Remove parent from Maven Shade dependency reduced pom with Flatten - maven

The project has the following structure:
FatJarRootPom has dependencies for X and Y.
FatJarA and FatJarB all declare FatJarRootPom as their parent so they get its dependencies X and Y shaded into their JAR along with their own dependencies.
The issue is that, Shade Plugin will leave reference to parent in the dependency-reduced-pom.xml so FatJarA's pom will still explicitly depend on X and Y despite having them inside JAR already.
Flatten Plugin can get rid of parent so it would be optimal to run Shade Plugin on flattened pom. It will process all dependencies and then remove them from dependency-reduced-pom.xml. However, when I configure Flatten Plugin, Shade Plugin will not pick up its output and will still produce incorrect pom.
I have found this answer which suggests changing the invocation order of shade and flatten so that shade comes first, but it won't work since dependencies from FatJarRootPom will still be in the pom, which I am trying to avoid.
Maybe there is some other way of just removing parent section from dependency-reduced-pom.xml without flatten plugin?
Update: I have tried changing my FatJarRootPom to a POM dependency FatJarPom with transitive dependencies listed in it, and amusingly, Maven Shade Plugin will specifically skip POM dependency and will not remove it from dependency reduced POM, even as it would mean that all shaded dependencies will absolutely appear as dependencies of fat-jar artifact.

I have overlooked that Flatten Plugin has "fatjar" mode which will strip all dependencies. It is a very coarse grained approach, but it should do in my use case.
So the solution is placing
after the corresponding Shade Plugin section.


Maven assembly plugin: how to include provided dependencies of transitive dependencies

It seems that including direct dependencies with provided scope is well understood. It also appears that including transitive dependencies with runtime scope is also easily accomplished.
But how can I include a dependency two levels of indirection away?
A --> B --> C
Where A depends on B (compile scope) and B depends on C (provided scope).
I want A to retrieve C (eg: download the jar locally), be it via assembly descriptor or maven-dependency-plugin:copy-dependencies or some other mechanism.
I've tried seemingly every combination of options for both of the aforementioned plugins. Neither approach covers this scenario. They both get B (even if B is changed to a provided dependency), and any compile scope dependencies of B, but not provided dependencies of B.
I suppose that I'm trying to do something similar to a shaded representation of my project but without unpacking dependencies.
Naturally I don't want to have to enumerate all of B's dependencies in A's pom - I'd like to retrieve (and then package) all dependencies implicitly and recursively.
You won't be able to do that. It is not a limitation of the maven-assembly-plugin, but the way Maven considers transitive dependencies. A transitive dependency that is of scope provided will be omitted, always (refer to this table in the documentation).
There is an open bug about this (MNG-2205) but I don't think it will be fixed anytime soon. This really is intended behaviour because provided dependencies, as per the name, as supposed to be provided at runtime.
Although Tunaki is quite right, I found a workable solution that's better than nothing, using a less well-known plugin (NOTE: only works with Maven <= 3.0.X)
This specifies two dependency blocks. The first pulls in normal compile deps including transitive, it's the same as using copy-dependencies. The second block specifically mentions B in addition to the normal pom dependency declaration (unfortunately, but at least both dependency mentions are in the same pom) and requests its provided deps:
Docs for this plugin may only exist in the archive at this point, not sure what happened to it:

read rivision number of pom file

I want to use svn revision number of pom file as its version.
In pom.xml, if we use buildnumber-maven-plugin, we need to define scm repository url, so that it can check to repository and use buildnumber.
But i want to ask that when we have checkedout code to our system, isn't there any way to get buildnumber without using scm urls. As revision number is stored as subversion in property of each file. we can see it if we right click on file and go to properties.
I want to use buildnumber in version tag of pom and other module's buildnumber in their vaersion tag in dependencies to them.
So if i can store all subversion numbers initially, infact earlier than resolving dependencies, then these subversions can be placed in version of module in dependency and also in version of each pom file.
Problem is that dependencies are resolved before plugin reads version number ( this is what i think), so it cannot resolve expression.
I tried it using properties-maven-plugin to write pom's version number in a file and then read it in other module's pom which is dependent on it. But dependencies are to be resolved before execution of any plugin is started.
So, it is not working.
Starting with Maven 3.2.1 you can define a property ${revision} which you can use in your versions like this:
The result of this you need to give a property while calling Maven like this:
mvn -Drevision=123456 clean package
This will also work in dependencies etc. Currently one drawback is that you always creating a release from maven's point of view.

How to use maven to publish multiple artifacts of an ivy project(with multiple modules) to a maven repository(nexus)

I'm working on a complex multi-module open source ivy project, which has ant's build.xml at the top level to kick off each ivy module's build. But the goal here is not to modify the original build scripts(both ivy.xml and build.xml), and using maven as an outer layer to kick off ant build, and then fetch the built results and publish them to nexus server.
The difficulty here is that, the built artifacts here are multiple jars, and we need to publish all these jars to nexus server with maven. Since one pom.xml only maps one maven artifafct, and in this case multiple artifacts are build not through maven but ivy. So I wonder if there's a feasible way to achieve my goal.
Currently, in the top level pom.xml, I'm using maven-antrun-plugin to invoke build.xml on top level, and using build-helper-maven-plugin to attache artifacts, but it doesont' work.
Currently I'm working on a similar task to yours. We have a huge, full of legacy system with whole build written in ant. That is how we handle this task:
No matter what, you will have to accept it, maven = jar per artifact (well, you can use attachments with qualifiers, but it's a real abuse and highly NOT recommended). It has it's philosophy after it: in the end of the day your system consists of (as you said yourself) modules, so each module has to have it's version, sources and (most important) the dependencies to other modules.
To reuse the existing ant code you can look on the antrun plugin. What we did, is "simply" separated all the common build code (i.e generators execution, attachments creation, assemblies and so on) to parent poms that are of type "pom". Then we execute the relevant targets simply by activating properties in children poms. Here is an example
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
And in the child pom we simply define
remember to look at maven lifecycle guide to choose the proper phase for your execution.
Don't forget that you can use maven plugins to make things easier. E.g instead of running <javac> task in ant, breaking to artifacts with jar type do all the compile for you. You can also find plugins that generate javadoc, jaxws and so on.
As you can see it's not that simple to make your system work with maven. It will require you to rethink how your build works. On the other hand the ability to see and understand your dependencies, the ease of working in modern IDE's, binary repositories and so on are worth it in most of the cases.

Maven test-jar for children

We have many modules in our project and we want to enable test-jar creation for some of those. I tried adding maven jar plugin to the parent pom's pluginmanagement
But, now it is creating test-jar for all the modules.
As per documenation: Plugin Management contains plugin elements in much the same way, except that rather than configuring plugin information for this particular project build, it is intended to configure project builds that inherit from this one. However, this only configures plugins that are actually referenced within the plugins element in the children. The children have every right to override pluginManagement definitions.
It should not create test-jar for the modules we haven't included in, but somehow it does. None of my modules has maven-jar-plugin added in its build module.
To stop it creating test-jar for all, I can add it only in the module I am interested in.
Is there any other better solution to achieve this?
Normally, what your describing shouldn't be possible. If I had to guess, I would say that since your packaging type is jar configuration for the maven-jar-plugin gets inserted into your effective pom. Then, since the configuration is there, it also uses the configuration from the plugin management section. Running mvn help:effective-pom might provide some insight into whether or not this is true.
I would also make sure that no parent in your hierarchy contains any concrete configuration for the maven-jar-pom that would be inherited by children. If the child inherits a concrete section, I think that will also trigger it to include the plugin management configuration.

How to create a JarJar'd artifact with Maven, where use of artifact does not pull transitive dependencies?

I currently have a Java testing library which is built with Maven, and distributed as a jar. My project depends on a very common library (Objectweb ASM), and I've experienced problems where an earlier and incompatible version of ASM is already on the classpath. Thus, I've started usings the jarjar-maven-plugin to create jar, repackaging ASM internally where it cannot conflict with another version of ASM.
This executes fine, and my library can be pulled in as a dependency with no problem.
However, because my project has compile-scope dependencies on ASM, whenever a client project adds my library, the transitive dependencies are all pulled in as well. So, hypothetically, if they use a particular version of ASM, and they also add the version I depend on to the classpath, they have undefined behaviour. I'd like to avoid this situation, and allow clients to depend on the JarJar'd artifact without having Maven pulling down the transitive dependencies both unnecessarily and potentially dangerously.
How do I create a JarJar'd artifact which users can depend on without pulling transitive dependencies?
I found a solution to this problem by ditching the jarjar-maven-plugin, and reverting to the maven-shade-plugin. This allows repackaging classes within your own namespace, setting the main class of the jar, and crucially, rewriting the generated pom to not include the compile time dependencies which are now bundled.
The part of my pom.xml which acheived this is:
The important parts of this configuration are:
shadedArtifactAttached which when set to false, means the shaded jar will replace the main artifact that would normally be produced. This defaults to false but it's worth pointing out.
createDependencyReducedPom which when set to true means that when the shaded jar is deployed or installed, the pom.xml which is deployed will not include the compile-scope dependencies which have been repackaged into the jar.
relocation these elements configure how files within the dependencies are repackaged into the shaded jar. In the above example any class whose canonical name begins with org.objectweb.asm will be moved to ${package.base}.org.objectweb.asm, and thus when packaged in the jar will have the equivalent file path within the jar.
With this configuration, when my project is deployed, when clients declare a compile-scope dependency on my project, it only pulls in the shaded jar, and no transitive dependencies.
Consider trying the maven-shade-plugin instead, which allows all sorts of fine control.
Perhaps setting the <optional> attribute will work in your case. Specifying something like the following in your java testing library pom.
