustomSaml2Authentication(AuthenticatedPrincipal principal, String saml2Response,
Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities) {
super(principal, saml2Response, authorities);
public User getUser() {
return user;
public void setUser(User user) {
this.user = user;


How to set a custom principal object during or after JWT authentication?

I've changed the way a user is authenticated in my backend. From now on I am receiving JWT tokens from Firebase which are then validated on my Spring Boot server.
This is working fine so far but there's one change which I am not too happy about and it's that the principal-object is now a and not a AppUserEntity, the user-model, like before.
// Note: "authentication" is a JwtAuthenticationToken
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
Jwt jwt = (Jwt) authentication.getPrincipal();
So, after some reading and debugging I found that the BearerTokenAuthenticationFilter essentially sets the Authentication object like so:
AuthenticationManager authenticationManager = this.authenticationManagerResolver.resolve(request);
// Note: authenticationResult is our JwtAuthenticationToken
Authentication authenticationResult = authenticationManager.authenticate(authenticationRequest);
SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext();
and as we can see, this on the other hand comes from the authenticationManager which is a and so on. The rabbit hole goes deep.
I didn't find anything that would allow me to somehow replace the Authentication.
So what's the plan?
Since Firebase is now taking care of user authentication, a user can be created without my backend knowing about it yet. I don't know if this is the best way to do it but I intend to simply create a user record in my database once I discover a valid JWT-token of a user which does not exist yet.
Further, a lot of my business logic currently relies on the principal being a user-entity business object. I could change this code but it's tedious work and who doesn't want to look back on a few lines of legacy code?
I did it a bit different than Julian Echkard.
In my WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter I am setting a Customizer like so:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.jwt(new JwtResourceServerCustomizer(this.customAuthenticationProvider));
The customAuthenticationProvider is a JwtResourceServerCustomizer which I implemented like this:
public class JwtResourceServerCustomizer implements Customizer<OAuth2ResourceServerConfigurer<HttpSecurity>.JwtConfigurer> {
private final JwtAuthenticationProvider customAuthenticationProvider;
public JwtResourceServerCustomizer(JwtAuthenticationProvider customAuthenticationProvider) {
this.customAuthenticationProvider = customAuthenticationProvider;
public void customize(OAuth2ResourceServerConfigurer<HttpSecurity>.JwtConfigurer jwtConfigurer) {
String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
AnonymousAuthenticationProvider anonymousAuthenticationProvider = new AnonymousAuthenticationProvider(key);
ProviderManager providerManager = new ProviderManager(this.customAuthenticationProvider, anonymousAuthenticationProvider);
I'm configuring the NimbusJwtDecoder like so:
public class JwtConfig {
public JwtDecoder jwtDecoder() {
String jwkUri = "";
return NimbusJwtDecoder.withJwkSetUri(jwkUri)
And finally, we need a custom AuthenticationProvider which will return the Authentication object we desire:
public class JwtAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
private final JwtDecoder jwtDecoder;
public JwtAuthenticationProvider(JwtDecoder jwtDecoder) {
this.jwtDecoder = jwtDecoder;
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {
BearerTokenAuthenticationToken token = (BearerTokenAuthenticationToken) authentication;
Jwt jwt;
try {
jwt = this.jwtDecoder.decode(token.getToken());
} catch (JwtValidationException ex) {
return null;
List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<>();
if (jwt.hasClaim("roles")) {
List<String> rolesClaim = jwt.getClaim("roles");
List<RoleEntity.RoleType> collect = rolesClaim
for (RoleEntity.RoleType role : collect) {
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(role.toString()));
return new JwtAuthenticationToken(jwt, authorities);
public boolean supports(Class<?> authentication) {
return authentication.equals(BearerTokenAuthenticationToken.class);
This is working fine so far but there's one change which I am not too happy about and it's that the principal-object is now a and not a AppUserEntity, the user-model, like before.
In my application I have circumvented this by rolling my own JwtAuthenticationFilter instead of using BearerTokenAuthenticationFilter, which then sets my User Entity as the principal in the Authentication object. However, in my case this constructs a User barely from the JWT claims, which might be bad practice: SonarLint prompts to use a DTO instead to mitigate the risk of somebody injecting arbitrary data into his user record using a compromised JWT token. I don't know if that is a big deal - if you can't trust your JWTs, you have other problems, IMHO.
I don't know if this is the best way to do it but I intend to simply create a user record in my database once I discover a valid JWT-token of a user which does not exist yet.
Keep in mind that JWTs should be verified by your application in a stateless manner, solely by verifying their signature. You shouldn't hit the database every time you verify them. Therefor it would be better if you create a user record using a method call like
void foo(#AuthenticationPrincipal final Jwt jwt) {
// only invoke next line if reading JWT claims is not enough
final User user = userService.findOrCreateByJwt(jwt);
// TODO method logic
once you need to persist changes to the database that involve this user.
won't work for
you may create a custom class extending HttpServletRequestWrapper
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper;
public class UserPrincipalHttpServletRequest extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {
private final Principal principal;
public UserPrincipalHttpServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request, Principal principal) {
this.principal = principal;
public Principal getUserPrincipal() {
return principal;
then in your filter do something like this:
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request){
. . .
// create user details, roles are required
Set<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new HashSet<>();
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("SOME ROLE"));
UserDetails userDetails = new User("SOME USERNAME", "SOME PASSWORD", authorities);
// Create an authentication token
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken usernamePasswordAuthenticationToken = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(userDetails, null, userDetails.getAuthorities());
usernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.setDetails(new WebAuthenticationDetailsSource().buildDetails(request));
// follow the filter chain, using the new wrapped UserPrincipalHtppServletRequest
chain.doFilter(new UserPrincipalHttpServletRequest(request, usernamePasswordAuthenticationToken), response);
// all filters coming up, will be able to run request.getUserPrincipal()
According Josh Cummings answer in issue #7834 make configuration:
public SecurityFilterChain apiFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.oauth2ResourceServer(oauth2 -> oauth2.jwt(
jwt -> jwt.jwtAuthenticationConverter(JwtUtil::createJwtUser)))
and implement factory method, e.g:
public class JwtUtil {
public static JwtUser createJwtUser(Jwt jwt) {
int id = ((Long) jwt.getClaims().get("id")).intValue();
String rawRoles = (String) jwt.getClaims().get("roles");
Set<Role> roles =" "))
return new JwtUser(jwt, roles, id);
public class JwtUser extends JwtAuthenticationToken {
public JwtUser(Jwt jwt, Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities, int id) {
super(jwt, authorities);
Take in note, that controller's methods should inject JwtUser jwtUser without any #AuthenticationPrincipal

Using JWT with #PathVariable but only allow access url for spesific user

I am creating simple Rest social media application with Spring Boot. I use JWT for authentication in application.
In my mobile application when users register, i am getting some information from users and create account and profile of the user.
By the way, you can see (simplified) database object of account and profile. I use Mongo DB for database.
“_id”: “b6164102-926e-47d8-b9ff-409c44dc47c0“,
“email”: “”
“_id”: “35b06171-c16a-4559-90f3-df81ace6d64a“,
“accountId”: “b6164102-926e-47d8-b9ff-409c44dc47c0”,
profileImages: [
“imageId”: “1431b0bc-feb7-436d-9d3a-7b9094547bf6”,
“imageLink”: “
When user login to app, i add accountId to JWT and then in my mobile app i call below endpoint to get profile information of user. I take accountId from jwt and find profile of that account id.
public ResponseEntity<BaseResponse> getUserProfile(#AuthenticationPrincipal AccountId accountId) {
var query = new Query(accountId);

 var presenter = new GetUserProfilePresenter();

 useCase.execute(query, presenter);

 return presenter.getViewModel();
In the app, users can upload photo to their profile using below endpoint;
#PostMapping(path = "/profiles/{profileId}/images", consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<BaseResponse> uploadProfileImage(
#PathVariable("profileId") UUID profileId, #RequestParam("image") MultipartFile image) throws IOException {

Everything works fine but the problem is someone can use their token to call this url with another person’s profileId. Because profileId is not a hidden id. In my mobile app users can shuffle and see other users profile using below url.
This url is accessible by any authenticated users.
#GetMapping(path = "/profiles/{profileId}")
public ResponseEntity<BaseResponse> getProfile(#PathVariable("profileId") UUID profileId) {
Now, my question is how can i make "/profiles/{profileId}/images" this url is only accesible for user of this profile without changing path format.
For exampe;
User A - Profile Id = XXX
User B - Profile Id = YYY
I want that if User A calls this url with own JWT Token, uploads image only to own profile not another one profile.
I have come up with some solutions but these solutions cause me to change the url path;
Solution 1:
I can use accountId in the jwt. Find profile of user with this accountId so that, every call to this url guaranteed upload image only to profile of token user.
But this solution change url path like below because i dont need to get any profileId from path.
#PostMapping(path = "/profiles/images", consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)

public ResponseEntity<BaseResponse> uploadProfileImage(

 #AuthenticationPrincipal AccountId accountId, #RequestParam("image") MultipartFile image) throws IOException {

Solution 2:
This is very similar to first solution only different is when i create jwt for user. I will put profileId of user to inside of JWT. So when the user calls the url i will get profileId from jwt and put inside of Authentication object. And in the controller i will get this profileId for using to find profile of user then upload image to this spesific profile.
But also, this solution change url path format because i dont need to get profileId from url path.
So if i back to my main question. What is the best practices and solutions for these kinda problems and situations?
For those whose wonder, i didn't change my path. Actually i implemented solution 1 with a twist.
Now i use accountId from JWT and profileId at the same time so when i want to find a profile of exactly that user i search the database using accountId and profileId together.
With this change, i didn't need to change other paths.
For example; (GET) /profiles/{profileId} this path still meaningful for all authenticated users.
But (POST) /profiles/{profileId}/images this path only meaningful for that spesific (owner of token) user.
By the way, i starts paths with "api/admin/**" prefix for my admin role operations.
Final code (Controller);
#PostMapping(path = "/profiles/{profileId}/images", consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<BaseResponse> uploadProfileImage(
#AuthenticationPrincipal AccountId accountId,
#PathVariable("profileId") UUID profileId,
#RequestParam("image") MultipartFile image) throws IOException {
Final code (Repository);
public interface ProfileJpaRepository extends MongoRepository<ProfileDto, String> {
Optional<ProfileDto> findByAccountId(String accountId);
Optional<ProfileDto> findByIdAndAccountId(String profileId, String accountId);
The best practice to handle this kind of scenarios is to have two endpoints, each needing different kind of permissions:
"/profiles/{profileId}/images" will be available for admins, so that if an admin wants to change another user's profile image, they can do so by calling this endpoint.
"/profiles/images" will be responsible for changing the most generic users with the lowest privileges.
So, in both scenarios you need to extract the AccountId from the JWT and you should not get the AccountId from the user directly, unless for administration purposes where you check the privileges to authorize the user.
Now, the best way to implement such a system, is to use Spring Security and to create a custom AuthenticationToken, then to customize AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider, * AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter* and UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.
After doing so, you can then configure Spring to use the custom provider for authentication.
public class JwtAuthenticationToken extends UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken {
private Payload payload; // Payload can be any model class that encapsulates the payload of the JWT.
private boolean creationAllowed;
public JwtAuthenticationToken(String jwtToken) throws Exception {
super(null, jwtToken);
// Verify JWT and get the payload
this.payload = // set the payload
public JwtAuthenticationToken(String principal, JwtAuthenticationToken authToken, Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities) {
super(principal, authToken.getCredentials(), authorities);
this.payload = authToken.payload;
authToken.eraseCredentials(); // not sure if this is needed
public void setAuthenticated(boolean isAuthenticated) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (isAuthenticated) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set this token to trusted - use constructor which takes a GrantedAuthority list instead");
} else {
public Payload getPayload() {
return this.firebaseToken;
public boolean isCreationAllowed() {
return creationAllowed;
public void setCreationAllowed(boolean creationAllowed) {
this.creationAllowed = creationAllowed;
public class JwtAuthenticationProvider extends AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider {
AppUserService appUserService;
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {
Assert.isInstanceOf(JwtAuthenticationToken.class, authentication, () ->
this.messages.getMessage("AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.onlySupports", "Only JwtAuthenticationToken is supported")
JwtAuthenticationToken jwtAuthToken = (JwtAuthenticationToken) authentication;
String principal;
try {
principal = jwtAuthToken.getPayload().getEmail(); // Here I'm using email as the user identifier, this can be anything, for example AccountId
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
throw new AuthenticationException("Could not extract user's email address.");
AppUser user = (AppUser) this.retrieveUser(principal, jwtAuthToken);
return this.createSuccessAuthentication(principal, jwtAuthToken, user);
protected Authentication createSuccessAuthentication(Object principal, Authentication authentication, UserDetails user) {
JwtAuthenticationToken result = new JwtAuthenticationToken((String) principal, (JwtAuthenticationToken) authentication, user.getAuthorities());
return result;
public UserDetails retrieveUser(String s, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken usernamePasswordAuthenticationToken) throws AuthenticationException {
UserDetails userDetails = appUserService.loadUserByUsername(s);
JwtAuthenticationToken jwtAuthToken = (JwtAuthenticationToken) usernamePasswordAuthenticationToken;
if (userDetails != null)
return userDetails; // You need to create an UserDetails which will be set by the framework to the Security Context as the authenticated user, this will be useful later when you want to check the privileges.
throw new AuthenticationException("Creating the user details is not allowed.");
protected void additionalAuthenticationChecks(final UserDetails d, final UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken auth) {
// Nothing to do
public boolean supports(Class<?> authentication) {
return (JwtAuthenticationToken.class.isAssignableFrom(authentication));
public class JwtAuthenticationFilter extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter {
public JwtAuthenticationFilter() {
super("/**"); // The path that this filter needs to process, use "/**" to make sure all paths must be proessed.
protected boolean requiresAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
return true; // Here I am returning true to require authentication for all requests.
public Authentication attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws AuthenticationException {
String authorization = request.getHeader("Authorization");
if (authorization == null || !authorization.startsWith("Bearer "))
throw new AuthenticationException("No JWT token found in request headers");
String authToken = authorization.substring(7);
JwtAuthenticationToken token = new JwtAuthenticationToken(authToken);
return getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(token);
protected void successfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain chain, Authentication authResult)
throws IOException, ServletException {
super.successfulAuthentication(request, response, chain, authResult);
// Authentication process succeed, filtering the request in.
// As this authentication is in HTTP header, after success we need to continue the request normally
// and return the response as if the resource was not secured at all
chain.doFilter(request, response);
protected void unsuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, AuthenticationException failed) throws IOException, ServletException {
super.unsuccessfulAuthentication(request, response, failed);
// Authentication process failed, filtering the request out.
public class AppUser implements UserDetails {
// A class to be used as a container for user details, you can add more details specific to your application here.
Finally, you need to configure Spring boot to use this classes:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private static final RequestMatcher PUBLIC_URLS = new OrRequestMatcher(
// -- public paths, for example: swagger ui paths
new AntPathRequestMatcher("/swagger-ui.html"),
new AntPathRequestMatcher("/swagger-resources/**"),
new AntPathRequestMatcher("/v2/api-docs"),
new AntPathRequestMatcher("/webjars/**")
private JwtAuthenticationProvider provider;
public SecurityConfig(JwtAuthenticationProvider provider) {
this.provider = provider;
public void configure(final WebSecurity web) {
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS) // Allowing browser pre-flight
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// this entry point handles when you request a protected page and you are not yet authenticated
//.defaultAuthenticationEntryPointFor(forbiddenEntryPoint(), PROTECTED_URLS)
.addFilterBefore(jwtAuthenticationFilter(), AnonymousAuthenticationFilter.class)
JwtAuthenticationFilter jwtAuthenticationFilter() throws Exception {
final JwtAuthenticationFilter filter = new JwtAuthenticationFilter();
return filter;
JwtAuthenticationSuccessHandler successHandler() {
return new JwtAuthenticationSuccessHandler();
JwtAuthenticationFailureHandler failureHandler() {
return new JwtAuthenticationFailureHandler();
* Disable Spring boot automatic filter registration.
FilterRegistrationBean disableAutoRegistration(JwtAuthenticationFilter filter) {
final FilterRegistrationBean registration = new FilterRegistrationBean(filter);
return registration;
AuthenticationEntryPoint forbiddenEntryPoint() {
return new HttpStatusEntryPoint(FORBIDDEN);
public class JwtAuthenticationFailureHandler implements AuthenticationFailureHandler {
private ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
public void onAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, AuthenticationException e) throws IOException, ServletException {
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("exception", e.getMessage());
public class JwtAuthenticationSuccessHandler implements AuthenticationSuccessHandler {
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, Authentication authentication) throws IOException, ServletException {
Now that you have implemented the security correctly, you can access user details and privileges from anywhere using the last piece:
public class AppUserService implements UserDetailsService {
private AppUserRepository appUserRepository;
public AppUser getCurrentAppUser() {
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
if (authentication != null)
return (AppUser) authentication.getDetails();
return null;
public String getCurrentPrincipal() {
return (String) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String s) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
Optional<AppUser> appUserOptional = this.appUserRepository.findByEmailsContains(new EmailEntity(s)); // This should be changed in your case if you are using something like AccountId
return appUserOptional.orElse(null);
Let's see how to use it in your Controllers:
#PostMapping(path = "/profiles/images", consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<BaseResponse> uploadProfileImage(#RequestParam("image") MultipartFile image) throws IOException {

AppUser user = this.appUserService.getCurrentAppUser();
Long id = user.getAccountId(); // Or profile id or any other identifier that you needed and extracted from the JWT after verification.
// set the profile picture.
// save changes of repository and return.
For admin purposes:
#PreAuthorize ("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
#PostMapping(path = "/profiles/{profileId}/images", consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<BaseResponse> uploadProfileImage(
#PathVariable("profileId") UUID profileId, #RequestParam("image") MultipartFile image) throws IOException {

AppUser user = this.appUserService.getCurrentAppUser();
// set the profile picture using profileId parameter
// save changes of repository and return.
The only remaining task is to assign the ROLE_ADMIN to the right user when loading it from the database. To do this, there are a lot of different approaches and it totally depends on your requirements. Overall, you can save a role in the database and relate it to a specific user and simply load it using an Entity.
Let's get few things right here , I am assuming that you have like two entities - Account and Profile and you wish to upload/update new profile image using same API -
#PostMapping(path = "/profiles/{profileId}/images
If ADMIN role , update profile image for #PathVariable("profileId") OR if USER role update their own profile image using #PathVariable("profileId") and not any other Profile entity image using ProfileId if current user is authenticated.
Please check this link for Role-Permission Authentication
Spring Boot : Custom Role - Permission Authorization using SpEL
User Principal
public class UserPrincipal implements UserDetails {
* Generated Serial ID
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8983688752985468522L;
private Long id;
private String email;
private String password;
private Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities;
private Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> permissions;
public static UserPrincipal createUserPrincipal(Account account) {
if (userDTO != null) {
List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = userDTO.getRoles().stream().filter(Objects::nonNull)
.map(role -> new SimpleGrantedAuthority(role.getName().name()))
List<GrantedAuthority> permissions = account.getRoles().stream().filter(Objects::nonNull)
.map(permission -> new SimpleGrantedAuthority(permissionDTO.getName().name()))
return UserPrincipal.builder()
return null;
public class AuthTokenFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
private JwtUtils jwtUtils;
private CustomUserDetailsService customUserDetailsService;
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
throws ServletException, IOException {
try {
String jwtToken = getJwtTokenFromHttpRequest(request);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jwtToken) && jwtUtils.validateToken(jwtToken)) {
Long accountId = jwtUtils.getAccountIdFromJwtToken(jwtToken);
UserDetails userDetails = customUserDetailsService.loadUserByUserId(accountId);
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(userDetails, null, userDetails
authentication.setDetails(new WebAuthenticationDetailsSource().buildDetails(request));
} catch (Exception exception) {
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
private String getJwtTokenFromHttpRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
String bearerToken = request.getHeader("Authorization");
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(bearerToken) && bearerToken.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
return bearerToken.substring(7, bearerToken.length());
return null;
public class AuthUtils {
public boolean isAdmin(UserPrincipal userPrincipal){
return userPrincipal.getRoles().stream()
.anyMatch(role -> role.equals("ROLE_ADMIN"));
return false;
Profile Service
public class ProfileService {
private ProfileRepository profileRepository;
public Boolean validateProfileIdForAccountId(Integer profileId, Long accountId) throws NotOwnerException,NotFoundException {
Profile profile = profileRepository.findByAccountId(profileId,accountId);
if(profile == null){
throw new NotFoundException("Profile does not exists for this account");
} else if(profile.getId() != profileId){
throw new NotOwnerException();
return true;
#PostMapping(path = "/profiles/{profileId}/images", consumes =
public ResponseEntity<BaseResponse> uploadProfileImage(
#AuthenticationPrincipal UserPrincipal currentUser,
#PathVariable("profileId") UUID profileId,
#RequestParam("image") MultipartFile image) throws IOException {
profileService.validateProfileIdForAccountId(profileId, currentUser.getId());
Now you can validate whether the #PathVariable("profileId") does indeed belong to the authenticated CurrentUser, you are also checking if the CurrentUser is ADMIN.
You can also add & check any specific permission for ROLES for facilitating UPLOAD/UPDATE
#PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('ROLE_ADMIN','ROLE_USER') or hasPermission('UPDATE')")

How to perform Auth0 JWT token user Role-based authorization

I'm writing Spring Boot REST API, and I'm using JWT tokens. Now, I'm trying to create role-based authorization.
This is the tutorial/implementation that I'm using.
I expanded this implementation with additional Role entity, and added #ManyToMany mapping to ApplicationUser Entity.
Now, as far as I understands, user roles should be added to token (during its creation).
So, this is an existing code:
protected void successfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, FilterChain chain, Authentication auth) throws IOException, ServletException {
String token = JWT.create()
.withSubject(((User) auth.getPrincipal()).getUsername())
.withExpiresAt(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + EXPIRATION_TIME))
res.addHeader(HEADER_STRING, TOKEN_PREFIX + token);
I guess user roles should be added there. There is a function:
withArrayClaim(String Name, String[] items)
And there's my first problem: I'm not sure how to properly add this.
Then, is this fragments, which as far as I understand is place where token is verified:
private UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken getAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request) {
String token = request.getHeader(HEADER_STRING);
if (token != null) {
// parse the token.
String user = JWT.require(Algorithm.HMAC512(SECRET.getBytes()))
.verify(token.replace(TOKEN_PREFIX, ""))
if (user != null) {
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null, new ArrayList<>());
return null;
return null;
What's bother me is fragment:
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null, new ArrayList<>());
I don't understand why there is null (Inteliij highlights it as 'credentials') and this new ArrayList. Is there a place, where I should fetch roles from token, and add them?
I know, it's kinda broad scope question, but i couldn't find other solutions.
Or mayby there is an easier way to create simple JWT token authenitcation/authorization (role based).
Looking forward for your answers!
Or mayby is there more simple solutioni - not keeping user roles inside key - but only adding them in this 'second' part where null and new ArrayList is?
Just create the granted authorities based in the user roles and authenticate the user with it. Then the authenticated user principal will contain the roles.
Simple example:
UserEntity userEntity = userRepository.findUserByEmail(user); // this depends of course on your implementation
if (userEntity == null) return null;
List<RoleEntity> roles = userEntity.getRoles();
Collection<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new HashSet<>();
roles.forEach((role) -> {
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(role.getName()));
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null, authorities);
Even better, you can create a UserPrincipal that implements UserDetails from spring security.
public class UserPrincipal implements UserDetails {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final UserEntity userEntity;
public UserPrincipal(UserEntity userEntity){
this.userEntity = userEntity;
public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities() {
Collection<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new HashSet<>();
// Get user Roles
Collection<RoleEntity> roles = userEntity.getRoles();
if(roles == null) return authorities;
roles.forEach((role) -> {
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(role.getName()));
return authorities;
public String getPassword() {
return this.userEntity.getEncryptedPassword();
public String getUsername() {
return this.userEntity.getEmail();
public boolean isAccountNonExpired() {
return false;
public boolean isAccountNonLocked() {
return false;
public boolean isCredentialsNonExpired() {
return false;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return false;
And to use it:
UserEntity userEntity = userRepository.findUserByEmail(user);
if (userEntity == null) return null;
UserPrincipal userPrincipal = new UserPrincipal(userEntity);
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(userPrincipal, null, userPrincipal.getAuthorities());

User account is locked when signing in Spring Securty

I followed this guide Spring boot security + JWT in order to learn how to secure an application using spring boot security and jwt and i am calling the /authenticate api to test login functionality.
#PostMapping(value = "/authenticate")
public ResponseEntity<?> createAuthenticationToken(#RequestBody User authenticationRequest) throws Exception {
authenticate(authenticationRequest.getUsername(), authenticationRequest.getPassword());
final UserDetails userDetails = userDetailsService
final String token = jwtTokenUtil.generateToken(userDetails);
return ResponseEntity.ok(new JwtResponse(token));
private void authenticate(String username, String password) throws Exception {
try {
authenticationManager.authenticate(new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password));
} catch (DisabledException e) {
throw new Exception("USER_DISABLED", e);
} catch (BadCredentialsException e) {
throw new Exception("INVALID_CREDENTIALS", e);
I am using postman to call the api passing username and password in json :
AuthenticationManager.authenticate is throwing User is Locked
My implementation of UserDetails is directly on a User Entity, not the best practices but i didnt have a better idea for how to do it now, maybe i should have some kind of DTO that implements is and have it as argument to createAuthenticationToken()
These are the overriden methods comming from UserDetails:
public boolean isAccountNonExpired() {
return false;
public boolean isAccountNonLocked() {
return false;
public boolean isCredentialsNonExpired() {
return false;
Any help is appreciated.
boolean isAccountNonLocked()
Indicates whether the user is locked or unlocked. A locked user cannot be authenticated.
true if the user is not locked, false otherwise
false means the user is locked.You should return true from the method for the user to be not locked.

OAuth2 userdetails not updating in spring security (SpringBoot)

I am new to spring security and have used jhipster in which i have configured db and LDAP based authentications. Now i have integrated it with OAuth client using #enableOAuthSso. I can able to authenticate using external OAuth Idp (Okta) and it is redirecting to my application and my principle is getting updated and i can access resources through rest. But my userDetails object not getting populated.
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BeanInitializationException("Security configuration failed", e);
I have check by going deep where its getting failed and found out the following
public static String getCurrentUserLogin() {
SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
Authentication authentication = securityContext.getAuthentication();
String userName = null;
if (authentication != null) {"authentication is not null");
if (authentication.getPrincipal() instanceof UserDetails) { //failing here"principle is instance of userdetails");
UserDetails springSecurityUser = (UserDetails) authentication.getPrincipal();;
userName = springSecurityUser.getUsername();
} else if (authentication.getPrincipal() instanceof String) {
userName = (String) authentication.getPrincipal();
return userName;
Its failing at the line
if(authentication.getPrincipal() instanceof UserDetails)
What is the possible and the best way to handle this to update user details object.
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public User getUserWithAuthorities() {"======inside getUserWithAuthorities =================");"current user is :::::::"+SecurityUtils.getCurrentUserLogin());
Optional<User> optionalUser = userRepository.findOneByLogin(SecurityUtils.getCurrentUserLogin());
User user = null;
if (optionalUser.isPresent()) {
user = optionalUser.get();
user.getAuthorities().size(); // eagerly load the association
return user;
Its trying to fetch the user from db. But the user is not present in the database
Similar to the LDAP tip, I would reocmmend creaing an OktaUserDetails class and casting the principal. Then you can keep most of the authentication code the same. The LDAP code example is below, the format of OktaUserDetails would depend on the JSON response
} else if (authentication.getPrincipal() instanceof LdapUserDetails) {
LdapUserDetails ldapUser = (LdapUserDetails) authentication.getPrincipal();
return ldapUser.getUsername();
To save information received from an Oauth2 resource, declare a PrincipalExtractor Bean in your SecurityConfiguration. This lets you parse the response in a custom manner. A basic example is below (source).
public PrincipalExtractor principalExtractor(UserRepository userRepository) {
return map -> {
String principalId = (String) map.get("id");
User user = userRepository.findByPrincipalId(principalId);
if (user == null) {"No user found, generating profile for {}", principalId);
user = new User();
user.setEmail((String) map.get("email"));
user.setFullName((String) map.get("name"));
user.setPhoto((String) map.get("picture"));
} else {
return user;
