Forcing string replacement in declared function of shell script - bash

I'm working on a script to move some files to a remote server (see:
Function calls in Here Document for unix shell script for more details). In order to allow the script to work both on a local machine and for a remote server, I'm using 'declare -f' to wrap an existing function to be executed remotely. So far I have come up with this:
echo Src Dir: $2
sudo cp ~/$TMP/start.ini ~/$1/start_b.ini
ls ~/$2
echo Target Dir: $1
ls ~/$1
echo "attempting move with here doc"
echo $(declare -fp getMoveCommand )
ssh -t "$REMOTE_HOST" "$(declare -fp getMoveCommand); getMoveCommand ${1#Q} ${TMP#Q}"
case "$1" in
# remote deploy
moveRemote $2
# local deploy
getMoveCommand $2
echo "Usage: {local|remote}"
exit 1
moveFiles $1 $2
exit 0
If called with './ remote dev' the script should ssh into the remote server and move a file from one folder to another. The problem I'm running into is the string replacement. I have a bunch of global variables acting as constants that getMoveCommand needs access to. In the example here there is only one (TMP) so I can simply pass it as an argument. In the actual script however, the work being done is more complicated and the number of arguments that would need to be passed in would make this solution unwieldy. Since those variables are never expected to change, it seems like it should be possible to force the string replacement to occur before sending the wrapped function along to ssh.
Is what I want to do possible, and if so how? If not, is there another way to handle this that doesn't require passing a large number of arguments to the function?

It is possible to use envsubst if you export the variable:
export TMP=foo
getMoveCommand() {
echo TMP is $TMP
declare -fp getMoveCommand|envsubst
The script above prints:
getMoveCommand ()
echo TMP is foo

You can also send global variables using declare -p:
ssh -t "$REMOTE_HOST" "$(declare -fp getMoveCommand; declare -p GLOBAL_VAR_1 GLOBAL_VAR_2)"$'\n'"getMoveCommand ${1#Q} ${TMP#Q}"
You can also have another global variable that declares them so you can expand them easily:
ssh -t "$REMOTE_HOST" "$(declare -fp getMoveCommand; declare -p "${GLOBAL_VARS[#]}")"$'\n'"getMoveCommand ${1#Q} ${TMP#Q}"
If your variables have a common prefix, you can also expand them through "${!PREFIX#}". No need to store to a variable.
Or might as well create an "export" function to keep things cleaner:
dump_env() {
declare -fp getMoveCommand
declare -p GLOBAL_VAR_1 GLOBAL_VAR_2
ssh -t "$REMOTE_HOST" "$(dump_env)"$'\n'"getMoveCommand ${1#Q} ${TMP#Q}"


Autocomplete environment variables in bash commands (like RAILS_ENV=test bundle ...)

I want to add some environment variable names and possible value to the list of completions in bash.
For an example, in Ruby on Rails, I run commands like
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rails db:migrate
I want to be able to type
> completion fills in RAILS_ENV=
> completion fills in RAILS_ENV=test
Sometimes I can use complete -W "my values" my_command to attach values to a specific command, but here I do not want to attach these to a command, I want them just available, much like the list of commands themselves.
Is this possible?
Here's an example which requires Bash 5.0+ and = be removed from COMP_WORDBREAKS.
# tested with bash-5.0.16
local cmd=$1 cur=$2 pre=$3
local -a envs=()
local i
for i in production test-foo test-bar; do
envs+=( "RAILS_ENV=$i" )
if [[ $cur == R* ]]; then
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${envs[*]}" -- "$cur" ) )
complete -I -F _rails -o bashdefault
It completes to RAILS_ENV= only if the first word starts with R.
By using -o bashdefault, it can still autocomplete normal command names.

BASH build dynamic command [duplicate]

I have a shell script file like this:
CONF_FILE="/tmp/settings.conf" #settings.conf contains OS_NAME="Caine Linux"
source $CONF_FILE
display_os_name() { echo "My OS is:" $OS_NAME }
#using the function locally works fine
#displays: My OS is: Caine Linux
#using the function on the remote host doesn't work
ssh user#host "$(declare -f); display_os_name"
#displays: My OS is:
If I remove the -f and I use just ssh user#host "$(declare); display_os_name" it works but displays these errors and warnings:
bash: line 10: BASHOPTS: readonly variable
bash: line 18: BASH_VERSINFO: readonly variable
bash: line 26: EUID: readonly variable
bash: line 55: PPID: readonly variable
bash: line 70: SHELLOPTS: readonly variable
bash: line 76: UID: readonly variable
If I use ssh user#host "$(declare); display_os_name >/dev/null" to suppress the warnings only the output of the function is suppressed (My OS is: Caine Linux), not the warnings.
Is there a way to run local functions together with sourced local files on a remote SSH host?
An easy approach (if your local side is Linux) is to use set -a to enable automatic export before your source command; copy /proc/self/environ on stdin; and parse it into a set of variables on the remote side.
Because BASHOPTS, EUID, etc. aren't environment variables, this avoids trying to modify them. (If you were complying with POSIX recommendations and using lowercase names for your own variables, you could even go as far as to ignore all-caps variables entirely).
set -a # enable export of all variables defined, **before** the source operation
source /tmp/settings.conf
import_env() {
while IFS= read -r -d '' item; do
printf -v "${item%%=*}" "%s" "${item#*=}" && export "$item"
cat /proc/self/environ | ssh user#host "$(declare -f); import_env; display_os_name"
Even easier is to just copy the file you want to source over the wire.
ssh user#host "$(declare -f); $(</tmp/settings.conf); display_os_name"
This method works using GNU bash, version 5.1.4(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
source $CONF_FILE
#settings.conf contains OS_NAME="Caine Linux"
echo "My OS is:" $OS_NAME
ssh -tt -q user#host << EOT
$(typset -f display_os_name)

Bash running complex command on remote server

I am trying to run this command remotely with ssh:
remote_command="fname=$(echo $(basename $(ls /opt/jboss/standalone/deployments/*.ear))); mv /opt/jboss/standalone/deployments/${fname}.undeployed /opt/jboss/standalone/deployments/${fname}.dodeploy"
This command redeploys the ear file on the remote server (if the ear file with an .undeploy extension exists). There is only one ear.
The remote_command variable is passed to a function responsible to run the var remote_command:
function run_remote_command() {
local command=$1
local output=$(sshpass -pPassw ssh user#host_ip '$command' 2>&1)
The call to the function is
run_remote_command $remote_command
When I run the main script, the execution of the remote command is done:
var fname gets assigned the value of the ear filename.
But then $fname is empty when it is executed with mv.
Can someone tell me what I am missing?
Best regards,
Because you're not properly quoting the command, your local shell is expanding $fname
function run_remote_command() {
local command=$1
# must double quote the command here
sshpass -pPassw ssh user#host_ip "$command"
# must use single quotes here. newlines added for clarity
if [[ "${ear_files[0]}" ]]; then
fname=$(basename "${ear_files[0]}")
mv "$root/${fname}.undeployed" "$root/${fname}.dodeploy"
# must double quote the command here
run_remote_command "$remote_command"
I'm assuming your shell on the remote end is bash.

Writing a bash completion script similar to scp

I have a script I thought I would allow completions via Bash completion.
The script takes a quoted string argument and then a file or server e.g.
my_cmd "something" stuff
I thought I could leverage the same completion as the scp command by:
have my_cmd &&
. /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/scp >/dev/null 2>&1 && complete -F _scp $1 && return 124
} && complete -F _my_cmd my_cmd
Which works, however this appends a colon to known servers. Not really knowing much about how the bash-completion works have you any better ideas to accomplish this?
If you look in the scp completion, it's using _known_hosts_real from /usr/share/bash-completion/bash-completion:
# Helper function for completing _known_hosts.
# This function performs host completion based on ssh's config and known_hosts
# files, as well as hostnames reported by avahi-browse if
# COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_AVAHI is set to a non-empty value. Also hosts from
# HOSTFILE (compgen -A hostname) are added, unless
# COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_HOSTFILE is set to an empty value.
# Usage: _known_hosts_real [OPTIONS] CWORD
# Options: -a Use aliases
# -c Use `:' suffix
# -F configfile Use `configfile' for configuration settings
# Return: Completions, starting with CWORD, are added to COMPREPLY[]
So, what you probably want is:
_my_cmd() {
local cur prev words cword
_init_completion || return
_known_hosts_real -a "$cur"
} && complete -F _my_cmd my_cmd
This works for me, at least. I admit, I don't generally write these, but it seems consistent with how other completions work. Here is another related example if you want to do some more shell foo with your completions:
Here's for hosts and files, mostly inspired by what _scp_local_files does:
_my_cmd() {
local cur prev words cword
_init_completion || return
_known_hosts_real -a "$cur"
COMPREPLY+=( $( ls -aF1dL $cur* 2>/dev/null | \
sed -e 's/[*#|=]$//g' -e 's/[^\/]$/& /g' -e "s/^/$prefix/") )
} && complete -F _my_cmd my_cmd
Again, this is just taking the stuff you want from the _scp completion and making your own. This works for me, but the directory name completion is a little wonky.

Unset readonly variable in bash

How do I unset a readonly variable in Bash?
$ readonly PI=3.14
$ unset PI
bash: PI: readonly variable
or is it not possible?
Actually, you can unset a readonly variable. but I must warn that this is a hacky method. Adding this answer, only as information, not as a recommendation. Use it at your own risk. Tested on ubuntu 13.04, bash 4.2.45.
This method involves knowing a bit of bash source code & it's inherited from this answer.
$ readonly PI=3.14
$ unset PI
-bash: unset: PI: cannot unset: readonly variable
$ cat << EOF| sudo gdb
attach $$
call unbind_variable("PI")
$ echo $PI
A oneliner answer is to use the batch mode and other commandline flags, as provided in F. Hauri's answer:
$ sudo gdb -ex 'call unbind_variable("PI")' --pid=$$ --batch
sudo may or may not be needed based on your kernel's ptrace_scope settings. Check the comments on vip9937's answer for more details.
I tried the gdb hack above because I want to unset TMOUT (to disable auto-logout), but on the machine that has TMOUT set as read only, I'm not allowed to use sudo. But since I own the bash process, I don't need sudo. However, the syntax didn't quite work with the machine I'm on.
This did work, though (I put it in my .bashrc file):
# Disable the stupid auto-logout
unset TMOUT > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
gdb <<EOF > /dev/null 2>&1
attach $$
call unbind_variable("TMOUT")
Shortly: inspired by anishsane's answer
Edit 2021-11-10: Add (int) to cast unbind_variable result.
But with simplier syntax:
$ gdb -ex 'call (int) unbind_variable("PI")' --pid=$$ --batch
With some improvement, as a function:
My destroy function:
Or How to play with variable meta data. Note usage of rare bashisms: local -n VARIABLE=$1 and ${VARIABLE#a}...
destroy () {
declare -p $1 &>/dev/null || return -1 # Return if variable not exist
local -n variable=$1
local reslne result flags=${variable#a}
[ -z "$flags" ] || [ "${flags//*r*}" ] && {
unset $1 # Don't run gdb if variable is not readonly.
return $?
while read -r resline; do
[ "$resline" ] && [ -z "${resline%%\$1 = *}" ] &&
result=${resline##*1 = }
done < <(
exec gdb 2>&1 -ex 'call (int) unbind_variable("'$1'")' --pid=$$ --batch
return $result
You could copy this to a bash source file called destroy.bash, for sample...
1 destroy () {
2 local -n variable=$1
3 declare -p $1 &>/dev/null || return -1 # Return if variable not exist
4 local reslne result flags=${variable#a}
5 [ -z "$flags" ] || [ "${flags//*r*}" ] && {
6 unset $1 # Don't run gdb if variable is not readonly.
7 return $?
8 }
9 while read resline; do
10 [ "$resline" ] && [ -z "${resline%\$1 = *}" ] &&
11 result=${resline##*1 = }
12 done < <(
13 gdb 2>&1 -ex 'call (int) unbind_variable("'$1'")' --pid=$$ --batch
14 )
15 return $result
16 }
line 2 create a local reference to submited variable.
line 3 prevent running on non existant variable
line 4 store parameter's attributes (meta) into $flags.
lines 5 to 8 will run unset instead of gdb if readonly flag not present
lines 9 to 12 while read ... result= ... done get return code of call (int) unbind_variable() in gdb output
line 13 gdb syntax with use of --pid and --ex (see gdb --help).
line 15 return $result of unbind_variable() command.
In use:
$ . destroy.bash
1st with any regular (read-write) variable:
$ declare PI=$(bc -l <<<'4*a(1)')
$ echo $PI
$ echo ${PI#a} # flags
$ declare -p PI
declare -- PI="3.14159265358979323844"
$ destroy PI
$ echo $?
$ declare -p PI
bash: declare: PI: not found
2nd with read only variable:
$ declare -r PI=$(bc -l <<<'4*a(1)')
$ declare -p PI
declare -r PI="3.14159265358979323844"
$ echo ${PI#a} # flags
$ unset PI
bash: unset: PI: cannot unset: readonly variable
$ destroy PI
$ echo $?
$ declare -p PI
bash: declare: PI: not found
3rd with non existant variable:
$ destroy PI
$ echo $?
In zsh,
% typeset +r PI
% unset PI
(Yes, I know the question says bash. But when you Google for zsh, you also get a bunch of bash questions.)
Using GDB is terribly slow, or may even be forbidden by system policy (ie can't attach to process.)
Try instead. It works by using libffi to directly call bash's unbind_variable() instead, which is every bit as fast as using any other bash builtin:
$ readonly PI=3.14
$ unset PI
bash: unset: PI: cannot unset: readonly variable
$ source
$ dlcall unbind_variable string:PI
$ declare -p PI
bash: declare: PI: not found
First you will need to install
$ git clone
$ cd
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
See for a full description and docs.
For the curious, yes this lets you call any function within bash, or any function in any library linked to bash, or even any external dynamically-loaded library if you like. Bash is now every bit as dangerous as perl... ;-)
According to the man page:
unset [-fv] [name ...]
... Read-only variables may not be
unset. ...
If you have not yet exported the variable, you can use exec "$0" "$#" to restart your shell, of course you will lose all other un-exported variables as well. It seems if you start a new shell without exec, it loses its read-only property for that shell.
Specifically wrt to the TMOUT variable. Another option if gdb is not available is to copy bash to your home directory and patch the TMOUT string in the binary to something else, for instance XMOUX. And then run this extra layer of shell and you will not be timed out.
$ PI=3.17
$ export PI
$ readonly PI
$ echo $PI
$ PI=3.14
-bash: PI: readonly variable
$ echo $PI
What to do now?
$ exec $BASH
$ echo $PI
$ PI=3.14
$ echo $PI
A subshell can inherit the parent's variables, but won't inherit their protected status.
readonly command makes it final and permanent until the shell process terminates. If you need to change a variable, don't mark it readonly.
An alternative if gdb is unavailable: You can use the enable command to load a custom builtin that will let you unset the read-only attribute. The gist of the code that does it:
SETVARATTR (find_variable ("TMOUT"), att_readonly, 1);
Obviously, you'd replace TMOUT with the variable you care about.
If you don't want to turn that into a builtin yourself, I forked bash in GitHub and added a fully-written and ready-to-compile loadable builtin called readwrite. The commit is at If you want to use it, get the Bash source with my commit, run ./configure && make && make loadables to build it, then enable -f examples/loadables/readwrite readwrite to add it to your running session, then readwrite TMOUT to use it.
No, not in the current shell. If you wish to assign a new value to it, you will have to fork a new shell where it will have a new meaning and will not be considered as read only.
$ { ( readonly pi=3.14; echo $pi ); pi=400; echo $pi; unset pi; echo [$pi]; }
You can't, from manual page of unset:
For each name, remove the corresponding variable or function. If no options are supplied, or the -v option is given, each name
refers to a shell variable. Read-only variables may not be unset. If -f is specifed, each name refers to a shell function, and the
function definition is removed. Each unset variable or function is removed from the environment passed to subsequent commands. If
any of RANDOM, SECONDS, LINENO, HISTCMD, FUNCNAME, GROUPS, or DIRSTACK are unset, they lose their special properties, even if they
are subsequently reset. The exit status is true unless a name is readonly.
One other way to "unset" a read-only variable in Bash is to declare that variable read-only in a disposable context:
foo(){ declare -r PI=3.14; baz; }
bar(){ local PI=3.14; baz; }
baz(){ PI=3.1415927; echo PI=$PI; }
bash: PI: readonly variable
While this is not "unsetting" within scope, which is probably the intent of the original author, this is definitely setting a variable read-only from the point of view of baz() and then later making it read-write from the point of view of baz(), you just need to write your script with some forethought.
Another solution without GDB or an external binary, (in fact an emphasis on Graham Nicholls comment) would be the use of exec.
In my case there were an annoying read-only variable set in /etc/profile.d/xxx.
Quoting the bash manual:
"When bash is invoked as an interactive login shell [...] it first reads and executes commands from the file /etc/profile" [...]
When an interactive shell that is not a login shell is started, bash reads and executes commands from /etc/bash.bashrc [...]
The gist of my workaround was to put in my ~/.bash_profile:
if [ -n "$annoying_variable" ]
then exec env annoying_variable='' /bin/bash
# or: then exec env -i /bin/bash
Warning: to avoid a recursion (which would lock you out if you can only access your account through SSH), one should ensure the "annoying variable" will not be automatically set by the bashrc or to set another variable on the check, for example:
if [ -n "$annoying_variable" ] && [ "${SHLVL:-1}" = 1 ]
then exec env annoying_variable='' SHLVL=$((SHLVL+1)) ${SHELL:-/bin/bash}
$ readonly PI=3.14
$ unset PI
bash: PI: readonly variable
$ gdb --batch-silent --pid=$$ --eval-command='call (int) unbind_variable("PI")'
$ [[ ! -v PI ]] && echo "PI is unset ✔️"
PI is unset ✔️
Tested with bash 5.0.17 and gdb 10.1.
The -v varname test was added in bash 4.2. It is "True if the shell variable varname is set (has been assigned a value)." – bash reference manual
Note the cast to int. Without that, the following error will result: 'unbind_variable' has unknown return type; cast the call to its declared return type. The bash source code shows that the return type of the unbind_variable function is int.
This answer is essentially the same as an answer over at I added the cast to int to get past the unknown return type error.
if nothing helps, you could go back in time, to a time where readonly vars were not yet implemented:
env ENV=$HOME/.profile /bin/sh
and in $HOME/.profile show some good will and say
export TMOUT=901
This gives you one extra second before you are logged out :-)
