TypeError: Strings must be encoded before hashing - python-3.9

On this code:
##script qui brute force les hashs
import hashlib
while True :
try :
wordlist_user = input("entrez votre wordlist: ")
wordlist = open(wordlist_user, "r", encoding='utf-8')
hash = input('entrez le hash que vous oulez cracker (sha224) : ')
except :
for word in wordlist.readlines():
word = word.strip()
wordlist_hash = hashlib.sha224(word).hexdigest()
if (hash == wordlist_hash):
print('password trouve: ' +word)
else :
print('password non trouve')
I have this error
wordlist_hash = hashlib.sha224(word).hexdigest()
TypeError: Strings must be encoded before hashing
can someone help me ?

hashlib.sha224() takes bytes but word is a string. You'll want to convert the string to the utf-8 encoded bytes with word.encode(encoding = 'UTF-8', errors = 'strict')


How to mask a string in swift 4.2

I wanna make a mask in a string.
let unmasked = "12345678900"
//string masked = "123.456.789-00"
This is the braziliam CPF format, i found nothing in Stack Overflow BR
I found a solution using a character array and array.insert to insert mask in defined index
Eu encontrei uma solução usando um array de caracteres e a função array.insert que permite inserir qualquer string em um determinado index da matriz.
let cpf = "12345678900"
var characters = Array(cpf) //making a character array (criando um array de caracteres)
characters.insert(".", at: 3) //inserting "." in index 3 (inserindo "." no index 3)
//character = ["1","2","3",".","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","0"]
characters.insert(".", at: 7) // inserting "." in index 7 (inserindo "." no index 7)
//character = ["1","2","3",".","4","5","6",".","7","8","9","0","0"]
characters.insert("-", at: 11)// inserting "." in index 11 (inserindo "." no index 11)
//character = ["1","2","3",".","4","5","6",".","7","8","9","-","0","0"]
let masked = String(characters) //convert character to string
pint("cpf masked: ",masked)
//the masked will show: 123.456.789-00 (a mascara irá mostrar: 123.456.789-00)

TreeView.insert throws UnicodeDecodeError

I'm trying to populate TreeView with data from os.listdir(path).
All is ok until I read a directory name with a non-utf character. In my case 0xf6 which is not utf8.
As I'm running on Windows the charset from os.listdir() is Windows-1252 or ANSI.
How can I solve this problem to achieve correct display in TreeView?
Here some of my code:
def fill_tree(treeview, node):
if treeview.set(node, "type") != 'directory':
path = treeview.set(node, "fullpath")
# Delete the possibly 'dummy' node present.
parent = treeview.parent(node)
for p in os.listdir(path):
ptype = None
p = os.path.join(path, p)
if os.path.isdir(p):
ptype = 'directory'
fname = os.path.split(p)[1].decode('cp1252').encode('utf8')
if ptype == 'directory':
oid = treeview.insert(node, 'end', text=fname, values=[p, ptype])
treeview.insert(oid, 0, text='dummy')
The UnicodeDecodeError is due to passing byte strings when the function is expecting Unicode strings. Python 2 attempts to implicitly decode byte strings to Unicode. Use Unicode strings explicitly instead. os.listdir(unicode_path) will return Unicode string, for example os.listdir(u'.').

Encrypt data with DES ECB in Ruby

I am implementing an encryption in a project that I has in another java project.
The code in java project is this:
public static String cifraDES(String chave, String dado) throws Exception {
DESKeySpec keySpec = new DESKeySpec(hexStringToByteArray(chave));
SecretKeyFactory kf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
SecretKey passwordKey = kf.generateSecret(keySpec);
Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
c = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding");
c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, passwordKey);
return bytesToHex(c.doFinal(hexStringToByteArray(dado)));
In Ruby project i want implement this encrypt too. But this dont work:
dado = "53495A45303030386E6F7661313031305858585858585858"
chave = "3455189635541968"
des = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('des-ecb').encrypt
des.key = chave
s = des.update(dado) + des.final
Base64.encode64(s).gsub(/\n/, "")
In terminal I recive this message:
'key' be must 8 bytes
And i need this return: b42e3dbfffd4bb5487a27fd702f079e287e6325767bfdd20
You haven’t converted the key and data from hex strings, you can do that using pack:
dado = ["53495A45303030386E6F7661313031305858585858585858"].pack('H*')
(When you do this to the key, it is converted from 16 hexidecimal characters to 8 bytes, so not doing this step is causing the error are getting).
You haven’t specified no padding:
des.padding = 0
And you want the result hex encoded, not base 64. You can use unpack:
puts s.unpack('H*')[0]
Putting it all together:
dado = ["53495A45303030386E6F7661313031305858585858585858"].pack('H*')
chave = ["3455189635541968"].pack('H*')
des = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('des-ecb').encrypt
des.key = chave
des.padding = 0
s = des.update(dado) + des.final
puts s.unpack('H*')[0]
Result is b42e3dbfffd4bb5487a27fd702f079e287e6325767bfdd20.
The error seems pretty clear to me. The key you're using chave is 16 bytes. Your key has to be 8 bytes. So reduce the length of the key to 8 chars then try.

Ruby: Remove invisible characters after converting string to UTF-8

I am working with text coming from this website with windows-1252 charset. Converting the text to UTF-8 was done using force_encoding, but the text still contains whitespace that I can't get rid of. The whitespace cannot be removed using text.gsub!(/\s/, ' ') or a similar technique.
The iconv gem doesn't do the trick either - as explained here. It is clear that the whitespace is a remnant of the original text and the windows-1252 charset as I get a invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII) warning if I don't specify the encoding as UTF-8.
I'm not an expert of text encoding so I may be overlooking something trivial.
Update: This is the script that I currently use.
#!/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
URL = 'http://www.eximsystems.com/LaVerdad/Antiguo/Gn/Genesis.htm'
html = Nokogiri.HTML(open(URL))
# Extract Paragraphs
text = ''
html.css('p').each do |p|
text += p.text
# Clean Up Text
text.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ')
puts text
This is a sample of the text that contains invisible characters that I try to remove. The space before the number 16 is what I am referring to.
cobraron aliento para conversar con él.   16 Al punto corrió la voz, y
se divulgó generalmente esta noticia en el palacio del rey: Han
Without seeing your code, it's hard to know exactly what's going on for you. I'll point out, however, that String#force_encoding doesn't transcode the String; it's a way of saying, "No, really, this is UTF-8", for example. To transcode from one encoding to another, use String#encode.
This seems to work for me:
require 'net/http'
s = Net::HTTP.get('www.eximsystems.com', '/LaVerdad/Antiguo/Gn/Genesis.htm')
In general, /[[:space:]]/ should capture more kinds of whitespace that /\s/ (which is equivalent to /[ \t\r\n\f]/), but it doesn't appear to be necessary in this case. I can't find any abnormal whitespace in s at this point. If you're still having problems, you'll need to post your code and a more precise description of the issue.
Update: Thanks for updating your question with your code and an example of the problem. It looks like the issue is non-breaking spaces. I think it's simplest to get rid of them at the source:
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
URL = 'http://www.eximsystems.com/LaVerdad/Antiguo/Gn/Genesis.htm'
s = open(URL).read # Separate these three lines to convert
s.gsub!(' ', ' ') # to normal ' ' in source rather than after
html = Nokogiri.HTML(s) # conversion to unicode non-breaking space
# Extract Paragraphs
text = ''
html.css('p').each do |p|
text += p.text
# Clean Up Text
text.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ')
puts text
There's now just a single, normal space between the period at the end of 15 and the number 16:
15) Besó también José a todos sus hermanos, orando sobre cada uno de ellos; después de cuyas demostraciones cobraron aliento para conversar con él. 16 Al punto corrió la voz, y se divulgó generalmente esta noticia en el palacio del rey: Han venido los hermanos de José; y holgóse de ello Faraón y toda su corte.
You can try to use text.strip for removing the whitespaces.

Encrypting/decrypting 3DES in Ruby

I have a key.bin file which content is something along the lines of:
-12, 110, 93, 14, -48, ...
This is being used by a service to decrypt 3DES content, but I need to encrypt it via Ruby.
I've tried loads of scenarios with how to set the key and what to do with it, but to no avail as of yet:
Tried splitting the key by , and converting each number to hex, concatenating the hex values to make the key
Tried converting the number string to binary
Tried converting the resulting hex to binary
I assume what I need to do is something simple like:
des = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new('des3')
des.key = mistery # this step is where i'm having problems at
final = des.update(encrypted) + des.final
Any ideas on what I should do with this key?
Key sample:
Data sample:
Got it working!
Here's how:
def read_key(key_file)
File.read(key_file).split(',').map { |x| x.to_i }.pack('c*')
des = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new('des-ede3')
des.key = read_key('key.bin')
result = des.update(decoded) + des.final
def read_key(key_file)
File.read(key_file).split(',').map { |x| x.to_i }.pack('c*')
des2 = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new('des-ede3')
des2.key = read_key('key.bin')
result = des2.update(result) + des2.final
puts Base64.encode64(result)
