what alternative for ajax async deprecated feature? - ajax

Using the following ajax function to call an API endpoint which returns data in JSON format does not change the value of results from undefined to what ever is in the json['info'] but when changing async to false it does.
Inspecting the webpage containing this function it shows the this feature is deprecated and does not suggest anything else.
How do you read the json data with out writing more code to parse the data returned from the server?
function update_info()
var results ;
type: 'GET',
url : "ip:port/api/info",
success: function(data) {
results = data['info'];
return results;
This does not seem to fit my goals as the data is returned from an API and not webpage source code is returned to the ajax.

As noted by David you should use asynchronous calls
function update_info()
return $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url : "ip:port/api/info",
success: function(data) { data;}
async function f1() {
var results = await update_info();
this will return the ajax call when it is done and then you can grab the info data from it

You may use both approaches, and you can use .then or await.
I attached a source code for the following examples below.
ajaxRequest("https://httpbin.org/ip").then(result => {
console.log('Your PC Address is:' + result.origin);
let myPcRes = await ajaxRequest("https://httpbin.org/ip");
console.log('Your PC Address is from the await approach: ' + myPcRes.origin);
you need to compare the results to the $.ajax
and return the response from of success method.
I hope you will find it helpful,


AJAX response undefined.

I am currently creating an AJAX call which queries a controller and returns the appropriate reponse. The only issue is is that the response is coming back as undefined doe to the async nature of the AJAX cal. I am unsure as to how I tell the function to wait for the response. Here is my code:
jQuery(document).on("click", "#payment .membership", function(e) {
var price = SignUpObject.membershipClick(jQuery(this).attr("data-membership-id"));
Javascript Library Function (which is within an object):
var SignUpObject = {
membershipClick : function(membershipDetailsId) {
type : 'POST',
dataType : 'json',
url : 'api/membership-choice',
data : 'membershipid=' + membershipDetailsId
}).done(function(response) {
return response
The PHP that the AJAX call is calling returns the correct response back so I don't need to include them here. Can anyone tell me how to make the AJAX call wait for a response?
You've got two problems:
1) You're attempting to call the response synchronously, before the (asynchronous) request has completed.
2) membershipClick does not return the request object, so you've got no means of hooking a completion callback onto it.
To fix:
1) Change the line
return jQuery.ajax({
2) Change the line
price.done(function(response) { alert(response); });
However, the variable price would be better named something like price_request, since it stores a reference to the request, not the actual price (which is the response.)
}).done(function(response) {
return response
}), success: function(response) {
return response

Chain multiple POST requests together using AJAX and jQuery

I received a suggestion from a prior question that I need to amend my code chain a series of POST requests together, but I don't have any idea how to accomplish this. Specifically, the advice I was given was to:
fire off a post, have its success handler fire off the next post,
etc... and then when all the posts are done, the final post's success
handler fires off the get
This strategy makes sense to me but I do not know how to implement. I am trying to prevent the call to GET before all of the calls to POST have completed. Currently, I have implemented $.when.apply to delay the sending of GET. Here is the code for that:
$.when.apply(undefined, InsertTheAPPs()).done(function () {
url: sURL + "fileappeal/send_apps_email",
success: function() {
var m = $.msg("my message",
{header:'my header', live:10000});
if(m)m.setBody('...my other message.');
error: function(){
$.msg("error message",
{header:'error header', live:10000});
Here is the code for the jQuery $.each loop. This is the code that needs to not only begin, but must end before the ajax call to fileappeal/send_apps_email above:
function InsertTheAPPs(){
var jqxhrs = [];
var rn = $(this).prop('value');
url: sURL + 'fileappeal/insert_app',
dataType: 'text',
data: {'rn': rn},
error: function(data) {console.log('Error:'+rn+'_'+data);}
return jqxhrs;
Could someone demonstrate how I can modify the code above to implement the strategy of chaining together the multiple POST calls?
Don't return from .each. It doesn't work that way. Instead do this:
var jqxhrs = [];
return jqxhrs;
Nothing is assigned to the return value of .each, which you can't get anyway. Returning from each allows it to be used like break/continue, which doesn't make sense in your context.
Moreover, the var jqxhrs inside of the each loop causes a new variable to be declared in that context on each iteration of the loop.

Retain the context of JQuery ajax function

I have an old code which is dependant on JQuery 1.3.2 that uses the following ajax call
function ChangeContent(url, somepageobject) {
var xhrobj = $.ajax({
url: url,
context: somepageobject,
callback: doFurtherStuff,
success: function(data) {
this.callback.call(this.context[0], data, "ok"); // >> Code breaks here
return xhrobj;
Problem with the code above is that this.callback is null when I upgraded to JQuery 1.8.1, most importantly the ChangeContent function is being used in different places and is outside my control (its used as as an API for external users...etc). An example of the usage of the above is like this:
xhr_object = ChangeContent("/someurl, $("#resultContainer"));
function doFurtherStuff(responseText, statusText, XMLHttpRequest)
var identifier = '#' + this.id;
Notice that the doFurtherStuff must have the correct "this" object value which is the context specified in ChangeContent function. When I tried to use different deferred then() ...etc. functions in JQuery 1.8.1 to solve the above this.callback.call(this.context[0], data); problem after the upgrade the "this" object in the callback function had different value since I guess the new JQuery library handles that differently.
Is there anyway to fix the error above while limiting the change to ChangeContent function only as I try to avoid asking all users to change the way they call and handle call backs from that function?
When you add the context option, you are telling jQuery what this should be inside of the success callbacks. That means you can't access the options passed into the ajax request. Either don't supply a context, or pass in the callback manually.
function ChangeContent(url, somepageobject) {
var callback = doFurtherStuff;
var xhrobj = $.ajax({
url: url,
context: somepageobject,
success: function(data) {
callback.call(this[0], data, "ok"); // >> Code breaks here
return xhrobj;
If you want to instead continue using your code as-is, simply rename the context property.
function ChangeContent(url, somepageobject) {
var xhrobj = $.ajax({
url: url,
thecontext: somepageobject,
callback: doFurtherStuff,
success: function(data) {
this.callback.call(this.thecontext[0], data, "ok"); // >> Code breaks here
return xhrobj;

jQuery.ajax() sequential calls

Hey. I need some help with jQuery Ajax calls. In javascript I have to generste ajax calls to the controller, which retrieves a value from the model. I am then checking the value that is returned and making further ajax calls if necessary, say if the value reaches a particular threshold I can stop the ajax calls.
This requires ajax calls that need to be processes one after the other. I tried using async:false, but it freezes up the browser and any jQuery changes i make at the frontend are not reflected. Is there any way around this??
Thanks in advance.
You should make the next ajax call after the first one has finished like this for example:
function getResult(value) {
url: 'server/url',
data: { value: value },
success: function(data) {
I used array of steps and callback function to continue executing where async started. Works perfect for me.
var tasks = [];
tasks.push(i); //can be replaced with list of steps, url and so on
var current = 0;
function doAjax(callback) {
//check to make sure there are more requests to make
if (current < tasks.length -1 ) {
var uploadURL ="http://localhost/someSequentialToDo";
var myData = tasks[current];
//make the AJAX request with the given data
type: 'GET',
url : uploadURL,
data: {index: current},
dataType : 'json',
success : function (serverResponse) {
console.log("this is end");
function sth(){
var datum = Date();
doAjax( function(){
console.log(datum); //displays time when ajax started
console.log(Date()); //when ajax finished
In the success callback function, just make another $.ajax request if necessary. (Setting async: false causes the browser to run the request as the same thread as everything else; that's why it freezes up.)
Use a callback function, there are two: success and error.
From the jQuery ajax page:
url: "test.html",
context: document.body,
success: function(){
// Do processing, call function for next ajax
A (very) simplified example:
function doAjax() {
// get url and parameters
var myurl = /* somethingsomething */;
url: myurl,
context: document.body,
success: function(data){
if(data < threshold) {
Try using $.when() (available since 1.5) you can have a single callback that triggers once all calls are made, its cleaner and much more elegant. It ends up looking something like this:
$.when($.ajax("/page1.php"), $.ajax("/page2.php")).done(function(a1, a2){
// a1 and a2 are arguments resolved for the page1 and page2 ajax requests, respectively
var jqXHR = a1[2]; /* arguments are [ "success", statusText, jqXHR ] */
alert( jqXHR.responseText )

DOJO xhrGet how to use returned json object?

How can I access the data returned from the xhrGet outside of the get itself? Firebug shows that the "json" object has an array called results, which stores the json Object from the response, but when I try to access it it is null. So: how do I access the received data on the last code line?
var json = dojo.xhrGet({
url :'/disease_web/graphMlDownload/getEdgeInformation/', handleAs:"json",content : { edgeid : edgeId, graphname:this._canvas.path},
return response;
By default dojo.xhrGet is called asynchronously, so console.log(json.results) is null because it's run just after dojo.xhrGet, but before response comes from server.
var xhrGet = dojo.xhrGet({
url: "/some_rul",
handleAs: "json",
handle: function(response) {
The result is:
1 false
2 response - ['some data from server']
3 xhrGet.results[0] - same data as in 'response' accessed via xhrGet
The simplest way to access your retrieved JSON data is to assign it to a document-level variable within the xhrGet load function:
var fetchedData = null;
function parseResponse() { /* do something meaningful */ }
url: "{{dataUrl}}dojo/LICENSE",
handleAs: "json",
preventCache: true,
load: function(response){
// save for later
window.fetchedData = response;
// do whatever processing we want with the returned data
error: function(error){
alert("Couldn't fetch your data: " + error);
Yeah, no. I've since learned a much better way, and forgot to come back and fix this answer, so it deserves the downvotes it's accrued.
The proper way to deal with data fetched from dojo.xhrGet, jQuery.ajax, or any other asynchronous data fetch is to write a function to process its results, and pass it to xhrGet as the load argument, like so:
var request = dojo.xhrGet({ url :'/disease_web/graphMlDownload/getEdgeInformation/',
handleAs: "json",
content : {edgeid : edgeId, graphname:this._canvas.path},
load: doSomethingWithMyEdges
function doSomethingWithMyEdges(json_results) {
