Where are tag bits stored in direct mapped cache? - caching

From my understanding, direct mapped cache compares tag bits. But where are tag bits stored? Are they inside cache? If yes, are they stored inside the cache block itself and actual block size is bigger?

The cache tag bits are the bits within an address (from the perspective of the CPU) that are used as a tag based on the size and width of the cache.
Let us assume a very simple cache with 8 64 byte lines
the 6 least significant bits represent a location within a 64 byte line. The next 3 bits would be the tag, since we only have 8 lines
bits in address:
... xxxx xxxt ttxx xxxx
Addresses 0x86 and 0x10080 would have the same tag in this example
This is an oversimplified example, and there are many nuances to caches, so I would recommend reading some more in depth material on the topic, or read about an actual implementation (i.e. a CPU manual) to get a much better feel for how this works


Cache memory design - address decoding

I was given the following problem:
A CPU generates 32 bit addresses for a byte addressable memory. Design an 8 KB cache memory for this CPU (8 KB is the cache size only for the data; it does not include the tag). The block size is 32 bytes. Show the block diagram, and the address decoding for direct mapped cache memory.
I determined that:
8 bits are needed for indexing
5 bits are needed for block offset
19 bits for the tag.
Is my solution correct? How should I do the decoding?
The numbers seem correct, however it is always worth pointing out in your solution that you're taking cache associativity under account. Specifically, 32-8-5=19 is only valid when the cache is directly mapped.
The decoding part is nicely illustrated in your drawing – it's simply the act of taking 32 bits of the address as used by the CPU apart into the tag, index, and offset fields.

Fully associative cache offset

When dealing with 32 bit addresses and fully associative cache architecture, do we take away an offset from the address when comparing it with the tag of the cache, or do we take the full 32 bit address and compare it with the tag in the cache?
I am designing a cache simulator, and want to make sure I understood this portion right.
When your dealing with 32-bit addresses you use the bits from 31 to 5 for the tag and 4 to 0 for the offset. This means you're not taking all the address to compare with the tag.
i.e. Address A[31:0] is splitter into tag A[31:5] and offset A[4:0].
For more information see https://www.cs.umd.edu/class/sum2003/cmsc311/Notes/Memory/fully.html

Will _mm512_mask_prefetch_i32gather_ps() prefetch an entire cache line for each element?

The gather prefetch intrinsic _mm512_mask_prefetch_i32gather_ps can be used to prefetch 32 bit floats on Knights Corner.
Since a corresponding intrinsic for doubles does not exist, how should this intrinsic be used for prefetch 64 or 128 bit elements?
Does each 4 byte chunk needed to be explicitly prefetched, or can we assume that each prefetch of a 32 bit variable will actually prefetch the entire 64 byte cache line that it occupies?
I want to prefetch 4 doubles at offsets {1,2,10,12} from base address 0xf0000000.
This corresponds to addresses of {0xf0000008, 0xf0000010, 0xf0000050, 0xf0000060}.
These occupy two cache lines starting at {0xf0000000, 0xf0000040}.
Would it be sufficient to use _mm512_mask_prefetch_i32gather_ps with the base addresses of these two cache lines?
I originally posted this question on the Intel MIC forum without success.

Understanding Direct Mapped Cache

I'm trying to understand direct mapped cache, but it is a very complex concept. I have written what I think I understand so far, but I am unsure whether I am correct or not. Can somebody please verify if the explanation below is correct?
E.g, for a made up computer, just for the sake of this question, there 1024 memory locations (cells) in the RAM. This equals 2^10 so the address for each of these memory locations must be 10 bits long.
The CPU is asked to get data from the RAM memory address 1100100111. However the CPU doesn't access the data directly from this memory address in the RAM. The RAM stores this data to cache memory and then the CPU gets the data from the cache memory.
There are different ways of doing this, one being direct mapped cache. The cache memory and ram memory are divided up into blocks, where the number of cells in the blocks in each memory must be the same. The number of blocks in the RAM and cache must also be a power of 2.
In this example lets say there are 2^6 = 64 blocks in the RAM, so there are 1024/64 = 16 cells in each block. Lets say there are 2^2 = 4 blocks in the cache, so the cache has 64 cells. The "6" and "2" in the exponents of these numbers are important later on.
Because the The number of blocks in the RAM and cache is a power of 2, it makes the calculations easy. In our address 1100100111 the last 6 bits mark the offset 100111 (the 6 comes from the fact that 2^6 = 64), and the remaining 4 bits 1100 mark the RAM block number the data is stored in. Within this block number are two other important numbers. First the cache block number; this is the cache block that that RAM block would store to. This is the first 2 bits after the offset, so it will be 00 (The 2 comes from the fact that There are 2^2 = 4 blocks in the cache). The remaining 2 numbers in the address mark the tag. This will be 11.
So when the CPU is asked to get data from memory address 1100100111 it will look for this data in cache block number 00. It will compare the tag of the address 11 to the tag saved in the cache, which is a separate piece of memory used to store information about where from the RAM the data has come from. If the tags are the same this is a hit and this is the data the CPU is looking for. If the tag of the address and the tag in the memory are different, then this is a miss, and the data isn't stored in the cache.
If this is the case, the cache controller will get the data from block number 1100 in the RAM and store it in the cache block number 00, and update the tag in this block to 11. The CPU can now get the data in this block.
Is this all correct? I need to understand this before I can start to try and understand associative and set associative memory.
You have the right idea, but your numbers went wrong somewhere. In your example you have a direct-mapped cache of 4 blocks/lines of 16 bytes/cells each. The address 1100100111 will be divided up as follows. You use the least significant four bits 0111 as the offset because it refers to which cell of a particular block you want. I think you accidentally included the block number as part of the offset. Anyway, the next least significant two bits 10 will be the block number and the most significant four bits 1100 will be the tag.
Your understanding seems to be fine. One thing more that is necessary is a bit to indicate if the cache block is valid or not. Good luck with the associative stuff!

Are memory address separate from data in cache block?

I am following an example in my book for direct mapping cache.
The specifications are:
Assume 32bit words, 32bit address, 1 word blocksize (b), 8 word capacity (C).
This means that number of blocks (B) = C/b = 8 and number of set (S) = B = 8
I am confused because I thought each set only contains 1 word (b) thus 32 bits. But in this picture, it shows that data is 32 bits and tag is 27 bits. This gives us a total of 59 bits which is larger than out blocksize (b).
Does this mean that the address is kept elsewhere and only data is kept in the set?
As your picture shows, the data portion is 32b (as you said, each set contains only 1 word).
The tag is a required portion of each set that allows us to know if the requesting address is located in the cache (a "hit"). Your picture says the tag is 27 bits in size.
"59" bits (actually 60 bits) is simply tracking how much actual SRAM is required to build this cache (1 valid bit + 27 tag bits + 32 data bits)*8 sets = 480 bits of SRAM.
However, don't let yourself be confused by thinking the tag is part of the data block. It can (and often is) located elsewhere on the chip, even though conceptually it is coupled with the data portion of the set.
I'd also like to add (and hopefully not further confuse the subject), while it is possible to build a cache as they have shown (both the tags, valid bit, and data in SRAM, which means it will be very dense), you may not actually want to build it that way! The data would be in SRAM, but I suspect it's more likely for the valid bits and tags to be located elsewhere in flip flops. Much faster to access! You should talk to your teacher about how caches are normally built and the trade offs in having the tags and valid bits in SRAM vs flipflops.
