xcode stuck while installing version 13.2 on macOS montery 12.1 - xcode

Downloaded new Xcode version 13.2 from AppStore, it was getting stuck in installing for more than 16 hours.
How can get rid of this, while stuck?

Apple is aware of this issue. You just need to download manually from the apple developer
Xcode 13.2 Release note
Download Xcode 13.2
And now it's worked perfectly. And also follow this SO discussion section


Updating xcode after upgrading MacOs operating system

I have just upgraded my MacOs operating system on one of my older machines from El Capitan to Big Sur. I subsequently tried to open xcode but I get the error:
In order to use “Xcode”, you need to update to the latest version. The version of Xcode installed on this Mac is not compatible with macOS Big Sur. You have “Xcode” 7.3.1. Download version 14.1 for free from the App Store.
When I go to the App Store, the only available xcode that I can see is 14.1 which is for Ventura and therefore not compatible with my current set up and so of no use. How to upgrade to say xcode 13, compatible with Big Sur? I hope it is possible without having to manually download xip file from developers section of apple.
The App Store will only let you download and install the latest version of Xcode.
You answered the question in the last sentence. Download Xcode from Apple's developer site. The site Xcode Releases has Apple's download links for every version of Xcode. Xcode 13.2.1 is the latest version that runs on macOS 11.

Your Xcode version may be too old for your iOS version

I have updated my phone's OS version to iOS 14 and spent today updating Xcode to version 12, yet when I try to build my Flutter app on my iPhone 11 - iOS 14 through Android Studio, it gives me this error:
Your Xcode version may be too old for your iOS version.
2020-09-18 19:14:26.576 ios-deploy[30916:201883] [ !! ] Error 0xe8000022: The service is invalid. AMDeviceSecureStartService(device, CFSTR("com.apple.debugserver"), NULL, &con)
Could not run build/ios/iphoneos/Runner.app on 00008030-00012C200C45802E.
Try launching Xcode and selecting "Product > Run" to fix the problem:
open ios/Runner.xcworkspace
Error launching application on Azheen’s.
This problem is somewhat confusing, I got the same error with Xcode 12.0.1 and iOS 14.2 beta.
This solved for me
Download Device support files of iOS 14.0 from this link.
for iOS 14.2 beta there is a pull request that is not yet merged
Unzip and Paste it in this location. /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/
ReOpen Xcode.
This is what I did:
Updated Xcode
flutter clean on the terminal.
flutter upgrade on the terminal.
Open Xcode and run the application once.
flutter clean again.
flutter run.
It should work now.
This issued was raised a while back in August in the flutter repo. Currently, the issue has been fixed by the recent flutter update.
Run flutter upgrade to v1.20.4 to get the fix
I ran into this problem recently, most likely it can be caused due to the reason, that your iOS Device is running a higher version than you xcode can support.
Apple release new iOS for iPhone i.e. 14.2 and you upgrade your device right away, than you ran into this issue, because the xcode may not have the latest version of your device support files, meaning xcode can only suuport iOS 14.1 or lower. Apple sometimes release newer iOS without providing update of xcode device support files.
There is 4 solutions for this:
Keep your iOS Device on the current stable version of xcode
Downgrade your current iOS device
Install device support files manually
Install xcode beta from Apple Developer https://developer.apple.com/download/
It is an annoying issue, Apple should not release any iOS without having the supporting tools released at the same time, or they should run a warning.
Ran into this issue today on Visual Studio. It appeared that my Dart SDK version was too out of date and upgrading it appeared to fix the problem.
I did upgrade my Flutter version first, and then ran into a problem with the vsync property of AnimationController not being recognized, which was solved by upgrading the Dart SDK, so I'm not sure who the real culprit was (or if it was a combination of both).
Instructions on upgrading your Dart SDK: https://dart.dev/get-dart

How can I get Xcode working on my Mac Sierra (10.12.6)

I seem to have gotten stuck in MacOS / Xcode purgatory.
I'm on OS Sierra/10.12.6.
When I try to update, I get a warning, that there's an issue with upgrading vs DisplayLink and so it cannot be done.
That directly conflicts with Xcode which (as of now, on App Store) only works on 10.13.2 or later.
I cannot find a place to download an earlier version of Xcode.
I cannot upgrade to High Sierra.
How can I get this happening?
You can get it here at this URL: https://developer.apple.com/download/more/ to download a version of Xcode you want. Specifically, get 9.2. This is the recent version that works with mac OS Sierra.
Edit: Xcode 9.2.1 is no longer an available version. 9.2 works.
Xcode 9.2 works well for Mac OS Sierra (10.12.6). I installed it today (3rd Feb 2020).
For OS Sierra/10.12.6 you need Xcode-8.3 from below link
The Xcode-9* versions are not compatible.
Xcode 9.2 is working fine on High Sierra. I have downloaded and installed it today.

Xcode 9.2 doesn't support iOS 11.3

Tried to test my app on my phone, and got this error.
This iPhone 6 is running iOS 11.3 (15E216), which may not be supported
by this version of Xcode.
Rookie mistake. I forgot I upgraded to the latest iOS.
Checked I was on Xcode 9.2, then checked the App Store upgrades section and sure enough there is an upgrade to 9.3.
2.49 GB downloaded, installed, fixed the issue.

no provisional ios devices are available

my Mac has Snow Leopard and Xcode about shows 4.2 (4c199)
An update came to my iphone4 and it has now ios5.1 (used to be ios5.01)
When I try to run on the ios device target the build goes through fine but the installation fails with "no provisional ios devices are available with a compatible ios version".
When I look in Xcode organizer I can see similarly:
The version of iOS on “XXXXXX’s iPhone” does not match any of the versions of iOS supported for development with this installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK; which is available here.
and here is what the organizer shows:
OS Installed on XXXXX’s iPhone
5.1 (9B176)
Xcode Supported iOS Versions
5.0 (9A334)
4.2 (8C134)
What is the meaning of "Latest" here?
I hope I do not need to install Xcode 4.3 as it will require moving to Mountain Lion in the middle of the project?
Prior to this update the things used to work, I think (lately I was working only in the simulator, but before that everything work on the iphone ok).
Thanks for any help in advance.
Your mistake was updating your iphone to IOS 5.1, because your current version of xcode doesn't support it. So basically, you either have to downgrade your IOS device to 5.0 or you have to upgrade to Lion(not mountain lion) and then install the latest version of xcode which does supports IOS 5.1.
Downgrading can be a bitch btw, so I think lion is your best bet. Ill have to do the same soon. Hope this made things a little more clear! Best of luck man!
